The Gang of Five
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Into the Black

Serris · 1584 · 116819


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"We head to the armory! As Marita just said, she'll drop the security when we get there, and we head straight for Lupis! You're gonna take us there, Cavenaugh... fast, or the last thing you'll be experiencing will be what it's like to get shot in the head... got it?" Tony said, pushing the barrel of his rifle against the back of the lizard's skull.

"You'll burn for this Tony! I thought you were one of us! How could you just betray us! You don't know how you're dealing with!" Cavenaugh protested as Tony shoved Cavenaugh out in front and none too gently prodded him every time he slowed down.

"Shut up and move!" Tony ordered, taking the group down a side corridor that bypassed the patrols (it was mostly used for maintenance). As they emerged from this corridor, Tony took them around a bend and stepped out from behind Cavenaugh. "Hands and paws in the air, gentlemen!" Tony called, leveling his rifle at the two guards on duty outside the armory.

"What the...?" one asked, seeing the situation. Tony shoved Cavenaugh forward towards them now.

"I said raise 'em high! Move up against the wall!" the ferret reiterated, pointing with a claw where he wanted them to stand. When one was particularly slow to move, Tony fired a single shot at his feet, causing him to scamper out of the way. "All right..." He glanced at his watch. "We've got five minutes till security discovers that guard we left bound behind us. Marita, if you would kindly take security down so that we can access the armory. You'll find a terminal over there on the left wall." He pointed to said terminal. "Pass code to access it is 'Shining Bright.' I say again, 'Shining Bright.' You should be able to do your magic from there. The rest of you... take what you want, grab me a sidearm and a non-projectile rifle if you would, and I'll cover our friends here! Hey! Don't think I didn't see you move!" Tony added, pointing at one of the guards.

As Tony covered them, Cavenaugh looked at him. "It's not too late, Tony. You can still rejoin us... kill your friends, and we'll forget this whole thing ever..."

"Not interested." Tony cut him off. "In less than five minutes you're gonna be showing us up to Lupis's quarters. If you don't move fast enough, there's gonna be pain, I guarantee you. Marie! Bind the two other guards' wrists on your way out!" he called into the armory and with his free paw tossed the binders her way. He then pushed the button on his headset to dial Soren. "Soren, do you read? It's Tony. Hit the place now! We're about on our way to Lupis!" he requested, unaware the human was already on his way inside.

It was then the alarm sounded...

"What... the hell?" Tony asked. "Marita, shut that thing off!" He shouted, getting a bit nervous now as he occasionally let his eyes dart down the other side of the corridor. Intruders in the base, huh? Did Soren actually jump the gun and almost get them all killed? Well... at least he hadn't... otherwise, Tony would have some serious issues with that, even if he was dead. But if it was Soren jumping the gun... this could work in their favor. It meant security would be swarming all over whatever was setting off the alarm... meaning the rest of the base would be undermanned, and they could move about relatively safely.

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Marie went tp work tying up the guard, while rose looked. On it " Marita typed in the password, which was accepted, and began working on ways to shut down the security. her caws were a blur over the keys, and in less than a minute the armory doors opened. ' there you go Tony' Marita said  and began working on shutting off the alarms. this was easier than opening the armory. and in a few seconds the alarms stopped screaming ' ok. they're off. lets move everyone.! "
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aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Outside the Purifier base, Lily was growing restless. She sensed heightened alertness around her; whatever her allies were doing, it was attracting attention. The parasite within her was stirring; it knew it was in danger and wanted to flee.

She took some deep breaths. Calm down... she told herself and the parasite. We're safe in the van...we're not part of this...

Then she and the parasite realized something at the same time; there were Purifiers running towards the car. Pumped on adrenaline and prepared for a fight.

In her moment of shock, the parasite struck out. Lily felt herself get mentally assaulted in another grasp for power, and this time it won. Independent of her own desires, her body blew the door to the car open and sprinted out on all fours towards the back alleys of the Purifier base.

The guards, who were actually running to reinforce the ones that reported the breakin, didn't notice and continued to head for the base entrance, to surround the Exoskeleton-wearing intruder that was reported.


Nairda grinned as his shackles were removed. "Let us sound the bugles of war!" he crowed. Darting out a door and down a hallway, he leaped onto the ceiling and hid as guards ran underneath him. Chuckling softly to himself, he dropped down and combat-rolled into the nearest room, which turned out to be a broom closet.

He turned to leave when the guards from before kicked the door down. "I told you I heard something chuckle!" one told the other.

Five minutes later, Nairda left the broom closet with an incredibly bloodied broom handle and the equipment from both of the guards.

"I've got two p90s, two Glocks and pair of combat knives~" he reported gleefully. "First come first serve!"


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Rhaegson stared up at the blinking light on the ceiling as the screeching alarm suddenly stopped, his ears ringing in its aftermath. The small light kept flashing, intermittently bathing the room in a soft red glow. After a few seconds, that stopped too. Rhaegson exhaled and pursed his lips. "Godammit, what now..."

From somewhere in the distance, he could hear faint rumbles. Standing up, he cocked his head to listen more closely. Sounded like it was coming from the northern side of the compound... Leaning over his computer, Rhaegson switched to CCTV, and flicked through the cameras in the north section. His finger froze over the keyboard when a hulking figure in a suit appeared on the screen, broken bodies and destruction behind it. "The fuck is this?" Was someone stupid enough to openly attack the compound like that? Rhaegson slammed his palm down on the button linked to the speakers. "Intruder in section B2. All members of security not with their thumbs currently up their ass, get over there and take him out! He's in an exo-skeleton, so engage from a distance!" Rhaegson paused. This attack, just when the ferret brat arrived with his prisoners... "Any security near the cells, search the area. If you see any one who isn't one of us, take them out."


Axel flinched when he heard the gunfire in the distance. He pulled the blinds aside slightly, peering through the window, but from this distance he couldn't see what was happening. "Ah, crap! Lily, you should..." He was interrupted by a loud crash, and he spun around to catch a glimpse of Lily tearing through the door and vanishing outside. "No! Nonono..." he spluttered, snatching up the snub-nose he'd picked from the Stracci mansion and dashing out after her.

Stepping outside, his eyes widened when he saw a couple of heavily armed men running past... but their attention seemed focused on the Purifier base and they didn't pay him any attention. A grey blur in the corner of his eye caught his attention, and his heart sank when he saw it was Lily heading straight for the base. "Oh jesus... Lily! Wait! STOP!" Clutching the pistol, he sprinted after her, trying desperately to catch up.


"Construction workers?!" Marcus snarled. He turned his head to look at the locked door, and reluctantly slipped his revolver back behind his jacket, grinding his teeth. I'll be seeing you later, Altyn.


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"I said NON-projectile!" Tony said, sighing at Nairda's choice. "But fine, whatever, give me a Glock and one of the P90s." he ordered, slinging the P90 around his shoulder and holding it out in front of him while he stuck the Glock into his waistband. "All right, Cavenaugh! Let's go! Take us to Lupis! Good job on disabling the security." he complimented Marita as he once more pushed Cavenaugh out in front of him. That annoying alarm was now off, so good riddance.

It wasn't too long however before they ran into one of Rhaegson's patrols. The patrol rounded the corner ahead of them, and Cavenaugh immediately dove in front of them, hitting the deck. "Heads up!" he shouted.

Tony ground his teeth together, and raised the P90. Time once more seemed to slow as he fired off a burst from the personal defense weapon. One of the goons immediately dropped with several bullets in his chest, his arms splaying up in the air as he cried out and fell hard upon the floor behind him in a disheveled state. Tony suddenly froze gawking at what he'd just done. He'd never... never killed anyone before... and for a few seconds, all the ferret could do was stare at the prone body on the floor in front of him. The guy was dead... dead by his paw, his limbs twisted and arrayed in a strange fashion as he lay like a broken pile of jacks in front of the ferret.  

Staring aghast at the corpse, the ferret was snapped out of his reverie by the return fire of the small squad. Bullets whizzed by his head, buzzing the fur on his left cheek, and he was yanked out of his trance and back into reality. Squeezing off another burst, he shot another one ahead of them. "Let's take these guys out!" he commanded, throwing himself against the wall and trying to present as narrow a profile as he could as he recommenced firing on the patrol.

What the hell had happened to him? Why had he frozen up like that? Come on, Tony! It's kill or be killed! You know that!

Up ahead and in the crossfire, Cavenaugh kept close to the ground and began crawling forward slightly towards his compatriots, knowing this was most likely futile, as he risked taking a bullet more than reaching his friends, as there was a greater chance they'd be dead in a matter of seconds anyway.

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Marita had in the meantime grabbed a few weapons for herself, marie and Rose. marie took a MP7, while Rose and Marita had p90s.  Marie's weapons had 40 rounds of ammo, Marita's and Rose's 50, so they would cover her if she ran out. the three of them hurried after Tony, and provided cover fire after he shot one of the guards. none of the girls were particularly well-trained in forearms, but their accuracy was good enough to hold the guards from advancing on them.
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(Purifier Compound)

Anne's heart hammered in her chest. Swallowing, she opened the door – and caught one of the Purifiers with the door. Taking advantage of the shock, she crushed the man's skull with a piece of pipe that a repairman had left behind.

Grabbing the dropped Skorpian SMG, she joined Tony and the other two in returning fire.


Soren's suit was nearly bulletproof but with his fingers too large to operate the triggers on his two firearms and the guards exploiting their greater agility, he had no choice but to try and flee the group of guards. As he ran, he trampled one of them underfoot and his arm smashed another against a wall.

"Tony," he said into the headset as he ran. "Yeah, about my suit. I can't use any of my guns. Can you get me something like a gatling gun or something heavy that you could mount to my suit?"

He lowered his shoulder and crashed through a bathroom door, startling two Purifiers who were on the toilet. They reached for their sidearms but the cyberneticist simply picked them up and smashed them against the toilets, killing them.

"Fuck. Now what?" He then noticed a large water pipe linking all the sinks' taps.



Aaron nodded. "Well first off, we need some props. Toolboxes, uniforms and all that shit. Once that's done, we pretty much have free reign of the complex."

"Luckily, there's a construction site nearby." He pointed to a crane erecting a new section of an elevated highway just a few blocks from Pelvanida.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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Tony heard Soren in his ear as he downed the last Purifier. It was only now he noticed his paws shaking horrendously. The adrenaline high he was currently on was not helping his current disposition. "Get up!" he ordered unsteadily to Cavenaugh. "NOW!" He yelled, causing the Gila monster to rise slowly to his feet.

"Soren... I can't get you a gatling gun myself because there's no way I could carry it, our-their units are so huge, but... the heavy ordinance is stored in unit 319 across the compound. If you could break in there, you'll have all the heavy vehicular weaponry you could dream of, and then some!" the ferret informed him. "Unit 319!"

Running forward, he tried to avoid stumbling, and probably looked incredibly clumsy as he pushed Cavenaugh out in front of him. "Let's go! We're going to Lupis! We got some minutes before their security system recycles, so let's go! And keep in mind... I know this place... if I even sense you aren't leading us remotely in the direction of the guest quarters or the administration block, you die!" Tony said, feeling like he could collapse from the rush. He hated these adrenaline highs; they did nothing but hype him up and make him ridiculously nervous and ready to fight or flee, and right now, he either needed to shoot something or hide himself until this passed... and he knew it wasn't really a choice at all.

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Marcus looked at the construction site in the distance and scowled. "This was meant to be fast..." Playing dress up didn't appeal to him either. Still, if it meant they could find what they needed and get out quick, it was worth a try.

He nodded brusquely at Aaron. "Let's get this over with," he muttered.

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Nairda flipped over the hail of gunfire, having been left only a single combat knife from the arsenal he'd returned. Dodging fluidly through the gunfire, he sliced one assailant's throat and dodged a bayonet thrusted by another. "You'll have to do better than that~" he smirked, sending the knife spinning into the assailant's eye. "I'm the devil of five floors deep..."


Lily was at a breakneck sprint, racing on all fours through the back alleys of the Purifier base. Run faster her body screamed at her, they're gonna catch us! Run!

They're not chasing us! she thought back frantically, Stop! We're heading deeper into the Purifier base!

But her direction and her actions were out of her hands. Vaulting over a chainlink fence, she rolled out the shock and came to a snarling bear on a group of Augments who were startled to see her.

"What the hell is that?" gasped one, before Lily sent a psionic pulse echoing out of her body like a sonic boom, sending all of them flying backwards. Some of them had started shooting before their heart stopped working, and suddenly host and parasite were in agreement as they ran through the open door into the Purifier backrooms.


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Axel slowed his pace as he entered the alleyways, completely aware of the fact that if he stumbled into a group of Purifiers, chances of him surviving were slim to none. Though from the rumbles and gunfire in the distance, it sounded like the Purifiers had their hands full. What happened to doing this stealthy...

Jogging lightly down the twisting passageways, Axel's ears were pointed out, trying to catch the sound of footsteps, voices, anything that could tell him where Lily was. Nothing. The hand holding the pistol trembled, and he tightened his grip, using his other hand to steady the weapon. All of a sudden, there was a dull boom from somewhere up ahead, accompanied by shrieks and the sound of gunfire. He jolted in shock then quickened his steps, trying to fight the panic from rising. Nearing the corner where the noise had come from, he hesitated, then stepped out, raising the gun... and gasping at the group of bodies sprawled in front of him. "What the hell..." Did she do this? From the expressions on their faces, it looked like their deaths hadn't been pleasant.

Axel looked up, past the corpses, and felt a wave of fear wash over him when he saw the open door leading into the main building itself. He glanced around, but knew he was trying to fool himself. She's gone inside... Trying and failing to control his panicked breathing, Axel nervously followed her into the compound.

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Nairda spun and beheaded the last guard. "Let's move~!" he warned the others.

Leading the way down the hall, he noticed Lupis' office. Smirking, he jammed the knife into the lock and picked it with the skill of a professional.

After hearing a light click, he kicked the door down and combat-rolled into the room. "Hands up government spook!" he announced bravely, knife held out menacingly.

But Lupis wasn't in his office. A few seconds later Nairda was hit by over a dozen incredibly painful traps involving electricity, acid, fire ants, razor blades, razor blades that are on fire, and lemon juice.


Lily darted down hallways, miraculously alone. Most of the personnel had apparently headed to reinforce more active sections of the base.

where are we going? she begged of the conscience controlling her body at the moment. Why aren't we running AWAY from here? But the parasite had no reason to bother speaking with her.

After a few minutes, she approached a heavily barricaded titanium-reinforced steel blast door. A mere glance would reveal that there was no possible way inside. Pressing her body up against it, she tried and failed to pry the doors open; even her psionic abilities wouldn't work here. She could sense it.

She could feel the parasite's mind reeling. It desperately needed to get inside...


Lena smiled and brought Emilena another plate of cookies. "Enough about us. We haven't seen you in over seven years. We want to hear about you."

"You heard about me," Emilena grumbled. "I've burnt all my bridges. My allies don't trust me. The police are after me. It took a literal act of god to save my corpse from rotting in the torture dungeon of a mafia interrogator."

"Is that where all the wounds came from?" wondered Emile. "Some of those were remarkably unlikely, especially the sphinter being--"

"I have a habit of murdering men who tell me medical diagnoses," Emilena cautioned. "Don't add yourself to the list."

Lena mopped Emilena's forehead with gauze. "Well, none of your past matters. You're safe with us now. We'll protect you, we have more than enough to eat and survive out here. And its very remote, nobody will find you."

Emilena tried to force herself out of bed. "Oh no. Oh no no no no. I'm not staying here. You two will probably sell me to some slavers when you realize what awful caretakers you're destined to always be."

"At least stay the night," pleaded Emile. "Where have you to go? It'll let your body rest."

Emilena looked at him suspiciously. She literally could not think of anything they wouldn't conceivably do to her in her sleep. But she conceded to herself that she had little choice "...on second thought, I spoke too soon. I should stay here indefinitely." If they believed it, they wouldn't try to impose the decision on her through their own devices. She hoped... "I've never let anyone take care of me. Perhaps that's been my main mistake my whole life."

Her parents beamed. "That's wonderful to hear!" Lena hugged her, causing Emilena to stiffen up and grumble in protest. "We'll make up for all the years we abandoned you," she whispered softly. "We promise."

Emile nodded. "We'll tell you everything you missed out on. Make up for the huge gap in your life. I'll grab the picture books; we've got video evidence of any 'firsts' that happened in two months before we gave you away, including crawling, temper tantrum, and bowel movement."

I've got to get out of here.... Emilena thought to herself in equal parts horror and despair.


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Axel crept his way along the tight corridors, uncomfortably aware of how his trainers scuffed slightly on the floor, the sound bouncing off the thick walls. Occasionally he'd come across a metal door leading off from the main path, but since they were all closed, he ignored them.

Eventually, he came to a crossroads in the corridor, the hallway branching off in three different directions. Axel stood indecisively in the middle, clutching his pistol with both hands. Chewing his lip hard enough to break the skin, he glanced up and down the possible routes, then tried calling out softly. "Lily, where are you?! Li-" He was interrupted by the sound of raised voices and heavy footsteps coming from the corridor to the left, heading directly towards him. A small moan escaped him, his legs suddenly feeling as though they were made of rubber. Stumbling forwards, he impulsively chose the path that led straight on. Reaching a right hand turn, he rounded the corner and pressed his back to the wall, holding his breath as he listened intently to where the group of Purifiers was heading.

"... enough bullets, that son of a bitch'll go down eventually!"

"Are you kidding? Have you seen how much shit we've thrown at him?!" The voices grew louder as the group moved past where Axel had been standing seconds before.

"Yeah, well, you know what they say. Bigger they are, the... uh... The..."

"Harder they fall, moron."

"Whatever, I didn't ask for your shit, Xander..." The noise of the argument began fading as the Purifiers drew further away from him, the clumping of their feet growing quieter.

Axel released his breath in a shudder. Thank you... thank you... After taking a second to wrestle his nerves into submission, he looked slowly to the side and continued on.


Rhaegson paced his office, dragging on his cigarettes like a drowning man sucking for air. Whoever the hell these people were, they were proving a bigger problem than he'd first thought. He paused mid step. This douchebag in the suit... Nairda... There was a good chance more of them were using electronics too...

He sat back down and snatched up his phone, dialing to a separate part of the compound. After a few seconds, a nervous sounding voice answered. "Yes sir?"

"Get it heated up. We're going to give these sons of bitches something to think about."

The voice on the other end paused. "Um, well, it's not exactly ready... we're still waiting for the amplifiers and..."

"Well, shit, you think I don't know that?!" Rhaegson snapped. "Just shut up and..." His voice trailed off when he glanced up at the monitor. He grinned to himself. "Holy... Just get it ready. Don't set it off before I tell you."

Hanging up, Rhaegson dialed Lupis, still staring at the screen. "Hey, big bad... Guess what I have my beautiful blues set on? I'll give you a clue - it's ugly as shit, and you've been chasing it for who the hell knows how long. And, this is the best bit. It's waiting right outside the labs..." He slouched back in his chair, his grin broadening. "I guess good things come to those who wait, huh?"


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(Elevated highway construction site)

The construction site was an utter cacophony of noises as workers continued their arduous task of constructing the elevated highway. Flying frame equipped laborers flitted about with high powered welding lasers or rivet guns as they secured the steel beams in place.

Aaron led Marcus into the portable dressing room and opened the door. He curled his lips at the odor of unwashed manual workers that permeated the grungy room. Dirty laundry was tossed haphazardly on the floor. For obvious reasons, those clothes were not an option.

"Fuckin' nasty. My supervisor would rip us a new asshole if we shit up the locker room like this," he muttered.

He opened a locker and grabbed two blue jumpsuits emblazoned with the company's name (Syberis Road Works) and tossed one to Marcus.

The German Shepherd quickly donned the suit. "Okay, let's get out of here and back to Pelvanida!"


(Purifier Base)

Soren heard Tony's transmission. Smirking, he backed up and charged straight through the thin wall of the bathroom. Only to stumble upon a group of armed Purifiers.

"There's the fucker! Get him!" A hail of gunfire went his way.

Soren felt his sphincter tighten as he heard the bullets ping off his armored suit. A sharp sting in his arm made him swear. They were using mag-guns, which fired a solid metal dart at velocities high enough to pierce armor. This one was just a glancing hit but a perfect shot could kill. He sprinted back into the base with the irate Purifiers charging after him.  


"Tony! Where are we going!?" Anne asked as she rounded a corner and found a surprised Purifier. Thinking quickly, she exploited her short height and shoved her horn into the Percheron's throat, causing him to clutch the wound and fall to the floor with a series of wet gurgles. A short burst from her SMG silenced him.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Lena was doubled over on the carpet laughing, Emile was clutching the support of the couch and tears were running down his face. Both were busting a gut watching a shaky-cam of a diapered baby Emilena trying desperately to climb down from a very tall tree.

"So we had, like, no clue how you got up there!" Lena wheezed, "And you're like, halfway to the top--"

"Oh, here's the best part!" Choked Emile on his own saliva, struggling for breath. "You knock down this nest of eggs, that's what that was, and here a fucking hawk shows up and starts--!"

Emilena clicked the TV off. "That was hilarious, really it was. I always wanted to know where my fear of heights and birds came from. But I really must be going to sleep."

Lena wiped a tear from her eye, grinning. "We understand, sweetheart..." she chuckled. "We're so glad to have you back."

"I'm glad I came back," Emilena answered honestly. "I learned a lot I hadn't realized."

"Well, you'll learn more tomorrow," smiled Emile. "We've got at least a hundred hours more of footage to show you. And then we have stories we didn't capture on tape--"

"--certainly something to do tomorrow..." Emilena plastered a smile on her face. "Let me go to sleep now..."

She had indeed learned something very important. If this was the life she could expect by running away, then she had to return. She didn't want to face her comrades after being outed as a spy in front of them, but if the alternative was a life with the two least-likeable people she'd ever encountered, she could swallow her pride.


Lily shivered as she glanced at the retinal recognition scanner. Hardly understanding why she was even trying it, or whether she hoped it would even work, she placed her eye on the scanner. It beeped and the door opened.

In the next room, she walked into a whitewashed room. She immediately recognized it as the site of her dream from when she was in Soren's house. Large chambers housed green liquid, computers were running, and a single chamber at the end housed a lifeless being looking remarkably similar to her. It was missing its hair, was more hunched over and muscular, and had lost all remaining human features, but its slumped-over polydactyl form was a familiar face she'd never even considered could exist.


"Hey! You!"

A voice cut through the gunfire around Soren, and a hulking rhino agent lumbered out of the ranks. He had triple-reinforced armor and carried a huge circular saw with a cannon strapped to it.

"What the hell do you think you're doing in here?" He growled angrily, revving the saw to life. "You shut that suit down and I MIGHT let your sorry ass live!"


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Tony slapped his paw hard on the wall as he noticed Lupis wasn't in his office. "Dammit! We were supposed to nab him!" He shouted, realizing the plan was rapidly falling apart. Without Lupis, this whole attack was meaningless! "Soren! Lupis ain't here! We're gonna get overwhelmed if we stay here any longer... suggest we withdraw and regroup... hey!" Tony shouted, noticing Cavenaugh dart quickly into Lupis's office now, the ferret having taken his eyes from him for too long a period of time.

Chasing after him, Tony was met with a flash of steel in front of him as the Gila monster had retrieved a sword that had been mounted on the wall of the office. More specifically, it was a katana. Tony felt his shoulder erupt in pain as his paw immediately shot up to it, clenching down as blood droplets sprayed onto the floor. "Dammit!" Tony uttered, backing away as the air whistled in front of him as Cavenaugh sliced towards the mustelid's neck, which Tony just barely avoided.

"You really shouldn't have betrayed us, Tony! Now you'll pay!"

Tony lifted the P90, but it was batted down by another swipe of the sword, yanking Tony's arm in an unpleasant fashion as he continued backing up down the hallway. "Oh no you don't! I'm not giving you that chance!" Cavenaugh exclaimed as he continued to advance on the ferret and violently swung the katana mere inches from his flesh.

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A shot rang out from behind tony, and marita stepped forward  her paw  holding the gun she had fired at cavanaugh.. ' while wasnt a crack shot, it didnt take a great shot in order to do serious damage with a gun. her shot struck cavenuagh hard in the left should and ripped through his shoulderblade before exiting out and hitting the far wall. ' run Tony" She called to the ferret.' i'll cover you' she said.
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aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Nairda staggered to his feet, resolution fueling the fire between his eyes. Sending his combat knife spinning through the air, he struck cavenuagh hard in the left shoulder, ripping into his shoulderblade and then bisecting Marita's walled bullet. "Run Tony~!" he called out, "Marita will cover you!"


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Anne charged into the office. She snatched the katana from the floor and a pointed both her SMG and the katana at Cavenaugh. "Where's Lupis!?" She didn't seem to notice or care that there was dried blood visible on her metal horn.

She then noticed Nairda and Marita. "Someone watch Tony and this fuckwad"óshe pointed at Cavenaughó"I'll go get a first aid kit."

The mare looked around the room. Bland minimalistic style with lots of stainless steel. The one incongruous thing was the "wall hanger" katana that just now proved itself to be no mere decoration.

She opened a drawer in the desk and found a pack of moziafil. Anne smiled as she pocketed the drugs. Papers, pens and even keepsakes were tossed on the group as she searched for a first aid kit.


"A little busy!" Soren said as he ran away from the Rhino. His suit was tough but testing it against someone armed with a a diamond coated saw and large caliber cannon was not something he fancied.

Thinking quickly, he ripped a set of lockers off the wall and threw them in the path of the pursuing Purifiers.

"Shit! I'm fucked now!" He considered sacrificing his suit to throw them off his trail but if they caught him without the suit, the hail of bullets would have most certainly killed him by now. A hole suddenly appeared in the concrete wall by his head as a Purifier with a mag-rifle took a shot at him. The pursuers either shot at him from behind the barrier or they vaulted and climbed over in an attempt to catch him

Soren got up and continued running away. He was thankful for the mag-rifle's slow rate of fire due to its need to charge its capaciters.

"Damn it, I can't keep running forever!" he muttered. He stopped for a moment to catch his breath.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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A tinny beeping from further up the corridor caused Axel's ears to twitch, and he picked up his pace. Rounding the corner, he was met with large blast door. It was already open. Apart from the door, the corridor was a dead end.

Axel stopped at the threshold, his heart pounding in his chest. It looked like the entrance to a tomb, and everything inside him told the rat that going inside was a bad idea. Suddenly, there was a metallic creak, and Axel realised with a jolt that the door was closing again. "Aw, crap..." Swearing under his breath, he quickly ducked through... and found himself in a bright white room with Lily.

"Lily! Come on, we've got to..." Axel's voice trailed off when he noticed what the room contained. Gazing around, his mouth gaped open in confusion. When he saw the lone chamber at the end, his face twitched and the hand holding the gun tightened involuntarily. "What... what the hell is this..."


Marcus' face was even grimmer than usual as he pulled on the jumpsuit. "My one isn't washed," he grumbled. Bending down to pick up a toolbox that had been left behind, he nodded at Aaron. "Let's go."

Arriving back at Pelvanida, Marcus led them to the public entrance this time. A human guard at the end of the room stirred at the sight of them, and approached. "Hold it! What's the problem?"

Marcus cleared his throat. "Repairs."

"Repairs?" The guard looked at the company name on their jumpsuits. "Then how come that says road works? There's no roads in here."

"Syberis is branching out. We now provide more services so as to further assist the community, and our esteemed customers."

The guard blinked. "Oh. Alright then." He stepped aside.

As they walked past, Marcus spoke lowly to Aaron. "We should use these suits more often."