The Gang of Five
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Earning Restitution

Mr Wonk

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I know that feeling Vonboy. I've not been online since my brother always looks what I go on and well I like my privacy. :DD


  • Professional Veggie-Eater
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@ Vonboy: I'm glad you had time to review, and good luck with the move!
Gahh, hope you get steady internet soon!
"Not all who wander are lost"
J. R. R. Tolkein


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This is very good,

Well thought out and written.



  • Professional Veggie-Eater
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Wow, thanks so much. I'm happy you think so :)
"Not all who wander are lost"
J. R. R. Tolkein


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Double-posting on my part... I gotta stop that :p
This is a little tie-in, in preparation for the day sequencs. Dangit! This is taking so long! Everyone, just get up and start doing STUFF!
And tensions mount among the Gang... :o

=Part Seventeen

“Great,” Cera muttered. “Now we’re gone after dark. I better get my apology speech ready. After all, I’ve perfected it.”

Littlefoot glared. “Are you saying this is my fault? I didn’t want to go out here in the first place, but then you made me feel like an awful friend for not being worried about Ruby and Chomper!” The longneck was indignant. How dare Cera complain about this situation? After all, this was more her idea than it was his, wasn’t it?

“No, no! Friends no fight!” Petrie squawked, perched on Littlefoot’s back. “Me no want to hear this anymore! Friends give Petrie headache!” he complained, cradling his head.

“Yep, yep, yep.” Ducky agreed, somberly. Littlefoot grudgingly nodded.

“I’m sorry,” he mumbled. “I don’t mean to snap.”

Cera grunted in reply, but it ended the disagreement and the Gang continued on in silence until Petrie started shrieking. “Sh-sharptooth!” He pointed a shaky digit in the distance.

The Gang froze. “Where?!” Littlefoot cried.

“There! M-me see it over there!” Petrie stuttered. Sure enough, a darkened figure rose up several meters away, almost indistinct against the blackened rocks.

Cera frowned. “Well great, he heard us, so we’re in even bigger trouble now. Thanks, Petrie.”

“Cera!” Littlefoot admonished. “Stop it! Everyone, follow me!” The longneck took off down a side trail with his friends at close pace behind him.
“Wh-where we going?” Petrie asked, jouncing up and down on the longneck’s back. Littlefoot didn’t answer because he had no idea himself. But he did know that this trail led to several caves, one of which they could probably hide in.
“Almost there!” He allowed. He strained to hear the excited bellow that usually accompanied a sharptooth sighting, but none came. Littlefoot decided not to worry about that, however. Just focus on getting everyone safe!

At length, they reached the caves. Littlefoot pinpointed one. “C’mon! In there!” he charged through, followed by Cera, and then by the lumbering Spike. Once they were through, they waited. Painstakingly, for what seemed hours. Nothing.

Cera frowned. “Exactly what did you see out there, Petrie? Was it an actual sharptooth, or was it a rock?”

Petrie paused. “Um, me no remember.” He scratched his head. “It look like sharptooth at first, but me could be wrong,” he chuckled nervously.

Cera groaned. “We probably woke up every sharptooth around here scrambling for cover!”

“Cera, calm down. Maybe he did see something. And anyways, this is a good place to stop. We can continue in the morning.” Littlefoot curled up then, and the Gang followed his example. Ducky yawned.

“I hope we find Chomper and Ruby tomorrow, I do, I do.”

“Me too,” Littlefoot sighed.


Taylen looked up at the Night Circle and whistled. “Wo-ow, don’t think I’ve ever seen it that big, before.”

Pterano walked beside him, deciding not to fly again as he was far too light-headed from lack of sleep. He grunted in reply. The two had entered the ranges of the Beyond, and from there, they just had to snuff out Taylen’s brothers, and this whole episode would be finished – Pterano wouldn’t be condemned, and Taylen would be reunited with his family. Happy endings for everyone.

If only it could be that simple. Pterano sighed, blinking his eyes.

“You alright, sir?” Taylen whispered. “Oh! You-you’re tired! I’m sorry! I should have noticed. Um, we can stop now, if you want.”

“Just a bit further,” Pterano wanted nothing more than to stop, but they were cresting a ridge, and if they could just get over this ridge, then they could stop and rest. But it turned out cresting the hill wasn’t in the plan as Pterano tripped and sprawled forward on the ground, suppressing a grunt of surprise. Taylen yelped and flew to his assistance.

“Yipes! You-you alright, Pterano? Sir?”

“Fine, lad. M’fine.” Pterano coughed as he struggled to his knees.

“You’re exhausted,” Taylen pointed out. Pterano nodded slowly, closing his eyes. “We need to get you someplace safe to sleep, ëkay? Follow me, my sniffer can help!” The little Stealer gave a yank on the older flyer’s shoulder, almost causing Pterano to topple sideways.

“A-alright, I’m getting up, then.” Pterano grumbled. He didn’t remember the last time he’d been so tired. Gads, he could barely see straight; not to mention it was night time and almost completely dark save for the light of the Night Circle high above.

With Taylen clutching fast to his wrist, there wasn’t much Pterano could do except follow after. He didn’t have the strength to carry on forward himself. Honestly, he rolled his eyes behind half-closed lids. I’m like a bloody blind, walking like this. So much for the fantastic flyer that I am.

“Aha!” Taylen tugged him forward a little more. “In there! It’s a cave and it looks safe! Up high, too!”

Snapping awake, Pterano pulled back on his arm, stopping Taylen. The little Stealer looked confused. “Oy, what’s up?”

“Quiet!” Pterano hushed. Turning his crested head this way and that, his eyes narrowed as he searched the cliffside they were now facing. “These could be sharpteeth nests, lad.”

“Sh-sharpteeth nests, really?” Taylen’s eyes widened.

Pterano nodded.“We have to be careful, follow my lead.” The flyer stepped forward, scaling the cliff face, forcing his eyes to remain open as he passed each opening. At last, he found the perfect spot – a location high-up, between two rock pinnacles, completely isolated. “That’s it, Taylen, right up--”

Just then, a roar shook the night. Pterano froze, talon pointed upwards, crested head snapping towards a distant ridge. “Taylen,” he whispered. “Get up there, now.”

“Righto, sir,” Taylen whispered back. The little dinosaur latched onto the hard stone surface and shimmied his way up towards the spot on top. Pterano stalled below, looking up and then back down again. He wouldn't have preferred to fly, but since there was the pressing matter of surviving or being a night snack, there was no time to waste. Groaning, Pterano spread his wings, almost getting thrown off balance as another ear-splitting roar emerged at a closer distance, though the speaker was still out of sight. The old flyer bit his tongue, gave a mighty, rocketing flap, and soared into the air on an updraft, reaching the top before Taylen.

He held out a weary claw to the youngster. “Come on, up with you lad.” He grunted, pulling Taylen to safety. The two flopped back against the edge, out of breath.

“Wow, that-that was some day, eh, sir?” Taylen giggled, unsuccessfully hiding a yawn. Pterano smiled gently as he wrapped a large wing over the smaller dinosaur.

“That it was, lad. That it was. Get some sleep, now.”

“Do you… think we’ll find my bro-brothers, tomorrow?”

Hopefully we will, Pterano didn’t bother to answer as Taylen slipped into slumber the very next moment.

Hopefully, lad.


Soooo YES! We be getting STUFF done, now! Good work, Team! Rock on!
... now if I could only get over my blasted writer's block for the next part :bang
Anyway, enjoy these close tender moments as they last, muahahaha...
"Not all who wander are lost"
J. R. R. Tolkein


  • *feels like Pterano*
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Soo, I finally read your fic :D

in spite of the fact that I'm not a huge Pterano/Eggstealers fan I really like it.
Your OC is well chosen and the plot is exciting ;)
Keep writing!  :yes
Inactive, probably forever.


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=Part Eighteen

“Okay, it’s all clear.” Littlefoot motioned to the others to follow him. The Gang slowly crept out into the early morning light. It had been a restless night for them, amid the strange noises of the Mysterious Beyond; the occasional chilling hoots, and stark cries in the distance. Littlefoot frowned, clearing such thoughts as those away as he led the group forward.

They hadn’t gone far when they reached what appeared to be a flurry of footmarks of various sizes. Disturbingly enough, the most prominent mark was a massive, three-toed print… one they knew all too well; the faint stench given off was more than enough. “Oh no, no, no.” Ducky quavered.

Littlefoot turned in the direction the footprints headed. “Well, we know where he went.” something caught his peripherals: the same footmarks going the opposite way. The longneck frowned. That was odd. “-And there he went,” he nodded.

“He just turned around and left?” Cera resounded, disbelieving. “What spooked him?”

“Didn’t know Red Claw get spooked,” Petrie flapped forward a couple meters, squinting into the narrow canyon.

“So, are we going that way or what? Red Claw’s not there and my sniffer’s not picking anything up,” Cera trotted down a ways. “Let’s go!”

Littlefoot decided not to point out that flatteeth sniffers were totally useless in cases such as scent-tracking. The Gang found themselves in the same canyon and shelf Ruby and Chomper had come down just the evening before. Of course, none of this was apparent to the children as they plodded along; the scents were all mixed with one another, resulting in a hazy, muted experience that was overpowered by the dusty ground.

The Gang traveled in silence, not really daring to do anything else except breathe. Every corner they turned, every ridge they ascended had to be done slowly and carefully, even though the Beyond was abnormally quiet and still this morning and they never encountered another soul. Things looked to be going along smoothly until –

“Chomper!” Petrie squawked, quickly cupping his beak in shock.
“Petrie!” Cera hissed, “We need to be quiet out here!”

“Me sorry,” Petrie whispered. “It just me found Chomper’s footmark down here!” He pointed, excitedly. “Look-ee!”

“Petrie!” Littlefoot’s whisper came out harsher than he intended. “Keep your voice down!”

“Look who’s talking,” Cera remarked, flatly.

“Quiet!” The longneck turned back to Petrie. “What did you find, Petrie?”

“Look!” The little flyer swooped down to the ground where Ruby and Chomper had met up with the Stealers the day previous. “He right here, and then he walk off. This mark Ruby’s, too!”

Littlefoot’s hopes rose. “They can’t be that far, can they?” He ventured. “We’ll follow these tracks, then.” Bending so his neck was parallel to the ground, Littlefoot started off with Petrie overhead, Cera behind, and Spike and Ducky bringing up the rear.

Ruby and Chomper were actually much closer than ënot far’. They were a short ways downwind of the very place the Gang was departing, in a small, inconspicuous outcropping of a cave. Chomper spent most of the night distrustfully awake in his new nest, keeping his eyes attuned towards the back where the two Stealers slept, but nothing came out of it. Ozzy, the lighter one, had ignored them all last evening while the darker one, Strut, had gone out of his way to make sure the two were comfortable. Chomper wasn’t sure he liked to admit it, but Strut was coming off more likeable compared to his stony brother.

This morning however, Chomper woke with a start. The first place he looked was where Ruby was nestled on the other side of the cave. His friend remained undisturbed. The second place he turned to was towards the back. Strut was visible, but judging from the Stealer’s loud snores, visibility was only an option. Ozzy on the other claw, was gone. Chomper tensed and slowly got to his feet, tingly all over. Where did he go?

“Looking for someone?” A gruff voice remarked at the head of the cave. Chomper promptly spun around, tripping backwards in the process and staring up into two, narrowed amber eyes. Ozzy stepped back inside, over the startled shartooth, with two small oblong shapes tucked under his arm.

“Where were you?” Chomper frowned.

Ozzy didn’t cease his steps. “Out, why? Afraid I’d nab you in the middle of the night and try to eat you?”

Chomper tried not to show just how much he had considered the prospect by growling a little. Ozzy turned then, sneering.

“I went to get food, alright? And anyway, where are you still here? Aren’t your 'friends' worried about you?” The Stealer thoughtfully tapped the side of his beak. “That is, your 'friends' who never showed up last night?”

Chomper frowned. “So what if I lied? You can’t blame me, the last time I saw you, you tried to eat me!”

“Like I’d be making that much progress now, without any teeth,” Ozzy opened his jaws to demonstrate. “I’d be left gumming you boy, which wouldn’t be that big of a danger, let me tell you.” The Stealer stopped then to dig messily into one of the eggs, yellow drips coursing down the corners of his beak and down his claws. Chomper grimaced.

Ruby woke up, then. “Is it morning out, yet?” She yawned. “Good morning Chomper, how did you –?” She stopped short upon catching sight of the large Stealer. “Oh!” She quickly corrected. “And h-hello to you, too. Ozzy, good morning.” She smiled.

Ozzy grunted in reply and tossed the remaining egg at Strut, who came to quickly after being knocked on the head. Chomper got to his feet and Ruby did the same. “Well, we should probably be going. Thanks for letting us stay,”

“Don’t let the rocks hit you on the way out,” Ozzy muttered. Strut gulped down the rest of his egg and practically vaulted across the cave.

“W-wait!” He cried, “Don’t –don’t go, at least not, well… are you hungry at all?” He faced his brother. “Oz, why didn't you get them anything?” he sounded appalled.

The pale Stealer glared. “It’s not my job to feed them.”

Strut held back his retort, reminded of the previous day. His face was still a little sore. “Well?” He tilted his head again.

Chomper paused. “Well, I am,” Ruby nodded as well. Strut smiled.

“Oh, okay! W-what do you, ahm, eat?” He glanced first nervously at Chomper, but the little sharptooth was quick to dispel his fears.

“Buzzers or crawlers, mostly. I won’t need to hunt until…” he paused, blushing. He didn’t like talking about the future, especially since his seemed so bleak at the moment. Ruby spoke up, saving Chomper the awkward silence.

“Green food. I like crawlers sometimes.” She looked around. “But maybe there is no green food here, because I don't see any, right?”

Strut raised an eyebrow. This fast runner was going to take some getting used to. “Well, not in the cave, but,” he glanced at Ozzy, this time in anxiety, “there’s a small cluster of creepers and such, might be some sweet bubbles. I found it the other day!” he blurted back, startling both children. “You-you weren’t here, and I just stepped out and I found it, okay?”

Chomper was confused. Why did Strut have to defend himself like that? He was a Stealer, right? Stealers didn’t eat green food. “Why would you eat anything like that?” He queried, drawing a frightened hiccup from Strut.

Ozzy broke in. “Because he likes it,” he grumbled. “He prefers it,” he emphasized the verbs like they were some sort of curse. Strut swallowed.

“But but I…” he shook his head. “It doesn’t matter. I’m taking them to get something to eat, and then we’ll be back, happy with that?” He turned smartly and almost collided with a young longneck who had just stepped into the cave’s entrance.


:slap Strut's a naughty, naughty boy for liking green food, and Ozzy'll make him remember it till doomsday :p
...jerkweed. :DD just kiddin', I loves you guys to bits!
and what's this? Ohh, this next part is going to be quite interesting.... indeed
"Not all who wander are lost"
J. R. R. Tolkein


  • Petrie
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I love this story,

I like stories well thought out and written,not rushed and clamped and make no sense jumping from one scene to another,like I some I read on

Keep it up!



  • Professional Veggie-Eater
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Thanks to all you reviewers, I appreciate the feedback (to see that I doing things rightly-ish)
Moar to come, muahahaha! :D
"Not all who wander are lost"
J. R. R. Tolkein


  • Professional Veggie-Eater
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Sakes alive, what in tarnation I been up to, leavin' off mah fanfic such as this? And where on earth did I adopt such an accent? O_o
Anyways, here's:

=Part Nineteen

Littlefoot hurriedly stepped back as something charged at him. When he looked up again, his jaw dropped. Never, never in his whole life had he expected…

“Whoa, watch it!” Cera protested, stepped out of the longneck’s way. “What’s the big--?” She too, stopped, but she was quicker to recover. “You’re still alive?” She snorted.

“Who’s still alive? Who?” Ducky asked. She and Spike appeared around the bend and reacted much the same.

Strut was taken completely off guard. He stumbled back a step, stammering furiously. “O-Oz, did you… did you-?”

Chomper broke the tension. “Hey guys!” He waved his claws, cheerfully. “What took you so long?”

“Hi, Chomper, Ruby.” Littlefoot sent a dark glare in Strut’s direction. “Good to see you guys are safe.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?” Strut found his voice, indignantly folding his arms.

Cera answered that, pouring on the guilt. “Because you two are here, that’s why.”

Ozzy stepped forward and the Gang froze. He looked a lot meaner than they remembered, and the slightly emaciated appearance didn’t really help with the impression. The amber-eyed Stealer frowned. “Ah, my least favorite group of sprout-crunchers,” he sneered.

Littlefoot returned the look with equal intensity. “Look, we didn’t come here to be insulted, least of all by you. We came for Ruby and Chomper.”

“So take ëem, already!” Ozzy snapped. “We’re not planning on stopping you, we’ve got better things to do!”

“Like what, starve?” Cera didn’t miss a trick. These Stealers were obviously just barely getting by out here.

Ozzy’s expression was venomous. Beside him, Strut whimpered, knowing all too well what would come next. “We-we haven’t been doing that badly out here, y’know,” Strut quavered, hoping to stall.

Cera wasn’t convinced. “Oh, please! Both of you are as skinny as Petrie, there!” She gestured with a sharp nod towards the little flyer who was hovering in the air. Petrie gulped as attentions diverted to him and he fluttered down to hide behind Littlefoot’s neck.

Ozzy inclined his head sharply to the left, beak pursed in a hateful grimace. The connection was made, and unfortunately for the two brothers, it was quite close. Ozzy knew it, too. There was no use pretending to these sharp-eyed youngsters. But old habits die hard. “You’ve got until two moments ago to hightail yourselves out of this canyon and bog off!

Chomper, caught between the cave entrance and outside, spoke up, sounding sympathetic. “Look, Ozzy, we can help you; my friends and me. You need food, and--”

“I-don’t-need-help-from-hatchlings!” Ozzy barked, making the little sharptooth jump back. Ruby spread a forearm out in front of her charge in defense.

“ëHatchlings’?” Ducky piped up, on top of Spike. She looked confused. “We are not hatchlings, oh no, no, no. We are much bigger than hatchlings are.”

“Oh, whatever!” Ozzy blurted, advancing out from the cave. The Gang backed up. “Either you lot scram or I make you!” The Stealer spread his foreclaws threateningly, despite his earlier assurance to Chomper. “We came here to be left in peace, so leave!” Ozzy was left panting in his stance, but he didn’t back down. Chomper and Ruby slipped by an indisposed Strut and rejoined the Gang.

The dark Stealer stared miserably after the youngsters. He rubbed the back of his neck, feeling that upheaval boil in his gut again. But it was far more subtle this time, especially after last night. Ozzy’s just too proud to admit it, Strut’s mind intoned. He’s going to get us killed, or starved, or worse!

Before the Gang was ushered off, Strut pounced upon his chance. “Ozzy, stop it!” He hurried over, planting himself between his furious sibling and the group. “This isn’t right! They’re-they’re only children, after all! Stop bullying them!”

Littlefoot was perhaps the most surprised to see this change in the dark Stealer who had, on the one occasion that seemed so long ago now, insisted that the longneck be thrown off the Valley’s Great Wall. And now here he was, defending them!

Ozzy growled at this interruption. This new-found rebellion wasn't as surprising to him as it was to the children, but it was far more annoying. “Step out of my way, brother,” he ordered.

Strut bristled. “I was here, first!” He flexed his long foreclaws as a challenge to the higher authority. Ozzy was quite taken aback, but he didn’t dare show it. Slowly, he backed off, muttering under his breath.

“Thank you,” Strut replied, softly. He looked over his shoulder then and attempted what he hoped was a friendly smile. This was lost on Cera, and partly on Littlefoot, although the longneck had to admit that something had changed. Maybe not for the lighter Stealer, but definitely for his brother.

“I’m Strut, and that’s Ozzy. You may or may not have known that already,” Strut chuckled weakly. He turned to face the gang properly and his face turned serious as he gazed at Chomper. “So, you think you can help us?”

So there you have it! Crappy upload is hurried and crappy, I know, but just wanted to get this written down and perhaps some more reviews.
Next part is being fixed as I type!!
"Not all who wander are lost"
J. R. R. Tolkein


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This fanfiction has been submitted for the 2013 fanfiction awards. Give the author some feedback and a rating for the story in this topic.


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So wake me up when it's all over
When I'm wiser and I'm older
All this time I was finding myself
And I didn't know I was lost
- "Wake Me Up" by Avicii
this song reminds me a lot of Pterano :lol

=Part Twenty

“Careful now, lad.” Pterano cautioned. His pep was back after a well-earned rest last night and he wasn’t as apprehensive about the whole mission, now. “Tread softly, sharpteeth are already awake at this hour.”

Taylen, bounced along happily behind his older companion. The little Stealer’s features were lit up in an innocent grin as he took in the sights along the path they followed. He wasn’t bothered in the slightest; the ever-apparent danger didn’t quell his youthful exuberance. For a moment, Pterano felt rather abashed, cautioning the little dinosaur so much.

Grand, I’m becoming a bloody great sentimental.

Taylen tried not to notice the flyer’s growing tendency to mutter or shake his head in some imaginary conversation. It must be an old folks’ thing.

“Sir?” He queried, hoping this was a safe question. “What does… what does the Valley look like? Is it nice?”

Pterano’s mind hiccupped. What? He turned slightly. “Um, well… yes, it is. It’s- quite beautiful, actually; fertile and welcoming, and just,” he sighed contentedly as he finally relaxed into the memory. “It’s a wonderful place, lad.”

Taylen smiled brightly. “It sounds great. How long until we reach the wall?”

Right, back to business, then.“We’re close,” was all he offered. “Soon, we’ll see the tips of the Great Walls.”

Taylen’s head shot up, looking for anything that resembled such. Given that fact that he was looking straight up into the sky, Pterano doubted the little one would be able to spot the great hills too soon. He rolled his eyes. “Come on, I’ll tell you when we get there,” he motioned with his talons and Taylen abandoned his hunt to cheerfully trot after the old flyer.

“My da would always tell me stories ëbout the Great Valley,” Taylen remarked. “He said there was just enough food for everyone, so that’s why he sent my brothers out to find it.”

“Did he, now?” Pterano replied, inattentively. It wasn’t that he was deliberately ignoring the youngster, but there was only so many places his attention could be at once, and he figured it would be best to keep his focus on the next step.

“Yeah! And-and there was this big council held, and I was just a hatchling then, but I saw it all, and my brothers looked right happy, they did! And then, after the big meeting, they--”

Pterano’s wing shot outwards, almost smacking Taylen in the face. He hissed, “Shh! There’s something up ahead.” They were at a sort of crossroads where all these different paths diverged and then disappeared over the next hill.

Taylen snapped his beak shut and crept ever so slowly behind as Pterano advanced one step… two steps. He glanced down each pathway, trying to ignore the large, three-toed imprints of predators neatly embedded in one such path. Fortunately, the tracks led away from their spot, so he wasn’t that unnerved. He listened again for the noises he had heard – it had been sort of a yell, like an exasperated cry, but it didn’t sound anything like what a sharptooth would emit.

Holding his talons up in a warning ëdon’t move any closer’ sign, Pterano chose the path that the footprints led away from. Obviously, whatever was down that way held no interest to a sharptooth so they could proceed as normal, right? Being careful never did any harm, Pterano thought, almost bitterly. A pang of remembrance hit him in his chest like he’d been struck and he winced. How in the Beyond would he know anything about being careful, after never having been careful himself? Ever?


“So… what we help with? What first?” Petrie chirped. He peeked out from behind Littlefoot’s head where he’d hid before.

“Well, with food, of course.” Chomper remarked. He ignored Ozzy’s grunt of aggravation as he turned back to face Strut. “I guess the first thing is, we need to find a better place for you. This isn’t close to food at all,”

“What d’you mean by that?” Strut’s eyes narrowed slightly, confused.

“It’s always best to stay near food, especially when there’s no food around, so you always know you’re close” Ruby advised with a nod of her head.

“So, we’re… moving?” Strut glanced back at his brother. He offered a helpless sort of smile and shrugged. “Ah, well uh… as they say,”

Ozzy glared. “Go along with them if you want, but I’m not setting foot in with this lot!” He asserted, stamped his foot hard for emphasis.

Chomper winced. “Wait, I thought you said you wanted help!”

“I can help myself, thanks for asking!” Ozzy hissed.

Strut frowned. “Oz, come off it. Look, why can’t we just, y’know, put the past behind us? They have, haven’t you?” He dropped the frown as he looked back at the children. Placated by their slight nods, he turned back. “Yes, they have! You’re… acting like an egg!”

Ozzy laughed, the same dry laugh that echoed off the rocks. “An egg?! Grand, brother, just bloody grand!” he hooted. “Can’t speak the word on any other basis, so you’ve reserved it for infantile insults!”

Strut’s face flushed. “Knock it off,” he muttered, heatedly. “I’m… not afraid of you,”

Ozzy stopped laughing and he sneered. “Yes, you are. This ridiculous rebellion thing you’ve got going is just a ploy; you’re dead-frightened, brother, I know.”

Strut froze, limbs rendered useless and stiff. “You… don’t know… anything!
“Don’t I?”

Littlefoot cleared his throat. “Look guys, we didn’t ask for a fight. Let us help you and then we can go our separate ways, okay?” He glared at the two. This was just getting silly. These Stealers had to learn to work together, respect each other, like he and the Gang did. Or else there’d be more of this stupid arguing. “First off, you guys have to learn how to be a team, you know, work together. You won’t get very far with squabbling.”

Strut relaxed, even looked away in humiliation. Being told off by youngsters was beginning to grow into a gross habit. He sighed. Ozzy sniffed, but didn’t stand down immediately.

Cera scratched the ground. “Do it,” she threatened. Ozzy gave her a hateful glare but he relented as well.

“Fine, let’s just get on with it, if you please.”


Pterano’s pace quickened, and Taylen followed suit, settling into a swift trot. He was confused as to the sudden change in Pterano’s demeanor. It seemed the older flyer was… searching with intent.

“Sir? What’s up?” He piped, trying to keep up with Pterano’s lengthy strides.

Pterano didn’t reply at first. His attention had been diverted and now it stayed diverted. Those were no sharptooth voices… He stepped along quicker and with more energy than he had the day previous. He didn’t think there was there any hope of meeting a fellow flattooth out this way. That would be superb luck! Just what they needed!

As the two rounded a bend and crested another dip, Pterano jerked to a stop so violent he almost toppled over onto Taylen. The young Stealer stumbled backwards to avoid a collision.

“Oy!” He squeaked. “What’s up? Why did you--?” He was silenced the next second as Pterano reached back with a deft claw and snapped his beak closed. There, right there, down the dip and into an outcropping of rocks, they stood, quietly talking. What were they doing out here? And how could they possibly have slipped out? Were… the rest of the adults out here? Pterano started shaking. What if they saw him?

As Taylen struggled to release his much-needed mouth, the old flyer’s mind raced through the options he had: turn around and never look back, maybe they won’t notice, either. He took a step back. On the other claw, he technically wasn’t breaking any rules – he was still outside of the Valley and therefore outside of the jurisdiction of the banishment. And furthermore, why did he need to run like a coward? They were only children after all - he had nothing to fear from them.

Despite all this, Pterano remained unmoved; his chest rose and fell with hollow breaths as he debated. Finally Taylen, annoyed at being silenced so long, shoved against Pterano’s back. He hadn’t meant it to be such a hard push, but the next moment, Pterano toppled forward, slipping partway down the dip with a loud squawk of surprise!

The group down at the bottom broke off their conversation at that. Nine pairs of eyes flitted to the old flyer scrambling to his feet, and five mouths dropped open in total surprise.

Petrie was the first to break it with a loud and overjoyed, “Uncle!”

:lol well there ya have it! Not as graceful an entrance as Pterano would have hope I guess :rolleyes
he never appreciates my efforts...
Read, Comment, Review, and Enjoy! :DD
"Not all who wander are lost"
J. R. R. Tolkein


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Read: Done!
Comment: in progress!
Review: in progress!
Enjoy: Well, this one's obvious, Done!!!

Nice Chapter! I really love how you keep portraying Pterano.

As it seems everyone's gonna meet each other soon, nice cliffhanger!

Ozzy, you're so...  :slap

Keep it up, Strut!!!  :goodluck

PS: That song is nice :exactly
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What ho! Brilliant! :smile
Hahahahaa... yesss *evillaugh* soon, my plans will be complete!
"Not all who wander are lost"
J. R. R. Tolkein


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OK! Caught up! I have to say, I like this story as I feel it stays very true to the LBT-verse, and call me a purist, but I find myself liking these types of stories as opposed to say crossovers. I dunno... not to take anything away from those types of stories, but you can't beat a pure LBT story at its core!

Some sentence structure I noticed is just a little awkward due to using past tense when present tense should be used (probably simple typos), though I counted less than five of those. ^^ The most recent one I remember was Ozzy "stamped" when it should be "stamping his foot for emphasis." :) Just examples like that, but as said, I found less than five of them.

I like how in-character this all feels too, and I can tell you're going to great lengths to accomplish that. ^^ Nothing really feels forced or like "ehhh... I don't think that character would behave that way." :)

So yeah! Pterano's finally seen the gang again! Wonder how this'll go!

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Glad you got the chance to review, it's good to see ya on here :DD

Oh really? Well, I'm happy I please. Lol that might come from my LBT-tude as well - my intensely picky LBT-tude X3
Thanks for the review!
"Not all who wander are lost"
J. R. R. Tolkein


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=Part Twenty-One

Pterano hastily righted himself, brushing the dust off his hide and trying to veil his obvious embarrassment at such an unexpected entrance. “H-hallo Petrie… children,” he cleared his throat and managed a sort of half-grin.

Petrie, excitement plain on his beaked face, flapped happily over to his relative, planting himself on the larger flyer’s beak for a hug. “Where you come from? Me miss you so much, Uncle!” The little flyer squealed.

Face flushing with relief, Pterano cupped his talons around his nephew’s body. “I… missed you too, Petrie. Good to see you again so soon.”

“What are you doing here?” Cera harrumphed, not used to being surprised. She stomped forward. “You’re not supposed to be here until--”

“I am fully aware of my banishment, Ms. Threehorn,” Pterano’s voice was terse. “There is no need to reiterate it. Anyway, the reason I am here is because of him,” he gestured to the crest of the embankment. Taylen stood awkwardly, watching the scene below. All eyes turned on him, and the little Stealer’s face lit up in a wide, jubilant grin.

“Oz! Strut! There you are! We’ve done it!” Taylen had suddenly transformed into a streak of dappled browns as he sprinted past Pterano and the Gang to throw himself at his brothers who were caught completely off guard. Ozzy sputtered in absolute astonishment as the little Stealer hurled himself forward.

“T-Taylen! What on bloody earth--?”

Strut wasted no time on the facts. He caught his younger brother in midair and enveloped him in a hug. “Y-you little biter!” He laughed. “What you doing out here?”

Taylen squeezed his brother harder. “Looking for you, that’s what. And now I’ve found you!”

Ozzy broke out of his reverie and managed a quick throat clearing as he laid a hesitant claw on Taylen’s dappled back. The youngster spun around to face his eldest brother and he shrank slightly under that piercing amber gaze. “Taylen,” the pale Stealer began in a low voice. “It’s… been a long time; you’ve certainly grown,” Ozzy frowned, aware of the awkwardness. “Well! It’s… good to see you, is all.”

Taylen smiled and clasped Ozzy’s claw in his own. “Right-o!” he declared. “Stealers alive! I’ve been looking everywhere, and now here I found you! And right where Dad said you’d be, too!”

Strut’s smile dropped in an instant, and was replaced with unease. “Oh… is, well – how… is everyone back home?”

Taylen whipped back around. “Worried ëbout you two, mostly!” His pale eyes widened with emphasis. “Mum’s always talking, and Dad – well, Dad’s kept pretty quiet ëbout it, but I know he’s sad, too!” The smile returned “But now, here you are! Safe and sound! So they won’t have to worry anymore!”

“No," Ozzy managed a dry, humorless laugh. "They should start worrying all over again because we haven’t found another home, yet!”

“Another home?” Littlefoot, rendered speechless by the two simultaneous occurrences, finally caught up with the moment and asked. “Wait, was that the whole reason you two were in the Valley in the first place?”

“When you stoled my baby brother-or-sister?” Ducky put her hands on her hips. Spike burbled in agreement as he fixed the Stealers with a stern frown.

Ozzy snarled. “Yes, and no thanks to you lot, we got ourselves into a bloody fine mess, now didn’t we?” He scoffed. “You had to get so involved when all you had to do was--”

“Now, hold on.” Pterano stepped forward, Petrie perched on his shoulder. The flyer eyed Ozzy critically. “I don’t believe that’s any tone to take with children, especially not with children who happen to be friends of my nephew, so I would take your next words into careful account before you go spewing them off!”

Ozzy backed up slightly, startled at this rebuttal. He frowned right back at the large flyer that – the pale Stealer noticed with some discomfort – was taller than he, but only slightly. “What I meant to say was,” he began again, slowly, “it was a terrible inconvenience for us.” He glowered, more than a little miffed at this forced apology.

Chomper - just as surprised as everyone else - eventually found his voice and tapped Littlefoot’s shoulder. “I’m… confused. Who’s the flyer?”

“Petrie’s uncle Pterano,” Littlefoot replied, softly.

Chomper raised both brows. “I didn’t know he had an uncle.”

“Believe me,” Cera snorted. “Neither did we. And I still wish we didn’t know.”

“Why do you not want to know what you already know?” Ruby queried.

Littlefoot explained. “Well, he was banished from the Valley after he led some of the herd into a sharptooth nest.” He shivered. Even though it was in the past, and Littlefoot and the children had never witnessed it, it was still horrible to recount.

Chomper appeared visibly shaken. “He what?”

“He decided he wanted to be the leader,” Cera resounded, hotly.

Chomper glanced over at the large flyer. “But he looks so nice,” Petrie looked so happy in the company of his uncle that suggesting Pterano was a villain was simply too awful for the sharptooth to imagine.

Ducky piped up. “But he saved-ed me, so that makes him very nice!”

Pterano’s crested head snapped in the Gang’s direction. “Pardon? What was that you said about nice?” he stepped closer. Littlefoot noticed Spike and Cera move slightly closer to him. The Gang had never really felt comfortable in the presence of this big flyer.

Ruby grinned. “Hello, Petrie’s uncle! To Petrie’s uncle, hello!”

Pterano hesitated at this curious greeting. “Um, hello there. Children,” he regarded the circle and his eyes passed over Chomper. The following reaction was instantaneous.

Pterano jumped back about four paces, eyes wide with fear as he pointed a shaky digit. “Sharptooth!”

Ducky waved her arms wildly in protest. “Wait, Petrie’s uncle! Chomper is our friend, he is, he is!”

“Your friend?” Pterano’s reply was nothing short of incredulous. His beak hung agape in astonishment.

“Yeah, he the friendly sharptooth!” Petrie agreed, from his uncle’s shoulder.

Pterano was utterly flabbergasted. A sharptooth – a live sharptooth – was regarded by his nephew and friends as their ëfriend’. This was… this was… “Unbelievable,” the flyer murmured.

Chomper chanced a peek out from Behind Littlefoot. He smiled shyly and waved a claw. “Hi, my name’s Chomper.”

Pterano deigned to take a step closer, but that was it. “Um, charmed.”

Chomper bit his lip, unsure of how to allay the flyer’s fears. A long moment passed before Taylen – forgotten until now – called over. “Sir! Should we get back?” He remembered Pterano’s reluctance about being so close to the Walls, and decided it wise to get the flyer away from harm.

“Back?” Petrie asked, and then his face contorted into an expression of distress. “No! You no leave now, Uncle! M-me just see you! No leave now!” He latched onto his uncle’s shoulder as he cried.

Before Pterano could break in with a word of comfort, or anyone else could think to blink or breathe, there came an unmistakable sound – muted, earth-shaking tremors that resounded from afar off. Pterano felt his knees go weak and his fears were confirmed the next second by Littlefoot.



Ooooh! Suspense!
So yeah, introductions all around. Socializing is good! :smile
"Not all who wander are lost"
J. R. R. Tolkein


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Gee! Finally, you uploaded what we all had been waiting for since a long time now: Everyone's meeting each other :lol:
Boy (Girl? :P:) that was a lovely chapter for sure :wow
The reunion of the Eggstealer bros put a smile on my face, their lil remebering of the last meeting with the Gang was simply fun to read (and Pterano being taller than Ozzy made me laugh!) and Pterano just HAD to be scared of Chomper :lol A classic ^^
Oh, I almost forgot Petrie reuning with his dear ol uncle :wub Cera's been a fun to read as well

Overall a great chapter and now they gonna run from a Sharptooth, eh? A certain Sharptooth perhabs? :p Looking forward to that :DD
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Hehe, your assumption might not be too far off... I'll say no mroe XDD

Glad you enjoyed it, this was a lot of fun to write
"Not all who wander are lost"
J. R. R. Tolkein


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(This part is where things happen :angel )

Part Twenty-Two

After a full minute of arguing over the best means of escape – hidey-holes, hidden pathways, canyons, steep cliffs – Pterano finally suggested that a hasty retreat going anywhere away from the offender would be well in order, and no one was planning to argue against such an option.

With the Eggstealers in tow, as well as the Gang, Pterano led them out of the chasm; himself having come that very way. The group was at full pelt, and the footfalls only got louder.

Ducky cringed and clung even tighter onto Spike’s hardy hide. Petrie stuck alongside his uncle, flying. Pterano was sort of hop-jogging ahead – running not being his primary form of locomotion. The idea of flying had occurred to him, but he couldn’t risk going out of sight of the company. And then suddenly it hit him and he almost stopped dead in his tracks.

Just like last time… you want to fly. Go on and fly! Get out! No, no, no! Pterano set his jaw as he fought back against the notion. Memories flooded his brain the next second, but he pressed on. The panic, the confusion, the cries of pain… He squeezed his eyes shut, and made a wrong turn down a separate path and didn’t notice it till--

“Pterano! Petrie!” Littlefoot gasped, screeching to a halt. Pterano’s eyelids flew open to behold – not a sharptooth, but something even worse. A dead end. Pterano stared at the red rocks for a full minute, the footfalls echoing in his ears. He looked about wildly, almost in a panic. But he kept his head enough to connect two and two.

“Go back,” Pterano grunted. Before anyone could ask that the direction be a little louder, the flyer had whipped himself around. “Get back! Move!” His voice took on a new strength – it was hard yet calm. The group backed away from the wall.

Pterano saw the path now. He hop-flapped over the heads of the group, planting himself on the path ahead of them. “Let’s go!” He gestured with a talon and they were off immediately after.

And then it happened. The steps ceased, receding into the distance. The Gang noticed it and called ahead to their older companion. “Pterano, stop! We can stop, now!”

Pterano did so and turned to face a pack of panting, panicked dinosaurs. He was out of breath himself, feeling a little guilty for having forced them into a blind flight back there. “G-grand, we can… stop then.” He leaned against a small stone column and sighed. “Oh, Skyfire,” he muttered.

All heads snapped up at Taylen laughing. The little Eggstealer was nearly on the ground due to his mirth, which wasn’t helping him regain his wind any sooner. “We-we were running so fast, and then suddenly, th-there’s no sh-sharptooth! S-so what were we r-running from?” He started laughing again until Ozzy gave him a nudge to knock it off.

His moment of cheerfulness helped to lighten the mood a bit, and the group relaxed, feeling the danger was well past.

Pterano smiled gently at the little dinosaur. “I agree. I think it's best if we continue on at a walk to save our strength.”

They resumed their way, once or twice feeling the tremors of distant footfalls, but none felt so near and they did not merit much alarm. Pterano kept a wary eye out nonetheless, but they remained undisturbed until the flyer realized a crucial mistake – they were going the wrong way. Looking back around, Pterano saw the distant Smoking Mountains that bordered the Valley and he cursed aloud, “Oh, bloody ditch! We’ve turned!” he pointed with a gloomy claw as the group turned their heads – the young ones utterly surprised at the profanity.

“Splendid.” Ozzy scorned. “So you’ve managed to lead us the way we don’t want to go.”

Pterano snarled, neck ruff bristling. “Shut it! I didn’t mean to. I was distracted.”

“Well then, why don’t you hand the job over to someone who isn’t?” Ozzy made his way to the front, amber eyes narrowed.

Taylen certainly inherited that eerie eye thing from his brothers. Pterano cleared his throat, “I’m perfectly capable of leading, thank you very much!” Did I just say that? That had to have been a direct lie, there was no other explanation.

“Looks like you’re overtired to me, old man.” Ozzy leered.

“Oh, and I suppose an emaciated Stealer is any better?”

Ozzy’s eyes flashed. “Take. That. Back.”

Pterano stiffened indignantly. “I won’t, and there’s nothing you can do to make me, Stealer.”

“My name is Ozzy!”

As the adults argued -- which was all too familiar to the young ones -- Littlefoot couldn’t help but think that they shouldn’t have stopped. The more they stayed in one place, the more nervous he got, and he could tell the others were getting antsy, too. He looked back at Strut and Taylen, the elder Stealer was nervously hopping from one foot to the other, but that could also have been anxiety over the argument.

But the longneck couldn’t shake it. There was a feeling. Something was – he happened to glance upwards and froze. Three fastclaws balanced on a ledge overhead. Their dull red hides camouflaged them perfectly. Littlefoot’s eyes widened in terror.

“Guys,” he croaked, not taking his eyes off. There was no acknowledgement.

“Guys!” The Gang had heard by now, and Chomper was trying to muster up enough courage to tell the sharpteeth to leave them along, but the little carnivore didn’t have the chance because, with the accuracy of a lightning strike – they attacked.

Pterano barely had time to react before the lead one landed on his back, throwing him to the ground.

Ozzy was quicker. As the next sharptooth descended, the Stealer leapt to meet it and gave it a smarting kick in the gut, clouting it across the head as a finishing touch. The sharptooth sank in a lump on the ground, but there was still one more sharptooth the deal with. This fastclaw wisely went for the children. The Gang screamed and quickly about-faced with Strut in the lead, racing back the way they’d come. The carnivore gave chase; its companion, about to take a bite out of Pterano, hopped off and followed.

Pterano groaned as he got to his feet. Ozzy was still nearby. The Stealer flashed him a distasteful glance. “You planning on lying around, or are you going to help?” He dashed off.

Pterano winced as he straightened – his back stung horribly, but he limped afterwards, holding his breath.

Ozzy, sheesh! give the guy a break! He just got maimed! :anger Those pesky Stealers...
Uh yeah guys! Run!
Also, Pternao swears? :blink:
This was more fun to write - I think my creative juices flow better when there's conflict, lol
"Not all who wander are lost"
J. R. R. Tolkein