At a lot of points in this episode I thought Cera's face looked deformed. Too flat or chubby and her eyes too small or whatever, but the animators don't have a lot of time to spend on the animation. They're producing another episode every week. Err, I don't know the mechanics of making an animated series on TV, but animation in general is hard, time-consuming work. I still quite like the music, but I wish they would be more creative with the names ('Canyon of Shiny Stones'? That's like naming something 'Place Where the Trees Grow High and Needley.' Maybe it's just me, but I don't like obvious literal things that often)
There were quite a lot of funny moments (then again I'm easy to humor) and I found myself chuckling and grinning a lot.
Favorite quote (so far, I'm typing this as I watch):
"I do not understand. What is so bad about Smoking Mountain?" - Ducky
"It have BIG black smoke that make sky all dark and spookily! And sometimes it get all shaky!...Like Cera when she mad." - Petrie
Petrie had a LOT of funny expressions in this episode. I wish they would stop using such obvious CGI, though - it got on my nerves after a while. Um, it was amusing that Petrie thought he made the mountain mad. I mean, I've heard that before, but in here...I don't know, it was just funnier. As I was watching the little evading-flying lava rocks-and-call-out-to-Petrie sequence, I couldn't stop thinking that that could manifest itself into an online game of some sort. This doesn't really relate, but in the last episode, I noticed how Chomper continually sniffed to find his way around. I thought that was great, because T. Rexes are supposed to have the best sense of smell out of anything except for the turkey vulture.
Ahem. Back to the current episode. I thought the songs were a little pointless this time around. While they were catchy in their own right, to me it seemed like they were just there to be, well, there. I notice that Cera's horn seemed to be more developed now (taller, in any case). I was wondering why Cera didn't carry that stone in her mouth. I mean, it looked sturdy enough, lying there between her horn and her face, would have been much more secure in her mouth. Guess she wanted to explain herself.
Ooo, the lava! Whatcha gunna do now, kids!? I can see that being another minigame on some LBT CD-rom or something. Ah, the conveniently placed (fallen) returns. Did that remind anyone else of LBT 2?
Amusing quote:
Ruby's "oh dear..."
No kidding. You're two feet away from advancing lava. Heh, that made me laugh for some reason.
In that backshot of Ducky on the line "oh, no more shiny stones..." her head looks really huge. Distorted perspective or animator mishap, you decide. Wow. That was some sweet moves Petrie pulled off when he realized he didn't made the mountain mad. Wooo, go Petrie!
New funny quote:
"It's just been so quiet lately. I hope the kids aren't getting bored." - Petrie's mom
"MOOOOMMMMYYYYY!!!111" - Petrie
Chomper's "I hate to say it, but I'm hungry" line made me laugh, especially Ducky's response to it. Jee, these episodes certainly know how to make a ADD kid laugh! When Petrie's mom picked up Ducky and Chomper by their tails, I was a bit surprised for some reason. Don't know why. There seemed to be a bit of a time-lapse when Littlefoot's grandparents come to the rescue and they let the kids off their heads...hmm. Heh. Poor Cera. Losing the second stone. Oh, about the time-lapse thing...apparently practically all the parents came. I thought that was kinda random and unnecessary. At the ending scene, Littlefoot's grandparent's bodies look really flat and distorted. Oh, and by the way, we already knew Chomper ate bees - the animation is in the credits.