(thank you

, so it begins)
-starting as a Captain's log-
'Captain's Log Stardate 61930.3, the Cretaceous is on route to the star system Jexui, we have a special guest on board from the 21st centray, after beging cryonical frozen for over 300 years. Age was suprising but that is not the importances to this mission. the federation found out about a race called the Alimon in old earth reports that was made by this young man of a fossil of this race found on Mars. a Long range probe that arrived at the star system Jexui discoved at the 4th planet being M-class but with life signs that match the fossils. We've been asked to investigate this planet which was nicly called Alimian. Now we speed into the deep unknown to this planet beyond federation space, dangours could happen that make this mission more trouble then it really worth. I just hope it worth the risk for my crew and I...' Captain Threehorn did his log in the ready room on the bridge.
Captian walks out the doors opening then shutting after he walked through. Andrw turn to the view screen then Commander Turla "Commander where is our guest? I wish to speak to him" the triceratops captain spoke
"Mess Deck sir" the vulcan commander replied the captain walking into the turbo lift the door closing.
Meanwhile in the messdeck...
(your cue Cyber, the mess deck has tables, chairs, a galley which is the kicthen, bar and in the main area people sit to relex or eat looking out the large windows at the stars.)