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Messages - Redtooth101

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Role Play Discussion / "Flyers...Beyond" Discussion thread
« on: June 16, 2011, 06:35:35 PM »
I know how you feel, but they'll be over soon  :DD

Now, anyone care to give me an idea of what going on so I can try and fit into the RP?  :lol:

Role Play Discussion / "Flyers...Beyond" Discussion thread
« on: June 16, 2011, 06:09:35 PM »
Well I here now and here to stay  :lol

Role Play Discussion / "Flyers...Beyond" Discussion thread
« on: June 16, 2011, 06:01:12 PM »
Guess who's back XD

The Party Room / Tell us something about yourself!
« on: June 13, 2011, 07:48:38 PM »
I rub my hands together when I'm broke lol Habit

The Fridge / I'm Free!
« on: June 12, 2011, 02:35:22 PM »
I'm moving to go live with my dad, and I can endure the weather for other benefits. Plus when you've lived 17 years in the heat of where I live right now, that dismal weather is very much welcomed.

The Fridge / I'm Free!
« on: June 09, 2011, 06:05:51 PM »
Somewhere around Kent.

Land Before Time Captions / "Rinkus and Sierra
« on: June 09, 2011, 01:50:37 AM »
Pterano: *thinking*
Rinkus: Hurry up would you!
Sierra: Hold still, just a little closer and I'll prove that thing on his head is fake

The Fridge / I'm Free!
« on: June 09, 2011, 01:45:32 AM »
As of now I have completed all to do with school, only thing left to do is graduation and them I off to England!  :D

The Fridge / I graduated yesterday!
« on: June 09, 2011, 01:42:36 AM »
Congratulations man!  :D

Not too long now before I graduate too  :lol:

The Fridge / A close call
« on: June 04, 2011, 12:33:59 AM »
Vehicles seem to hate me this year, 3 accidents so far.

The latest one happened his afternoon, me and a couple of my friends decided to ride our motorbikes through a mountain pass. It was going all well, very fun into one very sharp corner on a steep hill.
I kinda blame myself for what happened next seeing as my rear brakes where completely shot and I hadn't changed them in a while since I stopped riding.

What happened was one of my friends fell of their bike, he wasn't going too fast around the corner so he only got bruises but I didn't know he fell. So I came around the corner, quite a bit faster than him and as soon as the corner was done, right in front of me was him and his bike.

There where two things that went through my mind, hitting my friend, and hurting myself, neither of which I wanted to do so in pure reflex I held the front brakes as hard as possible which was genius and a mistake at the same time.

This part now that I look back at it was funny. I flew off the bike, literally launched into the air. As I came back down going...some mph, I told myself 'Shayne, you are not getting hurt today' and as soon as my feet touched the ground I started running. I actually ran down the hill, slowly loosing the momentum of the throw until I stopped.

I stood there for a few seconds, but then just went back up. Got my bike and kept going  :lol

Random Role Play / In the land before time
« on: June 03, 2011, 07:31:33 PM »
Daniel stayed silent through the entire encounter, just listening and observing.

The Welcome Center / Hello
« on: May 21, 2011, 01:27:44 AM »
Welcome, hope you have a great time  :smile

LBT Fanfiction / New Friends and Enemies
« on: May 13, 2011, 07:53:33 PM »
Chapter 2.

The new sharptooth growled lowly as he began to wake. "Where am I" Fang whispered to himself as he slowly opened his eyes only to meet those of some juvenile longneck.

"I think he's waking up" the longneck said to someone next to him. After a few seconds Fang had come to his senses and quickly jumped to his feet, snarling at the longneck who gave a scream in response. As Fang was about to pounce on the longneck a juvenile sharptooth placed himself between Fang and the longneck.

"Chomper, it's you" he said in sharptooth tongue.

"Who are you, and how do you know me?" Chomper asked in sharptooth tongue.

"Chomper I'm heartbroken, don't tell me you forgot your close friend Fang" Fang answered with some sarcasm in the first bit.

"Fang?" Chomper questioned as he tried to remember this name.

"Yes, don't you remember that day Redclaw attacked and we were separated?" Fang asked hoping his friend would remember. Chomper pondered harder until it all came back to him.


Two baby sharpteeth were playing near a smoking mountain in the mysterious beyond, but they did not realize that they were being watched.

"Grrrrr Look at me I'm Redclaw!" Chomper said as he approached his friend.

"Oh no, please don't hurt me" Fang said full of sarcasm as he pretended to run from Chomper. The two little bitters shared a good laugh after that.

"Hey, have you ever been chased by Redclaw? I haven't" Chomper asked Fang.

"Yup, I've met that scavenger more times than I would like" Fang replied.

"Wow, what did you do to get away?" Chomper said, aw-struck that his friend had escaped from Redclaw.

"Well you know me, I scared him away" Fang said with his head held high.

"Huh, yah right" Chomper replied not believing what Fang just said.

"Yah, I am right" Fang said with a smirk on his face which made Chomper laugh a little "OK now it's my turn to be Redclaw" Fang said. He opened his mouth to roar and just as he did so a thunderous roar was heard.

"Wow, nice one" Chomper commented to his friend.

"Um, Chomper, that wasn't me" Fang said with a worried tone of voice.

"Then, who was it?" Chomper asked with an equally worried tone. Just them the roar was heard again and Redclaw was seen charging from the horizon.

"REDCLAW!" both of them shouted after seeing him. As they turned to run Screech and Thud jumped in front of them, blocking their path. Fang turned around and saw Redclaw approaching at an alarming speed.

"We have to get to the smoking mountain, we can hide in some caves there" Fang said to Chomper in an alarmed tone. "Now!" Fang shouted to Chomper as he used his tail to throw a rock that hit Thud right in the eye and while he and Creech were distracted Fang and Chomper made a run for it. The two young sharpteeth ran as fast as they could and were making good progress towards the smoking mountain which actually wasn't that far away, a quick glance back and Chomper realized that Redclaw and his goons were making good progress towards then as well.

'Just a little further' he thought and just as it seemed Redclaw was going to get them the two young sharpteeth dove into a cave which was too small for the three other sharpteeth.

"We're safe" Chomper panted. "We should keep moving as far away from those three as possible" he said walking further into the cave as Fang followed. The two wondered through the cave searching for and exit.

"Look, light!" fang shouted pointing toward a small light at the end of a tunnel. The two of them ran down the tunnel and into the light. Suddenly Fang can to an abrupt stop which caused Chomper to run into him.

"What was that for?" Chomper shouted rubbing his head.

"I think I just saved your life" fang said pointing to a huge gorge. "Let's go take a closer look" Fang said as he slowly walked to the edge.

"Yah you do that I'll just stay here where it's safe" Chomper replied sitting on a rock. Suddenly a loud roar was heard "Oh no" Chomper said turning towards the direction it came from. Fang also looked for the source of the roar. Looking to their left they could see Redclaw approaching.

"Let's go!" fang shouted as the two of them ran the other only to be blocked by Screech and Thud. They were trapped and Redclaw was closing in, before they realized Redclaw was right above them. Redclaw brought his head down, mouth wide open towards them. The two young sharpteeth were luckily able to jump out of the way, but unfortunately the force of Redclaw's head hitting the ground caused a crack in the ground which went all the way to the edge where they were standing and caused the ground under their feet to crumble.

Both little bitter screamed as the plummeted to the river at the bottom of the gorge. Luckily for them the drop wasn't too tall and the river was deep so the landing wasn't too bad but them they had to deal with the rapids. The two sharpteeth were being thrown all over the river. After a few seconds the rapids began to clam, Chomper and Fang were able to look each other straight in the eye, both looked forward and realized than the river divided into two parts. They tried to swim towards each other but it was too late, they had been separated and continued to be pulled miles away from each other.

(end flashback)

"Now I remember you, we were separated and the fast water, and then I met Ruby" Chomper said giving his friend a smile.

'Yes, now, why are you hogging that longneck hmm, you want it all for yourself" Fang said licking his jaws.

"He's my friend and so are they" Chomper replied pointing to all the others with afterwards.

"I see, being the nice sharptooth, and do you speak flattooth" Fang said with his hand on his lower jaw as if he were trying to solve a riddle.

"Yup" Chomper replied with a grin. "Hey guys this is my friend Fang" Chomper said in flattooth tongue.

"Pleasure to meet you" Fang said in flattooth tongue. All the others including Chomper were amazed.

"You speak flattooth too" Chomper said with a big smile.

"Yah, it's always good to know more than one language" Fang said. "So what are your names?" Fang asked Chomper's friends.

"I'm Littlefoot, this is Cera, that's Spike, Ducky, Petrie and Ruby" Little said as he introduced himself and his friends.

"Nice to meet you" Ruby said sticking her hand out for a handshake.

"The pleasure is all mine" Fang said as he kissed Ruby on the hand and gave a smirk.

"Oh, a charmer" Ruby said with a slight blush.

"Hey Chomper while I'm here why don't I show you some old friends of ours?" Fang asked with a slight smirk.

"Well ok I guess" Chomper said not being able to remember any friends from beyond the Great Valley.

"Alright, follow me" Fang said as he walked to a opening in the Great Valley wall but to small for any large sharptooth to enter. At the gap he looked around and then let out a loud roar.

"What was that for?" Cera shouted

"Their coming" Fang said as two roars where heard.

LBT Fanfiction / Pterano's Return
« on: May 13, 2011, 07:49:02 PM »
Chapter 6. I haven't forgotten this story.

It was noon the next day and Mr. Threehorn and Cera stood next to the valley wall looking from left to right. Next to the wall where three rocks, the first as large as Cera, the second at least twice as large and the third slightly larger than Topsy.

"That flyer said to go here for the test so where is everyone" Mr. Threehorn said angrily.

"Others are not permitted in the area during the tests" and almost demonic voice said from above. The two threehorns looked up and saw the outline of what seemed to be another threehorn standing on a ledge above them.

"Who are you" Topsy growled. The figure slowly turned its head down, its eyes seemed to glow red.

"Your worst sleep story" it hissed, just then a rock seemed to fly out of nowhere and hit it in the head. "Ow, what was that for" the figure wined, its voice now a bit more high pitch that Topsy's.

"Cheirus said to take things seriously" Hydro scolded as he came into view with another rock in his hand.

"Fine" the threehorn said as he disappeared behind the ledge only to walk out from behind the largest of the rocks on the ground one second later. "Hi, I'm Tric the threehorn judge" Tric said. Topsy and Cera both gave him an angry glare. Trick looked at the two of them nervously. "Um, why don't you introduce yourselves? I know you're the leader and the heir so just names"

"I'm Topsy and this is my daughter Cera" Mr. Threehorn said.

"Well I was expecting a better name than that for the leader of the threehorns" Tric said which earned him an angry growl from Topsy. "Hey cool down. No need to blow your top-sy" Tric said giving one of his signature jokes. "Get it, top, Topsy"

"Tric just get on with it" Hydro said.

"Fine. Cera threehorns never run from an enemy, we face them head on. But a leader needs more than just brute strength; you must use your smarts as well and look for the opponent's weakness while hiding yours." Tric said.

"Okay, so what am I supposed to do?" Cera asked rather impatiently.

"Break this rock" Tric said gesturing to the rock that was Cera's size. Cera just smirked as she prepared o charge, she charged at the rock breaking it into pieces on impact.

"Well that was easy" Cera said triumphantly.

"Who said you were done, now you have to break this one" Tric said gesturing towards the rock that was about twice Cera's size. Just as before Cera prepared to charge and then charged at it but this time she fell back and the rock stayed unbroken. Cera grunted and repeated her actions but it yielded the same results.

"Last try" Tric said.

"What do you mean last try" Topsy said to him in a harsh manner.

"Oh I'm sorry didn't I tell you" Tric said full of sarcasm. "She's only got three tries to break each rock, and she just tried twice there"

Cera glared at the rock then she remembered something. "Weakness" she said to herself and then began to walk around the rock scanning it surface and just as she thought on one side there was a crack. She backed up and then charged straight for the crack, when she hit it the rock split in half. "Yes!" she shouted in triumph when she saw it.

"Very good, you're learning. Now for the last one" Tric said gesturing towards the last and largest of the rocks.

Cera looked the rock over but saw now cracks. "How am I going to do this one" she muttered.

"I can give two suggestions, but those will cost you a chance each leaving you with just one shot" Tric said.

Cera thought about it for a few seconds before coming to a conclusion. "Well if I just hit it three times it won't make a difference to I'll take 'em" she said.

"Alright first of all use your surroundings, for example you can use some loose stones to beat a sharptooth instead of hitting it head on, and secondly" Tric stopped and gestured up to a ledge above the rock. Cera looked up and saw a small pile of medium sized stones on the ledge.

"When did that get there?" Topsy asked no one.

"Doesn't matter how or when it got there. The important thing is it's there and it's part of the surroundings" Tric said. Cera got the hint and climbed up a path on the wall to get to the cliff. When she looked down at the large rock she could see a large crack on the top of it.

"Find its weakness and use my surroundings" she said to herself. She took some time to get an idea of where to aim and then back up to get ready. She lined herself up with the pile of stones and then charged at them knocking them off the ledge and towards the rock. Several of them hit the crack and after a few more hit driving the ones that were already there deeper into the rock it finally gave way and split it two.

"That's my girl, beating any challenge just like a threehorn should" Topsy said as Cera ran down and nuzzled his leg.

"Congratulations, Cera daughter of Topsy and heiress of the title leader of the threehorn heard you have passed the leadership test" Tric said with a big smile.

"I'm gonna tell the other, bye dad" Cera said and with that she ran off to the tall trees.

On top of the Valley walls Cheirus had seen the whole thing. He snapped his claws together and a stone tablet seemed to materialize in his hand. The tablet had the names of Littlefoot, Cera, Ducky and Petrie on it, Littlefoot's name has a mark next to it. Cheirus used his claw to put a mark next to Cera's name and then threw the tablet in the air; it turned to dust and blew away. Just then a dark blue fastbitter came up behind him.

"Cheirus sir, I was just wondering about the stegosaurus, oviraptor, and tyrannosaurus. If they don't have a test how will you know their ready" it said in a feminine voice.

"Don't worry Angel, these children have proven themselves time and time again. We already know their ready these tests are simply to so that we may see their abilities up close to an extent"

"Oh now I see" Angel said.

"Besides, have you not realized that these are much easier than the tests I have set before" Cheirus said with a smile.

"Don't remind me" Angel replied through gritted teeth while looking away. "Anyway I just came with that question in mind, good bye sir" and with that Angel went back down the valley wall and off into the mysterious beyond.

Cera got to the tall trees and saw all her friends plus Mr. Longneck and Pterano.

"Hey guys, I passed but that again threehorns can't fail" Cera said as she strutted up to them.

"Guess that makes two of us" Littlefoot said.

"And I am next I am, I am" Ducky said.

"So what where you guys doing" Cera asked as she sat down.

"Grandpa was just telling us about how valleys like this one are made" Littlefoot answered.

"Yes well as I was saying. Some say places like the great valley where created many cold times ago, so far back that not even my own grandpa was born yet. They say that the reason for the everlasting green food and is because of a special energy. They say this energy is stored in a stone that is in the northern wall of these special valleys. But that just a legend, or is it" Rock said. All the children where wide eyed.

"Is it true grandpa" Littlefoot asked.

"That's the thing Littlefoot, no one knows" Rock replied. "I think it might be getting a little too late for you young ones to be so far from your nests"

"Do we have to go" Petrie wined.

"Now Petrie your mother wouldn't want you to be out too late, maybe when you're older" Pterano said. With that all of them said their goodbyes and went to their nests.

Chomper and Ruby were headed towards their cave when Chomper's stomach growled. "I think I need a snack before I can sleep" Chomper said.

"It's ok Chomper. But I still have to come with you, I can't watch you if I can't see you after all" Ruby said. Chomper sniffed the air and caught the scent of a nest of stinging buzzers. He followed the smell and came to a crack in the valley wall only big enough for nothing larger than Ruby to fit through.

"Maybe we should tell a grownup about this" Ruby said looking into it.

"We can tell right after I get my snack" Chomper said as he walked into the crack which led him to the mysterious beyond. He stopped suddenly as the small of blood came to his nose. He looked to his left and saw the carcass of a dinosaur but couldn't tell what it was.

"Chomper why'd you stop" Ruby said but then she too froze when she saw the carcass. Before either of them could do anything a large pink figure landed on the ground. They could tell it was a flyer and by scent Chomper could tell it was Rinkus. Chomper was about to go to him but then he stopped when Rinkus turned around and revealed that he had two fish in his beak, his claws and beak where red with blood. Just then Sierra laded next to Rinkus.

"Come on Rinkus just give one of 'em" Sierra said to Rinkus, his claws and beak equally red.

Rinkus put the fish on the ground. "For the last time I caught them, go get your own" Rinkus said to him.

"Don't be so greedy, you and Pterano ate most of that domehead" Sierra said pointing at the carcass.

"So, I still had to work for these" Rinkus retorted. Pterano then landed next to the two flyers with a beak and claws just as bloody.

"Would you two pipe down, you'll gain unwanted attention. Now Sierra even though Rinkus is being a glutton it was his catch and he is free to keep them to himself if he wants" Pterano said. Rinkus smiled triumphantly and gulps down both fish whole.

"I hope you choke the next time" Sierra spat. Rinkus was about to retaliate but Pterano held his beak shut.

"We have no time for your childish bickering. Let's wash up before someone sees us" Pterano said. They were about to go when Sierra stopped and stared at the crack that Chomper and Ruby where in. He flew over to it and looked in, all he saw was Chomper and Ruby already running away.

"Damn, the sharptooth and the fast-runner might have caught us" Sierra growled.

"Well, I guess there must be a slight change in our knight plans" Pterano said. Rinkus and Sierra nodded before all three took off to go and clean themselves.

In their cave Chomper and Ruby paced up and down, Chomper had forgotten all about his hunger by now.

"What are we gonna do" Chomper said as he sat down.

"Maybe we should just get some sleep first, and tell the others tomorrow" Ruby suggested as she lay down and got ready for sleep. "Goodnight Chomper" she as she fell asleep.

"Goodnight Ruby" Chomper said in a nervous tone as he lay down and only fell asleep after a few minutes of staring at the wall.

The Fridge / Anyone interested?
« on: May 10, 2011, 10:32:16 PM »
I also take part in this other RP site.

Basically it takes place in the future and all humans have been whipped out. So you can RP as any animal you want or even create your own species, evolution can do many things over the years.

Anyone interested and need a more in depth description then PM me.

Random Role Play / In the land before time
« on: May 08, 2011, 04:16:07 PM »
Daniel laughed. "Wow try not to blow up, you'll probably take me down with you"

Role Play Discussion / Members Meeting the Characters
« on: May 08, 2011, 04:13:16 PM »
School's got me so tied up right now. Sorry guys I'll try to post more often.

Random Role Play / In the land before time
« on: April 28, 2011, 03:15:59 AM »
"Wambo!" Daniel exclaimed and then laughed a little. "Didn't see that coming did ya" he said to them with a grin.

Land Before Time RPG / Flyers of the Mysterious Beyond
« on: April 23, 2011, 10:45:40 AM »
(For future reference, to keep things looking tidy I think we should have all discussions in the actual discussions section rather than in the actual RP  :lol )

Random Role Play / In the land before time
« on: April 19, 2011, 08:34:35 PM »
Daniel chuckled. "Your a weird bunch, fun but weird" he said as he just enjoyed the ride.

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