The Gang of Five
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Messages - MrDrake

Pages: 1 ... 303 304 305 306 307 ... 312
Unfinished RP's / Fantasy Roleplaying
« on: January 06, 2010, 06:33:02 AM »
"Okay, a massage might work out, yeah, that does sound nice" Violet told Adykon with a smile before looking at her paws.  She had completely forgoten that she hadn't gotten dressed yet, but then again, it wasn't bothering her at the moment, but weather or not it was bothering Adykon would be a different story, however, she just wanted to get it sorted out, one way or another.

Unfinished RP's / Fantasy Roleplaying
« on: January 06, 2010, 06:28:16 AM »
"Really? Wow, um okay...." Violet thought for a second as she leaned against the door some more "I just want something to stop the soreness is all, but I don't know what could work best...."

Unfinished RP's / Fantasy Roleplaying
« on: January 06, 2010, 06:24:34 AM »
Violet got out of the bed and headed to the door, opening it slightly to speaking to Adykon a bit more properly "Um, I need a question, what do I do about um, sore paws? Cause walking on the hot sand in the's sore now"

Unfinished RP's / Fantasy Roleplaying
« on: January 06, 2010, 06:19:50 AM »
Violet let off a groan as she yawned before sitting up and rubbing her eyes "Uh, yeah, sort of....I was sleeping" she was looking a little tired, then again, she had just woken up as she just sat there still.  She herself, wasn't wearing anything at all and she waited for Adykon to say something else as well.

The Fridge / Burj Dubai completed
« on: January 06, 2010, 06:12:36 AM »
Burj Khalifa?  That does sound more original at least.  At least it's not called the UAE Tower :p

Travel / "Adventuring" / Going to Europe for Christmas!
« on: January 06, 2010, 06:07:48 AM »
Omg! Snow!

Nice pictures, thanks for sharing them, and yes, glad to hear you made it back safely as well ^^

The Fridge / Burj Dubai completed
« on: January 06, 2010, 06:05:23 AM »
Yeah, at least Burj Dubai is least, it sounds original :lol:

Unfinished RP's / Fantasy Roleplaying
« on: January 06, 2010, 06:03:24 AM »
It wasn't long till she had finished the fish and threw what was left of it onto the floor and curled up on top of the bed with a yawn before glancing over at the night stuff Adykon had pulled out.

Before long though, she was fast asleep underneath the bed covers, her clothers on the floor, the trip itself had made her rather tired and she just wanted to sleep for the time being.

The Fridge / Burj Dubai completed
« on: January 06, 2010, 05:56:52 AM »
If I were to build sky scrapers, I would at least name then something different, not Trump this and Trump that :lol:

Unfinished RP's / Fantasy Roleplaying
« on: January 06, 2010, 05:52:07 AM »
"Hehe yeah, thanks again" Violet said smiling at Adykon as she headed over to the little fish pond and more or less looked in, watching the fish swimming around.

The moment that Adykon had turned his back, she reached in to grab one of the fish, she had not eaten in quite some time and just seeing the fish made her hungry.

It took her a few tries, but she managed to grab one of the fish and begun to eat it as she sat back down on her bed again, just nawing away at her dinner.

Unfinished RP's / Fantasy Roleplaying
« on: January 06, 2010, 05:39:51 AM »
"Wow" was all that Violet could say as she looked around the room in awe before finally managing to say something else "I never had anything like this back in my village" she told Adykon as she walked over to the bed and sat down onto it, bouncing up and down a bit "Hehe, it's so soft" she added on as she lay down on it, looking over to Adykon "Um, thanks, this room is nice, I like it"

Unfinished RP's / Fantasy Roleplaying
« on: January 06, 2010, 05:24:35 AM »
Violet gave a wave at everyone else "Um, hi everyone" was all she had said with a smile still on her face before she turned back to Adykon "Um, lead the way then, cause I'll get lost if you told me where to go"

The Fridge / Burj Dubai completed
« on: January 06, 2010, 05:20:25 AM »
Wait, you mean there's more than one Trump Tower?

But yeah, it seems like that for the UAE in regards to Burj Dubai.  All we must do is wait and see before they loose even more money.

Unfinished RP's / Fantasy Roleplaying
« on: January 06, 2010, 05:16:22 AM »
"Nah, we're not, out village has grass, a river, houses and all that sort of stuff, so no, we don't know about the desert as much, but still having a room would be real nice, so can you find e one? That would be really appreciated" Violet told Adykon with a wag of her tail.

The Fridge / Burj Dubai completed
« on: January 06, 2010, 05:11:46 AM »
You mean like Trump Tower? Wasn't that built for Donald Trump's ego?

Unfinished RP's / Fantasy Roleplaying
« on: January 06, 2010, 05:10:45 AM »
"You can do that?" Violet asked him about the room "Cause I would like a room to have while I'm staying here, cause I don't want to have to sleep on the floor or anything like that, like at my village, we have beds and all" she said with a smile again.

The Fridge / Burj Dubai completed
« on: January 06, 2010, 05:08:47 AM »
Hehe yeah, I know what you mean ^^

Unfinished RP's / Fantasy Roleplaying
« on: January 06, 2010, 05:06:40 AM »
"Yeah, we were, I mean, I was born like this" Violet told him with a smile "I guess our village is a bit different than other villages, you know, not being able to change back as far as we know anyway, but yet, it doesn't seem to bother anyone either, especially not me, I like it like this"

The Fridge / Burj Dubai completed
« on: January 06, 2010, 05:03:05 AM »
My best guess is that if they're going to build another tall as building, it'll be out of bordem, you know, they need something to do with all the money they have and would say something along the lines of "Okay, we've got this extra money....let's go build another tower, it'll pass away the time"  :p

Unfinished RP's / Fantasy Roleplaying
« on: January 06, 2010, 05:00:59 AM »
"Yeah, I mean, if I want to save my village and all, I'll have to be, and besides, I don't think it will be that tough" she told Adykon before going on about her village "Oh, that, well, I'm from the Lycan village of Garson, but how I got here, I paid someone who was heading here to give me a ride in their cart, it was an elf who was happy to help me out"

"So, where is the wedding going to be held? And um, if the whole party is invited.....can I come too?" Violet asked him as she was unsure if that also meant if any late party members were allowed in.

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