The Gang of Five
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The Seven Hunters

rhombus · 408 · 114370


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Chapter 30   A risky plan
“Fortune sides with him who dares.”
― Virgil

Several weeks after the events of the previous chapter:

"Me no like this.  Green food getting smaller means red food getting smaller!"

Petrie was flying back to the lowlands from Hanging Rock in one of his scouting runs.  This was merely a journey of a few hours for him, whereas it would have taken the pack several days to make the journey. One of the advantages of being flyer.  Petrie noted in his mind.  

It had been decided soon after they arrived in the lowlands that Petrie would make periodic trips to see Ruby's parents.  Not only would this reduce the homesickness of Ruby and allow the pack to have some contact with the only adults who knew of their fate, but it would also allow them to get advanced information on what was going on elsewhere in the Mysterious Beyond.  Fast runners could speak both languages and as a result were quite knowledgeable on current affairs.  A necessary advantage if one were to survive in the Mysterious Beyond.

They had filled him in on what they knew about the Lands of Shallow Waters.  The food there was not as plentiful as the lowlands in spring, but it had the advantage of being consistent.  It would make sense for an adult sharptooth to stay in such a location, as the modest amount of food would easily be theirs.  Ruby's father, however, had cautioned that the children should eat and drink well prior to the journey.  It was a two day journey by walking through desolate barren land, but only a few hours by air.  In the hot season, which was now arriving, there would be the danger of getting lost and possibly dying of thirst.  But with Petrie as an aerial guide, they were confident that he could keep the pack on track.  After the usual exchange of 'farewells' and 'good lucks' Petrie had departed back towards his new home, the lowlands.

Petrie had noticed on this particular scouting run that the vegetation was getting scarcer between the lowlands and Hanging Rock.  A sign of the impending dry season.  With its arrival, the lowlands will lose its plentiful moisture and vegetation.  With that, the herbivores will migrate to more suitable lands.  The signs were all there for him to see.  They would have to begin their journey to the Land of Shallow Waters very soon.  It was a treacherous journey, if what Taunt told them was accurate, but they had little choice now.

"What that?!"  Petrie had his thought interrupted by a loud roar below him.

He glanced down at the ground and could see a threehorn in a defense posture, his horns facing his advancing adversary.  Three children hid behind his leg, cowering in fear.  The male triceratops gave another threatening roar and stomped on the ground, obviously trying to intimidate the adversary.

Petrie looked at the hulking form that was advancing on the hapless family.  It was a tan creature, but the details were hard to see from the air.  Wait a moment...  Petrie told himself as he took a closer look.  The dinosaur was bipedal, Petrie could tell based upon how it walked, and he had a noticeable red scar around...

"It Red Claw!"  Petrie exclaimed.  It seemed that he was also trying to follow the food.  That did not bode well for the pack or their allies.  Even if the food situation was not dire, and it was, the existence of Red Claw in the lowlands would be dangerous beyond words.  There was no question now: they had to leave.

Petrie tried to ignore the sounds of painful screams, ripping flesh, and gurgling blood as the threehorn family was ripped apart.  He silently redirected his wings and continued his flight back to the lowlands.  The pack had to make a very important decision.


"Oh crap!  Well we have to leave now!"

There were reluctant nods and affirmative grunts at Littlefoot's exclamation.  There was still enough food to sustain them for several more weeks in the lowlands, but with the departure of the longneck herd, food was beginning to dwindle.  But now with Red Claw approaching from Hanging Rock...

"My family!"  Ruby exclaimed suddenly.  "If Red Claw is coming from Hanging Rock then he must have been at Hanging Rock!"

Petrie waved his wing in a calming gesture.  "Me talk to them.  Them safe."

Ruby calmed down after a few moments.  Petrie hadn't yet talked to the pack about what Ruby's parents had said.  He started with the most pertinent information, that concerning Red Claw, and waited for the pack's reaction before continuing.

Seeing that Ruby was now assured of her family's safety from Red Claw, Cera looked at Littlefoot in a questioning manner.

"We need to tell Skytail and the others, don't we?"  They are our allies after all."

Littlefoot nodded at this.  "They knew that we were going eventually, but they probably aren't expecting us to leave yet!"  He then pondered for a moment.  "I wonder if they will want to go as well..."

Spike spoke up at this in a sarcastic tone.  "Yeah...  He isn't exactly a good neighbor!"

The rest of the pack laughed at Spike's antics.  His sarcastic response provided some much needed humor to a rather dark report from their aerial scout.  After a few moments, however, Ducky aired some of her thoughts to the group.

"But if we go see Chomper's mommy and daddy then we won't be seeing our mommies and daddies.  Nope, nope, nope!"  She paused for a moment as that truism set in.  "Should we talk with them first?"

All eyes turned to Littlefoot as he reflected on the question for a while.  They had relearned the leaf-eater language and were much better on their feet than they were when they first changed...  But would their parents even believe them at this point?  Or, for that matter, would they even give them a chance to speak?  No.  Littlefoot thought morosely.  No, we can't risk it... He had made his decision.

"Guys...  I don't think we can do that..."  He paused for a moment to let those words sink in.  "How would we make it to the valley if it is as bad out there as Petrie says it is?"  The others pondered this, as Ducky looked down in sadness and Spike looked on.  Ruby and Cera did not look surprised, however, each having accepted their fates in their own ways.  Littlefoot continued.  "We need to get out of here before Red Claw and his fast biters decide that we are food!"

The others seemed to agree with this, when Petrie suddenly cleared his throat.

"Uh...  Me not see Screech and Thud...  Maybe they sick?"

Cera snorted at this.  "If so, then maybe Red Claw ate them!  He isn't exactly the friendliest dinosaur..."

Little did Cera know that she was right about one of them...


Damn it!  

Red Claw was raging at the injury that he obtained at the horns of the threehorn.  A large gash appeared at the side of his leg, a testament of the father's futile efforts to save the lives of his sons and daughters.  Although the injury stung, he knew that it would heal in time.  In either event, he had obtained enough food to sustain himself for several days until the injury mended itself.  This would give some time to think about his current predicament.  

As if he relished that opportunity...

"Those treasonous fast biters!  I should have never have trusted them!"  He ripped into the father threehorn's flesh with his other clawed foot in his rage.  "They only care for themselves!"  Another stomp landed on the father's skull, crushing it and spewing its contents over the adjacent ground.  "I was the leader!  How dare those numbskulls think that they can leave me?!  Who do they think I am?!"  With a few final stomps, his anger was calmed for a few moments.

He looked at the retreating sun.  Its steady departure behind the horizon caused a crimson sky to greet the world.  Its blood red hue matched Red Claw's vengeful mood.

It had all started when he mentioned to his two minions that he would soon put a new plan in action in order to avenge his son.  

It was a lingering ambition for him, as the death of Wrath still plagued his memories.  He had been the sole remembrance of his lost mate, as the other children failed to survive to adulthood.  They were too weak to survive the cold winters or the long periods of starvation that the desolate lands imposed upon their inhabitants.  But Wrath...  Wrath was different.  He alone shared the cold sentiments of his parents.  He alone could do whatever was necessary in order to survive or thrive.  He was so alike Red Claw in many ways...

And now he was gone.  

For many season he had tried to get his revenge on the valley that had robbed him of his progeny, but to no avail.  The high walls and vigilant residents of the valley would repeal any attack.  The most that he could muster was the occasional death of the valley resident who left the valley for one reason or another...  A petty act of reciprocity.  How could the death of one leaf-eater atone for the death of his son?  Not even the death of the entire valley would assuage his guilt over his failure to be there...  But it would be a start.

When he had told his two hapless minions that he was enlisting additional help from other packs, they had been displeased.  They obviously knew that if they failed to perform then this 'additional help' would simply turn into the 'help'.  Failures had no place in his pack.  He had hoped that this would embolden the fast biters into redoubling their efforts against the valley, but it had backfired spectacularly.  After he discovered their departure, he enlisted one of the most promising upstarts that he could find in order to recover his lost minions.  This was his chance.  If he could prove his worth then he would be offered a place at Red Claw's side, a proposition that provided nothing in the way of respect, but everything in the way of power.  This was a strong temptation for any sharptooth and he hoped that he would prove up to the task.

After several days he found the dead body of Screech and figured that his young protÈgÈe was proving to be a suitable replacement for his untrustworthy lackeys.  However, after following the scent of the fast biter for some time, he came across a scene which disappointed him to no end.  He looked over a massive cliff that overlooked a large body of water.  There he saw the bloated body of the fast biter laying at its edge.  It seemed that Thud had taken a final act of vengeance upon his old master before being consumed by the depths...  Surely Thud could not have survived such a fall?

Red Claw grunted in anger.  His rage at his current situation returning to him.  He was not getting any younger and if he were going to secure the vengeance that he sought against the valley then he would need to act.  There were plenty of young, upstart sharpteeth around who knew nothing about honor or discipline.  Orphans and the children of neglect.  The Mysterious Beyond created many of those.  He could use them for a time for his dark purposes.  If given a choice between death at his claws or rewards by serving his needs... most would choose the obvious right choice.

Yes...  He would begin again.  He would build up his forces with the promises of untold amounts of food if they could take the valley...  He would get his vengeance against those who had deprived him of his son.

Soon Wrath...  Soon the Mysterious Beyond will fear your name again...


"So... This is it, isn't it?"

Skytail was quite sad to see this day come.  Yes, the packs had started out as rivals, but their alliance had lead to the formation of friendships between Skytail's pack and the former leaf-eaters.  He had no doubt that fate had great things in store for them and he was quite happy to provide them with assistance.  Now it seemed that his part in this saga was over.

"Don't say it like that!"  Littlefoot laughed.  "I am sure that we will see one another again...  We both will be following the food, no doubt."

Skytail smiled and agreed.  "No doubt...  But I think we will be staying here for the time being.  We can leave when Red Claw finally does show himself."

Taunt nodded at this.  "Yeah...  And I am not in a hurry to be eaten by your folks, Chomper!"

Chomper laughed.  "I am sure that they won't eat our allies...  I think."

Breeze snorted and then responded sarcastically.  "Yep.  That sounds reassuring."

Littlefoot decided to get involved in the conversation again.  "Well anyway...  Regardless of Chomper's dad's desire to eat Taunt... I do hope that we meet again."  He then smiled.  "We may be apart but we are still allies, are we not?"

Skytail nodded.  "Always."

A poignant moment passed as the fast biters said their goodbyes to one another, not being sure if they would meet again.  The two packs had their ups and downs over the last several weeks, but despite the short span of time that they had actually known one another they seemed as close as old friends.  Being comrades in life-or-death situations will do that to dinosaurs.  Finally, however, Taunt decided to ruin the moment.

"Well, it looks like I will finally get Cera's sleeping spot after all!"

Both Skytail and Littlefoot sighed and rubbed their heads.  Knowing Taunt's and Cera's personalities, they both knew where this conversation was going.

"You toothless sap-sucker!"  She raged.  "That is my sleeping spot!  It took me four days to get your scent off of it!"

Taunt retorted.  "Aww!  You counted the days... I knew you cared about me!"

Cera growled at the orange fast biter.  This confrontation was on its way to escalating like most of Cera's and Taunt's interactions did.  Usually one would provoke the other to the point of rage, one would chase the other, and then the process would begin anew with the roles reversed.  It seemed that everyone saw the implications of their interactions, except for those two.  Spike finally decided to call them out on the obvious.

"Why were you marking her sleeping spot anyway, Taunt?"  Spike accused.  "Everyone else seemed to mark the spots equally, but Cera's spot only had your scent..."

Taunt paled.  Was he accusing him of what he thought he was?  Cera, meanwhile, was now upset with Spike for his insinuation.  She would not be interested in Taunt even if he were the last male on the planet.

"Why?  Is she your girl?"  Taunt retorted to Spike.

Spike did not take the bait, but instead dodged Taunt's insinuation with one of his own.  "Most certainly not.  She is yours for the taking."  

Cera sputtered and seemed to be getting ready to charge at them both, when Littlefoot decided to intervene with a smile.

"Well you two can flirt later..."  He said this while looking at Cera and Taunt, causing both to grunt in protest.  "But we do need to get going... And I would prefer our parting to be a peaceful one."

Both of the dinosaurs huffed and looked away from the other, while the other dinosaurs laughed hysterically.  It was nice to see the instigators of the two packs be put into their place for once.

Skytail smiled.  Taunt and Cera were both acting displeased, but he knew that their anger wouldn't last.  Although each would undoubtedly try to get even with the others in their own way...  Oh well.  He thought to himself.  That's what I get for bringing a thief into my pack and that is what he gets for letting a former threehorn into his.  Neither of them have the most agreeable personality!

Littlefoot then spoke.

"Well, guys...  I think it is time for us to say our goodbyes.  We will need to head out in the morning.  We have a long journey ahead of us."

With that the members of the two packs, even the embarrassed duo of Cera and Taunt, said their goodbyes amicably to one another.  The destiny of each pack would be in their own paws for a while, but all of the dinosaurs somehow felt that they would meet again someday.  Neighbors may be temporary, but alliances were forever.


"Well it is certainly hot..."  Chronos lamented.  They had been traveling all day in the desolate barren landscape that existed between the Land of Shallow Waters and the outside world.  The high wind drove blistering sand into their eyes and skin, while the sweltering heat only added to their misery.  

Logos didn't answer for a time, instead focusing on her breathing.  She had to maintain a steady pace if they were going to arrive in their destination in one piece.  It was a two day journey for a land-walker and they needed to arrive before the heat and lack of water began to make them hallucinate or lose their sense of direction.  Either of those outcomes would be fatal...  Finally she answered her companion.

"Follow the setting bright circle.  It will lead us to where we need to go..."  She panted for several moments before responding again.  "There will be plenty of water there... I hope."

The two rainbowfaces continued on their way, with only one of them truly knowing the real mission.  Chronos still believed that they were seeking out the children to see their fate and to help them in their new lives.  Logos, however, knew the true ramifications of what she had to do.  She knew that he would interfere if he knew so she had kept the secret to herself.  She only hoped that he would understand in time.  Meanwhile, elsewhere in the desolate hellscape, seven hunters were also beginning their journey.


"Urgh!  I can barely see my sniffer in front of my face!"  Chomper yelled as he strode into the blistering sand.  None of the members of the pack could see much of the world around them as they were stuck in a blinding sandstorm.  The entire world around them was covered in a brown haze.  Only the light from the bright circle was somewhat discernible, which gave them something to aim towards.

Petrie had tried to lead the pack earlier, but he was effectively grounded as the torrent of sand rained down upon the pack.  Now he took the only refuge he could find, behind Littlefoot's neck, and closed his eyes from the raging sand.  Many of the others were likewise closing their eyes and simply aiming their heads towards the glow of the bright circle, which could still be discerned through their closed eyelids.  It was a miserable journey.

Suddenly, however, Littlefoot yelled at the group.

"Look!  A rock!"  The others reluctantly opened their eyes and could see the shadow of the large rock pillar in the distance.  Perhaps this could provide them with some badly needed shelter.  "Follow me!"  He called excitedly.

The others hurried on as they struggled to keep up with their leader.  They feared that if they lost track of one another they would never find their way back again.  After several moments the roaring crash of the violent wind against their faces became less and less severe.  The echo of the noise, however, lingered in their ears as that was what they had heard for the previous several hours.  As each of them passed safely into the wind break and shade provided by the pillar, they began to collapse one by one.  It was a welcome relief from the misery of the last several hours.

"Whew!"  Ruby exclaimed.  "I couldn't see anything because of the sand!"

"It was bad.  It was!  It was!"  Ducky affirmed.

Littlefoot looked at the group for a few moments, before mentioning his plan.  "I guess we can wait here for a while...  See if the storm blows by..."  He then looked at Petrie.  "Petrie?"

Petrie was shaking some of the sand that had accumulated on him during his journey.  "Huh?"  The flyer replied when he realized that Littlefoot was talking to him.  The sound of roaring wind was still echoing in his ears.

"The night circle is full tonight, so there will be plenty of light.  Do you think that you could lead us?"

Petrie considered this for a moment.  "Yes.  Me can lead.  But why at night?  Petrie sleep at night."

Littlefoot nodded.  "Yeah... But I think we need to do something different.  Traveling by day is hard."

The others grunted their agreement at their leader's assessment.  It would be a lot easier to travel at night when the bright circle was down and the ground and sand wasn't so hot.  Not to mention, Petrie could see the landmarks from the air and thus could lead the group even if they couldn't see those landmarks very well themselves.  It was a good plan.

"Me think that good idea."  Petrie agreed.  "So we sleep now?"

Littlefoot nodded.  "Yeah... That sounds good.  When the night circle rises we travel to the ragged bluffs... Taunt said that was the halfway point."

Cera yawned, but looked inquisitively at Littlefoot for a moment.  "Do you think that we can make it that far in one night?"

Littlefoot shrugged.  "We won't know if we don't try...  Let's just hope that no one notices us while we are here.  We would make a very tempting target."

Chomper chuckled at Littlefoot's concerns.  "Look at the sand, Littlefoot."  As he mentioned this, Littlefoot looked at the brown cloud covering everything outside of the windbreak provided by the rock.  "I don't think anyone will find us here."

Littlefoot chuckled as well.  "Heh...  I guess you're right...  Have a good rest, everyone."  Each of the pack then began to dig scrapes into the cool, shaded sand and laid down to sleep.

Neither of them saw the flyer staring at them from high on the rocky pillar...

That is them!  Vokal thought with surprise.  They match the description perfectly! She scowled to herself.  After hearing what these fields had done to her cousin's son, she wanted to kill them right here.  But she knew that she was unequal to the task.  

As soon as the sandstorm clears, I will have to tell Volant about this!

Thus, as the children slept, the cause of their future torment waited for the chance to take flight.  The anger of the Great Valley would soon be felt outside of its confines...


Several hours later:

Why would the Consortium Council order the entire planet's biosphere to be destroyed? Logos asked herself.  Surely a more modest assault would be more than sufficient?  The species hasn't even reached beyond the stone age yet, a modest boost from the Stone isn't going to turn them into new Others! Logos was lost in thought, as the events of the previous several days still haunted her.  She lamented the orders she had received from Galek, but orders from the Council must be obeyed.  There must be something that I am missing!

"So these are the Ragged Bluffs?"  Chronos asked his silent companion.  He didn't expect a response, nor did he receive one.  Logos was mysteriously silent for much of the journey to the Land of Shallow Waters.  A journey which was only halfway over.  It was quite obvious that something was preoccupying her and he felt that he knew part of the answer.  

It had to be something that the Commissar said during the mission briefing.  He noted darkly to himself.  That bastard is always looking for ways to complicate our lives. From their 'mission' on this planet which had become more of an exile than anything else, to all of the fallout from their first mission, he had been a thorn in their side.  Chronos supposed that he couldn't really blame him, however, as he was a product of an older time.  A time when the memories of the War were still fresh in the minds of all members of the Consortium.  Ever since the allied races had united under one banner, the possibility of war had become an outlandish possibility.  That was until they came...

The Others.  That was what the Consortium had called them, as they had made no attempt to communicate or identify their intentions to any other race.  And they were 'other' in every sense of the word.  All of the other races of the Consortium had either come into existence independently by processes of evolution on their own planets, or were uplifted by other races.  Each of them had risen above their petty drives of dominance and aggression in order to establish peaceful, stable societies on their home planets.  The other possibility was annihilation, as any race capable of high technology would destroy themselves with that technology if they were incapable of abolishing war amongst themselves.  This peaceful state of affairs was the main requirement for joining the Consortium, as well as being in a sector of the galaxy worth exploiting...

The Others, however, survived in a manner that the other races had not foreseen.  They had apparently a stable one world government not through peace, but through war.  Their hive-like minds suited them well in that once a ruler had achieved dominance it allowed them to avoid fracturing.  The desire to expand and conquer remained, but no new fertile lands remained on their planet.  Other worlds would have to be sought out.  A possibility that had been discounted so long ago, the expansionist space empire, actually flourished in this species.  The hopes of high technology requiring high social ideals were dashed when The Others launched their campaign.  The Consortium lost its naivetÈ in the maelstrom of death that followed.

Finally, after the Consortium had finally launched the final assault on the homeworld of The Others, they found the answer to the question that had plagued them for so long.  How could such a violent race rise to prominence fast enough to discover spaceflight but yet not destroy themselves due to their violent nature?  After the planet was blanketed with projectiles and its surface left an inhospitable wreck, the soldiers had to flush out the remnants of the race from their subterranean hives.  That's when they found it.  In one of the catacombs they found what almost appeared to be a temple.  A curious sight from a race that glorified practicality to the detriment of all artistic pursuits.  In the 'temple' they had found the first of the Stones of Destiny.

The rest, as they say, is history.

More of the Stones of Destiny were found around other planets.  Additionally, it was discovered that one of the sacred artifacts of a younger Consortium race was actually one of these stones.  That species, the Vetre, had always claimed that the stone had given them enlightenment so long ago...  And now the Consortium knew why.  

The Stones of Destiny were artifacts from the Ancient Ones, a race that had existed and then mysteriously departed before the oldest homeworld of the Consortium had even evolved terrestrial life.  Their artifacts could be found throughout the galaxy, but little else was known of them.  The Stones, however, did give a hint about the nature of their creators.  The Stones appeared to guide the evolution of the species that they encountered.  They used the organic material on the planet in question and the needs of the discover of the Stone in order to uplift a few members of that species into a new form.  A more advanced form.  As the new members bred into their host species, the new genes would enter the gene pool and the entire species would benefit as a result.  The Stones did not seem to discriminate.  Whether it was a vile, violent race like The Outsiders or a peaceful race like the Vetre, the Stones seemed to only take into account the perceived needs of the species concerned.  The revered matriarch of the Vetre sought harmony from the stone and thus it gave them more harmonious instincts to go along with the increase in intelligence.  One of the hive queens of The Outsiders wanted success in war... and the stone delivered.  

Artifacts with such power were thus deemed a major threat to the Consortium.  As a result a general order went out that all of the Stones must be catalogued for destruction.  They were simply too dangerous for any race to obtain.  Even one of the races of the Consortium could not be trusted with such things.  If the person who activated it had impure intentions...

The Consortium had gotten all of the Stones from this region of the galaxy, or so it believed.  They couldn't tolerate the risk of another species suddenly being uplifted intellectually without being sufficiently advanced socially.  However, upon hearing the stories that the locals told, Chronos became convinced that one of the remaining stones must be in this very system.  The Commissar and his allies, favoring isolation from other species due to their unhappy experiences during the war, thought that the ideas of the young idealist were foolish.  However, if they could send him away where he could no longer influence the others with interventionalist tendencies...

Chronos shook his head.  He was getting so absorbed into worrying about Logos's inner thoughts that he was losing track of things himself.  Time to quit beating around the bush!  He affirmed.  It is time to get to the bottom of this!  

Uncharacteristically for him, he responded in a gruff, annoyed fashion.

"What is going on, Logos?!"  He didn't even flinch when she looked up in surprise at his outburst.  "You have been depressed and snappy since you talked to the old fossil on the communicator.  Was it something that he said?"

Logos stared at Chronos with a pointed glare, as if she could shout hurt him with her gaze.  After a few moments, however, she finally broke eye contact and sighed.

"Yeah...  I guess that you have a right to know..."  She began, but then paused.  She pondered for a moment as if she were trying to articulate the words to describe their situation.  "I am the commander... As if our titles mean anything anymore... They will never let us return, will they?  We have been contaminated by this world, after all."

Chronos nodded sadly.  She was probably correct.  He had no doubt that the Commissar would use his authority to make their temporary exile on this planet a permanent one.  The Commissar viewed their desire to explore for exploration sake to be a direct threat to the Consortium and its future.  He would willingly remove such a threat, of that Chronos had no doubt.

"There is a special order that all of us commanders are instructed on... One that we are not to inform our subordinates about unless it is absolutely necessary..."  She then looked at Chronos and smiled.  "But then again we have never been one for following our orders, have we?"

Chronos nodded at this.  He had been a rather bad influence on his commander or, from his perspective, a good influence.

Logos's face suddenly fell into a sad expression.  This sudden change in demeanor stunned Chronos, but Logos began again before he could react.  "Chronos...  Here is what we are supposed to do if we encounter beings that have been 'contaminated' by the stone..."


As the first rays of sunlight rose across the horizon, Chronos yawned.  His turn at keeping watch was about to end and soon it would be time for both of them to continue their journey to the Land of Shallow Waters.  However, their mission to find the children certainly had a far different connotation now.  The fate of this planet was at stake.  He would do what he needed to do, but he resolved to regret his decision for the rest of his life.

That was when he saw it.

Nearing the Ragged Bluffs were seven distinct forms.  A purple sharptooth which matched the description of Chomper from Mr. Thicknose, a sharptooth flyer, and five fast biters.  There was only one possible identity for this group.  It had to be the children.  Only the children could form a sharptooth pack that diverse.  With a pang of regret, Chronos realized that his final mission as a Consortium member would end here.  He realized that he should have awakened Logos, but he decided that he would not burden Logos with the hard action which was now needed.  He was the one that had gotten them into this mess and he would end it.  What harm was one more act of insubordination in a career that involved bending rules at every opportunity?

With as much speed as he could muster, he ran from boulder to boulder in order to get closer to where the children were nearing.  They were obviously tiring and were probably preparing to rest for the day.  A wise strategy in order to avoid the inhospitable conditions of the desert, but despite the wise strategy it had led them here.

Hiding behind a final boulder within a stone's throw away from the children, he could hear each of them wish one another a goodnight's sleep.  Peeking about the stone, he could see them all curled into a massive pile of resting bodies.  If he were going to complete his mission the now would be the most opportune time.  It would only take a few seconds to carry out, but a lifetime to rationalize to himself.

With slow, purposeful steps, Chronos walked out from behind the boulder.  His paw was gripped around what appeared to be a small, smooth stone.  This was not any mere stone, however, as stones lacked the ability to level hills or incinerate forests.  This was their only weapon.  He had never used one in the line of duty and now he was about to use it on unarmed children...

He twisted his arm in a jerk-like fashion.

Reactor Active

There was no going back now, he realized.  As the rock stated its status, the children began to stir from their sleep.

Beep! Beep!

The weapon was now armed, as the two beeps confirmed.  All that he had to do was fire and it would all be over...  To his trepidation and horror, however, the children began to rise from their slumber.  The brown fast biter, who he would have to deduce was Littlefoot, rose and looked straight at him.  His eyes seemed to stare deep into his soul.  The eyes communicated a conflicting set of emotions.  

Loss.  Hope.  Recognition.

Chronos almost wanted to weep.  It was obvious that the children must have suffered through a lot during their transformation and everything that followed.  And now here he was about to...  about to...

Taking a shuddering breath, he realized that he had no choice.  He had to do this otherwise the entire planet would be forfeit.  With a heavy heart, he raised the weapon in the direction of the children and softly said.

"I am sorry, children."

And then he fired.

Ah, cliffhangers... :p  Did the pack survive? What will the rainbowfaces tell the Consortium? Will it be enough to prevent the destruction of the planet? Find out in the next chapter, which should be posted on Sunday.

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


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  • Petrie
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SUNDAY?! You're KILLING me here! Very informative, and he hive-like species sounds like one from Star Trek. Creepy. Anyway, I can't wait for the next chapter. Pretty good idea about the Stone of Cold Fire or Destiny, or the one that "contaminated" the kids, anyway.


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  • Littlefoot
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^ I am glad to hear that you are looking forward to the next installment.  :) Your response to the cliffhanger was a bit nicer than some of the responses I received via PM on  I was called a few words that I can't repeat here due to forum guidelines.  :lol

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


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  • Littlefoot
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Fanfiction link:

Chapter 31   A matter of character

Character is a journey, not a destination. ― William J. Clinton

Communicator Active.  Specify Recipient.

As the bright circle began to rise over the horizon, its radiant glow illuminated the desolate landscape of the Ragged Bluffs.  Its lack of vegetation and discernible features gave it a foreboding look.  Its very appearance gave rise to a feeling of impending doom.  

The robotic-sounding statement had arisen from a smooth rock that was lying on the rocky substrate at the bottom of the bluffs.  The rock in question had little visible indication of its technological nature.  Its black surface was impossibly smooth, forming an elliptical orb that appeared to be of finely-polished obsidian.  From the rock, however, a mysterious symbol appeared several feet above its surface.  The symbol was static, but it occasionally flickered.  A hint at the source of its creation.

Standing beside the communications device stood a female rainbowface.  She wore a grim appearance, obviously not looking forward to what was going to happen next.  She glared at the rock with an almost contemptuous expression.  Her fingers were twitching in a rhythmic pattern that even she did not consciously register.  A nervous tick that she had developed back in her academy days when dealing with unpleasant necessities.  With a final sigh, she looked up at the symbol and spoke.

"Commissar Galek."  She replied grimly.

Secured Account.  Level Six.  Authorization?

She then stared intently at the stone.  Suddenly, a light appeared from the stone and illuminated her right eye.  As she was still in her rainbowface form, and not her original state, a normal communicator would not have recognized her identity.  However, this communicator had been calibrated specifically for her new form and this current mission.  All she had to do was wait for the retina scan to complete its work.

Confirm.  Logos to Galek link pending.  All non-authorized personnel must leave.

Logos didn't even look back before responding.  "Chronos..."

A voice called out from some distance away.  "I understand.  I will just... wait outside."  The last words were choked out with a morose tone.  His departing footsteps could be heard against the rocks of the bluffs.

As Chronos left the area, the proximity sensor of the communicator registered that Logos was now alone.  Two beeps emanated from the stone, indicating that the call was pending.  After a few moments the symbol disappeared and the form of Galek appeared.

Above the desolate rock that the communicator rested upon, the visage of Galek appeared.  His form would have been incomprehensibly alien to any dinosaurs that would have seen the image.  The nearest description that they could have given would be to describe him as some sort of strange insect.  Neither the atmosphere, nor the gravity of their current home would be hospitable to their previous species, of which Galek was a member.  With a totally different biosphere came a different evolutionary path.  With a different evolutionary path came a very different result.

Overall, it was an appearance that was alien to anything that appeared on the planet in which Logos and Chronos now found themselves.  Which was curious, considering that they were the same species as the Commissar until a few years ago, when they were appropriately 'modified' for their first mission on this planet.  They had been so overwhelmed after their initial transformation, that they almost had to be changed back in order to allow them to keep their sanity.  They had persevered, however, where many others had not and thus they were given the mission to explore this planet.  It spoke volumes about their change in perspective that they now no longer looked upon the Commissar as one of 'them' but instead as 'other'.  Logos supposed that she was now as mentally alien to her kind as the beings of this world was to her homeworld.  She knew that the Commissar had already made that deduction long ago.

A series of warbles and clicks emanated from Galek's stalks as he began 'talking'.  As her ears in this form could not discern the distinct vocalizations of their kind any more, the warbles meant nothing to her.  Thankfully, the communicator began to translate after a pause.

"Ah... Commander Logos.  It is [happy time] to see you again!"

Logos cringed.  She really needed to recalibrate the communicator.  It was rather poor at translating certain things into the lexicon of her kind.  Well... her former kind.  She responded to the fake show of being glad to see her with a fake expression of respect.  She knew that the translation program would confirm her untruthfulness, but she didn't particularly care.

"It is nice to see you again as well, Commissar."  She then took a bow.  "Forgive me, but my current form will not allow me to do the customary salute..."  The customary salute involved a twirling of the tail-like extension of their kind.  "So I will do the equivalent gesture from people of this world."

Galek paused for a moment as this was translated back to him.  He could not understand Logos's vocalizations with his ears any better than she could understand his.  After the translation was finished, he responded.

"Of course... Of course... I suppose that it is the gesture that counts..."  Even before the translation program informed her of his duplicity, Logos could almost hear the sneer in his voice.  He mocked her with kindness, because he thought that he still had the upper hand.  "But I take it that is not why you have contacted me?  We are quite busy preparing for the 'clean-up' mission...  You should be preparing to disembark, should you not?"  

Logos blinked.  What a monster...  I knew he was power-hungry, but not like this...  So the Council was correct in their suspicions... Galek was obviously preparing to exterminate all life on this planet, as the euphemism for "clean-up" in the common tongue had only come into use since the destruction of the planet of The Outsiders.  He wasn't even waiting for them to have a chance to complete their mission, to eliminate the contaminated dinosaurs, he wanted to cut their moment of glory short.  They had already showed up him and his allies by proving them wrong about the stone.  If they could also remedy his mistake by removing the threat then the perception of their wisdom in the Consortium would be further increased and that of the isolationists would be further diminished.   Galek was obviously trying to stop the political damage before his faction would be out of power.  It was the desperate power play of a person who was about to lose everything.

And... Her mind finished for her.  Since he didn't actually relay our findings to the Council, the destruction of this world would eliminate all evidence of his mistake!  The deduction was now very clear.  Not telling the Council, trying to destroy the evidence, keeping us out of the loop...  He is trying to eliminate us.  Permanently. She ruminated on this for a moment.  Thank goodness we had enough sense to talk to the Council directly this time...  We nearly made a fatal error.

"We don't really have much equipment to get ready, sir."  The 'sir' was muttered with disdain, which she was almost sure that he would have picked up even if the translation program did not catch it.  "You made sure about that."  She was still irate that he had only allowed them a communicator and a single weapon on their journey.  The pretext was that he was ensuring that the potential for contamination was low, but she knew the real reason - it made it more likely that they would not survive the mission.  If they died in their mission, then two troublemakers would be disposed of and his position would be secure.  They had already damaged his position with their findings on the stone, which they had relayed directly to the Council, but now they were going to deliver the killer blow.

Before Galek could make the 'killer blow' on this hapless planet.

"Besides...  The clean-up mission will not be necessary.  We took care of it."

Galek slumped slightly and his eyes jiggled from side to side.  He had heard the translation correctly, but his mind refused to consider the implications.  He asked for clarification.

"What do you mean, Commander?"  He asked softly.  It took the translation program a few moments to process his words.

Logos smiled.  The facial expression would not mean anything to Galek, but it perfectly represented the fact that she knew that she had him.  He was about to realize that his career and the influence of the isolationists on the Council were over.

"Well, despite your attempt to move up the schedule... We found the children and eradicated them.  The proof has been recorded and sent via narrow-beam to the Council."  Her smile now turned into a wide grin as she saw the expression that Galek made when she mentioned the Council.  She waited for the inevitable question.

"The Council!  The Council!"  Galek raged.  "I should have both of you court-martialed for such insubordination!  What gave you authorization to bypass the chain of command and contact the Council?!"  The livid alien began to pace in his office.  The image above the communicator followed him as he moved.

"Insubordination?  Ah...  That is rich, isn't it?"  Logos mocked.  "The Council was rather surprised about your 'recent activities' when Chronos and I reported our findings to them...  I did not inquire about what those 'recent activities' were, but I can only assume that your 'clean-up' mission has been noted."  Galek slumped backwards; he knew that he was beaten.  "Likewise...  I was surprised to learn that our findings were not reported to the Council at all.  Instead you seem to have reported us missing in action after finding suspected Outsider activity..."  Galek looked down at that revelation.  The Council was not stupid, his intentions were now clear for all to see.  He had tried to cover up evidence, murder active Consortium officers, and conspire to destroy a planet's biosphere in the process.  "I can only imagine what the Council will do with you during your appointment with them..."

"My... appointment?"  Galek muttered.

Logos frowned in false surprise.  "Oh, right...  That was the other reason that I contacted you.  The council requests an audience with you after we are finished here."  Galek closed his three bulbous eyes.  The implication was clear.  The Council usually gave its summons directly when a meeting was friendly or neutral, but gave the summons to a proxy when the meeting was disciplinary.  Such were the customs of her species.  A blow should be given by an enemy, even if the punishment is ordered by a friend.  The fact that the Council had entrusted her, quite possibly Galek's second-worst enemy behind Chronos, to relay that information spoke volumes.  He was going to be terminated for his unconscionable crimes.  He had played a high-stakes game and lost.

That explained the security incident.  He deduced.  The guards are not guarding my office to protect me; they are here to keep me secure until my summons... His assistants were probably already captured themselves, he realized.  They would most likely share his same fate.  No wonder why he couldn't contact them for the last few hours...

Had he simply relayed their findings to the Council then his side would be discredited to a great extent, but at least they would still exist.  They could still regroup and argue for moderation within the new political paradigm.  But since he and his colleagues had decided to pursue a cover-up through such extreme means, a modest loss of influence was no longer a possibility.  As he was set in the old ways of thinking, he had decided that any opening of the Consortium to open exploration would inevitably lead to a similar disaster as The War.  As a consequence he decided that any action, even violating the principals of the Consortium, was justifiable in avoiding the possible of another cataclysm which could claim the lives of billions.  Now, however, he could clearly see that his decisions had left the isolationist movement in ruins.  He had given his enemies the perfect weapon to destroy his ideology: proof that extremism from within was a bigger threat to the Consortium that the unknown from outside.  The true enemy was not from the stars, but rather was within themselves.  In fighting the monsters that he perceived in the unknown reaches of space, he had become the monster himself.

Logos stopped for a moment before continuing her speech.  Even though such tactics were supposedly purged from the 'enlightened' Consortium, she realized that he was probably already pondering how to seek revenge upon his foes.  The isolationists still were a force to be reckoned with on her homeworld and would seek to persecute her and Chronos through other means.  She wanted to dash his hopes of a proper revenge right now.  The two rainbowfaces would never return to Consortium space where they could be directly threatened.  The Council had made sure of that.  Their quarantine, which was to be ensured through strict monitoring of all entries and exits through this sector, was in a way both a blessing and a curse.  It was an extraordinary precaution on account of their extraordinary situation.  The Council was extending direct protection onto both this planet and the two explorers.  A simultaneous gift and apology to the two mavericks who had prevented a great atrocity that was about to be committed in the Consortium's name.

"If it is any consolation, Galek, the Council has decided that Chronos and I are to be quarantined."  She said this as a sad smile appeared on her face.  She knew that the order was coming, the Council had little choice under the Consortium's rules, but it still stung to be told that they could never return.  "Since we have changed too much to be reintegrated back into Consortium society, we are to be kept on this planet on a continuous basis for 'continued research'."  She then looked at Galek with a knowing expression.  "I won't lie to you, Commissar, I am greatly saddened by this order.  I will never see my friends and colleagues again except through a communicator's projection.  But I do take comfort in one thing, Galek..."  She paused for a moment to restrain her emotion and collect her thoughts.  After recollecting herself, she resumed.  "When I look at the stars tonight, Galek, I will now that I have made the Consortium a better place even though I may no longer be a part of it.  I will take great comfort from that."  Galek looked at Logos now with a defeated look.  "When you look up at the same, will anything comfort you?"

Galek and his allies were fearful of change and outside influences because of their bad experiences in the war.  A war that they blamed on the overexuberance of the Consortium to seek out new life and cultures, which had led them to the fringes of where The Outsiders resided.  But because of their protectiveness they had forgotten about what made the Consortium great.  The exploration of the unknown entailed finding new things and being willing to change and evolve as both physical and mental horizons were expanded.  They had become fixated on increased power and security for the Consortium and, by extension, themselves.  Their insularness had left a hollow legacy.  Now that the power was about to dissipate nothing would be left.  Just like how the smallest pebbles would eventually be eroded by the waves of an ocean, their petty achievements were being eroded by an idea whose time had finally come again.

Galek answered solemnly.  "I... doubt I will ever see the stars again, Commander.  You have made sure of that."

Logos responded with an equally grim retort.  "It is customary to execute traitors outdoors, Galek.  I am sure that you will see the stars one more time."  He recoiled from the communicator, but held back from raging at the commander.  If any of his legacy was to carry on then he had to make a brave showing here, as this communication was certainly being recorded for posterity.  He had done what he thought was in the best interests of the Consortium.  He would face his end with dignity.

"Goodbye, Commander."  Came the depressed parting.

Logos simply uttered.  "Farewell."

And then the communications link was broken.


Logos stared for quite some time at the communicator that now looked like the rock that it was designed to mimic.  They had done it.  They had really done it.  The planet that they had grown attached to over the years was safe from a threat that so many had labeled as a fantasy.  The isolationists were effectively powerless as their highest-ranked official was now a dead man walking and his reputation rightfully tarnished.  And her partner, Chronos, was finally proven right.  He believed that it was their mission to explore new worlds and possibilities.  He believed that the Stone of Cold Fire could actually be the Stone of Destiny.  And he had believed in their ability to complete the hopeless task that lay before them.  He was right on all counts.  That only left one more critical task.

Living out the rest of their lives.

Logos had lived a life of duty ever since she enrolled in the academy.  She sat aside no time for herself or for relationships, which always seemed to fail her in any case, but rather fixated on her job at which shall was highly proficient.  It was during her first mission to this planet that she was assigned Chronos as an assistant.  He was her opposite in many ways.  He had a tendency to intervene when expedient and would even question orders when they seemed outlandish.  She had considered filing a disciplinary report on him when they returned, but by the end of their mission she realized that his arguments had some merit.  What was the point of being part of the universe if one could not interact with it?  What was the point of having knowledge and power if it couldn't be used?  She was the only one who volunteered to go with him on their mission, their final mission, to this planet.  Not even other members who were sympathetic to their cause were willing to risk what they had risked.  But now because of their sacrifice, they had won.  Now she simply had to find out what to do with her life, now that her duties to the Consortium no longer really existed.  It was an interesting conundrum.  It was both liberating and frightening.

"Logos..."  Came an uncertain voice from some distance away.

Chronos.  She thought to herself.   I guess that it is time to tell him the news.

"Galek is gone."  She affirmed.  "It is over."

Chronos did not move or give any response to indicate that he had heard her.  After a moment, however, he simply gave a slight nod.  "We figured as much, didn't we?  The Council's response to us was... interesting."  At her confirming nod, he continued.  "The stone proved the folly of his mindset and now we have fixed the problem on this planet..."  She bowed her head in shame.  Those poor children...  They didn't deserve that. She could still remember the smell of burning and the charred bones...  

"I'm sorry."  She spoke before she even realized the words came out of her mouth.  "You shouldn't have had to that...  I shouldn't have ordered you..."  She looked away.  She was never one to break down in front of anyone, but now that her mission was effectively over she no longer had to keep up the appearance of a commanding officer.  To carry out the extermination order was an unimaginable burden.  She deeply regretted that Chronos was left with that sad duty.  She was still quite surprised that he didn't wake her and let her take care of it...  He was the closest to the children and she knew that their loss would hurt him the most.

He seemed to consider this for a moment, before walking over to Logos.  He placed his hand on her shoulder in a reassuring manner, neither of them being used to comforting the other so directly.  He sighed before responding.

"I'm sorry too.  But the communicator would detect any lie.  So I had to trick you."

Logos pulled away and looked back in shock.  "What?"

Chronos smiled.  "None of us wanted to carry out this order and both of us thought it was stupid, right?"  At her nod, he continued.  "Well...  It only takes one good blast of this thing."  He lifted up the weapon in an illustrative manner.  "..To form a large crater... And the children were very helpful in providing a few bones that they found lying around..."  Logos was shaking her head in disbelief.  Surely he didn't...  That couldn't work, would it?  She thought frantically.  "Then one more blast to char the bones and make it look really nasty..."  He waved his hands in a flourish.  "And..."  She interrupted him at this point.

"Since I believed it all... The Council thinks that we completed the mission..."  She finished for him.  She didn't realize that she had tears beginning to run down her cheeks.  The guilt of having 'killed' the children had touched her more deeply than she had expected.  Now that guilt was being washed away.

He nodded, the smile on his face stretching from ear to ear.  "Exactly."

She looked away for a moment, hiding her weakness from her companion.  After swallowing deeply, she finally spoke again.  "Well, Chronos.  You have just committed perjury before the Council, misrepresented an official report, disobeyed a direct order, misused Consortium equipment, and probably violated more regulations than I can count...  Do you know what I think?"

Chronos shrugged.  "That the Consortium can stuff it?"

Logos turned with a wide smile on her face.  "For once, Chronos, I approve of your insubordination."  She then looked about after a pause.  "So... Where are the children?"

"Me here!"  Came a reply from nearby.  Both rainbowfaces suddenly looked up to see a small flyer affixed to the top of the rock face.  "Can we come out now?  Cera mad and Littlefoot want answers."

Chronos smiled.  "How am I not surprised?  Tell Littlefoot that I will tell him everything and remind your friend that I still have the 'pain rock'."

Logos looked at Chronos.  'Pain rock' I guess that is one way to put it...

The flyer then answered back.  "Me tell him!  But me not remind Cera about pain rock...  She still really mad about that."

As Petrie flew back to where the children were hiding, Logos looked at Chronos in such a way as to demand an explanation.

Chronos sighed.  "The Repressor takes a reading of every time it is used."  She nodded.  Obviously she knew this as every cadet learned the basics of Repressors in basic training.  "The 'evidence' that you provided to the Council included the reading right before I fired at the children."

Logos paled.  "So... You actually did fire at the children?"

Chronos nodded with a look of regret.  "Yeah... It was on heavy stun..."  He then swallowed.  "While the children were out of it... I disabled the recorder program, as we already had our 'evidence' and then I made the crater that you saw..."

Logos shook her head.  "And after being stunned they helped you?!  Heavy stun is not exactly a soft setting!"  She looked at him with incredulity.  "I'm surprised that they didn't attack you!"

Chronos shrugged.  "Well, the yellow one did.  That is why I had to stun her twice."

Logos gave him a mischievous grin.  "Oh... So that one has it in for you then?"  He gave her a pointed look; obviously he did not find this amusing at all.  She, however, still had to have the last word.  "Great...  You can lead the way then."

With a final indignant groan from Chronos, the two rainbowfaces walked to where the children were hiding.  They certainly had an interesting conversation ahead of them.


"How can any of you believe any of this crap?!"

To the surprise of absolutely no one who was present, Cera did not believe the narrative told by the rainbowfaces.  She had been hit twice by the 'pain rock' and she was still enraged.  Nonetheless, Littlefoot decided to try and speak reason.

"Cera...  They have a rock that can spit pain and fire!"  He said this sentence as if that fact alone made their story believable.  "...And besides, I still remember what happened when you two left for the first time..."

Chronos and Logos both looked as if Littlefoot had grown a second head.  What was the brown fast biter talking about?

Littlefoot noticed their confused stares and the unsure glances of his friends.  He would have to tell them the story.  "When you two left after the first Stone of Cold Fire... The fake one..."  He added quickly.  "I saw both of you leave in a pillar of light."  Chronos looked down, while Logos slapped her head as he said this.  They were not careful enough to avoid cultural contamination it seemed.

Ruby looked at Littlefoot and then focused her gaze on the two rainbowfaces.  "If you left on a pillar of light, then where did the pillar go?"

Chronos looked knowingly at Logos, who shared his glance before answering.  "That... led us back to our ship... um..."  She tried to remember the way she described it in leaf-eater.  "Our sky-log...  Then we went back to the stars..."

Spike seemed to ponder this for a moment.  "It is said that when we die we go up there... To be the stars...  Did you see any of our folks there?"

Logos licked her lips.  This was a very delicate question.  It seemed that the dinosaurs had the beginnings of a belief in the afterlife, a notion that many in her world had not entirely parted with.  She had to make sure that she didn't destroy the hopes of the young ones.  "We did not... although there are many, many stars... Far too many to see in even a thousand lifetimes!"  She then looked at Spike, who seemed to be taking on a contemplative expression.  "Who knows what wonders await up there?"

Littlefoot smiled slightly at this.  "So...  Now that you have faked our 'deaths' down here...  You're going back home aren't you?"  The small dinosaur looked sad to see them go, a very different expression from the one that Cera was sporting.  He obviously relished the idea of having someone who was as curious of the deeper questions as he was.  Additionally, as Chronos deduced, he was probably just glad to have someone who understood what they had been through.  Littlefoot was fearful that would soon be gone.

Ducky, having concluded that the rainbowfaces would be going soon, actually wished them good luck in her own innocent way.  "Be careful up there!  Don't fall off of your sky-log it must be a long way down.  Yep, yep, yep!"

Chronos had to smile at her naivetÈ.  "Well... We actually can't go back... The Consortium won't accept us anymore."  He now had a more serene expression on his face.  "This... this is our home now."  The children were surprised by this revelation.  It seemed that they had more in common with the rainbowfaces than they suspected.  "We can only look at the stars... But never return to them."

Littlefoot looked at them both with a sad expression.  "I'm sorry.  That must be terrible!"

Logos waved him off.  "It is alright, little one...  We have made peace with it."  She then smiled slightly.  "We are just glad that this planet is safe.  It is truly a wonderful place."

Chomper was pacing.  "But why did your people want to kill us?!"  The little sharptooth was quite upset.  "Everyone wants to kill us!  Their parents..."  He said this while gesturing towards the rest of the gang.  "Star people, Red Claw, Screech, Thud...  I'm sick of it!"

Cera huffed, as she was still angry at her situation, but agreed with Chomper.  "Yeah... Why did your people want to kill us?  It isn't like we can go up and hunt them in the stars..."

Chronos sighed.  "That would take some explaining... But let's just say that the Stone that you touched changes people..."

"No kidding."  Petrie noted sarcastically.

Chronos ignored the interruption and continued.  "It changes their heads..."  He pointed at his head as he said this.  "To make them smarter and it well..."  He seemed to be struggling for the right words.  "...Just make them better.  Long ago another stone like the one you touched made the wrong kind of people better and they attacked our people..."

Ruby nodded.  "They were worried that we could turn bad too..."

Chronos nodded.  "It doesn't really make sense.  I mean, you haven't even developed spac... um... made sky-logs yet...  So you wouldn't be a threat to my people.  But sometimes people get set in their ways..."  He wisely decided to leave out the entire political side of things, as the children would neither understand nor care.

Even Cera nodded at this.  As a former threehorn she realized just how stubborn some people could be.  It was still disheartening to hear that even the 'star people' wanted you dead though...  Mr. Thicknose would have had a field day with that one...

Littlefoot pondered for a moment.  "But why did the Stone change us?  What is the Stone meant to do anyway?"

Logos nodded.  "That is a good question.  We think that those Stones were made long, long ago...  Before there were any dinosaurs..."

Cera muttered in disbelief.  "Before dinosaurs?  Ha!  There were always dinosaurs."

Logos gave her a wry smile.  "Well... There had to be a first dinosaur didn't there?  Anyway..."  She returned to the topic at hand.  "The people who made them wanted to make more life like them.  More intelligent life.  So they made these stones 'help' the kinds they encountered to become smarter and better adapted to their lives."

Ducky interrupted at this point.  "Better adapted-ed?  But we were fine with green food.  Yep, yep, yep!"

Chronos then reentered the conversation.  "Well it listened to what the matriarch of the Vetre wanted..."  Logos looked at him with a pointed look and he went back to the more simple-talk that he had used earlier.  "Um...  I mean..."

"In plain leaf-eater or sharptooth, please."  Cera demanded impatiently.  She was not pleased about being talked over by these arrogant dinosaurs from the sky.  But she was even more displeased about not understanding what they were talking about.

He started again.  "We think that it listens to what the finder of the Stone wants... That is how it determines how to make them adapt to their situation."  He then looked straight at Littlefoot, figuring that he would have probably been the one to lead them to the Stone in the first place.  "What did all of you ask the stone?"

Littlefoot swallowed hard.  "We uh...  We wanted to be powerful enough to get rid of Red Claw."  He then looked down.  This was all his fault.  If only they had wished for something else... Or ignored the Stone altogether.

Cera noted Littlefoot's sad expression and slowly walked towards the brown fast biter.  "We couldn't have known Littlefoot..."

The two rainbowfaces then looked at one another.  They now realized what had happened.  The Stone crashed in the valley and the children touched it.  They then requested enough power to fight off a great foe.  Somebody named Red Claw.  The Stone then granted their request, not only greatly boosting their intelligence, but also modifying their bodies to become more powerful.  It was curious though that the Stone modified them into sharpteeth instead of simply making them more powerful leaf-eaters, but this was something that had been seen in the case of the Vetre.  The Vetre went from being mostly herbivorous to becoming completely omnivorous.  As the progeny of the first matriarch who touched the stone became more numerous, the omnivorous condition and heightened intelligence became more and more common.  It seemed that the creators of the Stones did not believe that herbivores were best suited to sapience.  Perhaps that indicated a bias on the part of the Ancient Ones?  In any case, the stone seemed to have taken a genetic template from other carnivores on this planet, as all but two of the children were obligate herbivores, and simply modified those templates to a more advanced form.  The Stone, no doubt, expecting the children to eventually breed into their new respective species, making their new traits more numerous, and eventually uplifting each species into sapience.

They then nodded to one another, understanding shining in both of their eyes.  They were witnessing something incredible.  They were seeing the birth of new sapient races right before their eyes and like most births it was a painful and messy process.  But they both knew that the children would pull through and persevere through the trials and tribulations that now faced them.  

And the two rainbowfaces would each do their part to help them.


Several moments later:

"So we're off to the Land of Shallow Waters.  I guess that it sounds like a nice place to make a home..."

Chronos was playing with the idea of actually settling down.  He had always been restless and adventurous through his academy days and throughout his career, but watching the children adapt to their new lives would be adventurous enough.  To see the birth of new sapient races that may one day join the Consortium or a future alliance...  It was truly amazing.

"Who says that we're bringing you?!"  Cera protested.

Littlefoot sighed.  "Cera...  They saved us!"

Cera stomped.  "Yeah, by blasting us with the pain rock a few times!"

Ruby and Chomper both looked indignantly at Cera.  They were not pleased about being blasted either, but it was far better than being killed or worse yet... having everyone they knew and loved being killed.  Cera's pride was getting in the way of her reason.

Chronos knew what he had to do.  He had seen situations like this before when he was in a negotiating party with the Asthu, one of the more warrior-like species in the Consortium.  They did not engage in war anymore, but they still had strict honor codes and engaged in limited combat to assert dominance and protect their sense of honor.  One day his commander had inadvertently insulted one of the other parties by using the wrong greeting gesture.  He diffused the situation by admitting his fault and accepting an insult of equal severity.  His actions proved his honor to the Asthu negotiating party and the remainder of the negotiations had gone smoothly.  Now Chronos needed to partake in a show of reciprocity.

"You're still mad at me aren't you?"  He asked rhetorically.

Cera snorted.  "Glad you noticed."

Chronos smiled.  "What if I got hit with the same pain rock that you got hit with?  Would that make you happy?"

Cera looked surprised.  The pain rock hurt like hell.  Why would anyone willingly subject themselves to that?

Chronos continued.  "I did what I had to do to protect you all... and then also to protect myself..."  He was referring to his second stunning of Cera.  "But I will do this just to be fair."

"Fine!"  Cera affirmed gruffly, although she actually felt some respect for this rainbowface.  He was willing to take his blows and not shy away like a coward.  The threehorn upbringing of hers respected this.  He was acting like a self-respecting threehorn should.

Logos looked uncertainly at Chronos.  "Are you sure?"

Chronos nodded.  "Make it quick, will you?  I'm not exactly looking forward to this...  I remember what it was like at the academy when we had to test these on one another..."

Logos smiled.  "It's a shame we were in different years... I never had the chance to test this on you..."

Chronos frowned in an annoyed expression.  "Oh laugh it up!  I'm not doing this to amuse you."

She smiled, but then took on a more compassionate expression.  "Lean forward, with your hands on your face.  I don't want you to hurt yourself when you fall."

He nodded, some fear evident on his face.  He was grateful for the compassion from his friend.  However, he was actually holding up better when he was lost in their playful banter back and forth.  Now that he had to actually reflect on what was about to happen...  He placed his hands on his face and leaned forward...


All of a sudden everything seemed to go out of focus...  And then pain...  Unbearable pain...  He didn't feel it when his legs went out from under him and he fell face-first into the soft sand.  Every muscle in his body seemed to tense and jerk in spasms as his entire body seized uncontrollably.  He couldn't scream.  He couldn't breathe.  It felt like an eternity to Chronos even though the entire episode only lasted for about five seconds.  Then finally he could breathe again, although the echoes of pain that was so recent but now absent still permeated through his body.

"Are you alright?"

That voice.  Logos...  His confused mind deduced.  She was wondering if he was okay.  He sucked in a few breaths before finally feeling well enough to respond.

"Yeah..."  His voice was labored, but still intelligible.  He knew that he would be alright in a few minutes.  The Repressor's heavy stun setting was meant to only incapacitate for a few minutes.  The higher settings, on the other hand...

Suddenly he saw something yellow appear over him.  Oh no!  He thought to himself.  She has come to finish the job! He was now defenseless on the ground and too close to her in order for Logos to risk firing at them.  Why had he agreed to this anyway?  As his pupils then trained back and forth, he could see both Logos and Cera standing side by side.  What was Logos doing?  Didn't she know that the yellow one was dangerous?

Suddenly Cera spoke.

"Hmmm... I guess that we are even now."  She then turned away from him, as if she were about to walk away.  "Make sure that you two keep up with us, because I don't feel like slowing down.  I'm hungry and since our leader..."  She used Littlefoot's title in an annoyed fashion.  No doubt Littlefoot was rolling his eyes somewhere.  "Says that we can't eat you, we need to get some food in the Land of Shallow Waters."

Chronos spoke softly.  "Understood."

Cera did not look back, but did give a firm nod.  By giving him a simply response, not tinged with any hint of sarcasm, she was showing him respect in her own way.  He had shown that he was willing to take pain in order to prove his good intentions to her.  Even though she refused to admit it verbally, she respected that deeply.  The two rainbowfaces had nothing to fear from her.

As Chronos rose from the sand with assistance from Logos, the pack resumed their journey towards their destination.  Even though they now knew why they were transformed, that did not really change the reality of their situation.  They simply were what they now had to be.  Both them and the rainbowfaces had left their homes for good in order to travel the unknown in bodies that were not their own.  Even though they were born on planets orbiting different stars, they felt affinity towards one another in the way that only victims of similar circumstances could.  They didn't know what the future would bring, but they knew that they would face it together.


So there you have it. Galek's drive to cover up the failure of the isolationist viewpoint has led to the downfall of the movement. Now Chronos and Logos, albeit victorious in their defense of the planet, are now effectively exiled to the world that they helped to save. The two aliens, despite being born many light years away from the children, have much in common with the transformed dinosaurs. Both groups have been changed from their original form and are exiled from their homes. Where will they go from here?

I eagerly await any reviews or constructive criticism that you may have.  The next chapter should be posted on Friday.

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


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Awesome,I don't have much to  say really just decided to leave a little comment before I head to work and do doubt if I wait I will forget.

Haven't been reviewing lately due to being busy re-arranging furniture in my house and going back to work after a little holiday,but I have been reading the updates. And you never fail to impress me.

Can't wait to see the next chapter,it'll be like a Birthday present to me xD though a day early (Birthday on Saturday XD).

Keep it up,I look forward to more.


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Wow. That was one BIG sacrifice. Also, poor Chronos had to zap himself. :lol
And the group grows by 2! I really thought you'd killed off the main characters, so, when it was revealed it was all faked. I was very happy! All in all, this was a chapter well-worth the wait, especially since the Rainbow Faces are the newest additions! Also, sweet victory!


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@ Nahla

Thanks for the kind words.  :) I am glad to see that you are still following the story.  

@ CeraTheRed

Indeed, the rainbowfaces have sacrificed a lot in their mission.  Although, due to the span of time they had spent in another form, some kind of 'quarantine' would undoubtedly have been put into place.  They have simply changed too much (physically and mentally) to be reintegrated into their original society.  Fortunately, they were able to deduce that Galek's orders did not come from the Consortium and, as a result, they were able to be exiled with the knowledge that they left the Consortium in better hands.

As for the rainbowfaces in relation to the group, that will certainly be an interesting journey.  :yes It will be interesting to see what the rainbowfaces do after they follow the pack to the safety of the Land of Shallow Waters.  They now have to confront living outside of the confines of a duty-driven life.  It will be quite a change for them.

Thanks for reading.  :)

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.

The Chronicler

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I have especially liked these last few chapters. Sci-fi is easily one of my favorite genres, so I've been finding this story quite exciting, lately. These Stones of Destiny and what they do kinda remind me of those monoliths from 2001: A Space Odyssey (I've read all four books in the Space Odyssey series, so it's not just that one book I mentioned). Even though it looks like the sci-fi portion is now over, I'll still keep reading this.

"I have a right to collect anything I want. It's just junk anyway."
- Berix

My first fanfiction: Quest for the Energy Stones
My unfinished and canceled second fanfiction: Quest for the Mask of Life
My currently ongoing fanfiction series: LEGO Equestria Girls


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Quote from: The Chronicler,May 18 2014 on  09:30 PM
I have especially liked these last few chapters. Sci-fi is easily one of my favorite genres, so I've been finding this story quite exciting, lately. These Stones of Destiny and what they do kinda remind me of those monoliths from 2001: A Space Odyssey (I've read all four books in the Space Odyssey series, so it's not just that one book I mentioned). Even though it looks like the sci-fi portion is now over, I'll still keep reading this.
Those novels were also a favorite of mine.  In particular '2001: A Space Odyssey' and '2010: Odyssey Two' captivated my interest back when I first read them when I was about 14 years old.  The idea behind the Stones of Destiny in this story were in part inspired by the depiction of the monoliths in those novels and the idea of biological uplift as elaborated upon in such novels as David Brin's 'Uplift' series and classics such as H. G. Well's novel 'The Island of Doctor Moreau'.

You are indeed correct about the sci-fi element being mostly over in this story, but the rainbowfaces will continue to play a role from time to time.  They were characters that I had originally planned as serving as plot devices in 3 chapters before discarding, but they definitely grew in prominence as the story went on so the story was revised accordingly.   :yes That's what happens, I suppose, when the story begins to write itself - the story begins to go into unexpected places.

I am glad to hear that you plan to continue reading this story and I greatly appreciate your feedback.  :)

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


  • *feels like Pterano*
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Redclaw! Now they really have to leave :smile
I think it is reasonable to make a shift in time here as I don't think it is your intention to show us more of their daily life (as interesting as it would be :)) It is only obvious that you would like to move on with the plot, reducing unneccessary scenes to a minimum :)

They are having an interesting discussion. And Cera hits the nail on its head, methaphorically speaking :smile Redclaw, you barbar!

Speaking of Redclaw... You're giving us a good view on his situation and his backstory :) His intentions (that we sort of know already from the Tv-series though without any backstory besides "He's the biggest, strongest and meanest Sharptooth" :rolleyes) are well reasoned. I don't know if the idea of THE Sharptooth (aka Wrath - a very toothy name :p) being Redclaws brother is original but it's a great idea and, even if it has been used in fanfiction before, yours will be best take on it, I bet :yes
Redclaw's plans don't sound good, speaking from the Gang's and the Great Valley resident's perspective :p Sounds like dominance over the whole world.

Aww, the departing scene is really nice :smile TauntxCera sounds reasonable for sure.

So the seven hunters are stuck in a sand storm. At least they found shelter. Though they seem to have been spotted...

Wow, the Rainbowfaces are some mysterious creatures :smile Sounds like sci-fi to me but it's certainly a good take on it.

And HOLY MOLY! That's SOME cliffhanger :wow
Killing off the Gang sounds unreasonable to me but who knows what this is leading to? :p

Well done!

Petrie had noticed on this particular scouting run that the vegetation was getting scarcer between the lowlands and Hang Rock.
Hanging Rock...

Lands of Many Waters.
Isn't it "shallow"?

"Should we talk-ed with them first?"
Ducky would only use this speech pattern when referring to something that happened in the past. It should read "talk" without "-ed :)

They're must be something that I am missing
Their artifacts could be found throughout the galaxy, but little else was know of them.
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Thank you for the review, Ducky.   :) I have made the indicated corrections.

I think it is reasonable to make a shift in time here as I don't think it is your intention to show us more of their daily life (as interesting as it would be smile.gif) It is only obvious that you would like to move on with the plot, reducing unneccessary scenes to a minimum smile.gif

Yeah, I was thinking about going into more detail on their day-to-day lives, perhaps even making a chapter dedicated to the subject.  However, I decided to instead show some of the interactions of the two packs in flashbacks in future chapters.  I felt that a slice of life chapter at this stage of the story would have broken up the plot too much.  :yes

Speaking of Redclaw... You're giving us a good view on his situation and his backstory smile.gif His intentions (that we sort of know already from the Tv-series though without any backstory besides "He's the biggest, strongest and meanest Sharptooth" dino_roll-eyes.gif) are well reasoned. I don't know if the idea of THE Sharptooth (aka Wrath - a very toothy name dino_tongue.gif) being Redclaws brother is original but it's a great idea and, even if it has been used in fanfiction before, yours will be best take on it, I bet in-yes.gif

Wrath is actually Red Claw's son.  That is one detail that changed between the plot synopsis and the story itself.

Redclaw's plans don't sound good, speaking from the Gang's and the Great Valley resident's perspective dino_tongue.gif Sounds like dominance over the whole world.

Not quite world domination, but he doesn't have wholesome plans for the valley.  Revenge can lead to very unfortunate things.

And HOLY MOLY! That's SOME cliffhanger dino_wow.gif
Killing off the Gang sounds unreasonable to me but who knows what this is leading to? dino_tongue.gif

Well done!

Thanks for the kind words.  :) The chapter that you have reviewed and the latest one are both very sci-fi focused, but that will not be a theme in later chapters.  Even though we are finding out about the origin and function of the Stone of Cold Fire, that has not changed its effects on the gang.  The remainder of this story, much like what has proceeded it, will be squarely focused on the gang and their allies.  :yes

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


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I must admit that I'm usually not quite fond of such sci-fi stuff. Of course, this is only a matter of opinion and preferance ;) The writing and the idea itself are great.
I totally imagined that Chronos wouldn't kill the seven hunters. I can imagine Cera being quite furious however :p

The interactions between the seven hunters and the two Rainbowfaces are really interesting. You managed to give each hunter a part in the conversation which deems him best... which fits their respective social and cognitive traits best :)
The part about the Stone of Cold Fire is particularly well done I think as I really enjoy seeing the seven hunters understand so much of the situation. It's, moreover, quite interesting that they don't see Logos and Chronos as food :p

So the two will travel with the seven hunters now... I wonder what this will lead to :yes

Galen looked down at that revelation.

Your going back home aren't you?"

He obviously relished the idea of having someone who was as curious of the deeper questions that he was.
I suppose you were going to write "than"...
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^ Thanks for the review and corrections.  :) I have made the corrections that you have indicated.

I must admit that I'm usually not quite fond of such sci-fi stuff. Of course, this is only a matter of opinion and preferance wink.gif The writing and the idea itself are great.

I originally did not want this story to have a huge sci-fi component, but as the rainbowfaces grew in importance as I wrote the story, I needed to elaborate on their back stories and the consequences of their mission.  You will be glad to know that the heavy sci-fi element is now over in this story, as the rainbowfaces must now adapt to the realization that they are trapped on this planet.  The remainder of it will be focused on the gang and their allies.  :yes

It's, moreover, quite interesting that they don't see Logos and Chronos as food dino_tongue.gif

Well, everyone but Cera.  :p She seemed to have been rather willing to munch on Chronos, but he had the 'pain rock' at his disposal.

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


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Fanfiction link:

Chapter 32   A destination reached

“Finally... I'm here...” ― K. Hari Kumar

The nine dinosaurs advanced across the barren wasteland.  Due to their “delay” on account of their “deaths” at the hands of Chronos, they had to again travel during the daytime.  The heat and blindingly bright light of the bright circle assaulted them, but luckily the high winds were nowhere to be found.  This made the remaining leg of their journey a far more tolerable experience than their initial day of travel.  Although each member was feeling parched due to the lack of moisture, the occasional conversation still occurred to stave off the boredom of their monotonous journey.

“So… uh… We never did get to ask you about what happened after your change.”  Chronos mentioned.  They had simply deduced what had happened to the children on the basis of the adults’ testimony and what happened to the stone.  He still remembered how traumatic it was when he and Logos were transformed for the sake of their previous mission, which was originally supposed to be a temporary change.  It was a confusing and distressing experience.

Littlefoot continued to walk at the front of the pack, with Ruby and Chomper at his sides.  Cera and the others were just behind the front, with the rainbowfaces following immediately behind them.  He considered for a few moments how to begin answer his question, but then Spike decided to speak up.

“Well, we ran.”  Spike said simply.  “We ran from our parents.  We ran from Red Claw.  We ran to Hanging Rock.”  He then looked back at the rainbowfaces, without stopping his forward progress.  “We had no rest anywhere.”

Littlefoot joined in the conversation.  “We began to get so hungry and our moods began to change.”  He paused for a moment as both rainbowfaces nodded at his admission, he then looked back at the duo and noted rhetorically.  “I am sure that you noticed.”

“But we took the wrong way to Hanging Rock!”  Ruby noted.  “It took us seven days to reach my mommy and daddy, but seven days were too long...  We had to eat.”

Both rainbowfaces took on morose expressions at Ruby’s admission.  Being forced to kill must have been a horrific experience for the children.  It was a shame they were not spared that indignity.

“We killed a longneck.”  Littlefoot affirmed.  “His name was Rhett... he was a friend.”  He then looked down, even after a month the shame still lingered.

Logos then spoke.  “I... I am so sorry children.”  What more was there to say?

Littlefoot shook his head.  “Not much can be done about it, I suppose.  After we... resolved... our hunger, we then went to Hanging Rock and talked to Ruby’s parents.  They lead us to the lowlands, which is where we were earlier.”

Chronos and Logos both shivered at this.  So the children were in the lowlands after all, which meant that the mournful wailing from the longnecks probably was related to the seven dinosaurs they were now traveling with.  Yes, the children had adapted quite readily to a sharptooth lifestyle.  It was simultaneously heartening and horrifying to see.

“So...”  Cera now spoke, although her voice was lacking any venom or skepticism.  “Your people are from the stars, right?”

Chronos and Logos both nodded, while Chronos gave a simple affirmation.  “Yes... That is one way of putting it...”  He figured that lecturing her on planets, moons, and space stations would be counterproductive at best.

Cera continued.  “Well then, are their other rainbowfaces where you came from?  Or were you changed like us?”

Chronos gasped slightly.  He had not expected such a wise deduction from the former threehorn.  However, she had indeed connected the clues and realized that they must have been through a similar experience as them.  He then looked at Logos with an inquisitive gesture.  Even though they were not currently active members of the Consortium, and any cultural contamination that they would do would more than likely be lost to the sands of time, he still had the habit of looking for permission before “bending” the rules on cultural contamination.  Telling the children of their change would certainly be a huge violation.

Logos saw his gesture and sighed.  Reluctantly she nodded and proceeded to tell a simplified version of their ordeal.

“Yes, child, we were different back home.  We were changed in order to come here.”  The other dinosaurs stopped their journey in order to listen to her affirmation.  She suddenly had all of their attention.  “The rainbowface kind was simply the form that was chosen for us.  We were quite different back home.”

“If you were different and then changed, then you must have felt like us when we changed and became different!”  Ruby exclaimed after Logos’s affirmation.  “Was it hard like our change?”

Logos nodded.  “Yes, child.  But it wasn’t quite like yours.”  She thought for a moment about how to explain.  “We did not change diet, but everything else changed.  We had fewer eyes...”  The rest of the gang took on disgusted looks at this, as they had a hard time imagining creatures with more than two eyes.  “We heard things in a different way.  We smelled like a dinosaur does, with a sniffer, instead of how a buzzer does...  And many, many other things.”  She shook her head.  “The change nearly drove us insane.”

None of the children knew what to say.  From any other source the story would have sounded crazy, but this was the rainbowfaces talking so anything was possible.  Finally, Chomper decided to speak.

“So... You’re like my friends after all.  You all have changed.”

Chronos answered.  “I suppose so.  I suppose so.  I guess that time is the great teacher when it comes to these things.”

Cera nodded.  Her change was getting easier to deal with as time went on.  She hoped that the trend continued as she was sick of the moral dissonance she felt every time she had to kill.  “I hope so.”

The conversation having ended, the pack and the two rainbowfaces began to move again.  They turned towards a wide ridge that seemed to rise out of the endless sea of sand.  The pack continued to travel for several more minutes until they began to walk over the ridge in the inhospitable landscape.  That was when Petrie made an exclamation.

“Green!  Petrie see green!”  The small flyer shouted happily.  “No more spitting sand!”

The pack redoubled their efforts in climbing the ridge.  It seemed that their days of wandering in the desert were coming to an end.


Outside of the Great Valley:

Vokal continued to flap as hard as her wings would allow.  Ever since her brief encounter with the sharpteeth, she knew that she had to tell Volant as soon as possible.  With them traveling into the Barren Wastes it was obvious that the Land of Shallow Waters were their probable destination.  The sharpteeth were simply following their food.  Now it was time for her distraught cousin and the other grieving parents in the valley to obtain their revenge.  A journey to the Land of Shallow Waters would be a massive undertaking, which meant that she had to relay the news as fast as possible.

“There it is...”  Vokal gasped for breath as she continued her break-neck speed.  “Just a few more minutes...”

Soon the valley would have word on their hated enemies.


Back at the Land of Shallow Waters:

“Water!  Finally!”

Cera’s exclamation matched the sentiments of the other dinosaurs.  After two days of walking through an inhospitably dry landscape, they were now finally in sight of water.  The sight of lush grass, leafy ferns, and other swamp vegetation also greeted their eyes.  Their insatiable thirst could now be fulfilled.

Cheers erupted from the seven dinosaurs as each scrambled towards the small pool of water that was closest to them.  As it was on the outskirts of a swampy oasis, and not part of the larger swampland further in the distance, it was simply surrounded by tall grass and not the lush vegetation that was visible in the far distance.  But none of that mattered.  Relief was in sight and their journey would soon be at an end.

Ruby was the first to jump into the blue water, its cool moisture a pleasant relief after the relentless, scorching hot exodus that they had been on.  Shortly thereafter the others jumped in.  Each proceeded to suck down the water as if it was their first drink in days, which it was.  The rainbowfaces were only slightly more dignified in their response, guzzling water from the pool’s edge.  They were just as thirsty as the rest of the gang and just as pleased to see their journey come to an end.

But of course where one journey ends, another begins.

“This is so nice.  It is!  It is!”  Ducky affirmed.

“Indeed!  It is so nice to be able to drink again.”  Chronos agreed.  “I am quite tired of the sand.”

Logos snorted in a humorous way.  “I don’t think that you will find any disagreement on that point.”

Chomper then surfaced, having dipped under the water in order to clear the dried sand from his sniffer.  He sucked in a deep breath, exhaled, and then spoke.  “Finally, my sniffer is clean again!”  He then shook some the water off of him, which would have soaked the nearby dinosaurs if they weren’t already in the water themselves.  “It is nice to finally be able to smell!”

Littlefoot nodded at this.  “Yeah... I almost forgot how good my sniffer is now, until the sand got in the way.”

Logos spoke without thinking.  “Yes... Sometimes we don’t know what we have until we lose it.”

The conversations suddenly ended, as Logos’s comment reopened unpleasant memories.  Each of the children, of course, had lost their families and their innocence to their transformation, whereas the rainbowfaces had lost their original forms and their chance to go home to a mission that had gone on for far too long.  Yes, each had lost so much.  However, they had also gained as well.  They had their new instincts, new allies, new senses, and, most importantly, they still had one another.  All was not lost.

“Well...”  Littlefoot then spoke after the abrupt mood change.  “I guess that we are here.  Now we need to see if we can find Chomper’s parents.  But first I think that we need to...”

“Hunt!”  Chomper interrupted.  “I am starving!”  He noted with some of his usual good-natured excitement.

Littlefoot laughed.  “That’s right, Chomper.  I am hungry too.”

Chronos and Logos both looked at one another with unreadable expressions, a scene that was not lost on Cera.

“Don’t worry you two!  We are not hungry enough to eat you.”  Cera said with jocular humor.  Even though she still felt some remorse over how they had to live, she seemed to rather enjoy toying with those who could be on the menu.  She did not stop to consider the ramifications of this.  “But...”  She then looked at Littlefoot.  “What should we look for?  Are there any ground fuzzies here?”

Littlefoot thought for a split second, before shrugging.  “I don’t know...  None of us have been here before.  Did Ruby’s parents say anything about this place, Petrie?”

Petrie nodded.  “Not much.  Just plenty of food.  Plants...  Meats...  Eggs...”

Ruby frowned and placed a claw on her chin in a ponderous expression.  “So my folks didn’t give us any details.  They left the details for us.”  She then looked at Littlefoot with an inquisitive expression.  “Scout?”

Littlefoot paused for a moment to consider the situation.  Then he nodded.  “Yeah... I think that we need to scout here.”  He then looked up at Petrie who was perched on Ruby’s head.  “Do you think that you could look around Petrie?  The rest of us could look for ground fuzzies while we are waiting.”  Based upon their previous experiences, small mammals seemed to like tall grass with plentiful water, so perhaps their current location would be the best place to look?

Petrie nodded.  “Sound good.  Petrie take look around.”

As the rest of the pack began to separate into groups of two for the upcoming hunt, the two rainbowfaces backed away discreetly.  

“Don’t mind us...”  Chronos mentioned.  “We will just be... uh... looking for green food.”  He quickened his pace when Logos gave him a little nudge for talking unnecessarily.  The rainbowfaces began their walk towards the main body of the Land of Shallow Waters, while the rest of the pack began searching around their current watering hole.  

As the two groups diverged for their two very different diets, however, significant events were occurring back in the Great Valley.


Near the Great Valley:

Vokal proceeded to fly into the valley, carefully positioning herself above the high bluffs which separated the valley from the outside world.  Despite her exhaustion, however, she was able to use the warm thermal updrafts from the barren rock to power her upward momentum.  It made for a slower flight, but also for a far less exhausting excursion.  The only disadvantage of this was that it could allow others to catch up to her.

Such as what happened in this case.


Vokal looked above her to see another flyer approaching.  How does this idiot expect me to halt in midair? She thought to herself.  I suppose that I will need to land. She then proceeded to slow her speed by spreading her wings out wide and puffing out her chest to the front.  As her drag increased and lift decreased, she proceeded to slow and drop from the sky.  After a few moments, she landed on the nearby rocks with a soft plop.  She then waited on the rude flyer with impatience.

“Identify yourself.  All unknown visitors must...”  The flyer then seemed to recognize something within Vokal’s appearance.  “Vokal... Is that you?”

Vokal took a closer look at the adolescent flyer and her demeanor suddenly improved.  “Flip?  Is that you?”

Flip smiled broadly.  “Yep!  I have grown a bit since the last time you were here...  Hard to believe it has been eight cold times...”

Vokal nodded.  “Yeah...  you were a small flyer the last time that I saw you.  I was never one to settle down.”

Flip nodded in understanding at this.  “I understand.  I went wandering around for a few cold times myself, but I eventually found the valley to be far safer...”  He seemed to become disturbed by something.  “Well, until recently...  You see...”

Vokal nodded softly.  “I have already heard about Petrie and the other children, nephew.”  Flip looked surprised at this revelation, so Vokal continued.  “Volant told several of the far-walkers and the news has traveled far.  Everyone has family or friends of some kind who travel to the valley for refuge, when an attack happens on one of us it is an attack on all.”

Flip nodded sadly and then sighed.  “Yeah...  The new security is because of that too.  All new visitors have to be stopped and questioned.  That was the decision of the valley.”

Vokal suspected this but still had a question.  “Why would questioning other leaf-eaters stop sharpteeth?”

Flip shrugged before answering.  “Chomper knew many of the valley’s secrets.  If a leaf-eater enters through a new entrance then it could provide him a new way in.”  He then shook his head for a moment.  “Also, if anyone has seen those sharpteeth then we want to know.”

Vokal frowned grimly.  “Well, Flip, that is why I am here.  I saw them.”  Her voice was still ragged from her non-stop flying.  Despite this, her voice seemed to echo in Flip's head.  Her pronouncement changed this from a long-delayed reunion to a matter of grave importance.

Flip took on a cold expression, before responding with grim solemnity.  “Where were they?”

“They were in the barren lands between the lowland and the Land of Shallow Waters.  I think they were heading for the Land of Shallow Waters.”

Flip nodded and seemed to think to himself for a moment.  “Follow me to the watering hole, aunt Vokal.  It seems that you need a drink.  Then you will need to tell the others what you have seen.  I think the entire valley will need to hear this.”


Back at the Land of Shallow Waters:

As the pack of seven, minus Petrie, began to hunt for ground fuzzies, the two rainbowfaces were well on their way to the main body of the Land of the Shallow Waters.  As they walked through the steadily thickening blanket of grass, they could feel the humidity steadily increase.  The Land of Shallow Waters existed between the confluence of the western mountains and the barren flat lands that extended for hundreds of miles to the south.  As the rainbowfaces had long deduced during their initial explorations of this continent over two years ago, the tall mountains would squeeze the moisture out of the prevailing winds, drenching the land that they now were travelled within.  The prevailing wind patterns, which then would lack moisture, would continue to blow across the barren lands, which gave rise to the predominantly dry and miserable conditions that they had travelled through for the previous two days.  If it wasn't for the rivers and tributaries that nourished the Great Valley and the surrounding areas then the entire western part of the continent would have been as inhospitable as the barren lands.  

Where they were now going had much more to offer in the way of wildlife, which also meant there were many more predators as well.  Keeping that in mind, Logos kept the Repressor weapon in hand.

After several minutes of walking, Chronos decided to break the silence.  

"So here we are...  I mean...."  He tried to put his thoughts into words, but it wasn't going well.  "Where do we go from here?"

Logos smirked, but mentally she shared in his befuddlement.  She was having just as much trouble adapting to not having her old purpose as he was.  "I guess that is up to us."  She then placed her hand up to her chin in a ponderous gesture.  "Although if they do find the purple sharptooth's parents, I would rather not stick around."

Chronos nodded, now wearing a smirk of his own.  "Yes...  I am not sure that they would be as... well-mannered as their child."  He then looked at Logos a moment before gesturing in an expressive manner.  "And I would rather not test the Repressor on them... Would you?"

"Most certainly not.  Stun would not work on them.  A higher setting would be necessary if it came to that..."  Logos agreed.  "We should probably make our own arrangements for shelter."

The two rainbowfaces continued to steadily move through the tall grass as the trees and ferns began to become more prominent in their vision.  They were now moving from the outskirts of the swamp and were now entering the swamp proper.  They still had a sufficient range of vision in this vegetation to still see around them and ascertain that there were no immediate threats.  If they continued into the swamp, however, then they could not be so sure of their surroundings.  All it would take is a split second for a belly dragger to put an end to them...

"Perhaps it would be better if we stayed in the outskirts."  Chronos deduced.  "If we have enough warning then we can outrun or hide from any threat."

Logos nodded.  "Yes, that would probably be best."  She then looked around for a moment.  There were plenty of pools of water all around, with large assemblages of tall grass, ferns, and water-tolerant trees surrounding them.  It was quite a beautiful sight.  Maybe they should search around here?  "We have survived so long by watching and waiting. I fail to see why we should change now."

Chronos then pondered for a moment, it was obvious that something else was on his mind.

"What?"  Logos inquired.  It was not an annoyed tone, but rather more neutral in its delivery.  She had long learned that it was better to get their thoughts in the open rather than wait until it was too late.  

"What about the children?"  Chronos began.  "I mean... Their parents have no idea what happened to them."

"We can't tell the parents, Chronos."  Logos chided softly.  "We did more than enough when we told the children our identity.  We may no longer be Consortium members, but we still need to live by those standards.  They..."

"...Need to develop on their own terms.  I know, I know."  Chronos finished.  Logos had a slight smirk on her face despite her annoyance at being interrupted.  This was more familiar ground for the rainbowfaces.  Logos being the voice of duty and regulations, with Chronos being the voice of dissent.  "But surely we could help somehow..."

Logos nodded.  "I have been thinking about that.  We can't do anything now.  It would be too dangerous to travel during the dry season, so we would have do it in the fall..."

Chronos was enticed by Logos's suggestion.  "Go on..."

Logos smiled.  "We can't tell the parents that their children aren't dead, they would think that we were mad, but perhaps we could begin to plant the seeds of doubt..."

Chronos finished the thought for her.  "So that when the children eventually do try to reunite with them..."

Logos interrupted.  "Exactly."

As the two rainbowfaces were conspiring on what to do when they eventually revisit the valley, a certain brown flyer continued his scouting run in this mysterious new place.




Petrie had just caught his second ground fuzzy during his scouting run on the massive swamp that was now his home.  He may have been ordered to perform surveillance on this new land, but that didn't mean that he couldn't catch the occasional meal.  Undoubtedly the others were catching their fill in the outskirts, so he needed to do the same.

As he hastily consumed the last portion of the impaled mammal, the flyer briefly went over his findings in his head.  He found that his memory seemed to have improved with his transformation, which was a good thing.  In order to relay all of the observations that he would see in a scouting run, a very good memory was required.  Nonetheless, he still needed to go over what he had seen on periodic intervals in order to refresh his memory.  Now was as good of a time as any.

Let me see...  Swimmers by the long windy water...  Belly draggers all over the water...  Longnecks in the forest.  Am me missing anything? He pondered for a moment.  Nope.  That what me see. He still had yet to follow one of the tributaries of the major river that flowed through the swampy marshes.  He hastily decided that would be where he would finish his current scouting run.  He doubted that he would see anything of particular interest, however.  For the most part, the Land of Shallow Waters seemed to have a modest amount of food, which was spread throughout the region.  This ready supply of "red food" also meant that numerous sharpteeth were in the area, mainly in the form of belly draggers hiding in the waters.  They would have to be very careful here.  Even though belly draggers would seldom compete with land-dwelling sharpteeth due to their slow speed on land, they could be a very real threat in the water.  Hunts around the water would be a danger to both predator and prey.

Eating the last piece of the mammal whole, Petrie pushed off of his powerful leg muscles and immediately took off into the warm, muggy air.  As he slowly gained altitude, he opened up his wings in order to let the warm updrafts of air push him higher and higher into the evening sky.  Finally reaching a sufficiently strong thermal updraft, he stopped flapping his wings and simply steered himself in the direction of the final tributary.  He would observe the final unobserved area of this portion of the swamp and then he would report back to the others.

What initially greeted his vision wasn't anything out of the ordinary from what he had already seen from this place.  Around this rather small tributary of the main river, the shoreline was covered with thick vegetation that made any sort of examination of the inhabitants difficult at best.  The heads of belly draggers periodically appeared in the water.  This was a sight that was obvious to the small flyer, but would be nearly impossible to see for any land-walkers in the stream.  Well, impossible to see until the jaws suddenly appeared in their vision, that is...  

Looking forward, Petrie could see a row of very tall trees outside of the bodies of water.  These trees must have been survivors from before the waters reclaimed the land when the climate changed.  Those trees were not often seen in swampy areas, so it was a very curious sight.  Deciding that he would investigate further, Petrie shifted his wings and allowed the thermals to carry him where he needed to go.

As he approached the curious trees, he began to notice small details that he had missed when he was further away.  There were distinct tufts of brown and blue on the tops of the trees.  Flyers...  Petrie's mind deduced.  Make sense.  See a lot from up high.  Be able to fly from bad flyers.  Petrie then thought about his statement for a moment. Like me.  It was still odd for Petrie to think of himself as the predator, even after having lived as one for well over six weeks.  Even so, a small sharptooth flyer like him would do little to scare full-grown flyers such as these.  The blue and red crests, varying depending on the species, clearly indicated these flyers as males.  This was more than likely a herd of traveling bachelors who either were unpaired with a female or, in the case of some species, didn't contribute to raising the children in any case.  Such a band of pterosaurs would stay together out of protection from flying threats and would stay away from the better sheltering sites around the Big Water.  Obviously mothers with children would have already secured those sites and would fight off any unrelated flyers that entered their territory.  Petrie was far too young when he changed to understand these nuances of flyer life.  However, he could deduce that these flyers were of his former kind and several related kinds.

Petrie began to shift his position in order to turn back towards the others.  However, before he could do so, something familiar caught his eye.  He decided to do one finally flyby of the trees.  As he flew parallel to the flyer-filled trees, he could see the imposing form of a large adult brown male.  A male that looked like the pterosaur that Petrie might have grown into if he had stayed a Pteranodon...  It was a flyer that Petrie had not expected to see again after his transformation.


Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


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Um....WHAT?! Okay, THAT took an unexpected turn! This story just JUMPED in interest for me! Man, I did NOT expect Pterano to be even referenced....though I kinda thought he would. STILL didn't think you'd use him, though.

It's also nice to see the Rainbow Faces making plans to help the adults figure out what really happened. Hopefully they can turn the adults' thinking.

It's also nice to see the kids adjusting to their new hunting requirement.


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^ I am glad to hear that you enjoy the latest twist. :)  It definitely will be interesting to see how Pterano reacts to the pack.  Much will depend on what exactly he knows.  Does he know about the "deaths" of the children?  Or is he still clueless about the changes in the valley?  Additionally, considering what happened to his followers who died in the sharptooth attack, how will he feel now that the children are the same kinds that caused that atrocity so long ago?

These are some of the questions that will be answered in the next two chapters.  :yes

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


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Quote from: rhombus,May 23 2014 on  08:21 PM
^ I am glad to hear that you enjoy the latest twist. :)  It definitely will be interesting to see how Pterano reacts to the pack.  Much will depend on what exactly he knows.  Does he know about the "deaths" of the children?  Or is he still clueless about the changes in the valley?  Additionally, considering what happened to his followers who died in the sharptooth attack, how will he feel now that the children are the same kinds that caused that atrocity so long ago?

These are some of the questions that will be answered in the next two chapters.  :yes
Agh, now you made it HARDER for me to wait. Good point, though. This will be a veeery interesting meeting...


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I had a dream about this story. It was...weird.

First off, it kept switching between toys and being stop motion to being fully animated. And Littlefoot and his friends sometimes were leaf-eaters and then flicker back into sharpteeth. And Petrie wasn't a flyer; he was a fastbiter like his friends, with pale stripes on his back and a darker underside.

But the scene itself, minus those details, more or less made sense. It involved the gang of seven walking through a forest into a clearing. They were approaching someone...I forget why. But all around them, they are being spied on by their parents. And then two large finned longnecks give a quiet call to bring everyone in. Then the gang is in the middle of this field, with hills around them. And they find themselves completely surrounded by adults, their parents included.

Then I recalled some kind of battle, with a red and orange sky and fire everywhere. I forget how it ended.


  • *feels like Pterano*
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The Rainbowfaces are getting used to being in company of their pretators ;) Especially Cera seems to have dropped her negative and aggressive attitude towards Chronos as she shows interest in his former life and his struggle with the change of species.

Vokal? Who's that? I recall that she has something to do with the Flyer Ducky killed...
So the Great Valley is going to be told about the whereabouts of the seven hunters... I really wonder what the Great Valley residents will decide upon :)

Ah, so the seven hunters are going to hunt again. Looking forward to that :yes

Yet another Flyer :o So many of them :D
Well, Topsy will be pleased to know the news...

Ah, some geography lessons :smile Logos and Chronos seem to have a plan... I bet it'll be a good one!

Aww, the long awaited appearance of Pterano :smile I wonder by how much you have changed the idea you had in the plot synopsis...

Good chapter overall, yep, yep, yep.

“What should be look for? Are there any ground fuzzies here?”

As he hastily consumed the last portion of the impaled mammal, the briefly went over his findings in his head.
Something is missing here (the word "Flyer" I assume)...

Am me missing anything
I believe you can drop the "am" :)
Inactive, probably forever.


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@ DarkHououmon

I had a dream about this story. It was...weird.

First off, it kept switching between toys and being stop motion to being fully animated. And Littlefoot and his friends sometimes were leaf-eaters and then flicker back into sharpteeth. And Petrie wasn't a flyer; he was a fastbiter like his friends, with pale stripes on his back and a darker underside.

But the scene itself, minus those details, more or less made sense. It involved the gang of seven walking through a forest into a clearing. They were approaching someone...I forget why. But all around them, they are being spied on by their parents. And then two large finned longnecks give a quiet call to bring everyone in. Then the gang is in the middle of this field, with hills around them. And they find themselves completely surrounded by adults, their parents included.

Then I recalled some kind of battle, with a red and orange sky and fire everywhere. I forget how it ended.

Wow, that is an odd dream.  :yes I must admit that some of the detours that this story has taken were based upon ideas that came to me in my sleep.  In particular, a major detour from my original plot synopsis will be seen in a future chapter (I'm sure Ducky will spot it  :p ) which was inspired by a dream that I had when I was feeling rather ill one day.

@ Ducky

Thanks for the feedback and the corrections.  :)

The Rainbowfaces are getting used to being in company of their pretators  ;) Especially Cera seems to have dropped her negative and aggressive attitude towards Chronos as she shows interest in his former life and his struggle with the change of species.

Yep. :yes Finding out that the two rainbowfaces have been through something similar has made Cera a bit more accepting of them.  They are now no longer the unknowable mysterious figures from the seventh film, but rather are now seen as real people with their own struggles to overcome.

Vokal? Who's that? I recall that she has something to do with the Flyer Ducky killed...

She is simply a new character that I made up.  You are probably thinking about another character from the plot synopsis who will be showing up later...

Good chapter overall, yep, yep, yep.

Thank you.  :) I should have the next installment posted sometime tomorrow.

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.