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Ducky123's fanart :)

Ducky123 · 472 · 75327


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Thanks ;)

I'll probably have the next one up tomorrow that's kind of related to my last upload... I've actually spent three hours just on the sketch today - it's even harder than Littlefoot and Petrie  :lol
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So here it is, didn't realise the photo I took of the picture before going home for the weekend was too blurry to be of much use so that's the reason for the delay and also the reason for the double-upload :p
First one:



Well, I have a lot to say about this one because it was an experience in many ways, both positive and negative :lol
Well, obviously, this is the counterpart to my previous drawing of Littlefoot and Petrie with the treestar. When I first started sketching this, I soon realised it would be harder than most of my drawings so far (also true for the previous drawing). The reason for that? Well, look at the scene yourself and then look how small and blurry they look on the screen :p Basically, I've been forced to draw from memory, more or less (I suck at that :angel), particularly in this drawing here because half of Ducky's features were simply not recognisable on the screenshot - most prominently, her head. I spent like... 3 hours on the sketch (I had some lineart of the scene done a long time ago, actually, but I found it looked too crappy) so I decided to try it again and it worked after lots of frustration! ^^spike Made this from scratch within two days...
Now there are still several (mostly small) issue I'm still seeing in this drawing but it would have been a lot of work to fix them, or maybe I would have made it worse instead of the decent version I already had :p I really didn't know how to draw her hands so I kind of referenced mine and the result is... upgradeable :lol
Anyway, I really don't know how I achieved this but the colours look amazing after digital editing :blink:

I hope you like it and feel free to point out any anatomy mistakes I made there :p

Now the one I actually wanted to upload today...



Well, this one wasn't too hard to do. But it was fun and I'm happy with the result. Hope you like this one too ;)

PS: In case you're wondering why I'm pushing out so many drawings lately, that's because I had a lot of stuff unfinished or just nor uploaded yet but I really wanna post all of that before my LBT contest starts because I'll also try to come up with something and I'd like to post things in the order I made them... or finished them at least :p
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Those pictures you made are amazing, they are, they are!


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I like the drawings.  You have skill.  I do hope you continue drawing, coloring and sharing them here.  Thanks for sharing these.


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it's beautiful!

yep yep yep!
Thanks, Snik! :)

Those pictures you made are amazing, they are, they are!
Thanks! :D

I like the drawings. You have skill. I do hope you continue drawing, coloring and sharing them here. Thanks for sharing these.
Thanks  :smile I'm really glad you think so, Kor. It's comments like these that really keep me motivated to do more. It's good good to know (all of) you like my work :)
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& that's why here are the next two artworks. It's all I have coloured right now so I'll have to do some colouring this week  :lol

Anyway, here we go...



And the other one...



Boy I wish I had a scanner sometimes... the digital editing enhances the artwork on the one hand but also changes things in a way that is not so much favourable sometimes as you can see here...

I made both of these on one piece of paper so they're actually rather small. Maybe that's why the editing didn't work the way it usually does  :confused

Okay, so first about the Ducky one:
This was actually just a small study of Ducky from a different perspective that turned out good enough to be coloured and uploaded ^^spike It's a shame the colour is so pixelised there, it looks so good on paper actually but... yeah  :rolleyes

As for Ruby, same thing except it was not a study. The purple-ish colour of her crest-thingy and the darker coloured spots got turned into red here  :rolleyes Well, at least I got the lineart to look really amazing ^^spike

I'm really considering buying a scanner now, wonder if I can find a decent one for a low price?  :angel

I'll probably upload something non-LBT next week + a coloured version of a LBT request/collab I did ages ago and finally decided to colour it anyway  ^^spike
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Nice, you do have skill.  Those both are well done and colored.  Hard decision I guess between hand or digital coloring.


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Boy Ruby looks mad... I wonder who pissed her off? :lol:  Were you using a frame from the TV series as reference?


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they are good! well done!

Quote from: Coyote_A,Sep 9 2016 on  12:23 AM
Boy Ruby looks mad... I wonder who pissed her off? :lol:  Were you using a frame from the TV series as reference?
I guess it's from cave of many voices episode?


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Nice, you do have skill. Those both are well done and colored. Hard decision I guess between hand or digital coloring.
Thank you, Kor :) Digital colouring is something I would love to do one day (since it's quicker and allows for many additional options I simply do not have with coloured pencils, even if they're really good.) However, it would take me quite a while to get used to using and working with such digital programs (not to mention that the really good ones aren't free either) so yeah... without a good tutorial, that's not likely to happen too soon but who knows what'll happen in the future :)

Boy Ruby looks mad... I wonder who pissed her off? laugh.gif Were you using a frame from the TV series as reference?
Hehe, yeah I was surprised I got her to look so angry  :lol I was using some screenshot I found in the caption this a while ago as a reference (it had more characters on it but I only picked Ruby and Ducky from this one)

they are good! well done!

QUOTE (Coyote_A @ Sep 9 2016, 12:23 AM)
Boy Ruby looks mad... I wonder who pissed her off? laugh.gif  Were you using a frame from the TV series as reference?

I guess it's from cave of many voices episode?
Thanks :D

I would have to look at this particular episode to tell if you're right. Like I told Coyote, it was a screenshot I found in the caption this forums. I keep a pile of good reference pictures as inspirations for future fanarts though I'm trying to memorise how to draw the characters from different angles lately... with mixed results  :bang  :lol
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... and today I managed to draw something completely original, mostly out of my head. I won't upload it here yet since it's a contest entry for my own contest and it's not finished so look there :p

But I still have something to show you. A request I got a long time ago... ;)

sketch (no signature there because it was meant to be an avatar for somebody):

Love to make things sharper, makes the lineart look so much cooler, doesn't it? :p


This was a request of vonboy as an avatar for his Youtube Channel. RockingScorpion coloured my lineart digitally but I found this in my desk and decided to colour it :p

Other than the anatomy not being perfect here and there and the slightly inconsistent colouring on his belly and tail (trust me, it's hard to make very light colours with pencils that make a very intense colours  :angel ), I'm quite happy with it :) Though next time I use very soft pencils to create an almost black colour, I'll use a sheet of paper to shield my hand. It smeared the back all over the place :angel
So what do you think?

Oh, and signature is missing here too... wonder why I didn't include it like I usually do?  :crazy

Anyway, I've got a few really cool and funny pictures coming soon, can't wait to colour them because they'll be quite funny :D Stay tuned!
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Much appreciated :)
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There was a bit of a fanart hiatus lately, mostly due to both exams to take care of + being in a gaming mood quite often. Nevertheless, I was occasionally drawing stuff. Mostly stuff that was a little more difficult than what I usually do (Trying to draw original LBT fanart ^^) therefore the lack of results to show. I've got a few more artworks coming these next weeks.

Well, this one should look familiar ;)



Except for the fact that I totally butchered one of Littlefoot's eyes (forgot the ring around his eyes in the lineart, added it eventually but that made the eye look too big  :bang ) I'm really happy with the outcome of this :smile

This is actually a scanned picture for a change. I have scanned a few of my recent works. I will have to do some testing with these scans to determine whether they are better than the photos that I was using before. If they are, I will reupload all of my works in better quality from time to time :)

Well, I hope you like the picture and stay tuned! The next two will be LBT 1 works! ;) (I might still upload some non-LBT stuff inbetween. There are quite a few cool contests running on DeviantArt these days ;))
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Nice drawing of Littlefoot you made there! You made look cute! I love it!