The Gang of Five
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Messages - RainbowFaceProtege

Pages: 1 ... 65 66 67 68 69 ... 78
Role Play Discussion / Re: "Yellowbellies rule!!" RP
« on: April 11, 2020, 03:50:43 PM »
Thanks @RainbowFaceProtege i enjoyed your Mud bath tension between Cera and Wild Arms. :)
Soon, Cera will be wishing that's the only tension she has to deal with... :PCera

Role Play Discussion / Re: "Yellowbellies rule!!" RP
« on: April 11, 2020, 03:24:39 PM »
This is gonna be fun. :lol Nice job on the beginning posts @Goldenwind and @Gentle Sharptooth , I was grinning over what you guys wrote! :lol

LBT Fanart / Re: Fanart by Mumbling
« on: April 11, 2020, 03:19:09 PM »
That's so cute, especially Spike eating the garden! :lol I think you did a great job translating the characters to that style. It really does look like they're part of the game.

LBT Fanart / Re: Drawings by RainbowFaceProtege :)
« on: April 11, 2020, 03:15:57 PM »

Starday Wishes / Re: Happy birthday, UnionRags123!
« on: April 11, 2020, 02:30:31 PM »
Have an amazing star day, UnionRags!! :Mo

The Party Room / Re: Land Before Time: One word story
« on: April 11, 2020, 02:28:52 PM »

It's Party Time! / Re: LBT Hangman
« on: April 11, 2020, 02:28:29 PM »

Land Before Time Captions / Hard ground!
« on: April 11, 2020, 02:27:23 PM »
It was at that moment Petrie realized he wasn't a yellowbelly.

Land Before Time RPG / Re: Yellowbellies rule! The RP
« on: April 10, 2020, 06:25:08 PM »
Far away, in the Great Valley, it was a perfectly relaxing day to be in the mud pools.

Cera would have been more relaxed, however, if someone else hadn't discovered the place. "What happened to the secret mud pools being secret?" she grumbled under her breath, glaring towards Wild Arms, who was lounging on the other side of the pool.

Sighing in relaxation and closing his eyes, Wild Arms was oblivious to the young threehorn's mood, however.

After Bron had brought him and the rest of the herd into the valley for a visit with his son, the rest of his herd had offered--practically begged, in fact--for Wild Arms to stay in the valley when it was time for them to go. Of course, Wild Arms had jumped at the opportunity. If he'd known about the Great Valley before, he would've gone to stay there ages ago! There were (almost) no sharpteeth, and plenty of food was available for everyone. It was obviously the most sensible place to live!

As Wild Arms leaned back in the warm mud, he thought to himself that there wasn't a more peaceful place in the world than this.

General Land Before Time / Re: The Land Before Time Toys
« on: April 10, 2020, 06:06:15 PM »
On Amazon you can get the whole Gang of Seven from the TV Series:

@Gentle Sharptooth were these the only figures released from playmates? They didn't make a Spike and a Petrie in this line?

They sure didn't. No Spike or Petrie toys were made for the TV series at all. :opetrie No action figures, no plushies, no movers in the board game...nothing. I found that awfully weird. What on earth did these toy manufactureres have against Spike and Petrie? Were they not popular enough or something?

The Party Room / Re: Ask a Stupid LBT Question,Get a Stupid LBT answer
« on: April 10, 2020, 05:58:54 PM »
As a growing boy, he wouldn't have been able to handle such a long journey without food--he would have had to eat Cera before they made it to land! x(cera

Why is Littlefoot's mom brown in the original movie but blue in the LBT X flashback?

LBT Fanart / Re: RainbowFaceProtege's Plush Projects!!
« on: April 10, 2020, 04:10:57 PM »

The Party Room / Re: Ask a Stupid LBT Question,Get a Stupid LBT answer
« on: April 10, 2020, 03:47:55 PM »
He's Avatar of Rainbowfacess' combined minds. :P
You knew I was going to grin over that answer. :lol

Sharptooth's daily breakfast of yogurt and bran flakes has made him nearly invincible! :evilsmile

Why does Petrie have bad grammar?

1988 Theatrical Release / Re: SCRIPT for Original Uncut LBT FOUND!
« on: April 10, 2020, 03:27:11 PM »
Thanks so much for making this available!! :)littlefoot I gotta say, when I first started reading , I thought it was barely going to be any different than the final version, but reading it all the way through, there are definitely some notable differences. Here are my thoughts!

I actually prefer the final version of the movie, and my biggest reason for that is the difference in Cera's characterization. First, I noticed this script didn't have her parrot her dad's line, "Threehorns never play with longnecks." That moment emphasized that Cera, early in the film, had been raised to become a mini version of her father, prejudices and all. Although we can still tell that about Cera in this earlier script, the film version that has her word-for-word repeat the line particularly accentuates that she's the product of her upbringing (and is probably why "Threehorns never play with longnecks!" is such a memorable line in the first place). Second, I think Cera's overall development arc was done better in the movie. The moment where she goes to cry by herself, which showed the vulnerability she'd been hiding under her anger, was absent from the script. The Cera of the script has a lesser range of emotions altogether. She's almost purely aggressive up until the moment where she comes to save the day in the Sharptooth trap scene, and that made it feel like a pretty sudden turnaround in my opinion.

I also want to bring up the name Thunderfoot. It wasn't news to me that Thunderfoot was Littlefoot's original name, since I'd seen that on a wiki page before. However, I had never thought much about it before reading this script--but seeing it about five times or so on every page of this sure forced me to think about it. Boy, am I glad another dinosaur character had already taken this name! The character types my head conjures up from the names "Thunderfoot" and "Littlefoot" are polar opposites. Littlefoot sounds like a fitting name for a wide-eyed, scrappy young dinosaur, while Thunderfoot gives me the image of a big, strong, maybe even brutish character. Yeah, Thunderfoot would make more sense once the character grows up, but seeing as how we've had fourteen movies now and no one looks like they've aged one day, I don't think there's any danger of Littlefoot outgrowing his name at this rate! :lol

Also...Petrie. The way he was written in this script just leaves me...confused. So he was just going to whistle, not talk, all through the movie? At first, I was thinking the writers were probably just trying to suggest that he was younger than his friends and couldn't talk yet, but in the valley scene, it turns out his mother also just whistles. And I wonder what the purpose was for their "words" being written in parentheses after each whistle. Was that just put there for reference to make writing dialogue between Petrie and the other characters easier? Or was it going to be shown on subtitles or something? Then there's the matter of Petrie's grammar. In the movie, it came across as being just a childlike quirk of his, but this script gives his mom the same grammar problem. I guess in addition to whistling instead of talking, all flyers also have poor grammar. It's like they're supposed to be dumber, more animal-like creatures than the dinosaurs, a scenario which (pun alert) doesn't quite fly with me.

I also prefer Littlefoot's first look at the valley being saved for the very end of the movie. I liked him being able to have that moment with his friends standing right beside him, not with him having to go back and find them. By having the kids run down into the valley immediately after seeing it for the first time, the movie scene was the Gang's singular moment of joyful triumph, the crowning glory waiting at the end of their journey. No one character should have been able to have that moment alone--it needed to be saved until they'd all completed their journey so they could take it in side by side. Maybe nostalgia is blinding me on this part, though...

To wrap this up, I really (really!!) enjoy seeing material like this from behind the scenes of my favorite movies. In the end, though, I'm almost always glad that the final version became what it did. There's a reason movie scripts get revised. What we're looking at here was a work in progress, not some truer, purer version of LBT that was smothered by the one we got. Not to offend anyone who wishes this would've become the final movie, but I prefer the original LBT just the way it is. :smile
Well, on to that Secret of Saurus Rock script now! :SmugSpike

The Party Room / Re: Ask a Stupid LBT Question,Get a Stupid LBT answer
« on: April 09, 2020, 08:15:48 PM »
Ruby became addicted to smelly tree-sweet fruit and used Chomper's side of the cavern to stash all the ones she could find! :areyouserious

What is Guido's past?

LBT Projects / Re: Music from The Land Before Time series
« on: April 09, 2020, 06:25:36 PM »
I'm just so, so happy this project exists. :^^spike

Thank you for posting this here, and many, many thanks to Mike Tavera--if you ever read this--for releasing all of this music.

Thankyouthankyouthankyou!!! :DD

General Land Before Time / Re: LBT Worst Dad Polls
« on: April 09, 2020, 06:05:16 PM »
Forget about worst dad trophy. The entire Great Valley deserves the trophy of being the worst parents ever. :longneckBRUH

Haha! That's true...none of them are watching their kids half as closely as they should be! Watching Journey to Big Water again the other day, I realized that even though the grown-ups weren't able to find the kids in the aftermath of the earthshake, the parents were all back in the valley when the Gang of Five returned--meaning they gave up and went back home without finding their kids. Nice! :p

That is so true. The parents and grandparents are constantly losing the Gang; worse they don’t seem to notice they’re gone for hours to days. The only exceptions were LBT II when the parents did notice the Gang had waundered into the Mysterious Beyond, and then JOTB Grandpa and Topps go looking for the Gang of Five with Chomper and Ruby. Are there any other times the parents went looking for the Gang outside the Valley?

In IX, the parents had been looking for the Gang after the earthshake...but by the time the kids return home, all their parents have gone back there already. :sducky What, they decided their children were a lost cause?
I suppose I have to give Grandpa Longneck points for showing up to Littlefoot's rescue towards the end of VI, though. :wise The climax of VII similarly had Petrie's mom (plus One Big Flyer) fly in to help the kids escape from Threehorn Peak. Those are about the only examples I can think of where the parents (or grandparents) went after the kids, though--and they were cutting things pretty close! Hmm, I guess at least everyone noticed their kids were gone in film V. Not that that's saying much. :p

1988 Theatrical Release / Re: More Original Cels From The First Movie
« on: April 09, 2020, 04:31:33 PM »
Honestly, I think that first image is taken from the scene where Sharptooth is about to fall off the cliff during the Great Earthshake and tries to eat Littlefoot and Cera when Littlefoot's mother whips him off the ledge. It explains the rubble you see on the ground. The way each piece of rubble is positioned, it looks like it's moving to the right, which is impossible because there is no obvious slant in the ground and it doesn't look like anything is visibly moving it away from the left.

The reason why it looks different is because the image was slanted straight, if you understand what I mean.

That was my interpretation as well...I don't think it's cut material. :thinking

LBT Fanfiction / Re: Brat (February/March Fanfic Prompt)--Finished
« on: April 09, 2020, 04:12:23 PM »

LBT Fanart / Re: RainbowFaceProtege's Plush Projects!!
« on: April 09, 2020, 03:57:45 PM »

Pages: 1 ... 65 66 67 68 69 ... 78