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Am I the only one who hates the sounds Sharpteeth make in the later sequels?

Mr. Clubtail

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Because ever since The Land Before Time IX: Journey to Big Water, nearly every sharpteeth (yes, even the tetrapod-like Euparkeria from the beginning of The Great Longneck Migration) make the same, repetitive grunt-grunt-hiss sound, occasionally overlapped with a Jurassic Park T. rex bellow.

It especially doesn't help that the Cool Gray Sharptooth's roar is still the same, even when he roars right at the camera ( ). This is exactly one of the reasons why I don't find Sharpteeth intimidating.

This has to be the laziest sound design ever and even persists into Journey of The Brave. Even Jurassic World: The Game had better sound design.

And don't even get me started on the scene of Journey to Big Water when the Diplodocus Mom, out of all things, literally growled like a jaguar when she cornered Ducky.

Let me know what you think of this little rant.


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Personally I haven't paid too much attention to detail of Sharpteeth sounds like you've described here, though then again I haven't watched any films for quite awhile so unfortunately I wouldn't be able to judge for myself. Plus, the lack of time to watch them also hurts that.

However though, I'm kinda surprised that your saying that they started going with cheaper, more repetitive, less intimidating Sharptooth roars/noises starting with Journey To Big Water and beyond. Like, I mean, if, despite the direct to DVD low budget sequels after the first movie, you didn't have a problem with the Sharptooth noises until the 9th movie, then I wonder what changed. Can you describe to me how the Sharptooth noises were like before the 9th movie, Mr. Clubtail? I'd like to know your thoughts on that!

And plus, whenever I watch the movies again in the future, I may pay attention to this detail more and revisit this thread to state if I agree or disagree with your rant here.

Discord! I'm howling at the moon! And sleeping in the middle of a summer afternoon...

Mr. Clubtail

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Personally I haven't paid too much attention to detail of Sharpteeth sounds like you've described here, though then again I haven't watched any films for quite awhile so unfortunately I wouldn't be able to judge for myself. Plus, the lack of time to watch them also hurts that.

However though, I'm kinda surprised that your saying that they started going with cheaper, more repetitive, less intimidating Sharptooth roars/noises starting with Journey To Big Water and beyond. Like, I mean, if, despite the direct to DVD low budget sequels after the first movie, you didn't have a problem with the Sharptooth noises until the 9th movie, then I wonder what changed. Can you describe to me how the Sharptooth noises were like before the 9th movie, Mr. Clubtail? I'd like to know your thoughts on that!

And plus, whenever I watch the movies again in the future, I may pay attention to this detail more and revisit this thread to state if I agree or disagree with your rant here.
Sharpteeth (not including the smallest ones) have always been reusing sounds throughout the franchise, starting off with the Obsidius-like roar for the first 4 films. The only films which had variety were film 5 to 8, where you could easily distinguish the Plated Sharptooth's sounds from Chomper's parents.


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:ChomperOhhh :rainbowThinking

Huh, I see. I agree that they're basically reusing the same Sharptooth roars after watching the clips you've sent here. Nice attention to detail there, Mr. Clubtail! Though for me personally this doesn't bother me too much. Though I do ultimately agree that more variety/more menacing Sharptooth sounds in the films would certainly add to them in a positive way.

Discord! I'm howling at the moon! And sleeping in the middle of a summer afternoon...


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They should hire me to be their audio editor! :)petrie

I was doing a LBT XII re-score project last year and found more realistic Spinosaurus sounds for the Sailback scene.
Suddenly, I've written so many fanfics that I can't possibly list them all! :P

Ducky x Petrie forever! :)petrie :duckyhappy

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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This is why Frank Welker is the only cast member with credits in every single movie and TV episode. Because they just keep recycling his Sharptooth cries and Spike noises :P