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I used to be a geometry dash creator until I lost interest. I might go back one day.


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Parts of adulthood still scare me.
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Bloons Monkey City is my most played game on Steam. (740+ hrs!). Bloons TD Battles is my most played mobile game.

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The Chronicler

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My most played game on Steam is Civilization V. How much total gameplay time? 2,314.2 hours... :neutral Yeah, let's just say I have a very good reason why I've refused to even consider trying Civilization VI (though I will soon start playing the Civ V spinoff game, Civilization: Beyond Earth, as I feel like that game is modest enough that I could probably not spend much more than two or three months on it).

"I have a right to collect anything I want. It's just junk anyway."
- Berix

My first fanfiction: Quest for the Energy Stones
My unfinished and canceled second fanfiction: Quest for the Mask of Life
My currently ongoing fanfiction series: LEGO Equestria Girls


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My most listened song this year is "Real Love" by The Beatles. :wub

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My memory is very fragile. I can rewatch an episode of a show that I've literally seen last week and I won't remember that I've already seen it. I can reread books and reexperience them entirely. Some things do stick in my brain better than others, or I might recognize things about halfway in, but in general it's no good. Along with this I also seem to have a terrible recollection of faces, so watching TV with me is always a challenge. My colleagues are now telling me things like "this is the same guy we saw at the family dinner earlier", to help me understand the context of things. It's really quite interesting, and at least I do remember important things like who I am, what I do and who the important people in my life are, but it's definitely a challenge.


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I set pretty high standards and expectations for myself, usually trying to set the bar high for my goals. I'm luckily not as obsessed with it as I used to, up to the point where I'd rather just retreat in my shell and start collapsing when the going gets very rough and I don't meet the expectation that I set. These days, striving for high achievement (and perfect, if possible, school GPA) is what I still do, but I definitely will not overdo myself and take care of my mental health. It should be a priority taken seriously for everyone. Number one priority, even!

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I have the Sabrina The Teenage Witch Boxset it cost me $150 NZD. :rhett_ohsnap
Still waiting for the bluth cut


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« Last Edit: June 11, 2024, 10:33:35 AM by RainbowFaceProtege »


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I set pretty high standards and expectations for myself, usually trying to set the bar high for my goals. I'm luckily not as obsessed with it as I used to, up to the point where I'd rather just retreat in my shell and start collapsing when the going gets very rough and I don't meet the expectation that I set. These days, striving for high achievement (and perfect, if possible, school GPA) is what I still do, but I definitely will not overdo myself and take care of my mental health. It should be a priority taken seriously for everyone. Number one priority, even!

I’ve always been exactly the same way and have only recently started realizing how perfectionism has harmed me. It’s good that you’re finding a better balance for yourself at a younger age!

Yeah... Mo-o-o had experienced the lowest point of that strain for perfectionism, and that was in the beginning of 10th grade where my academic grades had pretty much crashed for that year. Just wasn't trying, and was absent a lot. Mo-o-o was definitely biting a lot mo-o-ore than he could chew, but yet was too stubborn at first to lay back and take things easier. Big mistake. But luckily, it was also the same year that Mo-o-o had joined the Gang of Five and had already made quite amazing, loving Mu-u-ud Bro-o-others that helped support me during those times. <3 <3

I've vowed since then to try and prioritize my mental health first, even when Mo-o-o wants to strive for the highest far reaches of the stars. Well, to be fair, Mo-o-o still tends to do-o-o that, but at least the fishy is mo-o-ore self aware of his limits and when to take it easy.

I hope yo-o-ou can also find it in yourself to sometimes take a step back and take it easy mo-o-ore as well, Mu-u-u-ud Bro-o-other!!! :smile

It's such a big relief when you let go such feelings of perfectionism, realizing that it is okay to make mistakes, and it is in those mistakes that you can learn and grow as an individual from them. Plus, it's nice to share those mistakes to hopefully let others learn from them and not have to learn the hard way themselves!

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« Last Edit: June 11, 2024, 10:33:25 AM by RainbowFaceProtege »


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« Last Edit: June 11, 2024, 10:32:53 AM by RainbowFaceProtege »


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I’ve always been curious about the possibility of life beyond Earth, so SETI research fascinates me. When it comes to UFO/alien sightings, though, I’m definitely a skeptic—but I enjoy reading about supposed encounters anyway, haha! Just NOT online where everything goes downhill into weird conspiracy nonsense really fast. I like the simple/classic UFO rumors from decades ago!

Seriously, though, can people just face the fact that Roswell, everyone’s favorite, got a good, hard debunking back in the 90s? :lol

Mo-o-o-o have really been thinking about what you said here, rainbow. I've sometimes thought of the same thing as you, "Is there really life like us beyond the mysterious beyond?"

Ever since this rainbow swimmer first pondered this question, I always thought "Well...of course! There should be!"

Like, I'm thinking there is no way that we are special, the only place in the universe to have life. And as Mo-o-o learned mo-o-ore about the basics of astronomy, and the awesome things that astronomers have discovered over the past decades...Mo-o-o still thinks the same way.

Like can you believe it? There used to be a time where exoplanets, aka planets found outside of our solar system, was nothing more than just a theory! A theory that should be super duper obviously correct, but unfortunately without the technology to properly find them back then, nobody would know the answer for sure. But then... a huge groundbreaking discovery in 1995, where an exoplanet dubbed 51 Pegasi B was found orbiting around a star similar to ours! And it doesn't even end was a planet of similar size to Jupiter, but literally somehow orbiting quite close to its sun, basically being a "Hot Jupiter" type planet.

Also, remember Kepler 22b? Yeah, that Earth-like planet discovered for like...quite a long while at this point. The fact that there are earth-like planets like Kepler 22b should provide a very strong basis that there is literally extraterrestrial alien life out there. And if we are gonna be real with ourselves, we are literally aliens as well in this vast and endlessly expanding universe to those other lifeforms out there, wherever they may be lurking! And this isn't calling you out Mu-u-ud Brother, but Mo-o-o will say that those that think that there is no such thing as aliens or other intelligent life out there is quite naive. And now that the fishy mentions that... I'm curious why nobody mentions trying to find life in general...doesn't have to be "big brain" like the humans that we are right now that have evolved from monkeys. But then would be much easier to find intelligent life first since they can send out any sort of transmission or signals. If we somehow had telescopes that magically zoomed past the atmosphere of an earth-like planet, then all of that would be moot anyway if we could directly see what types of life inhabited those planets, if any.

As for the UFO/alien sightings thing...never really cared about them lol. And besides...Mo-o-o feels like the concept is quite outdated anyway. Imo, we should have the foresight to know that if aliens were to actually travel to distant planets, they would use a traveling vehicle that is much mo-o-ore efficient than a traveling saucer disk, is the fishy right, Rainbow?!? :lol :p

And while Mo-o-o do full heartedly will say that the government can and will lie/keep secrets from the public, the Roswell incident seems to be fairly debunked as far as Mo-o-o can tell. Were there lies? For sure. Aliens? Doubt. :thinking
« Last Edit: May 01, 2024, 11:21:04 PM by ImpracticalDino »

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« Last Edit: June 11, 2024, 10:33:01 AM by RainbowFaceProtege »


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And this isn't calling you out Mu-u-ud Brother, but Mo-o-o will say that those that think that there is no such thing as aliens or other intelligent life out there is quite naive.
Oh, I didn’t mean to imply that I don’t believe alien life exists—I just don’t think it’s visiting Earth. I do believe there are people out there who really have seen strange things, but saying alien visitors and their spaceships are the reason for such phenomena seems like a stretch. That explanation falls more into the category of mythology/folklore than logic/facts, though I do think it’s a lot of fun to imagine (you know me)…

All go-o-od, Mu-u-ud Brother! Mo-o-o would've mentioned that regardless of what Mo-o-o thought you were implying, but thanks for clarifying though. :)
And yeah, Mo-o-o agree with yo-o-ou on that fully. And like I said, they should have more efficient means of travel than a flying saucer disk if aliens did visit us, I'd imagine! :p

As for the scientific effort to detect alien life—well, that’s a whole other category. To me, the scientific Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI) is not only worthwhile but necessary to our understanding of science as a whole. I mean, I couldn’t agree with your thoughts more. The way I’ve always seen it, there isn’t even a question of whether life on other planets exists. The more we explore space, the more we find that the circumstances which led to life evolving on Earth aren’t particularly rare elsewhere, as shown by the examples you mentioned. Going further, I don’t find it hard to believe that life with a level of intelligence similar to ours could exist out there. In fact, it seems quite egotistical to me how some people think humans are the only intelligent forms of life in existence. We live in a universe that’s incomprehensibly vast and filled with far more unknowns than knowns—what makes us so sure we’re alone? “What limited thinking,” indeed!

Yep, yep, yep! Our Earth ain't as special as some may think, and we as a species shouldn't be too special either! It's sad, the amount of egotisticalness humans can have. Some of them could really use a go-o-o-od humbling in the grand scheme of things. And well, this fishy ain't surprised, some even still think humans are separate from animals apparently... :rolleyes

I'm curious why nobody mentions trying to find life in general...doesn't have to be "big brain" like the humans that we are right now that have evolved from monkeys.
On the topic of less advanced extraterrestrial life, I will say that there was quite a stir in the 90s over a meteorite from Mars, ALH 84001, that supposedly showed fossil evidence of microscopic life. This was later concluded to be inaccurate, but the claim caused a lot of excitement in the scientific community at the time.

All this being said, the question is when and where will we confirm the existence of alien life, and will our own species even survive long enough to do so? I suppose, as Neil deGrasse Tyson put it, “There are times, at least for now, when we must be content to love the questions themselves.”

Was there ever talk about microscopic life or something being possible in the leftover traces of water on Mars despite the atmosphere being stripped away like, long long time ago? That would be something quite interesting to Mo-o-o-o as well. :olittlefoot
And also, personally I don't think it should be too far-fetched for microscopic life like that to possibly hitch rides on meteorites and perhaps land on planets...and adapt/flourish with the right conditions. :rainbowThinking

Nice words of wisdom from Tyson. :DD

However, knowing all of the selfishness, greediness, division, hate, and crime that currently still plagues our world a lot to this day unfortunately, Mo-o-o have his doubts if we can survive long enough as a species. Really really hopeful for a better future, but I'm not holding my breath. It really feels like to me, that greediness, planned obsolescence, and corruption are the top three biggest factors of why technology doesn't seem to be advancing as fast as it used to.

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« Last Edit: June 11, 2024, 10:33:10 AM by RainbowFaceProtege »


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Yes, one has to wonder why flying saucers, quite a blatantly unusual-looking aircraft to be “secretly” investigating another planet with, would be an advanced alien race’s go-to vehicles. Truly, they probably wouldn’t be very efficient! The U.S. government once tried to develop a real-life saucer-shaped aircraft (the Avrocar), but it didn’t perform very well and the project was cancelled. So I guess it’s no wonder the aliens’ flying saucers always crash-land in those stories! :p That being said, I have a couple model flying saucers sitting on the desk in front of me as I type this, anyway. :DD

Welp, that fiction couldn't become the reality that the U.S government was hoping for. Well...perhaps for the best, as you were saying, since those flying saucer disk vehicles always crash-land onto other planets! But wait... they always crash-land, yes...and always onto Earth, yes (which will happen because our stories will center around our home planet, of course...). Though, the point I'm making with this is that the aliens are usually quite successful at traveling with their saucer disk aircrafts, only crashing and ruining their spaceship when they attempt to land on other foreign planets. So essentially, the only problem for the aliens is their landing trajectory, always leading to unfortunate crashes. :(
So while in reality the flying saucer disk wouldn't work well in the first place, it seems in our fictional stories, aliens are just super bad at landing their flying spaceship. They need to hire actual alien space pilots, Mo-o-o would say. :lol

And well... what any self-respecting protege of the rainbowfaces would not have some alien memorabilia? :OhYou

There has indeed been speculation about whether past or present microbial Martian life could be possible as a result of the traces of water found there, and I would love to see that discovery happen someday! The implications would be amazing!

Yep, yep, yep. Mo-o-o would be excited to know about that as well. Though, I'm wondering as well when astronomers will discover evidence of life that used to roam on Mars, not just microbial life found in remaining water. Since from what I've learned/heard about Mars, it should've been a habitable planet for life to be sustained before its atmosphere was completely stripped by the solar winds from the sun. Which unfortunately, was due to the weakening of its magnetic field a very long time ago.

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