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Messages - Sangiban

Pages: 1 2
Silver Screen / Bobsheaux
« on: June 23, 2016, 07:09:52 PM »
Quote from: DarkHououmon,Jun 23 2016 on  10:33 PM
I'll probably check out Bobsheaux soon. There are a number of internet reviewers I look at from time to time. NC's far from the only one. So I'm open to looking at someone I never heard of before. I'll make a post later on explaining what I think of him, after watching a couple of his videos.
Do it! I would very much like to share our views on him.

Silver Screen / Bobsheaux
« on: June 23, 2016, 03:30:08 PM »
Quote from: WeirdRaptor,Jun 23 2016 on  12:06 AM
He's a lot like The Nostalgia Critic, except he actually does the research before opening his big mouth. In any case, this guy is really funny, but more importantly...


LBT 1-3 Review

LBT 4-6 Review

LBT 7-10 Review
He's funny, but I think I prefer Marzgurl. Bobsheaux makes too little effort to be impartial, and he doesn't review the movies as a whole.

General Land Before Time / Best Lbt songs
« on: June 21, 2016, 05:50:49 PM »
How about the worst songs? For me, it's a tie between "When You're Big" and "Creepy Crawlies".

General Land Before Time / Worst movie 7 song?
« on: June 21, 2016, 01:52:37 PM »
Oh, I really liked “Beyond the Mysterious Beyond.” Not that the song had a particularly distinct melody, but it was dripping with thoughtfulness and curiosity. Would but the same level of effort had been invested in the other songs (except Pterano's number) and the script. And it goes a long way towards making up for the Rainbow Faces' underused-ness (though it also although serves as a reminder of their wasted potential).

General Land Before Time / Journey of the Brave (LBT 14)
« on: June 20, 2016, 08:23:19 AM »
Quote from: Snik,Jun 20 2016 on  12:06 PM
(*still didn't watch JOB, so I am peeking with just one eye...*)

is that... child-friendly?
and srsl, Cera and Littlefoot fight? with such reason?

Hey, I would like to see here some kind of competition thread where people create and post plot for next movie, and the best one wins...

but I don't think creators will see that

Well I was thinking more in terms of a collaborative project by a fairly small group of members rather than everyone writing his own script (my previous story suggestion was just to get the ball rolling, and as you pointed out isn't child-friendly). Either way, the producers might ignore us entirely, but I think it’s worth a try. At worst, we’d have laid the basis for an outstanding fanfic.

As for Littlefoot and Cera fighting, note that Cera never apologized for her insult. They just forgot about the whole affair because more important events happened. So I don't think it's implausible that the quarrel would be rekindled if they were reminded of it somehow and Littlefoot again demanded an apology. True, Cera did show that she could apologize in JoTB. However, bad writing aside, that apology arguably required a lot less pride from her.

General Land Before Time / Journey of the Brave (LBT 14)
« on: June 20, 2016, 05:42:38 AM »
Quote from: Dr. Rex,Jun 20 2016 on  04:58 AM
Quote from: Sangiban,Jun 19 2016 on  02:56 PM
Quote from: Dr. Rex,Jun 19 2016 on  01:12 AM
Quote from: ADFan185,Jun 18 2016 on  06:59 PM
I don't think so fourteen is plenty. But if we one day we do get one hopefully a different person directs it.
In your opinion. I personally would like to go for some more for old time's sake.
If JoTB does good business, we seriously ought to consider writing a full-length script in anticipation of the next movie. With a little luck, it might provide Universal with some (much-needed) inspiration. It would be a rare chance to make a real impact on the series.
What would we write about, though?
I'm not sure yet. Obviously it would have be to be something reasonably original. One idea could be having vast numbers of Sharpteeth decide to attack the Great Valley in packs, as a result of a new round of climate change and consequent critical food shortages in the Mysterious Beyond. The Great Valley's residents usual method of banding together and driving  the Sharpteeth away isn't feasible this time:    the packs are too many and too widely scattered, they refuse to retreat to the Mysterious Beyond (believing they can't survive there) and the herbivores can't afford to leave their children unprotected (which means they can't attack as a group). So the Sharpteeth remain. The protagonists are confronted with a difficult choice: leave the Great Valley and risk their lives looking for a possible new sanctuary, or tough it out- partly by bringing in herbivores from outside the Valley. As a subplot you could have another big fight between Littlefoot and Cera concerning his mothers memory. Littlefoot realises one day that Cera never actually took back her insult against his mother in the original movie. He asks her to take it back, she refuses, and things snowball from there (NB: this idea is derived from the fanfic "The Big Quarrel", worth checking out if you have time).

General Land Before Time / Journey of the Brave (LBT 14)
« on: June 19, 2016, 03:56:16 PM »
Quote from: Dr. Rex,Jun 19 2016 on  01:12 AM
Quote from: ADFan185,Jun 18 2016 on  06:59 PM
I don't think so fourteen is plenty. But if we one day we do get one hopefully a different person directs it.
In your opinion. I personally would like to go for some more for old time's sake.
If JoTB does good business, we seriously ought to consider writing a full-length script in anticipation of the next movie. With a little luck, it might provide Universal with some (much-needed) inspiration. It would be a rare chance to make a real impact on the series.

1988 Theatrical Release / Ghost Mama Longneck
« on: June 19, 2016, 07:22:55 AM »
Quote from: Snik,Jun 19 2016 on  10:36 AM
Funny, yesterday I wanted to bump this topic.

So, on what side do you guys keep the most? hallucinations, or afterlife ghosts?

Quote from: Sangiban,Jun 19 2016 on  11:41 AM
Quote from: Coyote_A,Jun 19 2016 on  08:16 AM
Quote from: bestariana1girl,Jun 19 2016 on  11:23 AM
I honestly assume that each character has at least 1 deceased parent if not both. I could be wrong..
I always assumed so too since we never got to see Ducky's and Petrie's fathers in the original.
I figure Petrie and Ducky's fathers died before they were born. Otherwise, it would be odd for Petrie and Ducky not to miss them at all.
Excuse me. There IS Ducky's father in original movie. At the beginning and at the end of the movie. (and if I'm correct, we can see him in some sequels)
Yes, I stand corrected. Ducky's father appears in LBT I, II, and V, though he then disappears for the rest of the series.

1988 Theatrical Release / Ghost Mama Longneck
« on: June 19, 2016, 04:41:14 AM »
Quote from: Coyote_A,Jun 19 2016 on  08:16 AM
Quote from: bestariana1girl,Jun 19 2016 on  11:23 AM
I honestly assume that each character has at least 1 deceased parent if not both. I could be wrong..
I always assumed so too since we never got to see Ducky's and Petrie's fathers in the original.
I figure Petrie and Ducky's fathers died before they were born. Otherwise, it would be odd for Petrie and Ducky not to miss them at all.

1988 Theatrical Release / Ghost Mama Longneck
« on: June 18, 2016, 06:22:56 PM »
Quote from: Dr. Rex,Aug 5 2015 on  10:47 PM
I've always thought it was a combination of PTSD-ridden visions (I don't want to call them hallucinations, per se) and Littlefoot's natural instinct. Correct me if I'm wrong (I have not seen the first movie in a while), but I believe Littlefoot's mother said something about a dinosaur always being able to find the Great Valley? If so, he must've been following his heart along with those visions. If that's incorrect, he was still able to find the landmarks pointed out to him by his mother, so he was still on the right track, regardless.
I reckon it was meant to be ambiguous whether Littlefoot was 'hallucinating' or whether he was having real visions (much like the movie adaptation of "The Shining"). After all, Littlefoot was alone both times (it could be more- my memory's foggy) he saw his mother's ghost. Whether intentional or not, the concept was a very smart one. I just wish it had received a bit more emphasis. It would definitely make for good comic book or fanfiction material.

General Land Before Time / Journey of the Brave (LBT 14)
« on: June 18, 2016, 11:29:54 AM »
Quote from: Dr. Rex,Jun 17 2016 on  04:56 AM
Any update on the sales, or any news of a sequel? Things have been quiet in both regards.
Does Aria still hang around the forum? I'm willing to bet she would know.

General Land Before Time / I FINALLY saw LBT XI.
« on: June 17, 2016, 10:54:03 AM »
Quote from: Malte279,Jun 16 2016 on  11:47 PM
I suppose back then in 2005 I was mostly relieved that I didn't find LBT XI as bad as LBT X (I have stated my reasons why I detest Bron in the LBT X thread, but I don't mean to argue about him since it is far from my mind to try to "convert" anyone who could enjoy LBT X more than I did).
There was a lot that could and should have been better in LBT XI (some information on the fate of Cera's mother, a better explanation for the obsession of the adults (I'm sure with a little creativity it would have been possible to come up with a plot in which the tinysaurs were perceived as an actual threat giving a little more credibility to the adults actions), sharpteeth that came across as more of a threat etc. I still consider LBT XI a weak but not horribly bad LBT movie.

PS: It is very nice to see such old threads being brought back from obscurity :)
Yeah, I read your comments on Bron in the LBT X thread. Very thought-provoking stuff. That's what got me thinking that Bron is an intriguing and enigmatic character, only in an accidental manner. By this I mean that the way he's written- especially his backstory- invites a lot of scrutiny for older viewers. And I'm pretty sure this wasn't intentional, since none of the characters attempt to poke holes in Bron's backstory following the heart-to-heart scene. Plus, even the latter scene is bungled: Littlefoot instantly forgives Bron when he learns he's the leader of a herd (a herd which isn't present at the crater, btw). But I digress- not that I have much more to say on LBT XI.

General Land Before Time / I FINALLY saw LBT XI.
« on: June 16, 2016, 04:17:53 PM »
So, I'm bringing this thread out of obscurity. I'm of a different mind than you on this movie, Malte. This was one of my least favourite movies of the series. I didn't think it was awful, just boring. It's strictly toddler material- perhaps as a result of a deliberate attempt to build up the TV show's viewership. I didn't mind the fantasy element, but the main plot felt incredibly contrived. Unless I'm wrong, the Great Valley's residents' only reason to go after the tinysauruses was that they ate all the special tree-flowers. But so what? It's not as if they were rapidly consuming all the foliage in the Great Valley, like locusts. Where did the "creepy crawlie" hysteria come from? The "Littlefoot wishes he were bigger" subplot felt equally contrived. Being small hasn't remotely bothered him since LBT II, so why did the issue crop up now? And why didn't any of Littlefoot's friends notice that they haven't grown at all either? Also, the stakes are know all along that if the tinysauruses get busted they won't get forced out of the Great Valley, because Littlefoot will come clean. Watching this movie, I found myself missing "LBT II", "LBT III", "LBT IV", and "LBT VIII" where the protagonists had real dangers to overcome. On top of that, none of the tinysauruses are given any personality, except for Big Daddy and Lizzie. Therefore it was very difficult to get invested in them. LBT X, for all its faults, at least gave us an intriguing and somewhat enigmatic character in the form of Bron (though you could argue it only did so by accident). This movie can't even manage that.

General Land Before Time / Journey of the Brave (LBT 14)
« on: June 14, 2016, 02:26:56 PM »
Quote from: ADFan185,Jun 13 2016 on  09:14 PM
No this wasn't his first work. Look him up he's made a lot of other horrible work. He was the actual director. One reason I give harsh reviews of his work. His directive work is not good at all.
Yeah, but what makes you think JOTB is horrible? Come on, elaborate. Anyone else reading this, feel free to join in. I want to have some stimulating conversations on this thread.

General Land Before Time / Journey of the Brave (LBT 14)
« on: June 13, 2016, 03:52:52 AM »
Perhaps this film was his first work? Anyway, I wonder how much creative freedom Doi had with the film.

General Land Before Time / Land Before Time sequels review Bobsheaux
« on: June 11, 2016, 07:06:09 PM »
Quote from: ADFan185,Jun 11 2016 on  09:37 PM
Some of the sequels where okay not great.
So what did you think of about Bobsheaux's review?

The Welcome Center / Hello Everyone
« on: June 09, 2016, 05:54:01 PM »
Welcome Retrorobby! I shake you warmly by my virtual hand. So, how long have you been a fan of this franchise? Or are you just a fan of dinosaurs, or Don Bluth?

General Land Before Time / Land Before Time sequels review Bobsheaux
« on: June 09, 2016, 03:21:44 PM »
Quote from: Daddytops2009,Jun 9 2016 on  06:42 PM
   I had a look at his reviews for 2 and 3, and found them to be more recaps than reviews. They're very funny, but for a discussion of the movies as a whole I'd say Marzgurl is a better choice.

General Land Before Time / The Land Before Time vs Oliver and Company
« on: June 08, 2016, 07:08:20 PM »
As you may or may not know, The original Land Before Time movie was released in theatres on the same day as Disney's "Oliver and Company". Which of the two movies do you think is the better one? Be as fair as you can, now. I was originally leaning towards Oliver and Company, but that's largely because my memory was rusty. In terms of music and animation, at least, I think we can agree LBT is obviously superior. But what about the acting, story, characters, atmosphere, and direction?

General Land Before Time / Land before time Theory
« on: June 07, 2016, 04:49:59 PM »
Quote from: jorrdy12,Jun 7 2016 on  08:40 PM
Quote from: Sangiban,Jun 7 2016 on  03:28 PM
Quote from: Ducky123,May 31 2016 on  04:28 PM
Well, I'm not entirely sure. The movie highly suggests that they are not just simple rainbowfaces with an unusual high amount of knowledge but some sort of alien because at the end they just disappear into space :blink: Wouldn't say it's confirmed but most people believe that they are aliens (and it seems to bother quite a few members here). I personally liked this mysterious touch to their characters...
I suppose so. I would have liked a bit less mystery to their characters. I wanted some clues on their motive and background. As it was, we knew so little about them that they came across as a plot device. Their only real purpose was to motivate Pterano to go after the Stone. And, given what he learned about the Stone from Littlefoot, I think Pterano could have found motivation on his own. It would have just taken longer.
I Don't think they only came there to give Pterano his motivation, i think they came there to explore and see how advanced the dinosaurs were, they also saw how Littlefoot's mind was a little more advanced than the others. And let Littlefoot learn a little bit from them.

Thats atleast what i think though.

And Coyote_A So am i, so am i.
I think you're right, but I wish they'd been given a more substantial role. While they do give Littlefoot a few trinkets of wisdom (which of course the later sequels never built on), we hardly see them do any exploring after the meeting scene. The premise of aliens in a Land Before Time movie is intriguing, but it feels wasted. Well, at least we got a wonderful song out of the deal.

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