The Gang of Five
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Fyn16's crew (I mean OCs)

Fyn16 · 7 · 7377


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Alright, so first off...

Fyn (Yeah, you guys knew this one was comin').

Species: Amargasaurus Cazaui (Fin-Neck)

Age: Variable, depending on RP, but a few weeks older than Littlefoot.

Location: Great Valley

Appearance: Orange, with a black center stripe, black spines, and a tan underbelly (Excellent for blending in with the desert.). Also, quite large for his species.

Personality: Fyn is fiercely loyal, which can actually put him in some difficult situations. He's trying to teach himself to think through a problem before rushing in, but sometimes his old habits get the best of him. Nevertheless, he's a good friend and a strong warrior. He is very close to his family, especially his mother, who he made the trip to the Great Valley with (more on that in the bio). One of Fyn's major strengths is his ability to look ahead and see the possible outcomes of an action. This makes him very effective, either in battle or even when simply trying to find the right words to say. He's a good talker, and has often helped others, including his friends, through tough emotional times.

Biography: Fyn was born in a place known as The Grove, a small paradise tucked away in the Mysterious Beyond. He grew up during the events of the first LBT movie, and his home was untouched by the dramatic changes that were occurring. Unfortunately, this was not to last. During the events of LBT X, a group of Sailteeth (Spinosaurus) invaded The Grove, forcing the Fin-Necks out. There was only one place left to go: the legendary Great Valley. The herd began the journey shortly, but along the way, many things went wrong. The herd was stalked by a Sharptooth, and drought and hunger weakened many of the dinosaurs. Finally, all of these problems came to a head when the herd was forced to cross a rock bridge spanning the chasm that was created by the Earthshake in the first LBT. The Sharptooth finally attacked, and in an attempt to buy the herd time, Poldar, Fyn's grandfather, was killed. The Sharptooth was knocked temporarily unconscious, but attacked again shortly. This time, Labon, Fyn's father, was forced to destroy the rock bridge, separating himself from Fyn. Fyn's sisters were separated as well, as they had stayed on the same side of the chasm as Labon. Fortunately, the battle had supposedly incapacitated the Sharptooth. Unfortunately, with the Bright Circle falling fast and a journey that still needed completing, Labon had to make a quick decision on who to choose as the herd's new leader. He chose Fyn, but leadership was quickly snatched by Sorven, a jealous, power-hungry Fin-Neck. He forced Fyn to tell him the directions to the Great Valley, but was killed during a Fast Biter attack in the Mountains that Burn. At that point, Fyn finally accepted his role as leader. He led the herd straight to the Great Valley, despite a massive, blinding sandstorm and a final attack from the Sharptooth (who was killed by Keva, Fyn's mother). In the Great Valley, Fyn and Keva were united with the rest of their family, and Fyn met and became part of the gang, until the arrival of Chomper and Ruby (at the beginning of the TV series). Fyn immediately displayed his distrust for the two and left the gang. However, a season later, events occurred which forced him to work with the two, and Fyn realized that not all Sharpteeth really are bad. He rejoined the gang and stayed with them until his adult years. He is still living with them in the Great Valley

Picture: Pending, coming soon!


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Name: Such (pronounced "s-oo-k")

Species: Suchomimus

Location: "Riverplains" near the Highmountains.

Age: Adult, 8 years older than the gang.

Appearance: Faded white and blue.

Personality: Such tries to be friendly to others, despite his frightening appearance. He's quite softhearted and is actually offended when dinosaurs run away from him in fear. He simply has no time to tell them all he eats is fish! Such's a bit of a loner, but not by choice. He's always on the lookout for a friend. Fortunately, living alone in the Mysterious Beyond has taught him much, like how to fight, how to negotiate, who to look out for, and of course, where all the best fish are. Such likes to take life easy, but if necessary, he'll do what he can to help out someone in need.

Biography: Such always was a bit of an outcast: not aggressive enough to be a full Sharptooth, and too scary-looking to side with the Leaf Eaters, so he made a decision early on to keep to himself. He never knew his parents, but occasionally asks for details regarding their location. He has yet to find an answer. Such's shining moment came when he rescued Littlefoot and Fyn from a pack of Fast Biters during a migration (See Fanfiction: Let Your Heart Guide You). He helped them on their journey as a guide and protector. He was sad to see them go at the end, as they'd been his first real friends, but they vowed to come visit again sometime. Until then, Such went back to his peaceful life, catching fish and catching the Bright Circle's light.


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  • Littlefoot
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I'm confused about your second character. In the bio, you say his name was Such. But in the bio description, you switch to Chi. Which one is it?


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Quote from: DarkHououmon,Aug 12 2012 on  09:36 AM
I'm confused about your second character. In the bio, you say his name was Such. But in the bio description, you switch to Chi. Which one is it?
Oops, thanks for catching that. Problem is now solved (it's Such).


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Here's an OD (Original Dinosaur)...

Name: Sharptooth Pack (Small Biters)

Species: Compsognathus

Location: Known to thrive in the Highmountains, scattered groups elsewhere.

Age: Variable

Appearance: Green, with faint, blue stripes.

Tactics: Small Biters are almost never found alone. They prefer to travel in very large packs. Despite this, they possess outstanding natural camouflage, and can hide very easily in the dense foliage of their home. Their bite is dangerous, especially to young dinosaurs, as it contains slightly toxic saliva. Several bites can cause the victim to lose consciousness. If the victim is not removed from the area, and is continually bitten after losing consciousness, death is imminent. So far, no attempts to communicate with the Small Biters have been made.


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Name (ceremonial, unofficial): River Dweller

Species: Mosasaurus

Location: Formerly Highmountains, now unknown. Possibly deceased, but unlikely.

Age: Unknown, but at least a middle-aged adult.

Appearance: Gray and faded blue.

Personality/Bio: Cold and manipulative, the River-Dweller once joined forces with a land-based Sharptooth to trap the members of a small Valley in the Highmountains within their home. She survived off of regular ritualistic offerings of the Valley-dwellers' own kind. She was finally drawn out of the area by the Gang, with the help of a young Allosaur/Tyrannosaur hybrid named Terra. To this day, no one knows if she survived or not. However, there are stories about how, along the various rivers in the Highmountains area, no one approaches the water after dark. Some say she still lives there, dragging the innocent down into a crushing, watery grave...