The Gang of Five
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So what attracted you to this movie originally?


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Well, I believe my brother was the first one to own most of the video tapes of the films, and since he was 9 when I was born, he passed them down to me, as he wasn't that interested in them any more. I really enjoyed the first one, and from there my interest in dinosaurs grew. I couldn't stop watching The Land Before Time or it's sequels for most of my childhood. :lol

"Some things you see with your eyes. Others, you see with your heart." :MomCompassion


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I saw the movie when i was 5 or something. This movie arouse my interest in dinosaurs and I had a HUGE collection of dinosaur figures.

I believe that i watched this with my mother, it has been long since that so i cant remember so well.

My life would have been much different without this masterpiece of movie.


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Well honestly the 4th one was the first I ever saw,I got it for $1 at a video  rental store that was closing down.

I loved it,so my parents ordered the rest.

When I saw the 1st one,I was shocked at how dark it was compare the others. But it a way it owns the others.

It also answered my questions why Littlefoot had no Mother present. Why the swimmers had Spike etc.


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The music also helped me become a fan of this series. They where pretty cool and good.


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I know I’m posting in an old thread, but I started getting attracted to this film after getting interested in dinosaurs in History.  That’s when I watched Jurassic Park, which led me to watching this movie.

And thanks to researching dinosaurs, that’s when I started watching this movie! :smile


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Well, I guess I loved and still love dinosaurs and cartoons very much. And film's story and characters were attractive as well.

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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For me it was the simplicity of their world. No bills, no electricity or technology, no buildings or vehicles or clothing or nations or wars... just nature, fire, predators, natural disasters. Other animal-oriented franchises do that, but they're usually set during humantimes and that stuff still finds its way in somehow. It's nice to get away from all that and appreciate a setting where modern life hasn't yet evolved in any possible fashion.

Dr. Rex

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Well, firstly, it was the fact that I had already seen LBT II and LBT III before watching this movie, so I knew that this movie would feature characters I was already familiar with. There was also the fact that I knew it would be the origin story of their friendship, so that was definitely a lure for me.


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Well, firstly, it was the fact that I had already seen LBT II and LBT III before watching this movie, so I knew that this movie would feature characters I was already familiar with. There was also the fact that I knew it would be the origin story of their friendship, so that was definitely a lure for me.

Ohh, that is interesting. I never really thought of the first movie as being the 'origin story episode' before, since I simply watched the films in order, but that would definitely be a unique way to approach it if you'd already seen the sequels.

For me, it was a movie I could remember from my childhood, but I hadn't seen it in almost two decades. After I happened to see an online article discussing the film's 30th anniversary a few years ago, that's when I was inspired to rent it from my local library and then I fell in love with it all over again. And that's what brought me to this lovely community here. :)

Dr. Rex

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Well, firstly, it was the fact that I had already seen LBT II and LBT III before watching this movie, so I knew that this movie would feature characters I was already familiar with. There was also the fact that I knew it would be the origin story of their friendship, so that was definitely a lure for me.

Ohh, that is interesting. I never really thought of the first movie as being the 'origin story episode' before, since I simply watched the films in order, but that would definitely be a unique way to approach it if you'd already seen the sequels.

For me, it was a movie I could remember from my childhood, but I hadn't seen it in almost two decades. After I happened to see an online article discussing the film's 30th anniversary a few years ago, that's when I was inspired to rent it from my local library and then I fell in love with it all over again. And that's what brought me to this lovely community here. :)
Sorry for the very, very, VERY late response. I just saw this.

The only reason why LBT II and III were first on my viewing list was because those were the only installments available at my local library at the time. Eventually, I spotted the original available on the library's catalog and checked it out immediately. It was all just a matter of coincidence and convenience.

Ah, the good ole days of public libraries and VHS cassette tapes...


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I cant really remember what got me into the series.
I think it was probably because as a kid I was really into dinosaurs so my parents got me the movies along with dinosaur books and toys
Still waiting for the bluth cut


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The TV series for Mo-o-o-o acted as the bridge for me to be introduced to the rest of the franchise and its movie, including the first movie. Yep, indeed, Mo-o-o had found the TV series first (via YouTube) before any of the movies, fanfictions, and etc. I'm sure I'm not alone in this. :)

The thing that'll forever keep me invested in the first movie, aside from its more somber tone than other movies of similar G rating, is the lost/cut scenes of the movie. I'm always excited whenever something new pops up for it!

Discord! I'm howling at the moon! And sleeping in the middle of a summer afternoon...


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 Dinosaurs, but of course grew up between the craze from the 80s to 90s. I got to see even Jurassic Park in theaters, but sadly not this one, I was just born at the time. I never took interest in the fandom till recently since I don't happen upon forums very often.

 This again was one of those films that made me hunt for a Littlefoot plush till succumbing to ebay. I blame a girl that was in my class had one with her, and made me envious!


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originally as a kid i had 3 or 4 of the sequels but i did not see the First one until years later and now LBT is one of favorite things beside astronomy, undertale and deltarune and super mario galaxy :ChomperPOG
It has been said that astronomy is a humbling and character-building experience. There is perhaps no better demonstration of the folly of human conceits than this distant image of our tiny world. To me, it underscores our responsibility to deal more kindly with one another, and to preserve and cherish the pale blue dot, the only home we've ever known.

— Carl Sagan, Pale Blue Dot, 1994