I’ve always been curious about the possibility of life beyond Earth, so SETI research fascinates me. When it comes to UFO/alien sightings, though, I’m definitely a skeptic—but I enjoy reading about supposed encounters anyway, haha! Just NOT online where everything goes downhill into weird conspiracy nonsense really fast. I like the simple/classic UFO rumors from decades ago!
Seriously, though, can people just face the fact that Roswell, everyone’s favorite, got a good, hard debunking back in the 90s?
Mo-o-o-o have really been thinking about what you said here, rainbow. I've sometimes thought of the same thing as you, "Is there really life like us beyond the mysterious beyond?"
Ever since this rainbow swimmer first pondered this question, I always thought "Well...of course! There should be!"
Like, I'm thinking there is no way that we are special, the only place in the universe to have life. And as Mo-o-o learned mo-o-ore about the basics of astronomy, and the awesome things that astronomers have discovered over the past decades...Mo-o-o still thinks the same way.
Like can you believe it? There used to be a time where exoplanets, aka planets found outside of our solar system, was nothing more than just a theory! A theory that should be super duper obviously correct, but unfortunately without the technology to properly find them back then, nobody would know the answer for sure. But then... a huge groundbreaking discovery in 1995, where an exoplanet dubbed
51 Pegasi B was found orbiting around a star similar to ours! And it doesn't even end there...it was a planet of similar size to Jupiter, but literally somehow orbiting quite close to its sun, basically being a "Hot Jupiter" type planet.
Also, remember
Kepler 22b? Yeah, that Earth-like planet discovered for like...quite a long while at this point. The fact that there are earth-like planets like Kepler 22b should provide a very strong basis that there is literally extraterrestrial alien life out there. And if we are gonna be real with ourselves, we are literally aliens as well in this vast and endlessly expanding universe to those other lifeforms out there, wherever they may be lurking! And this isn't calling you out Mu-u-ud Brother, but Mo-o-o will say that those that think that there is no such thing as aliens or other intelligent life out there is quite naive. And now that the fishy mentions that... I'm curious why nobody mentions trying to find life in general...doesn't have to be "big brain" like the humans that we are right now that have evolved from monkeys. But then again...it would be much easier to find intelligent life first since they can send out any sort of transmission or signals. If we somehow had telescopes that magically zoomed past the atmosphere of an earth-like planet, then all of that would be moot anyway if we could directly see what types of life inhabited those planets, if any.
As for the UFO/alien sightings thing...never really cared about them lol. And besides...Mo-o-o feels like the concept is quite outdated anyway. Imo, we should have the foresight to know that if aliens were to actually travel to distant planets, they would use a traveling vehicle that is much mo-o-ore efficient than a traveling saucer disk, is the fishy right, Rainbow?!?

And while Mo-o-o do full heartedly will say that the government can and will lie/keep secrets from the public, the Roswell incident seems to be fairly debunked as far as Mo-o-o can tell. Were there lies? For sure. Aliens? Doubt.