The Gang of Five
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Into the Black

Serris · 1584 · 117109


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Tony could only back away slightly as Cavenaugh's left shoulder was hit by Marita's shot, causing the Gila monster to bellow in pain, and even more so when the knife struck it. The ferret was breathing heavy now, knowing he was losing blood. Cavenaugh soon had a gun and the katana pointed at him, though Anne quickly moved into the office herself, leaving Tony to raise his P90 once more to cover the lizard.

"What are you gonna do?" the reptile challenged. "Kill me? And I don't know where Lupis is! This is where he was last I saw him!" he shouted back.

Tony's paw trembled a little, and he narrowed his eyes. He couldn't shoot someone in cold blood like this... it just wasn't in him, despite how much he wanted to. His stomach was doing flips and turns, churning violently as his mind battled with his heart over the proper course to take.

"We-we need to get out of here!" he stammered breathlessly. "This isn't going to work! Soren's in trouble, Lupis isn't here, I'm wounded... we gotta go! We'll regroup, get some supplies, and... rethink this!" he said, started to back down the corridor now, but keeping his gun trained on Cavenaugh as he waited for Anne to rejoin them. The easy way out would be the service tunnels under the compound. He knew the code to access them, and it would take them straight out and onto the street. Once outside, they could pick up the car and trailer, and get the hell out of here!

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Lets go then' marita said ' as she started moving towards the exit., while keeping her gun trained as best she could on Cavenaugh. marie and rose ran up to her as she exited the door.' come on tony! Rose said, as alarms began to blare.."The security is back online' marita said to Tony' We need to get out of here.. now! there will be guards in this area in 5-10 minutes tops.. and they'll be of the shoot first, ask questions later type/.//
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aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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"Ugly as hell, isn't it?" asked Lupis softly, as the blast door whirred shut behind them. "Is it a Pelvanida experiment gone wrong, from their bio-augmenting in the 2010s? Is it a horrible mutated being? The government thinks its an extraterrestrial life form. Me, I don't waste breath guessing."

Lily bared her teeth in a feeble display of fright at the sight of Lupis. Even though she didn't recognize him, the parasite did and was hyperventilating with fear. Before she could run or do anything else, Lupis flicked a switch on the wall and an ultrasonic frequency rang through the room. To Axel (and most others) it would only be a faint buzz; to Lily it sent random pulses shooting throughout her nervous system, and she collapsed in a heap, twitching and struggling to collect her thoughts.

"I wouldn't go near her if I were you," Lupis warned Axel. He didn't appear to be armed, but he showed no fear of Axel's firearm. "I don't know who you are, but I can add 2 and 2; you must care about Ms. North to possibly follow her this far. I think you've earned the right to know the truth."


On Rhaegson's security monitor, Lupis entered the subterranean laboratory and sealed the blast door behind him. He (and anyone inside the laboratory) would be immune to the pulse. While Lupis could not inform him directly, it was all-but assured Lupis wouldn't mind if Rhaegson fired when ready.


Her parents having finally left her alone, Emilena debated going to sleep. She half expected to wake up chained up in the basement, or worse, if they didn't want to risk her leaving. Wouldn't be unusual behavior for someone to do to me at this point...

But her exhaustion finally won out and soon she'd settled back into a fitful sleep.

Immediately, she found herself balanced precariously in a tree. For a second, she thought that the family video was coming back to haunt her, until she registered Axel on top of her. Seconds later, she realized what they were up to, and in disgust and confusion could only look him in the eyes until he ejaculated inside her.

Then she was outside Soren's house, with a German Shepherd guard tensely watching the road. Then she saw a Vulpine police officer, a very familiar one, jump at her companion with drawn blade. Before she could call a warning the Vulpine had decapitated her ally. Seconds later a high-caliber bullet embedded in the back of her skull.
The deaths continued...


The Rhino set his chainsaw whirring and plowed effortlessly through a wall. "You aren't getting away that easily!" he roared, pursuing the exoskeletoned man. "You can't run forever!"


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Axel whirled at the voice behind him, and when he saw the wolf standing there his eyes narrowed with hatred. "You..." He could hear Lily struggling on the floor, and he moved in front to block her from Lupis. "The truth?! I think I've got a pretty good picture," he spat. "You did this to her, you son of a bitch..." He brought the gun up to level it at the wolf. The barrel shook, but this time it wasn't from fear. "And you're going to turn her back. Now."


Rhaegson watched as Lupis followed the skinny rodent into the lab, rolling his eyes as the door swung shut. You always were melodramatic... At least that's one problem dealt with. He tapped the keyboard, switched the view between the group retreating from Lupis' office, and the lone man in the exoskeleton. The way things were going, the pulse probably wasn't necessary... but they were going to have to test it sooner or later. And it never hurt to have a little fun.

He leaned into the speaker. "Everyone trying to take these clowns out, your job's about to get a lot easier. Lucky you." Rhaegson snapped his phone open. "Hit it."

A few moments later, a low hum started to reverberate around the compound. It built up, getting louder and louder, enough to set teeth on edge... and then, abruptly, it stopped. From the center of the base, a light blue haze spread out, spilling into the corridors. Within moments, it had washed through most of the building, rushing towards the intruders even as it started to lose its intensity.


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"Can't exactly follow while I'm bleeding out!" Tony exclaimed through gritted teeth. "And what are you leading for? Do you even know the way out of here?" he chided Rose. "Ugh... never mind... we gotta get moving." he said, breathing heavy as the alarms went off. He was hoping for some more time, but he kept his gun trained on Cavenaugh as he backed up towards a door in the hall. "There's an easy exit out but you're gonna have to..." He broke off, hearing a noise that jarred him a bit, leaving him just a tad shaken as it died down.

He paused now, seeing a blue mist driving right towards them. Blinking the ferret shook his head. Was he hallucinating from blood loss? No... he wasn't that weak just yet... the mist flooded down the hall like an incoming tide, and was soon enveloping them and then moving beyond, like a brief blanket that didn't have to time to stay. "What the... hell?" Tony asked, noticing he felt... no different. "What was that?" he asked, looking as it moved on down the hall. Cavenaugh was just as surprised to see it as Tony, getting a little nervous as it moved about his scaled body, but neither really showed any ill effects.

Down below, his eyes opened. Blinking a few times, he could tell he was in some sort of fluid... but not water. A noise had awoken him... a humming, which had rattled his brain and forced him into alertness. His long sleep was finally over. He could hear voices now.

The orange eyes gazed out of the film that was around them and studied the three in the room. One was a stony like creature, more a living rock than an organic being, but organic it was. The second was a white-furred rat with odd metal limbs. Injury of some sort? He was rather angry... he was threatening the third, a wolf, who appeared calm and confident. Hmmm... what was this about?

He slowly felt his strength returning to him, but decided to listen in for the moment until it fully returned. He was in one of the numerous tanks in the room, and while most of them were empty, his was not. Damn white light... at least it made him blend in well, given his body's coloring. Strangely, he now noticed he was capable of breathing in this aqueous environment. Curiouser and curiouser...

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aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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"We did nothing of the sort." Lupis narrowed his eyes. "To be honest, I can only guess at how Ms. North became wrapped up in all this. Here in the psionically sealed labs, my top scientists had been studying that creature in that tank, hoping to learn more about its psionic powers. We underestimated its abilities, and in a moment of weakness it possessed one of my agents and used him to break the laboratory seal. Its conscience then escaped our labs, and we've been trying to get it back here ever since. Your girlfriend was just the unlucky person it happened across first, I'd wager."

He stepped forward. "I harbor no ill will towards Ms. North, and I'd like just as much as you to free her from her bondage. It's as simple as forcing the rogue conscience from her mind. And we'll never have a chance like right here, right now in this sealed laboratory. If you would be willing to work with me...we could save her."


"We can't retreat now~!" Nairda let out a rallying cry. "We've got to persevere! The eve of the Purifiers is upon us! The sunshine patriot and the summer soldier may shy from hardship and inhospitality, but it is the true hero that--"

At that the pulse hit him and shut off all his augments, including the ones in his brain. Luckily, his body was still capable of keeping alive, but he blacked out and crumbled in a heap.


The pulse rippled through the Purifiers, who all cheered; being Purifiers, they had no internal augments and so could quickly resume the chase of Soren Almaya.


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marita tried to use her computer then sighed ' that was a emppulse. knocked out anything electronic.. so my computer doesnt work, neither will any of our phones..' Marita said.Shee turned to tony and saw a splosh of red on his shoulder. ' we'll neee to stop the bleeding before you pass out from blood loss.. 'i''ll teartear a strip off the right part of your shirt.' Hold on she said walking over to him and ripping off the bloodied part of his shirt revealing the shoulder wound. yuck' she inhaled. ' he got a good nick in Tny ' she said to him. ' she threw the bloodied cloth to the ground. ' she then moved to his right should and ripped off the sleeve with a clean tug. tonys shirt was basiccally sleeveless now, but the more important point and binding the injury then commenting on fashion sense. marita turned the sleeve into and bandage and wrapped it tightly around tonys injured shoulder. " ok, just grit your teeth until we can get out of here..  ' she said as applying the tourniquet." theres a door  staircase three doors down. it leads to the ground floor and to our exit point.  we need to move now if we are going to avoid capture. All we have to do is go the opposite way of the way we came in, backtrack if you will..Move it guys' She said to Rose and Marie who were still armed.' the three girls headed towards the staircase.' marie opeed the door and held it open for tony.
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Axel hurriedly took a step back as Lupis approached, a side of his mouth bared. He glanced quickly down at Lily, at the figure in the chamber behind her, then swung his eyes back up. He didn't lower the gun. "That thing's consciousness? You actually expect me to..." Suddenly, what Lily had said before came back to him - Every time my mind leaves my body, it takes a little longer to come back... Axel's ears flattened, his breath hissing between his teeth as he tried to think clearly. He didn't trust Lupis for one second, and part of him was screaming not to listen... but Axel knew he had no idea how to help Lily, and if there was a chance the wolf was telling the truth... Fuck, what do I do?

He started to lower the pistol, though not relaxing his arm completely. "How... how the hell am I supposed to trust you? You could just be making it worse!"


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(Purifer Base)

Soren fell face first as his suit's electronics were scrambled by the pulse. His HMD shut down as well.

He struggled to free himself from his now useless suit. Luckily, a quick release feature allowed the suit to easily fall away from him in pieces.

Footsteps and shouting got louder as the enraged Purifiers closed in on him. Grabbing his shotgun, he took aim and shot out a large pipe that carried live steam for the steam  washers (hinting at the base's former life as a heavy equipment factory).

He followed an emergency exit sign as the hallway began to fill with scalding steam.


"Great, what else could goĆ³" Anne never finished her sentence as the EMP hit. Her eyes rolled into the back of her head and she collapsed, her horn sparking with induced electrical currents.



The duo finally entered the warehouse. Two armed guards stopped them.

"You must be the repair crew the front desk told us about. Anyways, credentials please."

Aaron fished out an ID from the pocket of his uniform. The ID was one of a Belgian Malenois but to the average person, they looked close enough to German Shephards that they could pass.

"I see, well, you may pass," the guard said, nodding as she looked at the ID and Aaron.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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"We need to get the conscience to leave Lily's body," explained Lupis. "The best way to do that is to make it think the current host is about to die. But it can read minds, so when you shoot at Lily, you'll have to convince it that you're aiming for a lethal shot. Once it flees Ms. North, it'll be looking for a new body to possess. If it picks its old body, it'll be trapped again inside the pod."

He stepped forward. "Of course, first its going to try to possess your mind. Or mine. I have years of training, I'll be able to fight it off. Will you? You could wind up just like her. If you don't think you can handle it, give me the gun and get out. I have no motivation to kill Ms. North; its in my best interest to keep her alive and that creature back in its own mind."


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"We can't go back the way we came in." Tony shook his head here. "That's out the front gate, and they would've locked it down by now. We have to... dammit!" Tony said, noticing Anne collapse, as well as Nairda. "What the hell is this?" he asked, shocked as he looked around at the pulse's effects. "What did it... the augments!" he exclaimed now, his mind making the connection. "Crap! We gotta get them out of here!" Tony said, biting down as the tourniquet was applied. "Agh! I'll take Anne... try to take Anne... you three help Nairda!" Tony ordered. "And thanks for the patch up!" he grunted as he took Anne's armpits and tried to hoist her up. Pony weighed some...

"Anne! You gotta get up!" he groaned as pain shot through his arm, the strain not good on his shoulder wound. "Ugh! Dammit! Come on Anne!" He said, slapping her face lightly to try and bring her around as they made for the stairs. "We have to get down to the service tunnels!" he ordered the girls as he pulled Anne into the stairwell now and began making his painful way down the steps, trying not to drop Anne and hoping she'd come around soon. It would take a long time to exit like this...

He felt at this point he'd heard enough. It was clear the rat didn't trust the wolf, and why should he? The wolf was not trustworthy, no matter how you sliced it. This he knew... inherently. He wasn't sure how... but it was there. This exchange wouldn't end well for the rat... perhaps it was time to do something.

Concentrating on the barrier in front of him, he began focusing... focusing what he wasn't sure, but focusing all the same. The tube he was in suddenly started shaking violently, and without much further warning, shattered in a cacophony of exploding glass and cascading fluid as it blew outward. The creature tumbled out onto the floor, and rolled up to standing.

A creature he was, for he was very unusual. Pure white skinned, he was mostly gecko in appearance, but his eyes were wide, and brightly orange in color. Two rows of white feathers stuck out the back of his head, forming parallel rows that swept back and then curled up slightly at the end, almost like a headdress of sorts. He was short... only about four feet in height, but he was possessed of a very serious countenance.

"Surrendering your sidearm would not be wise." he spoke, his voice deep and resonant. If a cave could perhaps speak, this would be it. "You are correct... you can't trust him." Of course, his explosive exit and speaking probably provided just the right amount of distraction needed that Lupis had been looking for...

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"Don't come any closer!" Axel warned, stepping to the side so he could see both Lupis and Lily. "There's no way I'm leaving you alone with her, and I'm sure as hell not gonna give you the gun." He looked to the left at Lily. What Lupis said made a horrible amount of sense... Every time she'd been in danger, Lily had been able to see things she shouldn't... He bit his lip, and was about to say something when the glass of one of the tanks across the room exploded outwards.

Axel recoiled in shock. He started to swivel the pistol in the small creature's direction, barely registering that it had just spoken, when his trainers skidded in the green fluid that was pooling across the floor. He lost his balance, falling back and landing painfully, the small of his back slamming against the lower metal rim of the tank behind him. The pistol fell out of his grip and skittered across the floor.


The guards turned to look at Marcus. "And your credentials, please?"

"Of course." Marcus reached into the pocket of his jumpsuit, grabbed the ID card nestled in there and pulled it out. His mouth tightened as he saw the face on the picture. It was a poodle.

"Well? Come on," one of the guards urged, reaching out a hand and snatching it from Marcus' fingers. He cocked his head as he looked at it. "Uh... this isn't going to..."

The toolbox swung in the air and slammed down solidly on the top of the guard's head, dropping him to the floor. Startled, his companion started to raise his gun, but Marcus heaved the heavy metal box to the side. It connected with a dull clunk across his face, sending him spinning to join the other on the floor. Bending down and grabbing the front of their uniforms, Marcus heaved them to the side and packed them on one of the shelves storing various cybernetic equipment. He pulled a large crate in front of them so they were more hidden, then tossed the guns they'd dropped up to a higher shelf. Straightening, he looked at Aaron. "Come on. We need to move it."

Crossing the warehouse, Marcus looked up and down the aisles, finally turning right and stopping in front of a crate with 18-G12VX printed on it. He pried open the top to reveal a number of rod like objects stored inside, each about 12 cm long. Emptying the contents of the toolbox, Marcus reached in, took several of the amplifiers and put them inside the metal container. He turned back to Aaron. "Let's get out of here."


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Marita picked up Nairda, like she would a  sack of Potatoes. Rose and marie ran back to help  carry the unconscious Anne. Rose was grateful she was a large dog and had a good amount of strength.' Quickly' Marie said as she lifted up Anne's Hind flank. ' Lets move it Tony! We've got her. you need to rest that shoulder. Whats the quickest way out of here?'
 marita headed down the steps as quickly as she could. Her quick mind think of a solution. " tony! any other way out of this place?' she asked.
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aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Well, it wasn't the opportunity Lupis was expecting, but he'll take what he can get.

Darting forward, Lupis grabbed the pistol and whipped it across Axel's face. He aimed for the eye; partially-blind opponents are half as threatening as they used to be. He'd kicked his shoe off at the same time, and now his lower left paw was slashing across Axel's stomach, deep enough to draw blood if not openly expose internal organs.

He levied the pistol at the newcomer. "Get back in your pod, or get out of here," he narrowed his eyes. "You never worked out anyway, though I can thank you for how patient and cooperative you were. You earned one chance to walk away."

At the same time Lupis tried to kick Axel to the side and approach Lily, who had curled into a shivering ball and was pressed against the wall furthest away from the trio.


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Tony gladly let Rose and Marie carry the unconscious Anne for him, as his shoulder wasn't doing him any favors right now. "Thank you!" he gratefully told the girls. "OK... we're going out via the service tunnels! They'll take us right out to the street, and we'll head back to the car!" he explained. He led them down the stairs, and out into another corridor. Poking his head around the corner, he looked both ways to see the area clear, and then darted down the hallway, motioning for them to follow while he covered them with his P90.

"It's out here!" he said, inputting the code to override the lock on the door, and let it slide open while he waved them on. The door led to a concrete staircase, which in turn led downward into a concrete tunnel. It led under the base, and had been used by maintenance back when this place was a factory to quickly transit from one side of the base to the other. Tony knew about it because it was one of the Purifiers' escape routes, as well as sneakier methods of attack. "All right... we're almost out of here! Just straight down this tunnel, and we're out on the streets and home free!" he exclaimed. "I don't think that pulse fried the car... it's all analog after all, and no real circuitry, so I think we're good, plus I parked it a block or two away, and I'm glad I did!"

The creature was surprised at the result of his intrusion. The rat was swiftly attacked and downed by the wolf, who then proceeded to call him a... failure? Brief flashes of something played through his mind, and he narrowed his eyes now. Failure? That couldn't be so... last he remembered... but he couldn't remember anything before this. There were a few memories... bu they weren't connected to this place at all.

Without saying another word, the creature concentrated on the gun the wolf held at him. "I've got a third option." he replied, and suddenly, Lupis would've found it insanely difficult to move his arm, much less squeeze his trigger finger. His whole arm began to shake in fact, and the lupine agent would soon find himself lifted clean off the floor and up into the air, hovering and completely immobile as the strange reptile held him bound with seemingly just his mind. "How's this for not working out?" he asked as Lupis was flung hard against the far wall, smacking into it with enough force to do some pretty serious damage. He had been thrown as easily as if he were a doll, but the creature had no idea how he'd accomplished that. He felt a tad weaker, but not to the point where he couldn't do that again if needs be.

Breaking his concentration, he moved over to Axel now. "I don't think we should remain here." he said. "I didn't want to hurt him, but I didn't see much other choice." He held his hand out for the rat to take now. "Are you hurt? I'm afraid I can't do anything about that if you are, but perhaps I can assist you in getting out of here.

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Marita rushed along Carrying Nairda with one paw, her other holding her gun, Rose and Marie were moving as fast as they could, both were struggling a bit with Anne, as she was quite heavy.. " so far luck was with them as they hurried down the tunnel. a light ahead showed them the exit, and Marita reached it and opened it. she turned her head one way then the other. ' all clear lets move' she said holding it open so Marie Rose and their passenger could get out first then closed it after Tony got out. the sextet managed to reach Tonys car without problem, now it was a matter of Stashing Anne and Nairda in the back, squeezing in, and getting the heck out..
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Axel propped himself up on his side, dazed from the pistol-whip, and tried to look at the short white creature standing over him. The gun had struck him directly over the eye, and the skin above was torn open and bleeding, making it virtually impossible to see out of his right side. He managed to focus on the hand the creature was holding out and hesitantly reached up to take it. At least it's not me he's throwing around... "I'm doing great," Axel wheezed as he was pulled up, hissing in pain as he straightened. His stomach felt like it was on fire, blood seeping through the ragged strips of his shirt. "Jesus..." He sucked in a breath and looked down at the reptile-type animal that he now towered over. He thought about asking who... what he was, but that could wait for later.

Nodding, Axel limped across the floor to where Lupis had dropped the gun, his trainers splashing in the liquid. "I'd appreciate the help. This whole thing's gone to shit..." Wincing, he bent to pick the weapon up then called over to Lily. "Come on, we're getting out of here, Lily."  He looked at where Lupis had been thrown. "You're coming with us," Axel snarled.


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Aaron looked around to make sure there were no cameras. He swallowed. The noise that Marcus's assault had made was masked by the sound of laborers stacking crates and other goods.

"A bit more violent than I would have preferred but hey, it works. Now let's scram before someone sees us!"

As the duo made their way to the parking lot, they were unaware that the assault and theft had been caught on camera and some guards were already en route.


(Purifier Base)

Soren took a deep breath of the grimy Lanthae air as he burst through an emergency exit with his shotgun in hand.

Seeing as he had a little bit of time, he shoved a small piece of metal into the doorjamb. He smiled at his handiwork but the shouting and curses of the enraged Purifiers reminded him that he needed to keep running. A bullet ripping through the door narrowly missed him as he ran towards the front gate.

After a full-out sprint, he met the others in a deserted roadway. Bits of industrial detritus lay along the disused factory road. He bent over, hands on knees as he tried to catch his breath.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Lupis hit the wall with a crack and the sound of breaking bone rang out sharply in the air. He hit the ground in a pool of his own blood. He wasn't moving.

Lily darted to her feet in fear. The orange gecko had demonstrated extreme power but little loyalty, and for once parasite and host were in agreement that they wanted nothing to do with this creature. Hissing and baring their teeth in a show of force completely ruined by uncontrollable shivering and unmistakable panic, Lily skittered backwards into the furthest corner of the room to get as far away from the surprise guest as possible, retracted claws feebly bared in front of her face.


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As they exited the tunnels, Tony could see much to his relief that the security detail usually posted outside wasn't present, most likely because they had been recalled to deal with the threats at the base. He moved out onto the street, and headed for his parked car and trailer. Reaching the Pierce-Arrow shortly after, Tony threw open the door to the trailer. "Axel!" he called to within. "Axel?" Looking around, the ferret could see the Travelodge trailer was completely empty. "What?" he asked, looking around. "Where are they? Why would they leave? Have... have we been betrayed?" he asked, glancing around the small space.

"Dammit! They aren't here! Neither of them!" he said, stepping out of the trailer now and slapping the side of it hard. "Dammit!" Leaning his back against the Travelodge, he closed his eyes, feeling tears welling up within them. Where were they? Anguish crossed his features as his arms pulled in close against his chest, the torment evident as the ferret tried to hold himself together. "Get Anne and Nairda into the trailer..." he ordered the others sadly. "Dammit..." he breathed again, attempting to get a grip on the situation. "Where the hell could they have gone to?"

The white gecko could tell the creature was irrationally afraid of him, but most non-sentient creatures probably would be, after seeing a display like that. After all, irrationality was why it was here in the first place, but of course the mutant gecko had no idea about that. Giving Lily a sad look now, he didn't approach her, but instead took a knee, bowed his head, and closed his eyes, making himself vulnerable to her.

"Apologies for the force I had to exert." he said softly. "I didn't kill him... and I'm still trying to figure out what I am... and why I'm here. I don't... understand this situation. I don't even know how I did what I did. I can only hope to learn as time passes. Forgive me. I let my emotions run away with me there, and it shouldn't have happened." he said, his tone even and calm, though there was sorrow in it as well. "You two should probably go." he said, not directly addressing Axel or Lily. "The wolf is in no condition to move. I can open the door for you if you want, but security will be swarming this place soon anyway, so I would make up my mind quickly if I were you." he stated.

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