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Messages - The Friendly Sharptooth

Pages: 1 ... 38 39 40 41 42 ... 45
The Party Room / Alphabet Land Before Time Story
« on: December 31, 2008, 09:46:23 PM »
Because Chomper smiled back and said mysteriously, "My wish hasn't had the time to," Rita was more confused than she was last night. But looking at his eyes again, she remembered that she had to look for something. "Could you excuse me for an bit?" Rita asked him. "Sure, go ahead," Chomper answered, wondering what she was doing but not asking as he knew it wasn't his business. Rita walked off out of sight and began to look for something really nice that was red like Chomper's eyes. She had never seen such a pretty eye color before and wanted to give Chomper something to hang on to and think of her with that matched that special color of his.

The Party Room / LBT Quote Game
« on: December 31, 2008, 09:16:07 PM »
Man, I hate it when I miss obvious things like that. That is indeed correct. Oh well. My idea is irrelavant now, so action9000, it is your turn. I guess I can't call my question mud brother trivia anymore. (Sigh)

The Party Room / LBT Quote Game
« on: December 31, 2008, 08:33:10 PM »
I cannot guarantee if you are right or not. Ducky and Petrie is not the example I have in mind, nor do I recall them ever doing that. But as I, like everyone, can miss something, I will mark your answer as pending until someone can say when Ducky and Petrie do that, or when someone verifies that that didn't happen in a movie or episode yet. I will give a hint. The time I can account for happens in a sequel that takes place before the 11th movie came out, because after reading other posts here, some people haven't seen past the 10th so I wanted this question to be answerable to as many people as possible.

The Party Room / Alphabet Land Before Time Story
« on: December 31, 2008, 08:20:03 PM »
Zero things in the night sky were as beautiful or magnificent as seeing a shooting star. And enjoying one with Rita made it all the more wonderful for Chomper. He really cares about her and he is so happy she came to his Star Day. But then he had a thought. He knew that he was going to enjoy this day more than ever because she was here with him. Then he knew the wish he wanted to make more than anything right now. He closed his eyes and mentally passed his wish to the magic star flying over their heads. He then opened his eyes, smiled at Rita, and suggested that they get as much rest as possible while there was still time to.
"But wait Chomper! What did you wish for?" Rita wanted to know.
Chomper smiled all the more. "When it comes true, I'll tell you what I asked for. Good night Rita." Although Rita was confused about what he meant, she went back to sleep with him, and everyone there continued to sleep until the bright circle appeared in the sky.

The Party Room / Alphabet Land Before Time Story
« on: December 31, 2008, 07:38:19 PM »
X-shaped trees that stood tall and were covered with leaves had kept Terri and Dein's nest dry. As the adults settled down, the children slept against Terri's soft, warm body- on the opposite side of Dein. Chomper and Rita snuggled against each other. As everyone else began to sleep, Rita thought of Chomper's deep, red eyes. "That's something to work with," she smiled, as she thought happily about what kind of gift she would get for him, and then went to sleep too.

The Party Room / Alphabet Land Before Time Story
« on: December 31, 2008, 07:13:46 PM »
Very tired now, as it was extremely late, Spike yawned, and it was contagious among the children. Terri smiled as she noticed. She couldn't understand leaf eater's words but she could understand leaf eater's sleepy sounds. "Night may be over, but morning is still a while away. You've all walked so far when it's normally sleep time and I can see you're exhausted. You should all get some rest for the big day tomorrow. It gets a little chilly here at night this time of the year, especially right after a storm when everything is damp. You would be much warmer and safer sleeping with us." She looked at Dein. "If you do, you'd best stay by me, as Dein tends to roll around."
Dein snorted. Chomper told the others what his mom had offered.

The Party Room / Alphabet Land Before Time Story
« on: December 31, 2008, 05:50:03 PM »
"Truth is, guys," Chomper said, looking at his leaf eating friends. "I, uh, I think you'll be a bit more comfortable eating somewhere else once we get started." But still wanting to be a good host to his friends, he added, "I'll get you guys those colored danglers you had last time you were here since you liked them so much, and put them somewhere for you" he said, smiling.
"You shouldn't feel like you need to do anything for us, especially today, Chomper. But it was nice of you to offer," Littlefoot said, very kindly.
"Don't worry, Littlefoot," Chomper replied. "Even though it's my Star Day, you're all still my friends. And I want to do it for you guys."
Littlefoot came up and gently nudged his friend, who hugged him back. Then, as Chomper began to talk with Rita, Petrie whispered to Littlefoot, "What colored danglers Chomper talk about?"
"I think he's talking about those rare tree sweets we had here before," Littlefoot whispered back.
Petrie's eyes lit up. He called to Chomper, who didn't mind being interrupted, "Me know best place to eat for things like that!" remembering the perfect ingredient he added last time to that food to make it even better.

The Party Room / Alphabet Land Before Time Story
« on: December 31, 2008, 05:22:16 PM »
Roaring the translation to his mother who roared back an answer, Chomper replied to his leaf eater, "She says, 'Welcome back and enjoy yourself'," to Littlefoot who now looked more comfortable.
Dein had noticed his son's return and had stashed the food out of sight. Walking up, he said, "You've actually shrunk since I last saw you! Have they been feeding you at all over there?"
Chomper just giggled.
"Anyway, for your special day, I just got your favorite food," he beamed proudly.
"Wow! Did you catch enough for all the sharpteeth here?" Chomper asked eagerly.
"Well, the one I found was definately big enough to be the main course for all those here that eat that kind of stuff," Dein replied.
Chomper looked very intrigued. "Really? I had no idea that there was a flyer big enough to feed seven sharpteeth at once! Where did you find one like that?"

The Party Room / Alphabet Land Before Time Story
« on: December 31, 2008, 05:02:55 PM »
Pleased with himself, Dein took care of business quickly. "Ah, the perfect delicacy for the Star Day of my son," he thought to himself, remembering how it was Terri's and his favorite and that Chomper would always enjoy it so much. Chomper did like it too, but since flyers were harder to catch, making them a rare meal, he had always been too polite to tell his parents that they were actually his favorite and happily ate whatever they provided. Unaware of this, Dein was going to tell Chomper that he caught his favorite food, which was going to end up with a confession, and the conversation would have really creeped out one of Chomper's smaller friends, if any of the leaf eaters could actually understand sharptooth, that is.

Gamers Zone / Super Mario RPG: The Legend of the Seven Stars
« on: December 31, 2008, 06:50:40 AM »
Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars is my favorite SNES game! I have found ALMOST eveything. I know where all the hidden chests are, but a few things, no matter how many times I beat the game, I still can't do (sigh). First off, since I cannot Super Jump more than 14 times, I cannot get the jump scarf, nor whatever wonderful item you get for a hundred jumps. Secondly, I have beaten Culex ten times and gotten that accessory he gives you, but what in the world is so great about it? If I recall, it doesn't change your stats all that much considering how tough the battle is. Does it like, do something else? Nobody I have ever talked to has any idea why it's so special. Thirdly, that mushroom shop in Seaside Town. What kind of mushrooms does that guy want, and when and where do I find them? He doesn't even care about the powerful max mushroom, so what am I looking for? And finally, since Mario has certain battles that he must do, and these battles give a fair of experience points, the only way to beat the game with him on level 3, as far as I can figure, would be to use a code to keep him from leveling up, right? The game wouldn't be THAT hard like that, I don't think. A level 3 Mario with a level 30 Bowser and Peach would still get the job done nicely, I think. Sounds fun. What's the code, or whatever you need to do, and I might just try it myself. From the way this sounds, I'm nowhere near as good as you are, but I can hold my own. I can beat the entire game without gatting a gameover and without using a pick me up at all. Took a lot of practice and experience, but I can do it easily now. So I'm not one of the "best" but I will say, I am good. Tell me this level 3 challenge and I'll see when I can try it. I accept this mission at the cost of my life. But so be it. Tis the cost of being an italian plumber that travels through pipes and touches magic flowers to gain fire power. (Gotta love it.) I'll await your response. Later!

Gamers Zone / Lunar
« on: December 31, 2008, 06:23:57 AM »
Ah, Lunar! My all time favorite game series. I didn't know many people knew about that. Do you know how many there are now?

Lunar: The Silver Star- Sega CD
Lunar: Eternal Blue- Sega CD
Lunar: Silver Star Story- Sega Saturn
Lunar 2: Eternal Blue- Sega Saturn
Lunar: Silver Star Story- PlayStation
Lunar 2: Eternal Blue- PlayStation
Lunar Legend- Game Boy Advance
Lunar Dragon Song- Nintendo DS
Lunar: Magic School- Sega Saturn
Lunar: Walking School- Sega Game Gear

I finally got the entire set a few months ago. I LOVE those games. Dragon Song is my least favorite, but I still like it. It's whole "limited running" was rather annoying. I like Lunar: Silver Star Story better than Lunar 2: Eternal Blue. Lunar Legend is just Lunar: Silver Star Story with game boy advance graphics, no cut scenes, some extra parts, and a collectable trading card feature. Lunar: Magic School is just a really suped up Lunar: Walking School. LWS was so popular that is was majorly upgraded to the Sega Saturn but kept the same story and the name was changed a little bit. But out of all of them, LSSS for the PlayStation is my favorite. I just wish finding all the bromides wasn't so difficult, that's all. Really glad you brought this topic up. I finally know some lunar fans besides me! If you want to talk about anything else here that is Lunar related, I will surely respond to them (hint hint). So if you want to pursue this Lunar stuff, I'm with you all the way. I'll talk about it night and day. Your choice, but I won't mind whatever you say.

Oh well, at least Lunar 2 is still an actual Lunat game, unlike Dragon Song.
Um, Dragon Song is indeed an actual Lunar game. It takes place in the past, centuries before Dragonmaster Alex was born in Lunar: Silver Star Story. Call it a piece of Lunar history, if you will. Remember Lucia from DS, the pink haired girl Jian is with? That is Luna from LSSS! I'm serious! Lucia is the goddess after all and over time took a new form, the blue haired girl from LSSS then called Luna. Of course her real goddess name is Althena, but when she becomes human, she doesn't have access to her memories for a while and gets a human name. So DS does tie in with most of the other games, as it is the events before them, like how Star Wars made the later episodes first, then went back to the very beginning. Just thought I'd let ya know. Lets keep this topic going because it's awsome! And I can't respond twice in a row so I'll need some help here. Just a thought. Later!

Gamers Zone / what game conale's do you have
« on: December 31, 2008, 05:45:23 AM »
Yeah, I have some systems myself, and I'm happy to say that all of them work just fine. But you'll probably notice that I like old school a bit more than new age.

Nintendo Consoles:
Nintendo Entertainment System
Super Nintendo Entertainment System
Nintendo 64
Platinum Gamecube
Black Gamecube
F C Twin (Which is one system that plays both NES and SNES games)

Nintendo Handheld Consoles:
Black Original Game Boy
Green Original Game Boy
White Original Game Boy
Red Game Boy Pocket
Lime Game Boy Color
Avalanche Game Boy Advance
NES Edition Game Boy Advance SP
Game Boy Micro
Anniversary Edition Game Boy Micro
Nintendo DS
Pokemon Edition Nintendo DS Lite
Blue Nintendo DSi

Sega Consoles:
2 Sega Genesises (Not sure on the correct plural spelling here)
Sega CD (Which needs to be attached to a Sega Genesis to work)
Sega Saturn
Sega Dreamcast

Sony Handheld Consoles:
PlayStation Portable 3000

Sony Consoles:
Silver PlayStation 2

Microsoft Consoles:
Halo 3 Edition XBOX 360

Bandai Consoles (Imported systems only):
2 Black Wonderswans
Final Fantasy Edition White Wonderswan

Yeah, well, I have been getting a few consoles a year for a long time now. I've been a game fan since I was four or five when I first got a NES for my birthday. Since then, video games have been kind of a past time for me. I enjoy breaking the rules of reality by doing things like telepoting, casting spells, summoning creatures, transforming, and so forth. I don't spend too much time on Earth if you catch my drift.

I suppose I may like that stuff too much, but it's just harmless fun for me. I don't go attacking people like I do in Street Fighter or anything. It's just a fun way to pass time- a lot of time. Later!

The Party Room / Alphabet Land Before Time Story
« on: December 31, 2008, 02:00:18 AM »
"No, not yet," Dein, Chomper's father, replied slightly annoyed.
"What have you been doing all this time then?" his wife Terri asked, equally exasperated.
"That storm earlier may have been a small one, but it was enough to scare all the prey away into hiding," he retorted. "And all that moisture in the air makes it very difficult to use a sniffer, you know. I'll keep looking though. I just came back here to see if YOU caught anything."
Terri looked surprised. "I have been keeping an eye out for our son! You are better at hunting, and I am better at waiting somewhere patiently. Our job positions make perfect sense to me and should remain as they are," she replied.
Dein snorted as he turned around. "I'm going, alright! But who knows? Maybe a good meal will just show up."

The Fridge / Member Appreciation Thread
« on: December 31, 2008, 01:35:35 AM »
Well, this will be fun. Of course, all topics here are fun, but this is the first time I can remember ever actually starting off by saying say so. But considering the topic, this post is going to be very long...

Malte279- He is definately the most frequent and thorough responder when it comes to helping me with some of my unusual ideas. Although a lot of people here do it, he has the record. Homosexuality, Misc Hobbies, How Did You Find GOF, Welcoming Center, and so forth. Plus, the first who wanted to chat with me.

Nimrod-  He is the second person who asked to chat with me. When I told him I've never been in a chat room before, he sent me specific directions on how to get to one and what to do there as quickly as he could.

Tobe- He took the time to explain forum expressions I didn't understand, and I didn't even have to ask him to tell me. He just did it. Very thoughtful of him. ITT, You Laugh You Lose.

Mumbling- She was very comforting on expressing how she understands my way of speaking, explaining why I don't have to talk differently if I don't want to, but how it's perfectly fine to speak how I wish if I feel the need to. What Does "X Member" Always Say? Also, she noticed that I didn't know how to post links or pictures so she wrote a detailed explanation to show me how and I didn't even have to ask her. Happy Birthday Lillefot.

LettuceBacon&Tomato- He Found and acknowledged to me very common ground we have in what we're studying and (giggle) our punctuality. Nice to know a fellow preson who is interested in my favorite field. Welcoming center. Plus, not counting links or pictures, just an actual post that was written, he made the first one that caused me to start laughing hysterically for minutes. I must say, I love his impression of me. What Does "X Member" Always Say?

landbeforetimelover- He was the first one to quote and agree with an entire post of mine, which is no easy feat considering their length. People have agreed with parts of my posts, but now someone else and I have been completely on the level with our thoughts and having unity of mind is a very pleasent experience. It feels good to write a post where none of the words were wasted. He made that post feel very special to me. What Do You Dislike Most About The Land Before Time?

brekclub85: After all the forums I've been on in my life, I got my very first personal message ever from anyone after coming here, from him. I actually have it saved in my desktop as the first PM of my life. But it doesn't stop there. I have been here not quite two weeks, but as of the time I'm writing this post, I already have exactly 20 all very friendly PMs from him here, all saved away. I have gotten other PMs and saved them too, but he holds the record by far. But since addictions are a bad thing, I have something to complain about here as well. Due to his ideas and writing style, I am a Sharptooth Valleyaholic and can't end a day without indulging myself with it in some way. Some writers have no respect for what their stories will do to other people's lives. The nerve...

The Chronicler- I had a question which he not only answered quickly and completely, but gave me a link if I had any more questions on the matter. I didn't ask him for it. He was just nice enough to post it for me. Bionicle, the Lego Sets and the Story.

Drake- I misunderstood the character battles rules and didn't give real characters from an actual show like I was supposed to. I created generic ones that were very vague. He could have told me, "Follow the rules if you want a battle of yours done here." But being very polite, he did not complain to me at all and simply took it upon himself to make sure it was answered. And I must say, I really liked his logical response. (Not that I need to say it this time but) Character Battles.

Don't worry though. There are lots more people here that I have to thank for doing something kind to me. But this post is already so huge that I'll have to write more on another post some other time. I notice EVERYTHING EVERYONE does nice to me here, except for a few things. (Man, it's so fun pretending to be an oxymoron. I think I'll do it more often. (Everyone reading says, "Just when we thought TFS couldn't make this forum any more unprofessional, he decides to be an-")). Don't worry. As it's common for me, I wasn't being serious with my closing at all. But as for all those that have been nice to me here, I will do my best to make sure your deeds don't remain unnoticed to the world. Later!

General Land Before Time / Before leaving the island,
« on: December 31, 2008, 12:01:31 AM »
I can't help but wonder what life was like on his island

Perhaps there is a way Chomper could establish contact to species who could feel reasonably save, namely flyers. I could imagine Chomper talking to flyers who needn't be overly scared while sitting out of reach on some high perch. The flyers in turn may be surprised and curious about a Sharptooth able to speak their language. Of course this whole idea is just something I thought up, but I could imagine that such chats with flyers might have allowed Chomper to acquire the degree of knowledge of leafeater language which I doubt he could have acquired on the first day of his live only.

That is one way he could have learned to speak leaf eater. Also if he was near enough to water he could have talked to some of Mo or Elsie's kind. If those 2 can speak leaf eater maybe others of their kind can also.

If Chomper had spoken flattooth to anyone after leaving the Great Valley with his parents, it would have had to have been while they were searching for their home, so these were good answers if trying to figure out how Chomper improved his flattooth at all. But personally, I don't think that Chomper was able to speak that way on the island because I noticed a comment he made. After meeting up with Littlefoot and friends again, he said: "It sure is nice to have someone to talk to who doesn't roar back." I think that if there were any others there for him to speak with in flattooth, he probably wouldn't have made that comment. He would have said something more like, "It sure is nice to have more friends to talk to who don't roar back." This is just my interpretation of an observation I had made, so I could be completely wrong here. I tried though. Later!

The Party Room / Alphabet Land Before Time Story
« on: December 30, 2008, 07:54:45 PM »
In a little while, the eleven of them would be at the Big Water, and Sharptooth Island would be in sight. Then something happened next so that nobody would ever be able to say that they weren't glad Redclaw was with them at that time. A large, green-striped sharptooth began to approach them. Other than Redclaw, Screech, Thud, and Ruby, everyone remembered him. Of course, everyone remembered him drowning, but since he actually just drifted away out of sight, that memory originated from a mere assumption. He indeed survived that ordeal on the island and he was not happy. He was never very happy, but since that time, he hasn't been happy at all. He looked at the small scar on his tail. Whether it was very noticable or not didn't matter to him at all. He still remembered what it had felt like very vividly. And now, he wanted the one responsible for it to hurt just as much- or even more.

The Party Room / Alphabet Land Before Time Story
« on: December 30, 2008, 07:27:24 PM »
Guessing from the fact that Redclaw isn't attacking those kids, Screech and Thud figured that their boss knew something that they didn't. "Are they sick?" Thud asked.
Understanding what he meant, Redclaw answered annoyed, "No, they aren't sick. At least I don't think they are. I'm just not letting anyone else eat them."
"You're saving them for later, boss?" Screech asked. "It's that 'The hungrier you are, the better they taste' thing again, huh boss? Good idea. You always were the patient one," he said cheerfully, although he was actually disappointed that Redclaw wasn't sharing this time.
Now extremely angry, Redclaw roared, "I'm not going to eat them either! I am making sure that they get safely to my brother's place."
"Wow, you sure are nice boss. Giving your brother such a large variety of food sure is generous of you," Thud remarked.
Now Redclaw wanted to eat Sceech and Thud. "That is my brother's son and his friends over there. I am sparing them for my nephew's sake."
"Oh, so that little biter is your nephew, huh? Nice of you to keep his meal from being harmed," Screech complimented.
"FORGET IT!" he bellowed in rage, but then calmed down. "You're here now, so let's all just make sure they don't get hurt."
"Sure thing, boss!" Screech and Thud replied in unison. "Boss sure is smart. If they get hurt, it could ruin the meat," they said to each other.

The Party Room / Alphabet Land Before Time Story
« on: December 30, 2008, 07:00:28 PM »
Eyeing the group were two, long-time friends of Chomper's uncle, who were hiding nearby. Unfortunately, not knowing of Redclaw's most recent realization, and since he told them he was going on his own for a while to "watch" someone and wasn't with them, they decided to get a snack on their own. As the group began to run by, they were getting closer and closer to two mouths of teeth!

The Party Room / Alphabet Land Before Time Story
« on: December 30, 2008, 06:47:56 PM »
"Can I really come too?" Rita asked, surprised when Chomper had motioned to all seven of his friends, her included. In one way, she was thrilled to be invited to a party with Chomper, but on the other claw, what wonderful gift could she possibly give to someone like him? She wanted this Star Day to be Chomper's best. "I would love to be a part of this!" she exclaimed happily.

It's Party Time! / Guess the next poster
« on: December 30, 2008, 06:16:00 PM »
Lbt/cty_lover here! Oh wait, I guess my avatar, signature, and actual name posted right there kinda gives me away, huh? Oh well, I tried to make another extremely rare right answer here. Since I'll be wrong of course, I'll throw out any random name that comes to me, since thinking appparently is worthless here. Will f-22 "raptor" ace respond next? (No, he won't.)

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