The Gang of Five
Howdy, everyone!

The member joining awards for 2019, 2020, and 2021 have been posted. We admins would like to thank each and every one of you who have made the forum their home over these years. It is because of people like you that the forum is the welcoming place that it is. :)

The forum supporter awards for those who maintained the forum on Patreon in 2023 will also be up shortly. Again, thank you all for what you do to keep our little corner of the Internet online!

[VO] Concluding the first voice-over project


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As I have said in the main discussion topic, I have finally assembled all the voice clips into a film worth watching. It is not perfect by any means, but it is ours and I am really proud of what we as a community have accomplished. This is a project that has been years in the making, on and off, with many people showing interest and several people actually coming through. Everyone who has contributed in one way or another has been really helpful  :RhettAli

I'd like to invite everyone to watch the final product with me during a live broadcast on our Discord server. I have currently planned it for Saturday the 26th of December at 18:00 CET/12:00 ET as a late Christmas gift from me to the forum. I will also make the video available to watch on your own after the broadcast. Tagging our lovely voice actors here as I bet they want to hear themselves in action:
@StrutEggStealer @aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato) @DiddyKF1 @Littlefoot1616 @DarkWolf91 @OwlsCantRead @Belmont2500

Some Q&A:
Q. Why did this project take so long to complete?
There were a couple of hurdles in this project. First of all, real life gets in the way sometimes, stealing precious editing/recording time. On the more technical side, it was a bit harder to record yourself 7 years ago than it is now (not everyone owned a microphone). Last but not least, there were concerns about the audio (removal of the voice track), which Diddy had found a clever solution for.

Q. Are we going to do another voice-over project?
I am up for it - however finding the right voices has been an issue (especially with the lack of women on the forum). We might want to consider straying away from the original source material a bit more. Gender swaps, anyone?

Q. If we do another project, will the cast reprise their roles?
If they want to! However, I am all for having other people give it a go. And of course there will be many one-off character appearances that will need a voice :)

Q. What about songs?
Singing in-character might not be everyone's cup of tea. I suggest we use old singing projects OR create new singing projects for the songs in the new episode/film, not necessarily limited to the people voice-acting.

Any other questions, please do let me know! I will post the movie here on the 26th for all of you to enjoy. So exciting  :Dducky


Here is a link to the movie! Please send me a message to receive the password to open the zipped file:
« Last Edit: January 01, 2021, 12:13:04 PM by Mumbling »


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Oh my Subgod!!! You finally did it!
Congratulations everyone who participated in this project!


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It's been a long time coming but can't wait for it to show.

Huge thanks to Mumbling for the time, effort and privilege of working on this amazing project. Would happily go for the role again should it come to be.

Another huge congrats and thanks to everyone that's worked on the project. haven't felt love and adoration for the LBT series like this in a long time.

Was great fun to do! Looking forward to it!  :)littlefoot


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Congratulations to all the participants in this project. I've had the pleasure of following the work you fine people have done. I should be able to make into the premiere. I'm wholeheartedly looking forward to it! Once again, thanks to all the people that made this possible. :CeraHAPPY


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When did this project started? 2013? Compared to the few months that I'm here at this forum the time this project took sounds like an eternity. It's nearly unbelievable how much time and how much effort some of you put into this project and from that what I  have already seen and heard I can say that your hard work has paid off.
I always thought that it's not easy for a child actor to voice a character, but I didn't think about  how difficult it is for someone to voice a child character when he or she isn't a child anymore. You not only managed to do this, but also made it feel so lifelike and realistic. It's so great!
I have to say that to see such a huge project finished shows me once again what the members of this forum are able to do when we work all together and that one of the most important reasons why I like the land before time so much are its fans.
Congratulations everyone! :celebrate
I hope that I will get access to the discord server soon, so that I can join the live stream in a few days!


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Yep, it has indeed been a long haul. I remember hearing about this and I'm glad to participate. Big shout out to Mumbling for persevering through this whole thing through the years. Will be very glad to see the end result, I believe I can make it. :duckyOK

I hope that I will get access to the discord server soon, so that I can join the live stream in a few days!
You could send a PM to Mumbling, think you just reached the requirements for it.
Would it be possible for swimmers and flyers to get more love around here? Both figuratively… and literally.

That one guy who writes LBT fanfiction and accidentally makes them five times longer than he'd originally intended.

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Wow! I honestly can't believe we actually reached a conclusion. Amazing and dedicated work, Mumbling, I'm glad I got to be a small part of it. Can't wait to see the final result! :D


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We are going live on Discord in a few minutes! Those of you unable to join, can watch it at your own leisure through the following link.

Quick note: This link will stay up until the end of this year. In 2021 I will replace it with a password protected link to make sure only our members have access to the file.

Please send me a personal message to receive the password to open the zipped file:

Enjoy! :ChomperImAwesome
« Last Edit: January 01, 2021, 12:14:03 PM by Mumbling »


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Thank you everyone who was participating in this project and led it to its finish!!!
Hope you will make more!

That singing at the end was heartwarming - all team together. ^^
And bloopers.... why they ended so shortly? :O I want more! XD

Diddy, take my individual respect for your voice acting of Petrie!  ^^ I think it fits 100%.

I would love to hear some original fanproduct in the future, like audio play/drama or something! :D

« Last Edit: December 26, 2020, 02:18:20 PM by Sneak »


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Indeed, we can't thank the people enough involved in this project. Without your hard work I doubt it would have been as enjoyable as it was, so I believe you all deserve a round of applause. :D

I'd like to see more bloopers as I'm sure recordings didn't always go without a hitch. :p


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It was really fun to watch it yesterday. Now after hearing it, I fully understand why this project had taken so long. From the echo when the characters stood in a cave to your usernames and this great version of If We Hold On Together in the credits you thought of everything.
The only thing that confused me a bit was the fact, that Cera sounded older than Littlefoot in some of the scenes. Though Cera is the oldest of the gang according to what she said in the fifth movie, Candace Hutson was the youngest voice actor of the cast of the film I think, so it was new to me to hear her speaking with an older voice.
I've already said how much respect I have for your voice acting talent, but I have to say it again: I could hear through your voices how close to your heart this movie and the characters are.
I think it fits 100%.
I have to correct this: This was 110% Petrie.
« Last Edit: December 27, 2020, 03:47:12 PM by Sarah »


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Awesome job everyone who put in the effort to get this project finally completed! A big shoutout to Iris as well for editing everything together!

Clearly either  :PLoofah or  :rhett_smile are the next best choices right?  :bestsharptooth


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Congratulations, everyone!! This was a fantastic idea for a project and I hope everyone who participated feels proud.


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Quick note: This link will stay up until the end of this year. In 2021 I will replace it with a password protected link to make sure only our members have access to the file.

Does that mean the link will be discord-only soon or will the PW be available to anyone with member+ status? Just wondering as I think that some of the older members who aren't in the discord server (and inactive most of the time) might want to see it too whenever they happen to take a glimpse at the forum again and find this. I can grab the link now but others maybe can't  :littlefoot
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Quick note: This link will stay up until the end of this year. In 2021 I will replace it with a password protected link to make sure only our members have access to the file.

Does that mean the link will be discord-only soon or will the PW be available to anyone with member+ status? Just wondering as I think that some of the older members who aren't in the discord server (and inactive most of the time) might want to see it too whenever they happen to take a glimpse at the forum again and find this. I can grab the link now but others maybe can't  :littlefoot

Not Discord only. The password will be requested through PM to me, and will not be publically available anywhere on the forum or Discord :)


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I am very proud to all of you done the voiceover and I rate it a 8.5/10

Good job y’all!!


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Not Discord only. The password will be requested through PM to me, and will not be publically available anywhere on the forum or Discord :)

That's a good solution I think  :exactly
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Finally got around to watching the whole thing.  :rhett_smile

I remember when this project was first proposed, and honestly, it's so great to see it finally completed! I'm honestly stunned that even after so long, those involved persevered to get it done. I love the passion and effort that went into this from everyone! Great job all!

"Some things you see with your eyes. Others, you see with your heart." :MomCompassion