I always had a difficult time imagining the difference it would have made, as so many things we are familiar with would not have happened, like there would be no offensive comparison to everything we hate to the nazis, and plus, films and books like Harry Potter and Star Wars may have even gone differently, as much of their basis is in those conflicts. Also, would we here of Poland, Ukraine, the Baltics, Finland, Turkey, or other countries that became independent after the war? For the Austro-Hungarian and Ottoman empires things were already bad, so it may have just slowed down their falls. Russia is a different issue, it was not in a bad state at that time, World War I threw the country into turmoil and caused its revolution. Perhaps there would have been a cold war between the European Superpowers, England, France and Russia on one side, Germany on the other. Perhaps America would still be isolationistic, which in a way would be better as we would be keeping to ourselves rather then try to give freedom to countries that need a textbook to understand it, just generalizing.
I came up with a scenario for the world as World War I or II hasn't occured.
- Britain and Germany are in a cold war, as they were Europe's most powerful countries.
- No islamic-based terrorism due to large empires being maintained.
- America is still a world power, though is not as strong as today, and keeps to itself. Perhaps mediating between the European countries.
- Russia is eastern europe, though the Austrian territories are still independent.
- 76 million lives have been saved(the combined total in deaths for both world wars), world still heavily anti-semitic due to lack of certain horrible events.
- Kaiser's monarchy still strong.
- Tanks are seen as troop support, air forces are much smaller, missiles are non-existent, this is due to the germans in world war II developing these ideas.
- A-bombs and other Nuclear weapons don't exist due to no need for them.
Tell me ways I can improve this.