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Messages - LoyfeCycleProtector

Pages: 1 ... 30 31 32 33 34 ... 38
Land Before Time Captions / Friendly Rinkus
« on: May 06, 2013, 09:43:20 PM »
"I do believe in spooks, I do believe in spooks, I do I do I do I do."

Land Before Time Captions / Topsy is shocked
« on: May 04, 2013, 01:38:10 PM »
He just realized Longneck's saved the world. Cue heart attack in 3... 2... 1...

Land Before Time Captions / Ducky becomes MAD
« on: May 03, 2013, 02:18:19 PM »
Hmm, 'Ducky smash' would be too easy here.

So I'll just say: 'DUCKY SKI!!!'

Starday Wishes / Happy birthday Buffypii and Dilopho
« on: May 01, 2013, 10:58:54 PM »
Happy birthday you two! I suppose this is coming a little late (where I live, at least) but I do hope you do/did enjoy your special day!

General Land Before Time / Getting to know you - LBT Style
« on: May 01, 2013, 06:37:34 PM »
Don't worry, Ducky123. I missed it too  :smile

1. Chomper, followed very closely by Littlefoot
2. Hmm... I'm going to go with the Yellow Bellies. But because they're such popular characters to hate, I'll give my second least favorite: Scuttle from the TV show. He is a TALKING CRAB. He's also an unsympathetic jerk, but I have to be honest, that part of his personality I actually like... but then again, that might have just been something lifted from Mr. Crabs.
3. 'Always There', followed by 'Peaceful Valley' and 'You're One of Us Now'
4. 'The Mad Song'. It was a little funny, but... yeah, it felt kind of stupid. I didn't like 'Bad Luck' as a kid, but it's grown a little on me.
5. Aside from the first movie, it'd be the fifth, the second film being a close third.
6. Aside from the thirteenth-- and I know this might be a controversial choice-- I actually didn't like film eight. It felt the least compelling, like it could have taken place in ANY animated movie. I also wasn't completely thrilled by film nine either, although it's started to grow on me since.
7. For me, it's the moment when Chomper is walking away, crying, after finding out his friends still don't trust him, and Littlefoot comes running behind him to comfort him-- only to be interupted by a funny moment with Chomper's mom.

Land Before Time Captions / Where is Ducky?
« on: April 29, 2013, 02:42:29 AM »
Cera: "Hey, where'd my ruby slipper's go?"

Silver Screen / Jurassic Park IV
« on: April 27, 2013, 05:10:23 PM »
With all the recent advances in technology since the original Jurrasic Park, if this truely is genuine, then I expect us to get blown away. We might even get feathers-- FEATHERS!

Sound Off! / What are you listening to?
« on: April 27, 2013, 02:34:40 PM »
Okay, so I know how crass it is to say 'everyone listen to this song', but.... OMG, seriously, if you love electric guitar, LISTEN TO THIS SONG!

It goes by the name 'Maggot Brain', but before the name turns you away it actually isn't a death metal song or anything. It's 'acid rock', by the band Funkadelic, and in fact it has no lyrics save for a little spoken word bit at the end. It's all one long guitar solo.

This is the single deepest, most emotional, most soul rendingly soulful guitar solo I have ever heard in my entire life, and I'm not a person who brings out 'the best I've ever heard in my life' card for just anything. Apparently, when the guitarist, Eddie Hazel, was about to go in to play this, he was told by one of his bandmates: "Play it like had just learned that your mother had died." and by god, that's what it sounds like.

If you love electric guitar and have never heard this song, I consider it my duty to recomend you listen to it. You won't be disapointed.

The Fridge / "Y'see, I've beeen having these sleep-stories..."
« on: April 25, 2013, 11:09:04 AM »
Just had a dream. It was long, and I can't remember all of it, but I remember the end. I often dream of suburban labyrinths: imagine a vast swath of tightly packed neighborhoods and yards that stretched so far it seemed like a small city. This one was interesting because it was the first time one of these suburban labyrinths took on the characteristics of where I currently live: utah. There were steep inclines, valleys, and mountains far in the distance. But in this particular dream, it was at night. I was with a young girl, and we were trying to get away from soneones. We crept out the back door of one of the houses onto a high porch, and jumped down on the squishy, Soddy grass below and tried to walk away as quickly and casually as possible. There were lights-- Christmas lights-- in some of the windows of the houses (the mood was not cheerful) and suddenly the young girl I was with jumped in fright and said their was someone on the eleventh floor of a nearby window that was watching us. The Christmas decorations turned the suburban maze into something of a hyper decorated maze of Futuristic Christmas buildings, and when I turned to see what she was talking about, I saw an old woman behind a series of glass windows, beconing us up on a giant clockwork lift. She seemed incredibly familiar to me. When we got up she said something about cake that me suspicious. End of dream.

The Party Room / What would character say?
« on: April 20, 2013, 06:30:59 PM »
Pterano: I'm the more interesting flawed character!
Shorty: Yeah right, I'm the more interesting flawed character, gramps!
Pterano: Listen you moody little brat, I'm a peaceful but ambitious power seeker with a haunted past and an ethical limit to the lengths I'll go to achieve what I want.
Shorty: Oooh, like I'm supposed to be impressed by a villain who believed a magic rock would solve all his problems. I'm a bullying, troubled counterpart to the main character who has to question wether he belongs in his guardian's world once he finds his biological son.
Pterano: Oh yes, how many of those have there been again? I've lost count.
Shorty: Probably because you're too incompetent to count, loser!
Pterano: Whiner!
Shorty: Failure!
Pterano: Punk!
Shorty:... TouchÈ.
Pterano:... Indeed, well played.

What would Dil say if she met the blind flier?

The Party Room / Things the LBT cast would NEVER say...
« on: April 20, 2013, 01:14:01 PM »
You ever see that ed, edd, and eddy episode with the boomerang? Here's what I think would happen:

Littlefoot: What the hell are you six doing? Stop following me like a bunch of ****ing ducklings and go home to your parents. What are you, dense? Are you retarded or something? Don't you know who I am? I'm the goddamn Littlefoot!

Cera: Tune in, drop out... Feel the universe flow around you, within you, without you. Let it excise you and elevate you beyond this plane of existance. Jai guru deva, ommmmm...

Petrie: Okay, now what we have here is a female salt water belly dragger. BEAUTIFUL creature, perfectly adapted to it's role as the top predator in it's ecosystem. Now, watch carefully as I go wrestle it and fit it with this radio collar. Remember kids, don't try this at home. Crikey!

Ducky: *takes a drag of a cigarette* So like, my parents want me to give away all my black corsets. Tch. They want their daughter to be this nice little preordered windup toy yuppie who does nothing but smile like a Barbie doll. You know, I'm sorry if your childhoods had you two getting run around like a by soccer mom parents, but I'm a little more complicated than that. What a bunch of conformists.

Spike: Well I stand up next to a mountain, and I chop it down with the edge of my hand. Well I stand up next to a mountain, and I chop it down with the edge of my hand. Then I pick up all the pieces and make an island, might even... Raise a little sand! Cause I'm a voodoo chi-ild... lord knows I'm a voodoo child, baby!


Ruby: So, like, yeah, I'm like baby sitting and stuff? It like totally sucks, but you know. I just gave him a hair dryer to play with, you know, let him figure out to actually style that bush on his head. It's totally gross. Oh, hold on a second, (holds phone) HEY CHOMPER! You need to go take a bath!

Land Before Time Captions / Littlefoot's Horrible Fate
« on: April 16, 2013, 12:37:28 PM »
Yellow Belly 1: "Oh my goodness, look at his neck!"
Yellow Belly 2: "It's so looong!"
Yellow Belly 3: "Have you ever seen anything like that?"
Yellow Belly 2: "I don't think- Oh my god! Your neck! It's long too! Quick, everybody look!"

Sound Off! / What are you listening to?
« on: April 16, 2013, 12:32:37 PM »
Ooh, I haven't actually heard any of the Yardbirds music, but with their guitarist pedigree I know I definitely WANT to. I'll check out that song-- thanks for the recomendation!

Gamers Zone / Bioshock Infinite
« on: April 16, 2013, 08:36:17 AM »
I agree with bushwhacked.

Now, onto booker, I think the best twist wasn't that he is you know who, but that he did you know what. All through out the game, we hear about the horrible things Booket did in his past, and yet he seems like such an utterly broken man now. He and everyone talks about how 'some sins are too horrible to atone for', and I mostly ignored that because it sounded cliche. We the gamers can forgive pretty much any act of past violence as long as they seem remorseful. But the final revelation of what Booker did was some something so horrible, so non heroic, so unsympathetic, and so unheard of for a main character to have done that I thought: 'yes. I would completely buy that something like that would break a man.'


I mean, selling your daughter? That's horrendous, and if there was ever anything a main character could have done to make him worthy of loathing, that would be it. And I think that's ultimately what makes Booker such an interesting character. He's done truly unforgivable things, and he seems like a broken man because of it.

One more thing: I wish there was more of the boys of silence! They were so creepy! They definitely should have been in more than one level.

Gamers Zone / Bioshock Infinite
« on: April 15, 2013, 11:25:14 PM »
I'd say, considering the ending, Combstovk is actually STRONGER for being so unlikeable. It creates a really jarring contrast on your second play through. Daisy, yes-- I found her disappointing. She's nothing we haven't seen before. Songbird was actually really cool, and I wish we could have seen more of him/her/it. Slate I was initially dissapointed by... Until I sort of 'saw' him a little better. Then he becomes a rather sad character.

But the only villain I found unacceptably bad was Fink. When you're in his level and you hear him speak on the loudspeaker, all I could think of was how the people who worked for him were total idiots for not seeing him for what he was. It's okay that they made one of the villains so one dimentionally unlikeable-- but the way they did it with Fink just made everyone else leas sympathetic. Now to be fair Fink is based off a real person: the same guy who hired the Pinkertons to participate in the famous (I THINK it was railway) strike under Carnegie, but it ultimately wasn't worth it.

Try playing through it again. Now that you've seen the ending, the intelligence put into the build up becomes a lot clearer.

Sound Off! / What are you listening to?
« on: April 15, 2013, 09:56:21 AM »
@ Struteggstealer It's 'I Can See For Miles' by the Who. It's a great piece of classic rock, here:

If you love songs that just make you shake your head and say'Awesome', this one's a must listen. Just be warned: it's super, super addictive.

Visual Art / Koopa Paratroopa
« on: April 14, 2013, 12:48:24 AM »
Awesome work, flip! I like the one playing the DS the most. We've all been there  :lol

Land Before Time Captions / Topsy is defeated
« on: April 11, 2013, 08:27:42 PM »
ET phone nose :rolleyes

Sound Off! / Worst song you ever heard?
« on: April 10, 2013, 09:26:20 PM »
Yeah, I'm not too fond of dubstep either. I DO like the recent ERB between Mozart and Skrillex, though.

Sound Off! / Favorite album?
« on: April 10, 2013, 07:31:52 PM »
U2's Joshua Tree

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