Hmm.. I don't really believe in labeling bands by genre.
I think it *can* be done but it really doesn't have to be....unless you're in a band, trying to promote yourself. How do you say you sound like yourself if you're trying to promote yourself? Nobody knows what to compare you to! If you say you sound like "something unique" people will expect you to play notes and sing words that have never been sung before (including sung in other languages, other cultures, etc. etc). If you say "Everything", people will expect a hiphop beat with rock and techno, along with jazz, classical and east-indian. Be careful what you say you play.
The word "unique" is a paradox in a way, when it comes to music. There are distinct cultures of music around the world. While there are Definitely differences from band to band, the sound, to a casual listener, from one band to another, isn't always very different. If a band can decribe what they sound like, I think it is beneficial for them, and it helps the general public (which has an IQ of 100 according to what is "average") understand just what you sound like, before they even hear you.
But before this gets too off-topic, I'm starting a new thread for this discussion. This topic should ideally focus on metal music.