The Gang of Five
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What are some lines that you really remember?

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Bruton the Iguanodon

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We can't remember every single line of  a film, and LBT is no exception. However, there are at times lines that stick out to us above others; at least, I've expierienced this.

There are quite a few lines that stuck out to me.

Movie 1

Mr. Threehorn: "Threehorn never play with longneck!"
Littlefoot: "TAKE THAT BACK!"
Ducky: "Poor, poor Petrie." (This one really struck a chord within me as a kid, cause I hadn't been a huge Petrie lover up to then, and it was from this I kinda saw how much I took him for granted)

Movie 4

Grandma: "Goodnight, Little one." (Years late I read the Inheritance series and I bet you can guess what I thought of whenever Saphira called Eragon "little one".)  ;)

Movie 6

Cera's nieces saying, "Uppy, uppy" since my little sister would always say that too

Ducky's long speech about bad luck stood out too, mainly the part about the "Whole universe having bad luck" at the end

Anyways I'll probably think of more later. Ta-ta!  :smile


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"Ich vergass" ("I forgot"), said by the male Rainbowface in the German version.

For this line I can guarantee I remember it since the first time I heard it.
I can't gurantee for the other lines, since I watched the German versions of the movies each more than once years ago. The English versions I've seen only recently, that is last year.

Dr. Curzon

  • Spike
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From a long time ago...

"A treestar. It is very special. It will help you grow strong."

The first thing I remembered when I saw the words"Land Before Time".


  • Chomper: "Threehorns are better at everything, including rumpsteaks"
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  • Ducky
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I don't remember any of the "Eggs" song from movie 2, except Ozzy saying "I'm in-cred-i-bal-y picky!"
Come check out my new Youtube gaming channel, Game Biter!
Littlefoot: "Look, Chomper. You're uncle is dead, and it's just right for your friends to be there for you. You'd be there if someone we know died, right?"

Chomper: "Well, sure I would!"

Come give my LBT TV Series fanfiction, PAST-O-RAMA, a read!

Bruton the Iguanodon

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Yes, I do remember her saying, "A tree star".

And...Littlefoot: "Hit it, Spike!" in movie 6. I've always remembered that.  :lol


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  • Ducky
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We can't remember every single line of a film, and LBT is no exception. However, there are at times lines that stick out to us above others; at least, I've expierienced this.
Not entirely true. I can remember every line from LBT 1. :p
Anyways, I think the lines I could never forget are the narrator's introduction to the first movie, Littlefoot's mom's final words to him, Ozzy calling Strut a "leaf-loving, bush-burping, stem-smelling, garden-gorging, plant-popping, tree-tasting, dirt-devouring beast." :lol:, and when Littlefoot sings about his mother in "Always There."


  • The Circle
  • The Gang of Five
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I don't remember any of the "Eggs" song from movie 2, except Ozzy saying "I'm in-cred-i-bal-y picky!"
I think he says "ridiculously picky" ;)


  • Petrie
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I'm agreeing with Justin, I remember 99% of what was said in the original.   Anyway, a line that was stuck with me was Ducky's "yep, yep, yep."  I would say that to my parents when I was young, all the time.


  • Ducky
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I mostly remember verses from songs for some reason. And they keep popping up in my head every now and then. :)