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Messages - Goldenwind

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Role Play Discussion / Re: Idea: TLBT Oopsie RP
« on: April 18, 2020, 04:03:36 PM »
Smelly indeed.  :SmugSpike The final battle is the gang trying to conquer the smell as even Redclaw and Doc can't even stand it.

Indeed. XD The poor two are gonna get into so much chaos.  :bestsharptooth

I can see them studying the chaos and Sharptoot.  :lol Imagine them just blowing their cover because of the bad luck and the gang just goes with it as they already been through a lot already.  :bestsharptooth Wouldn't mind trying to be one if it's alright, as I see myself as the male Rainbow face out of the two.  :lol

Land Before Time RPG / Re: Yellowbellies rule! The RP
« on: April 17, 2020, 09:39:03 PM »
(Aww... I feel so happy for Redbelly.  :Mo)

Boogie dance alongside Redbelly, seeing himself, happy to see him let himself go! He let's out some sick moves as he dances without a worry. To him Redbelly was the best sharp- no, redbelly, a yellowbelly could ask for.

Hyp continues running from Cera and into the cave chuckling as he tries to hide. He knows the Secret Caverns almost as well as Chomper and Ruby… Or so he thought. As he runs around being chased by Cera, a faint noise could be heard... Cheerful sounds with some big stomping noises... "Huh?" Hyp came to a complete stop.

"Thanks Willy…" Chomper hugs Wild Arms. Even though he, unintentionally, was the reason why he lost balance. "Is it alright if I suggest we leave the looking out for the flyers?" Chomper nervously said. This was the second time he almost slid down the Looking Rock. No plans for there to ever be a third time.

Role Play Discussion / Re: Idea: TLBT Oopsie RP
« on: April 17, 2020, 05:49:13 PM »
Yep! Sharptoot will conquer with the ultimate nauseous smell!  :bestsharptooth

Since the Stone of Cold Fire may be involved, I wouldn't mind bringing in some movie 7 characters to join in. Imagine Rinkus and Sierra returning as comedic antagonists with Pterano helping the Gang of seven out? And Rainbow Faces... A lot of possibilities right there.  :rainbowwave

Role Play Discussion / Re: "Yellowbellies rule!!" RP
« on: April 17, 2020, 04:02:30 PM »
Yep. XD It be the strangest way to have the two get along.  :rhett_smile Trying to find a way to prove that RedClaw is with the Yellowbellies. :bestsharptooth
Can't wait to show Hyp's reaction. XD

General Land Before Time / Re: Childhood LBT Mix-Ups
« on: April 17, 2020, 01:34:27 PM »
That is a bit too edgy for Ducky. XD

I think a misconception I have was in movie 3 when the Raptors attacked. I could have sworn that I remembered Littlefoot and Hyp fight them together for bit, litteraly knocking them away. I was very young when I first saw it. XD Heck I thought it was more awesome than I remembered it being.

Role Play Discussion / Re: "Yellowbellies rule!!" RP
« on: April 17, 2020, 01:29:51 PM »
A quick silly idea and suggestion. Should Cera and Hyp accidently stumble into the Mysterious Beyond and be the first to encounter the yellowbellies and maybe Redbelly? Thought I throw this one out there.  :thinking

Land Before Time RPG / Re: Yellowbellies rule! The RP
« on: April 17, 2020, 09:36:53 AM »
Thank you honor." Thud grins, his chance has come. "I will not disappoint." He turns to the fast biters. "Show me how fast and cruel you all can truly be."

Boogie was happy to see Redbelly enjoy himself with the rest of the herd. He joins with the limbo before dancing beside him. "Welcome to the yellowbelly family." He said with a doopey Yellowbelly smile.

Hyp runs from Cera around the mud pool treating it like a game of tag. "You can't catch me yah big baby!" He taunts to have Cera chase him more.

Chomper was caught offguard and quickly lost balance! "Wild Arms! Hey! Ahh!!" Chomper fell back knocking into Wild Arms and began to slide down! He was starting to understand why Looking Rock was only used in emergencies!

Role Play Discussion / Re: Idea: TLBT Oopsie RP
« on: April 16, 2020, 10:18:18 PM »
Sounds like an interesting idea, though I know I'm biased because one of my favorite characters from another show happens to be a spirit of chaos and mayhem who was imprisoned in guys don't happen to watch MLP, do you? :p Curse me for bringing up MLP outside the proper forum, but aaargh, this concept sounded so similar that it had to be mentioned!

Having seen the show growing up. I know who you're talking about and I enjoy chaotic characters like him.  :^^spike So I understand.

What if the evil is Sharptoot, one who will cover The Great Valley in his gas and make all suffer the stink of ages. :lol :bestsharptooth

This RP will bring the legend to life.  :bestsharptooth

As for exactly what kind of trouble would result from the damage to Saurus Rock, I'm picturing stuff basically like the "bad luck" the dinosaurs experienced in VI, but on a more exaggerated/ridiculous just as someone tries to eat from a tree, a huge gust of wind blows all the leaves away at once, or it's impossible to get a drink from the watering hole without being pestered by sand creepers and/or snapping shells, or a sudden heat wave makes the mud pools start drying up while dinosaurs are sitting in I on the right track? The mishaps could just keep growing larger in scale until the Gang of Five realizes they have to do something about it.

And yeah, silly things will happen on that scale. XD It can happen to even the sharpteeth characters. We can have running gags like whenever a flyer flies, a gust of wind will send them hurling out of control. Fruit constantly falling on unsuspecting dinos. XD

Land Before Time RPG / Re: Yellowbellies rule! The RP
« on: April 16, 2020, 07:40:38 PM »
Hyp hops out of the way grinning as he splashes again. "You like getting muddy? If you just told me, I would have dumped mud on you guys more often." He laughed as he splashed about.

Thud reveals himself from a rocky passage in front of Croc and his Sharptooth squad. "So you'll be hunting my ol' leader… I want to show that I am nothing like the fool he was. May I join your honor?" Thud growled as he kneeled before Croc… He wants to prove himself so that he can keep his title being one of the two most dangerous fast biters known to Sharpteeth kind. Screech isn't with him as he is currently trying to his own way to make things good with higher rank sharpteeth, but Thud won't wait, even if it means he has to beg.

Role Play Discussion / Re: Idea: TLBT Oopsie RP
« on: April 16, 2020, 07:07:21 PM »
Some dino might need contacts.  :bestsharptooth Would it be ironic if a Stone of Cold Fire caused this? It crashes into Saurus Rock? This way there will be a quest involving making a wish to undo the chaos.

That would be interesting. It could be some sharptooth deity that likes to cause mayhem and chaos.  :opetrie

Land Before Time RPG / Re: Yellowbellies rule! The RP
« on: April 16, 2020, 06:58:02 PM »
Boogie nods at Red Claw as the yellowbellies sang. "For saving our own... We welcome you to our herd. We grant you the title of Redbelly! Protector of Yellowbellies of all!" He cried out with some of the yellowbellies cheering as the singing went on. Boogie then hugged the intimidating Sharptooth directly on the snout!  :PCera

"Hmm... They remind me of fast runners like Ruby, maybe you Wild Arms, but they are more... Big." Chomper said as he looked on in bewilderment. He is currently unable to see RedClaw behind Saurus Rock. This could be considered fortunate for RedClaw.

Hyp see's Cera in the mud pool from behind some grasses and grins mischievously. "Flying rock splash!" He shouts as he cannonballs right in to splash Cera!

Land Before Time Captions / Re: Evil Ducky Caption
« on: April 16, 2020, 01:40:59 PM »
Ducky having discovered a hidden Stone of Cold Fire under the valley, deviously makes her wish.

"I wish to be bigger than Saurus Rock!"

Moments later, everyone in the valley runs from the giant happy dancing swimmer.

General Land Before Time / Re: Journey of the Brave (LBT 14)
« on: April 16, 2020, 01:36:26 PM »
If the 3rd Jurassic World movie a d Netflix spin-off hits it big I think they might try some tie-ins. But I am no marketing expert, so it's only a hope I have. :OhYou

The Party Room / Re: Land Before Time: One word story
« on: April 16, 2020, 01:32:54 PM »

General Land Before Time / Re: LBT Worst Dad Polls
« on: April 15, 2020, 09:58:49 PM »
That's one of the reasons LBT XI has got to be my least favorite of the series...the characterization of Mr. Threehorn and Big Daddy is just no good. But, hey, I guess that's to be expected from the movie that gave us a song about how dads stink! :p

Glad to know that I am not the only one who thinks XI is the worst. XD Coupled with that Littlefoot's lies, Topps snapping at Tria, and Littlefoot going "who needs friends" are my most disliked moments in the franchise… So this movie has the worst moments, worst characterization, and the worst dads. I see "worst" written all over this.  :bestsharptooth

Role Play Discussion / Re: "Yellowbellies rule!!" RP
« on: April 15, 2020, 03:20:12 PM »
@ImpracticalDino Okay!  :chompysmile Everyone is always free to join.  :rainbowwave

1988 Theatrical Release / Re: More Original Cels From The First Movie
« on: April 15, 2020, 12:33:17 PM »
This should look horrifying, but I can't help but laugh at Cera riding Littlefoot.
Littlefoot: "Are you serious!?"
Sharptooth: *Looks away from the comedic sight.*

Land Before Time Captions / Re: Snow Fall Sharptooth
« on: April 15, 2020, 12:29:03 PM »
Before he was called Redclaw, he was called Hipain.  :bestsharptooth

The Party Room / Re: Ask a Stupid LBT Question,Get a Stupid LBT answer
« on: April 14, 2020, 06:22:49 PM »
@Gentle Sharptooth It's the most relaxing thing ever! Even Tria agrees so!  :duckyhappy

@Enchanted-Valley96 They would be a unstoppable force and all sharpteeth would fear them!   :opetrie

Why did Hyp and his gang never appear in the films outside of movie 3?

Role Play Discussion / Re: Idea: TLBT Oopsie RP
« on: April 14, 2020, 06:10:58 PM »
@RainbowFaceProtege Maybe the Rainbow Faces could be unintentionalally responsible?  :bestsharptooth (Sorry. XD)

@Gentle Sharptooth That's cool! Can't wait to hear what he thinks. X)

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