As I have said in the main discussion topic, I have finally assembled all the voice clips into a film worth watching. It is not perfect by any means, but it is ours and I am really proud of what we as a community have accomplished. This is a project that has been years in the making, on and off, with many people showing interest and several people actually coming through. Everyone who has contributed in one way or another has been really helpful

I'd like to invite everyone to watch the final product with me during a live broadcast on our Discord server. I have currently planned it for
Saturday the 26th of December at 18:00 CET/12:00 ET as a late Christmas gift from me to the forum. I will also make the video available to watch on your own after the broadcast. Tagging our lovely voice actors here as I bet they want to hear themselves in action:
@StrutEggStealer @aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)
@DiddyKF1 @Littlefoot1616 @DarkWolf91 @OwlsCantRead @Belmont2500 Some Q&A:
Q. Why did this project take so long to complete?There were a couple of hurdles in this project. First of all, real life gets in the way sometimes, stealing precious editing/recording time. On the more technical side, it was a bit harder to record yourself 7 years ago than it is now (not everyone owned a microphone). Last but not least, there were concerns about the audio (removal of the voice track), which Diddy had found a clever solution for.
Q. Are we going to do another voice-over project?I am up for it - however finding the right voices has been an issue (especially with the lack of women on the forum). We might want to consider straying away from the original source material a bit more. Gender swaps, anyone?
Q. If we do another project, will the cast reprise their roles?If they want to! However, I am all for having other people give it a go. And of course there will be many one-off character appearances that will need a voice
Q. What about songs?Singing in-character might not be everyone's cup of tea. I suggest we use old singing projects OR create new singing projects for the songs in the new episode/film, not necessarily limited to the people voice-acting.
Any other questions, please do let me know! I will post the movie here on the 26th for all of you to enjoy. So exciting

Here is a link to the movie! Please send me a message to receive the password to open the zipped file: