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Into the Black

Serris · 1584 · 117986


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Hang in there  Tony " Marita said patting him on the shoulder as the nurse put a needle in his arm and began injecting the anesthesia you'll be out in a matter of seconds' she said calmly. once we're done you'll be much better, i promise' she said.
- marita Rose and Marie headed out to the lobby to wait..
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Axel watched anxiously as Tony was wheeled away. Once he disappeared from sight, he let out a trembling breath, finally allowing his features to show how scared he was. Turning, he made his was slowly back to the others in the waiting room.

"Jesus, how did everything go so wrong..." he muttered to Soren, brittle-voiced, rubbing a hand over his eyes in exhaustion. Having to wait while Tony was taken care of was making him nervous. We need to go back for Lily as soon as we can... After a second, he paused and looked up at the others. "Hey, didn't you guys say Nairda was messed up from that... pulse thing? Maybe they could help him here..."


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Lets go bring him in ' Rose said as she got up from her seat ' Comer on Axel' she said. " we wont be more than a few minutes she said to marie and Marita. rose heaed to the front of the clinic and out to the trailer where she found Nairda unconscious.
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aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Nairda lay there, doing and saying nothing. A bird had flown through the window and was pecking him in the forehead trying to eat his brains.


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Marita shooed the bird away and helped the others pick Nairda up " alright We'll need to get his augment repaired.. this is going to be a hefty bill' marita muttered as she lifted Nairdia's upper half. " Letas get him in and get him treated.' She said. the trio began carrying him into the clinic.
- the nurse at the front desk sighed as sdhe saw they carry nairda in ' whats the problem with this one?
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"I think he's got more than a few problems..." Axel muttered, struggling to hold Nairda up by the legs - his armour weighed a tonne. "But right now, something happened to his augments... Look, could we maybe put him on a stretcher? He's really heavy..." Axel motioned for Marita to help carry him over to another stretcher in the corner, and dumped him in it.

Axel turned back to the nurse as he struggled to get his breath back. "Is... is there any way he could get... checked out now? It looks pretty bad..."


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Marita put the fox down on the stretcher in a plop. " Fine" The nurse said ' Room 4, i'll have someone come in to fix the augment implants. What happened?' EMP pulse" Marita said evasively 'Well that will do it, just wheel him down there" the nurse said.
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aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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As they rolled Nairda into the back, the other nurse spoke to the healthy members of the party. "Its late, and we understand that these surgeries can take time. As you wait for your friends, we have freely available lodgings prepared for you to stay in on the west wing." On-site sleeping quarters served double purpose; it also ensured that the clients didn't leave until they paid for the procedure...


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A internal cyberneticist had gotten her tools ready and scrubbed up in preparation for surgery.

The surgical suite looked like a cross between an electronics workshop and an operating room. Which made perfect sense since this was a room for operating on Augments.


Before the operation, a nurse-cybernetician plugged in some wires to some ports on his armor. He examined the results of the scan from his laptop.

"The implants in his head have been completely fried," he said. He then turned to Marita. "Exactly what was he doing to damage his implants so severely?


Doctor Jiang had his eyes zoom in on Tony's neck wound. The bullet had ripped open his jugular vein and narrowly missed his carotid artery. Another command ordered his fingers to shrink down to needle-fine points. His magnetized fingers helped hold onto the tiny needle. With that, he began to carefully sew up the gash in the vein.

A nurse arrived transfusion bag of artificial blood that would replace the amount of blood Tony had lost.


Soren sighed as he put his magazine down. "I don't know. Honestly, if I hadn't charged in like that, we wouldn't be in such deep shit."

The door slid open and a lithe Boa Constrictor slithered in.


Anne was in another room. Her horn was connected to a similar monitor and another nurse-cybernetician was examining her.

"So how bad is it?" she demanded.

"You're lucky the implant's not completely destroyed. It won't need to be replaced but the repairs under local anesthesia. As for your antenna, we'll properly repair that as well."

"Well fuck," she said. The mare folded her ears back as the nurse-cybernetician placed the injector gun against her forehead and fired.

Two more nurse-cyberneticians came in with tools and spare supplies at the ready.

(OOC - injector guns use pressurized argon to fire dried medicine at supersonic speeds to get them past the skin. It's more hygienic and produces less waste than a standard syringe.)

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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there was a electromagnetic pulse in the area we were in that hit him really hard. it didnt affect me because i dont have any augments.' Marita said."Can you fix it?"
- it could be worse, ewe could all be dead' Marie said as she grabbe a newspaper, which talked about the assassination. ' i honestky dont know how we are going to pull this off..' she sighed.' do we have enough to pay for the surgeries for Tony, Nairda and Anne?'
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aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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An hour passed. The surgeries were nowhere near finished.

"I'd be willing to show any of you to your assigned sleeping  rooms if you like," offered the nurse to those not getting surgery.


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Axel rubbed his hands over his eyes again and sighed, exhausted. "I... don't know. But we'll deal with that when we need to." He turned his eyes up to the clock mounted up on the wall, and saw that the time was into the early hours of the morning. When was the last time I slept? He knew every second counted... but going full throttle for days at a time had left him feeling drained. And I won't be able to do anything for Lily if I'm dead on my feet...

Running a hand through his hair, he stood up and looked around at the group, dark circles under his eyes. "Guy's, I'm... I need a rest. Feeling like I might collapse. If... if something happens and I'm still asleep, wake me up?" Raising a hand weakly in goodbye, he made his way across the room and followed the nurse towards the West Wing. Once he arrived, Axel let himself into an empty room and collapsed face first onto the bed, half hanging off it.

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Soon, there was a knocking on Axel's door. "Mr. Whent?" Asked the nurse. "You've, uh, got a letter."

She slid a plain white envelope under the door. Other than a stamp indicating the hospital had scanned it for dangerous substances and it came up plain, the only thing written Axel's name and the hospital's address.


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marie rested her head against Maritas shoulders while they waited. rose was doing a crossword puzzle from a magazine, she was about halfway finished, the current question she was pondering was' what was the first vehicle to go to mac 10? ' the answer was the 'omnishot' and Rose soon filled it in.. the time was 330 in the morning.
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Axel jerked up at the knock on the door, struggling to remember for a second where he was. Looking blearily over to where the sound had come from, his eyes narrowed when he saw the letter slide under the gap. Blinking, he raised himself up and slowly approached the envelope. Bending to pick it up, he turned it over in his hands, using the moonlight that poured through the tiny window to look at the writing on the front. Taking the envelope back to his bed, he sat down and paused for a second before cautiously opening it.

After he read the letter, Axel let out a trembling breath and dropped it beside him, then lowered his head to his hands. His fingers twisted his hair as he thought desperately about what to do. He knew it was probably a lie... that nothing good could come of it. I have to...  I have to take the chance... Axel raised his head and looked down with dark rimmed eyes at the letter again.

He made up his mind.

Scrunching the letter into his jeans pocket, he stood up and quietly approached the door. Checking nobody was in the hall outside, he slowly let himself out and made his way down the corridor, heading towards the waiting room. Poking his head around the corner, he could see Marita, Rose and Marie were still there but facing away from him... and from the entrance. Swallowing, Axel crept out and  across the room, wincing as his trainers squeaked slightly on the polished floor. After what seemed like forever, he managed to reach the hallway leading down to the entrance. As he approached, the metallic door opened automatically with a hiss. Axel stopped and looked behind him. I'm sorry... I'll see you all again soon... I hope. Taking a deep breath, he stepped out, hearing the door lock itself behind him.

Alone on the dark streets, Axel looked around, fingers flexing nervously and breath misting up in the cold. The road was just ahead of him, and slightly further up he could see a taxi parked on the side. Jogging up, he climbed in and told the driver where to go, handing over the last few creds he had left in his wallet. The car pulled out and set off, leaving the backalley clinic behind him.


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At 5 A.M., the surgeries were finished and all the patients in the recovery room.

Doctor Jiang entered the waiting room. "Marita, Rose, Marie and Soren, the operations are finished. The patients should be coming out of anestheia soon.

Soren didn't hear him. His rifle lay across his lap.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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maire got up to wake up soren. ' they'e out of surgery' she said as kindly as she could given the early- or late- hur. marita headed to the open door on the left and entered  she saw tony on the bed a large bandage wrapped around his throat. ' so how are you feeling now?' she said with a smile.
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The sound of the cab's engine faded as the driver sped away, leaving Axel standing alone at the end of the road. The dim sunlight that was just beginning to break over the horizon cast a dull, bronze glow to the street. Axel looked at the street sign, then glanced down to the crumpled note in his hand. Rhode Way. This was the right place. Swallowing, he followed the road up, counting off the houses as he passed. 95... 93... 91...

The sound of shuffling ahead of him caught his attention, and he looked in front to see an alarmingly rough looking woman stumble down from one of the doorways, her short leather skirt dubiously stained. "Hey hon," she barked, fixing her slightly bleary eyes on him, "Quick lay? Gettin' late but I can make it fast, and it'll cost less..."

"Ah... n-no. No thanks," Axel blinked, stepping past her quickly.

"Fuckin' prude!" She shouted after him, turning to wander off.

Chewing his lip, Axel looked at the number of the next house. 89. He nervously looked at the note one final time. 5:00 am. 89 Rhode Way. Right alley. Come alone, or I won't show myself. I know how to save Lily. He could see the dark alley to the right of the building. Taking a deep breath Axel stepped cautiously into it, the weight of the Luger still tucked into the back of his jeans giving him some small comfort, though it only had a few bullets left. He peered down the passageway,  trying to discern anyone who might be lying it wait for him from the dark shapes of the dumpsters and trash littered around.

Axel cleared his throat. "Hey, I... I'm here! And I'm alone!" he called out, trying to sound more confident than he felt. "Who are you? What do you know?!"


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Soren awoke with a snort. He shook his head to clear the sleep from his eyes.

"Well, that went well."

Anne was already up and walking. Because her surgery was minor, all she got was simple local anesthetic. A bandage was wrapped around the base of her horn. Luckily, thanks to Doctor Jiang's expert hands, there would be no scarring.

"Well, at least everything's back to normal." She tested her horn on a nearby TV, overriding its normal late-night talkshow to put her own face on the TV and her voice. "Well, it looks like my horn's back to working order like when I first got it."

"I'll go get Axel and we can then pay for everything and get moving." Soren got up and slung the rifle over his shoulder.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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"Not so loud," cautioned Emilena Echo, emerging from the shadows at the end of the alley. A pistol was clipped clearly to her waist, but she held no weapons and was on the side of the alley that freely gave Axel the ability to exit to the street if he wished. "This is the bad side of town..."


Nairda stirred as he came out of his dream. "Emilena, is you there, biatch?" he muttered drowsily. "I dreamed you n' I were...where is yo slick ass, biatch? Where be I, biatch?"

He shook his head dizzily. "And what tha fuck happened ta mah voice?"