The Gang of Five
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Discuss: The Canyon of Shiny Stones


  • Chomper
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Warning: SPOILERS!! Okay, you have been warned. Haha.

I can't wait for repeats (eek, how can I SAY that!?) but at least we'll be able to see the first two eps.

Thanks again for streaming these for us and making them available for download. *hugs!*

YAY we get to see Cera's baby half-sister! She is cute, even though I think she's a little TOO chubby. LOL. But that's okay, she's an infant. She doesn't even talk like Dina and Dana did, she just gurbles like human infants do. LOL.

Holy mike, I think Tria has an obsessed with shiny stones. Did you see her pile? LOL. I don't know if they one focused on in the series was a dimond or not. I'd be more willing to say it was a crystal or a quartz (then again...did the animators even bother to make it look like a real life stone??)

Petri... you're so cute. Hee hee.

I can tell even more in this episode than in the last one that the animation is lacking. However, that is very much the norm for cartoons series compared to movies. If you check out just about every movie-turned-cartoon, you will see the same.

The little songs continue to amuse me!  :lol

That's all for me! What did you guys think?


  • Chomper
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Oh, and it seems in this series we have discovered how Chomper survives in the Great Valley. He mentions he eats 'fuzzy crawlers and buzzy flyers' (So....caterpillars and bees? What a wonderful menu...)  :huh:

Littlefoot Fan

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I can tell even more in this episode than in the last one that the animation is lacking.
As much as I agree about the poor animation in these shows, I thought the 4th episode was far superior to the 3rd one. None of the characters ever had that strange, blocky look to their face. It was like a breath of fresh air.

But anyway...

I thought Petrie's whole idea about the mountain getting angry was kind of funny. You could tell the whole gang thought he was crazy LOL :lol

And how did Cera manage to balance that stone on her horn for so long?

All in all, it was a good one! Thanks for taking the time to record these episodes just for our viewing pleasure Action! :DD Can't wait for the next one :^.^:


  • Chomper
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Quote from: Littlefoot Fan,Jan 20 2007 on  06:18 PM
And how did Cera manage to balance that stone on her horn for so long?
LOL. I kept expecting her to pick it up with her mouth. Did the animators not think of this? Or are they trying to make the dinos more 'human' by not having them carry things in their mouths? Hmm...


  • Spike
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At a lot of points in this episode I thought Cera's face looked deformed. Too flat or chubby and her eyes too small or whatever, but the animators don't have a lot of time to spend on the animation. They're producing another episode every week. Err, I don't know the mechanics of making an animated series on TV, but animation in general is hard, time-consuming work. I still quite like the music, but I wish they would be more creative with the names ('Canyon of Shiny Stones'? That's like naming something 'Place Where the Trees Grow High and Needley.' Maybe it's just me, but I don't like obvious literal things that often)

There were quite a lot of funny moments (then again I'm easy to humor) and I found myself chuckling and grinning a lot.

Favorite quote (so far, I'm typing this as I watch):
"I do not understand. What is so bad about Smoking Mountain?" - Ducky
"It have BIG black smoke that make sky all dark and spookily! And sometimes it get all shaky!...Like Cera when she mad." - Petrie

Petrie had a LOT of funny expressions in this episode. I wish they would stop using such obvious CGI, though - it got on my nerves after a while. Um, it was amusing that Petrie thought he made the mountain mad. I mean, I've heard that before, but in here...I don't know, it was just funnier. As I was watching the little evading-flying lava rocks-and-call-out-to-Petrie sequence, I couldn't stop thinking that that could manifest itself into an online game of some sort. This doesn't really relate, but in the last episode, I noticed how Chomper continually sniffed to find his way around. I thought that was great, because T. Rexes are supposed to have the best sense of smell out of anything except for the turkey vulture.

Ahem. Back to the current episode. I thought the songs were a little pointless this time around. While they were catchy in their own right, to me it seemed like they were just there to be, well, there. I notice that Cera's horn seemed to be more developed now (taller, in any case). I was wondering why Cera didn't carry that stone in her mouth. I mean, it looked sturdy enough, lying there between her horn and her face, would have been much more secure in her mouth. Guess she wanted to explain herself.

Ooo, the lava! Whatcha gunna do now, kids!? I can see that being another minigame on some LBT CD-rom or something. Ah, the conveniently placed (fallen) returns. Did that remind anyone else of LBT 2?

Amusing quote:
Ruby's "oh dear..."
No kidding. You're two feet away from advancing lava. Heh, that made me laugh for some reason.

In that backshot of Ducky on the line "oh, no more shiny stones..." her head looks really huge. Distorted perspective or animator mishap, you decide. Wow. That was some sweet moves Petrie pulled off when he realized he didn't made the mountain mad. Wooo, go Petrie!

New funny quote:
"It's just been so quiet lately. I hope the kids aren't getting bored." - Petrie's mom
"MOOOOMMMMYYYYY!!!111" - Petrie

Chomper's "I hate to say it, but I'm hungry" line made me laugh, especially Ducky's response to it. Jee, these episodes certainly know how to make a ADD kid laugh! When Petrie's mom picked up Ducky and Chomper by their tails, I was a bit surprised for some reason. Don't know why. There seemed to be a bit of a time-lapse when Littlefoot's grandparents come to the rescue and they let the kids off their heads...hmm. Heh. Poor Cera. Losing the second stone. Oh, about the time-lapse thing...apparently practically all the parents came. I thought that was kinda random and unnecessary. At the ending scene, Littlefoot's grandparent's bodies look really flat and distorted. Oh, and by the way, we already knew Chomper ate bees - the animation is in the credits.


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Lol, everytime she looked at the stone I thought the same thing. However if she had hold it in her mouth she wouldn't have lost it =p
Cera's half sister had already appeared in LBT 12, so it's not something new... I just wonder what happened to Guido, he sort of bonded with the gang and there are no indications of him leaving the valley. Since Tricia is there, this puts the series in a time-line after LBT 12.
As for the episode, I prefered no3, and in this one the characters change their aspect too much, from normal, to chubby in a smal sequence. Only Petrie, Spike, Ruby and Chomper stay the same, the other three are always changing their looks. I particulary didn't like the sequence where they show only one of Littlefoot's eyes, when his head is turned in a way you could naturally see both eyes.
I'm hip, I'm cool. I'm a happening fool

Littlefoot Fan

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At a lot of points in this episode I thought Cera's face looked deformed. Too flat or chubby and her eyes too small or whatever
Yea, I noticed this too, but it's still far less worse than the 3rd one. Littlefoot and Cera looked so weird near the end of the 3rd episode, it was just a joke.

I agree with everything you said Ratiasu :lol From Ruby's funny obvious quote, to the convenient log that just happened to be sitting there! :lol: I wondered too why Cera didn't carry the stone in her mouth.

And I also noticed how weird Littlefoot's grandparents' bodies looked at the end. Too flat :p


  • Chomper
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Quote from: NewOrder,Jan 20 2007 on  07:55 PM
Cera's half sister had already appeared in LBT 12, so it's not something new... I just wonder what happened to Guido, he sort of bonded with the gang and there are no indications of him leaving the valley.
For us here in America the movie isn't out yet, so this is our first sight of Trisha.  :^.^:


  • Chomper
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Quote from: Ratiasu,Jan 20 2007 on  07:54 PM
Oh, and by the way, we already knew Chomper ate bees - the animation is in the credits.
That's true, but we didn't know about the 'fuzzy crawlers'

Come to think of it, isn't that what they called the cute little rodent in Journey to the Mists? Didn't they make friends with it? I think this would be the first time we see that it's acceptable for Chomper to eat something that they might consider a friend.  :blink:


  • The Gang of Five
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Okay, no way are those crystals diamonds. At best, its something akin to quartz, and nothing of high-grade. It was interesting to see Tricia (Tria's daughter) in this one; this absolutely confirms that this takes place after the 12th movie. It also appears that Tria's collection, while still her's, is set up almost as some sot of public display, as it is out in the open, and not hidden in a cave or a cluster of trees, and anyone could conceivably see it. The details are a little sketchy, i'll admit. The animation was nothing special, but hardly as terrible as some other forum members make it out to be. The moral is obvious and predictable; I guessed it from the very moment I saw the words "shiny stone"; that people are more valuable than any minerals, no matter how shiny. This is also one of the few times where the parents/grandparents actually come to save the children, and cut across species lines to do it. It's also the first time i've seen Petrie actually fly away to get help and leave the others (temporarily.)

F-14 Ace

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A thing I might point out is that the adaults also seem to be aware of and accept that Chomper lives among them and hangs out with their kids.  And like everyone else, I really want to know how Chomper came to be with them in the valley in the first place.


  • The Gang of Five
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To know that we'd have to see the first episode. Anyway, most of Tria's minerals weren't too valuable; I personally have a bit of a mineral collection which has far more variety (and a piece of sulphur.) Of all the episodes described thus far, this one appears to be most like a typical disney cartoon episode. Still, typical plots are hard to come by for a series which has no technology, no items with moving parts, no clothing, no money, little government, no magic (this point is disputable in movies I, VII, and possibly X), and few possessions.

To date, possesions/important items have included:

- The treestar Littlefoot's mother gave him (movie I, ends up being crushed.)

- The medicinal night flowers (movie IV, eaten by Littlefoot's grandfather.)

- The stone of cold fire (movie VII, destroyed in volcanic activity.)

- Food which was specifically given to Ducky by her mother (movie VII, eaten by Spike)

- The "treesweets" (movie XI, eaten by tinysauruses despite promise for Tria to get first one; later shared by all when it next blossomed.)

- Tria's mineral collection with blue quartz centerpiece (episode IV, centerpiece lost by Cera in water, replacement found but dropped in lava.)

Also, a predator's tooth plays a part in movie VI, and episode II. Keep in mind this list may be incomplete, especially if eggs are counted as important items (seen in movies I, II, VI, IX, XII, and in a flashback in episode III.)


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Quote from: F-14 Ace,Jan 20 2007 on  11:09 PM
A thing I might point out is that the adaults also seem to be aware of and accept that Chomper lives among them and hangs out with their kids.  And like everyone else, I really want to know how Chomper came to be with them in the valley in the first place.
I also found that weird. I thought Littlefoot and the others were going to tell Chomper to hide, but they didn't. In the movies the grownups never met Chomper, I believe we have to wait for episodes 1 and 2 to sort things out.
I think you guys are taking this possesion thing way too serious. Never in the episode it indicated that Tria owned those stones, she was just pileing them, even when Cera asks about the shiny stone Tria just says she founded it lying around. Maybe she found those stones cute and decided to build a pile of them.
I'm hip, I'm cool. I'm a happening fool


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Quite true New Order, there was indeed no indication whatsoever that she actually owned them.  However, it is definate that Cera thought so.

Ah, the return of Cera's half-sister, Tricia.  You know, I too wonder what happened to Guido.  Maybe we'll get a later episode explanation of some kind.  Better be a good one. :)

I found quite a number of quotes funny myself.  Is it just me, or are the writers planning to win over kid audiences with humor?  Not that there's anything bad about that. :lol:

I too wonder why Cera didn't carry the stone in her mouth.  It would've indeed been easier. -_-

Now, from my perspective, I have seen many animated diamonds myself.  From my studies of the cartoon shows I've seen them in, I have come to the conclusion that they are more difficult to draw than most people think.  I especially saw such a problem with The Batman when Mr. Freeze talked about his past life before he became the villian we know and hate.

The main problem is drawing it with just the right amount of beauty to show it being a daimond, rather than a quartz or an emerald.  Let's just cut the animators some slack here.  They aren't easy to draw, and my studies prove that. :P:

Geez!  I'm going to be expecting great things when the first episode arrives.  There is indeed a ton of explaning to do. :)

The songs indeed just seemed to be there.  It made it lose their shine.  Though I guess we can cut the song writers a little slack.  I mean, they're creating 26 eps here.  Most of which I'm expecting to have at least one song in.  You try coming up with 20+ songs in one year.

In all, this was a good episode.  One I will indeed enjoy for a while.

I'll be giving the new songs to Action9000 later today.  So Action9000, if you're looking at this, keep an eye on your Inbox. :)

Well, I'll see ya later. :^.^:


  • The Gang of Five
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Quote from: NewOrder,Jan 21 2007 on  07:29 AM
Quote from: F-14 Ace,Jan 20 2007 on  11:09 PM
A thing I might point out is that the adaults also seem to be aware of and accept that Chomper lives among them and hangs out with their kids.  And like everyone else, I really want to know how Chomper came to be with them in the valley in the first place.
I also found that weird. I thought Littlefoot and the others were going to tell Chomper to hide, but they didn't. In the movies the grownups never met Chomper, I believe we have to wait for episodes 1 and 2 to sort things out.
I think you guys are taking this possesion thing way too serious. Never in the episode it indicated that Tria owned those stones, she was just pileing them, even when Cera asks about the shiny stone Tria just says she founded it lying around. Maybe she found those stones cute and decided to build a pile of them.
NewOrder is right; there isn't much indication that she owned the minerals, and she doesn't seem to care too much when the centerpiece is lost.


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Well I've just given the songs to Action9000.  I'm not sure when he'll have those up on his site, but I hope soon.

For my comment on them.  I thought in general that "Oops-epse" was one of the funniest LBT songs I ever heard.  Kinda silly, but it teaches young kids something good.

As for "Good Times, Good Friends", I thought that could've been better with slightly different lyrics.  Maybe even more meaniful.  Other than that, it was a good one. :^.^:

Oh, and NewOrder, could you mind telling me just where Chomper would hide in his situation?  I mean, he was stuck between the side of a cliff and a lake of lava.


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Hey all,
I'll get the lyrics up on the site as soon as possible but I'm just getting so bogged down with things to do right now....
I have the lyrics you sent me and they'll be up soon.  I'll let you all know when the lyrics are up on the site! B)


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Lol, he could run away before the grown ups saw him, he's quite small and doesn't look like a T-Rex from a far.
I'm hip, I'm cool. I'm a happening fool


  • The Gang of Five
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Well, what do they think Chomper could be? The two-legged profile, tiny arms, and large head sort of give him away. I'm sure the adults know that Chomper is a predator; we just missed the first two episodes in which he would be accepted into the valley (at least until he grows too big to survive on insects and other non-dinosaurs.)


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Quote from: Noname,Jan 24 2007 on  09:13 AM
until he grows too big to survive on insects and other non-dinosaurs
I really doubt that'll happen. None of the gang, or anyone else, have grown at all (if they have I've missed it. I think Ducky is a bit bigger in the TV series, but that's it). But that would be interesting if that happened. I'm sort of surprised that Littlefoot's grandparents haven't died yet. They were old in the original movie, and now they're really old, and they go through things like famines and fires and blizzards...