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Into the Black

Serris · 1584 · 116694


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Axel didn't say anything for a moment. Then he leaned forward and put a hand on the ferret's shoulder. "Hey... look, nobody's blaming you for this. Nobody. You didn't ask for this to happen. What's important for you right now is that you get better, alright?"

He sighed. "You've already done so much for us... and for me. Lupis meant absolutely nothing to you, but you still went after him. There's... I mean, I can't think of what I could do to repay you for that... and for being my friend." Axel smiled at him. "So you have to stay alive until I can think of something, alright?"


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Tony exhaled sharply, and shook his head as if he was fighting back tears, or maybe he didn't believe it. "Sure..." he said now, more a shaky breath than a response.

He turned his head finally, rotating it across the pillow's top to look up at Axel, but he didn't face him directly. "You don't have to repay me... I know that." he responded, pursing his lips as his head started to swim... damn... were they really making painkillers this strong now? Closing his eyes, he all but collapsed back against the bed, sinking down into the pillow as he let the light-headed, swimming feeling wash over his mind. "I think I just want to rest..." he said, more a long sigh than a request.

Outside, Vergil perked up. "Hmm..." he narrowed his eyes now... sensing something. "Excuse me... I'll be right back..." he murmured, standing up out of his seat and making for the clinic's exit. That presence... it was very familiar to him... but why?

Throwing the door open, he looked from left to right up and down the alley, then started walking in the direction he sensed it. This way... yes... but what... or more correctly, who was it?

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Axel looked down at the ferret as he drifted off. "Alright. I'll leave you alone. Just... take it easy alright? I'll try and stop by as soon as I can." Getting up, he crossed the room and left, quietly closing the door behind him. When it shut, he sighed and rubbed a hand over his hair. At least he'll be safe here... After a moment, he started heading back down the corridor to the reception.

Passing one of the doors on his way, he heard muffled thumping and scrabbling noises. Axel paused and looked at the door. Surgery Room B. For a second, there was silence, and he was about to continue when it suddenly started up again. Unsure, Axel clicked open the door and peeked through. "Is everything alri-" He stopped when he saw a figure trying to squeeze through an impossibly small window, and after a second, Axel recognised the rear that was wiggling in his direction.

"Nairda?" he gasped. "You, ah... you know there's a door in the reception?"


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Doctor Jiang crossed his arms as he looked around the room. He was normally pretty patient but Nairda was notorious for fucking up his recovery suites, failing to pay his bills and overall being an obnoxious asswipe.

"Next time he shows up, I'm denying him service until he pays up." He then got up and headed to Tony's room.


Anne's ears shot up as she heard a faint thumping noise. "The hell's that?"

Soren closed his magazine. "Marita, could you just get me a tempeh burger with all the fixings?" he asked.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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sure marita sxaid ' mind if i borrow a sheet of paper' she asked the receptionist ' the receptionist tore  a couple notepad sheets from a note pad and handed it to her. 'Cabn do you do me a favor? get meme a burger, would ya, i've been stuck this desk all day and havent had time to go get me anything ' she said ' just a tempeh burger nothing on it. heres the credits for it.. she gave marita 1000 credits. 'whats your name?' Marita asked ' zula came the reply. 'i'm marita' marita replied. as she took out a pen and wrote down each persons order; "vergil, Anne, you want anything/" she asked taking the credits Zula gave her ' justvtell me wghhat you want and i'll write it down.
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aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Regrettably Nairda returned to the room where the others were. "I can't pay so I be heroically escaping!" he informed the others.

He noticed that there appeared to be some serious chemistry between Zulu and Marie. "Yo...Zulu," he asked cordially. "Would you like ta travel wit us, biatch? We can always use one of mah thugs wit yo' scrilla sense." Then Marie would not have to live unloved...


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Soren smirked as he put the magazine down. "You really think he'd let you walk away without paying?"


"Mr. Stracci. May I come in?" Doctor Jiang asked as he knocked on the door to Tony's room.

An orderly carrying a neurotester passed by him.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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Axel snorted. "Really? Heroically? If you say so..." They did need to find a way for him to leave though - a glance up at the clock mounted on the wall told Axel almost 45 minutes had passed since he returned. He noticed Vergil wasn't there, but assumed he was just out for a toilet break or something.

One of the orderlies walking through the reception caught his eye. He bit his lip, then turned to Soren and lowered his voice. "The people working here... they can leave the building if they need to, right?" Axel frowned. "And, uh... what's a scrilla sense?"


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The knock jolted Tony back into wakefulness, and his head snapped up as he came out of his uneasy sleep. "Sure thing, doc." the ferret replied, blinking wearily. He felt a lot better at least, if not slightly drugged out. "So... how's it look, doc? How long do I have to stay here?" he asked groggily as he came more awake.

Outside, Vergil was on the streets, and glanced around at the crowd. There! Up ahead, walking along amongst the people, the white gecko could see a green reptile anthro with her back to him. Narrowing his eyes, he hated how short he was, as he couldn't get a very clear shot of her. But she was there... and she was... familiar somehow. Not too familiar though... perhaps someone he knew briefly from before...

But he halted, sighing as he realized walking away wouldn't help his new comrades, so he turned and headed back into the clinic, shaking his head. Damn... a lead he couldn't pursue... terrible shame, really.

Sulking back to his chair, he sank back into it with a heavy sigh, and rested his forehead on his fingers.

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aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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"Moolah! Dosh! Simoleons! Smackers! Greenbacks! Dough! Aaaarrrgghh!" Nairda swore, having attempted to say the word 'money' seven times. "So what do you say Zulu? Come wit us?"


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Tony's stomach suddenly rumbled, and now that he was no longer nauseous, the ferret found himself with a certain craving that only mustelids could get in times like this. It was that kind of craving... deep and inherent, and he needed it. "Excuse me for a minute, doc." he said, raising his paw. "MARITA!" he called. "If you're going out... could uh... could you get me some... CUSTARD?" he asked hopefully, eyes wide. Yes, custard. Milk and egg yolk... eggs... eggs.

"Oh... sorry, doc." Tony blinked, coming out of his custard daze, and looked over at the doctor with a smile.

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Alright Tony' Marita called back' Custard it is" she said, writing it down. Zula glared at Nairda ' Its Zula, with an a.. and well, i'm probably here for another couple hours.. until the other receptionist Musa comes in.. if she comes in early then i'll tag along with you folks, stretch my legs, that kind of thing ' she shrugged.
- i think you mean marita" Marie corrected Nairda as she stretched her legs, having sat in that chair for several hours. 'already have a girlfriend Nairda' Marita said firmly..
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aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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"Huh, biatch? I didn't mention either of yo slick ass?" wondered Nairda, confused. "I was rappin' ta Zulu!"

He crossed to the door. "Whatever playa letz git tha hell outta here!" He kicked the door open and scampered into the streets, grateful to be away from the vengeful prowling eyes of Dr. Jiang and his telepathic secretary.


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Or at least Nairda tried. The door to this underground clinic was specially reinforced to prevent people from breaking in.

"Nairda! What the fuck do you think you're doing!?" Anne snapped as she watched him try to break down the door.

An orderly went up to Nairda with a Taser in hand. "Back away from the door," she said calmly. The Puma locked eyes with him. "Doctor Jiang wants to talk to you after he sees another patient."


The doctor looked at Tony's chart and then the wound itself. It was still bloody and the stitches would eventually reabsorb but the liquid spray containing induced stem cells he had prepared from Tony's own blood was doing a remarkable job at healing it.

"It's doing quite well. If you follow the discharge instructions and keep using that liquid, it should heal fully in about a week or two. Right now, you can be discharged. As for activities, you can resume normal activities but nothing strenuous," he replied.

He pointed to the aforementioned bottle in its refrigerated jacket on the nightstand.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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"Oh... thank god!" Tony sighed happily. "I was afraid I'd be cooped up here! Thank you, doc!" he exclaimed, climbing out of bed, and wobbling a bit on his feet. "Whoa! So uh... good painkillers!" he complimented the doctor, taking the bottle of fluid from him and heading for the bathroom to change. It always felt good to get released from intensive care and surgery, even though Tony had only done it once before.

Pretty soon, he was back in his usual attire, and walking out, bandage on his neck. "Hey guys!" he exclaimed, throwing his arms open wide. "I'm out! I can go... I'm a little stoned I guess from the meds, but otherwise, feeling OK." he said, nodding. He then noticed Nairda cornered by an orderly, and his eyes widened. "Uhhh... what?" he asked here, then shook his head. "Oh right..." Walking over to the receptionist, he handed her his emergency funds card, and paid his end of the bill. Most places didn't ask for money up front but...

"Anyway... we ready to go?" he asked the others. "Any suggestions on where to?" he inquired, his voice kind of a slurred, almost drunken tone. He was at least confident he could do this... whatever came next.

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"Nairda!" Doctor Jiang called from the hallway. "I need to see you about your debt!"

The orderly shoved him to get him to start moving.


Soren put his newspaper on the table. "I'm not sure but we need information."

Anne rubbed her horn and smiled. "I have an idea. Right now, the Purifiers are probably creaming themselves over a chance to kill some Augments, right?"

Soren nodded. "No shit."

"Right. I'll use my horn to spoof a transmission, we'll ambush a Purifier and squeeze them for some info."

Soren smiled. He had some "squeezing" in mind...and it wasn't metaphorical.

(OOC - the Purifier they catch is one of the arsonists who destroyed Soren's house. I'm planning that they spoof a message and lure a strike team to what they think is a dinky little Augment store. It's actually an abandoned bakery.)

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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i was going to head out to grab some food marita said to Tony, glad to see him upand about . ' i'll drive for awhile, until you feel up to driving again.' as she said this a large Saint Bernard female entered ' Alright Zula you can get outta here, i'll be at the reception desk for the next triple shift' The bernard named Musa said.
 lets go get some food ' Marie said ' yeah we still have leftover pizza, but i'm in the mood for fries.' ' i have my food list ' here marita said, turning to them others ' back to the car everyone.. marita said.
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aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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"Heh heh, come on now, da perved-out muthafucka holla'd I don't git steez if I don't pay...I was willin ta make dat sacrifice..." murmured Nairda nervously, inching the only way Zula was allowing him...into Dr. Jiang's office. Before he left he cast one worried look at Marita. "Please Marie, help me up here biaaatch! Just pay him, I swear I be bout ta make it up ta you, nahmean biiiatch?"

Then he heard Zula was coming and his mood brightened. "You're coming! Ain't that chill Marie? Yo ass two should smoke heterosexuizzle fries while chillin on each otherz lap up in tha trunk of tha car..." whatever else he was saying got interrupted by his falling with a cry into Jiang's office.


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"I am not in the mood for games Nairda," Doctor Jiang said as he fixed his icy electronic gaze on the Wolf.

"I saw what you tried to do on camera. You ruined a piece of expensive equipment in your 'escape attempt'. That adds another 500,000 creds to your debt. I have however analyzed your augments and they'll cover your debt. Now, you have two choices, come up with that cash by tomorrow or I will have my guards find you and I will remove and sell your augments to pay for it? Is that clear?"


Anne stepped out into the grimy alleyway. She cursed as she crunched a drug vial under her hoof.

Soren had his rifle ready and his eyes peeled for threats.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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"Oh yeaaaa certainly sir playa!" Nairda stammered quickly, relieved that hadn't gone worse. "Yo ass won't be pissed tha fuck off hommie! I be bout ta have dat scrilla fo' you as soon as you won't even believe!" Inching his way away from the doctor, he gingerly turned the knob and made his way out into the lobby.

"Dum diddy-dum, here I come biaaatch! Who tha fuck wants lunch, biatch? I be famished fo' a shitload of mah straight-up cereal, Alpha-Bits!" He announced joyously to the girls.