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Topics - rhombus

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LBT Fanfiction / The Flyers Who Never Stop Flying
« on: January 29, 2017, 09:40:58 PM »
The Flyers Who Never Stop Flying

Greetings, everyone! This entry is a bit of a change of pace from me and something that I will be doing monthly from now on: a short oneshot story. I am a bit new at writing stories that are not verbose so I greatly appreciate your constructive feedback and thoughts. It is my hope that I will progressive improve at writing this style of story as I gain more experience. Today's ficlet is not related to my existing Seven Hunters story arc, but rather is set in the normal Land Before Time universe. So no Taunt (sorry) d-;

This short ficlet is a response to the Gang of Five prompt challenge for January 2017. This is a monthly challenge where anyone who wishes to join may post a story to the Gang of Five forum and to this site and get it registered on the story masterlist. This month's prompt was to include the following in a story: "As far as he was concerned if his mom wanted to sleep in instead of her usual habit of waking at daybreak then that was fine with him."

The flyer looked out at the vast expanse in front of him.  The valley's lush greenery and azure waters gleamed in the morning sun as the residents of the valley rose from their slumbers.  Even in the rocky outcroppings high above the valley, the scent of dew upon the vegetation could be smelled as if one were on the ground.  It was yet another radiant day in the Great Valley.

But no radiance showed in the young flyer's eyes.  The events of the past day had seen to that.

"Momma, wake up!  The Bright Circle is up already!"

"Heh... Looks like mom decided to be a sleepy head today."

Petrie reluctantly rose and rubbed his eyes on his membranous wings.  As far as he was concerned if his mom wanted to sleep in instead of her usual habit of waking at daybreak then that was fine with him.


The last squawk from one of his sister's made him wake up immediately.  There was something off about it.  Maybe it was the fact it was a question.  Maybe it was the pleading that hung in the question.  Maybe it was simply instinct.  Petrie would never know.  But in that moment he rushed to his mother's side.

As he pushed through the huddle of his siblings he could see his mother resting on the floor of the crevice.  Her body was in repose, as if still in the midst of slumber, but something was not right.  As if compelled by some unseen force he reached out and nudged part of his mother's wing as if to wake her.


His mother's wing was cold.

The rest of the day had been a blur.  One moment he and his siblings had been screaming in anguish, whereas in the next they were being comforted by other flyers as his mother's body was slowly lifted into the azure sky.  Being sent on her final journey into the Mysterious Beyond, being carried aloft by her distant relatives.  As he stared at the macabre scene it reminded him of something his mother had said once when he saw the same ritual being performed on another flyer.

"The scent of death attracts sharpteeth so we must take them away."

"But then sharpteeth eat them!"

"Yes, Petrie, but he is not there anymore.  Not what made him who he was anyway."

"Petrie not understand.  Then where is that?"

"I don't know Petrie.  Some say flyers fly higher in the sky when it is their time.  So high that they cannot come down.  Why do you think that the stars stay up?"

"Me not know... me guess they have to fly to stay up."

His mother simply nodded.  “Stars are the flyers who never stop flying."

Comforting words had been said to them since then.  Grandma and Grandpa Longneck, Mr. Thicknose, and even Mr. Threehorn had each given their support in their own way.  But mere words would not return their mother to them.  Some of the other flyers had made sure that a lush assortment of berries was laid at the nest, but none of the orphans dared partake of the free meal.  It had only been with the rising of the Bright Circle that his brothers and sisters had finally decided to consume the food in companionable silence.

But Petrie couldn't stand it.  Couldn't bear it.  He simply had to get away.

He had been on this rocky bluff ever since.  None of his siblings tried to stop him, though on occasion one would fly by and say nothing.  Petrie could only suspect that they realized what he was thinking.  That perhaps here, away from the nest where he had lost everything, he could be free from his troubled thoughts.  

Instead those thoughts now appeared to be his only company.


"He just had to fly all the way up the mountain, didn't he?  It will take us all night to get down!"

"Shush, Cera!"

Petrie jolted awake at the hushed whispers.  It was only a few moments later that his mind registered the identity of the voices… and the fact that it was pitch black.  His reaction was immediate.

Oh no!  Me got to get back to nest otherwise Momma be mad at Petrie!

Without another thought the little flyer used both wings and his legs to thrust his body into the air.  But no sooner than he had felt the cool brush of the air across his beak, the reality of his situation came upon him like a lightning bolt.


He landed on the ground with a thud as he bowed his head.  At least in his dreamless sleep he had been spared the specters of the present.  But now the weight of his burden was again too much to bear.  No longer having any tears to shed or words to say he merely fixed his gaze on the ground and awaited his friends to say whatever words they had in mind.  He had heard more than his fair share of words in the past day, but none of them mattered.  His mother was gone and no words would bring her back.

But much to his surprise only the whisperings of the wind greeted his ears.  His friends were silent.

Me guess friends just check on me… Petrie thought about turning around and talking to them.  But some part of him still pulled him away.  It was an odd emotion that he could not place.  The drive to desperately want affection in his time of need, but at the same time desired to push everyone away.

He eventually found himself staring at the stars.

From the ground the canopy of the night sky seemed enormous.  It was as if the land which the land-dwellers knew was only a speck of dust in the rustlings of the wind.  But the mysterious stars… those humbled flyer and land-dweller alike.  It was as he gazed at the multitude of distant suns that words carried on the wind.  Words that Petrie recognized from long ago.

Stars are the flyers who never stop flying.

The flyer allowed his eyes to dart across the sky as he watched the various star patterns that Mr. Thicknose had told them about.  The lonely spiketail, the lost horn, the fastbiter in the stars… but there were no constellations with flyers.  None that the elder dinosaur had told them about anyway.

“I like to think that she is watching from up there.”

Petrie nearly jumped when he heard the longneck’s voice.  It was only then that he realized that his friends were no longer behind him.  They were sitting just like he was, gazing up at the night sky.

The longneck did not seem to notice that Petrie was no longer looking at the sky as he gestured with his neck at one particular group of stars.  “That right there… those stars that look like a long neck.  I think my mom is in there somewhere.”  His friend’s voice was oddly distant for the usually extroverted longneck and it did not take a brilliant dinosaur to deduce why.

Petrie forced himself to look up at where Littlefoot was gazing.  Sure enough Petrie could make out what looked like a slender neck across the horizon.  It was as if a longneck were peeking across the end of the world to gaze upon it with curiosity.  It was a majestic sight in its own way, though one that an observer would only see if they knew what they were looking for.  It was like trying to see something in the clouds, Petrie realized.  Very contrived.

And probably not real.

Petrie looked down again as if the sky had offended him.  In a manner of speaking it had.  He had been the one to insist on the Bright Circle celebration with his friends for the previous two Warm Times.  He had been the one convinced that if they didn’t celebrate the Bright Circle then it would get mad and punish the valley.  He had been the one willing to see the unseen behind every mystery, whether it be an imaginary friend or a vengeful Bright Circle.

But not today.  He had seen death in all of its horror and there had been no mystery there.  Only a mother who would never return.

He turned in the opposite direction and prepared to fly away.  His friends could ruminate on the nonsense all that they wanted, but right now all Petrie wanted was to be left alone.  But, as was often the case, it would be Cera’s words that would throw him into confusion.

“I guess mom and my sisters are up there helping to look for the lost horn.”

Petrie froze, suddenly feeling lost.  He had struggled to keep his emotions in check around his friends, but Cera’s participation in this was the last straw.  

“What you mean?!” Petrie squawked.  “Me thought threehorns not believe in nonsense!”

Littlefoot rose to speak, but Cera quickly silenced him with a glare, but Petrie went on, oblivious to Cera’s anger.

“Me thought Bright Circle like Petrie, but now Momma dead!  Maybe it just stupid light!” he kicked a stick off of the ledge with as much force as he could muster, which was then followed by a small rock.  “Maybe if Petrie not look at things that not there then Momma still be here.  Maybe we find something to help her like Night Flower.  But Petrie not see anything!  Petrie too busy with silly things!  Petrie…”

“Petrie was busy being alive.” Cera retorted in an odd monotone that made Petrie stare at her in shock.  The uncharacteristic lack of judgment in her voice almost scared him.  “The dead don’t have that chance anymore.”  With that final statement she looked back at the constellation in the sky.  The lost horn.  This made something break in the poor flyer as he looked with resignation at the ground.

Silence reigned for several moments before the threehorn again spoke.

“You don’t believe in them anymore.”

Petrie turned towards Cera.  “What?”

“I said that you don’t believe in the stars anymore.  You mentioned looking at things that weren’t there.” Cera continued to look at the stars as she shook her head.  “Is that what I sound like to you?”

Petrie was a bit taken aback by this.  “Um… yes?”

The threehorn snorted.  “The stars may just be lights, Petrie, and the Bright Circle may just be a bigger light… but I know that my family is still around.”

The flyer looked desperate.  “How?”

Littlefoot answered for his threehorn friend.  “Do your mother’s words still talk to you, Petrie?”

"Yes, Petrie, but he is not there anymore.  Not what made him who he was anyway."

"Petrie not understand.  Then where is that?"

“Yes…” Petrie spoke in a whisper.

“And can you still see her in your thoughts?” Cera questioned.

Petrie merely nodded.  The maternal flyer had barely left his mind for a single moment since his siblings had found her lifeless body.  

“Then she is still there.  Somewhere.” Cera added with a sad smile.  

“You may not be able to see her with your eyes, but she is still there.” Littlefoot echoed as if he were remembering something.

Petrie sniffed as he processed what his friends had told him.  They had helped him confront one doubt, but this did not change his doubts about the future.  A future without the guiding force in his life.  The mother he had journeyed across the Mysterious Beyond to reunite with.

But yet something had changed since his friends had encountered the reclusive flyer on the perch.  Regardless of him pushing them away, they had persisted in order to help him.  Now, he was done pushing them away.

“How… how you all handle it?  When…”

“Badly.” Littlefoot answered immediately as he gave the flyer a reassuring nudge.  “I was like you back then, Petrie.  Keeping to myself, ignoring the world, just waiting…”

The longneck shook his head as he spoke in a faraway voice.  “Until someone told me what I need to hear.  What I needed in order to carry on… and then I found Ducky and the rest of you came later.”

Petrie nodded.  It sounded like someone had comforted Littlefoot in the Mysterious Beyond like how he was being comforted now.  He was about to ask his longneck friend about the mysterious benefactor when Cera spoke up.

“I didn’t find out until I got the Great Valley.”

Petrie turned to the threehorn and was amazed at what he saw.  Tears.

“It was the only time my father didn’t get on to me for showing weakness.” The threehorn sniffed as she quickly tried to regain her composure.  “He said there were exceptions to every rule… herds mourn their own.”

Petrie opened his mouth to speak, but it took several attempts to get anything out.  “Cera… are you…”

The threehorn gave the flyer a warning glare.  “Yes, and don’t you dare tell a soul!”  She quickly dried her eyes on her front legs.  “I only let the flathead see this because no respectable threehorn would believe him anyway!”

Littlefoot gave her a smirk despite the moisture in his own eyes as he gave an ironic “Hmph!” in response.  He knew quite well what his friend was trying to say even if she could not bring herself to actually say it.

Petrie allowed himself to laugh at the display as the two friends joined him.  It was as if the Thundering Falls had been blocked and then suddenly allowed to flow once more as the emotions of the last few days rushed through him.  It was only several moments later, when he wiped his eyes with his wing, that he noticed the moisture.

Me guess me still had a few tears left.

“Why you only tell Petrie about this now?” Petrie finally asked.  “None of you talk like this around others.”

“Tell me, Petrie, before this happened did you really understand what it was like?” Cera voice was again its usually gruff self.

Petrie didn’t need to think about his answer as he wiped the last of the tears away.  He merely shook his head.

“We did this quite often when we first got to the valley.  Now we do it each time the Night Circle goes to sleep and cannot hide the stars.”  Littlefoot clarified.

This made Petrie look back up at the stars once more.  He had doubted earlier in the night, but he was convinced that the appearance of his friends to cheer him up couldn’t have been a coincidence.  If the stars were not looking out for him then something far closer to earth sure was.

That was when he saw it.

From the edge of his vision he could see the small ball of light as it suddenly appeared.  Within the span of a moment it streaked across the sky before again disappearing into the black void.  It was a sight that would have been completely missed had he not been looking at that very moment.

Stars are the flyers who never stop flying.

His two companions appeared to have not noticed the momentary visitor in the sky above as they approached their friend.  

“You are invited whenever we do this.” Cera’s voice echoed behind him.

“It’s okay if you don’t believe in the stars, Petrie, the important thing is that you know that you are not alone.  You can’t keep this to yourself.” Littlefoot added.

The little flyer nodded as he gazed at where the shooting star had been. “Thank you.  Me… me would like to do that.  Momma needs company.”

As he embraced Littlefoot’s foot and Cera offered him a nuzzle, he gave the sky one last look.

Goodbye, Momma.  Have a good flight.

Starday Wishes / Happy birthday Littlefoot fan 1990
« on: January 18, 2017, 11:41:16 AM »
Happy birthday!  :birthday I hope that you have a wonderful day, and a great year ahead.

LBT Fanfiction / Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
« on: January 01, 2017, 12:05:08 AM »
Good evening and Happy New Year, everyone!

Today Fyn and I have decided to begin something that we have seen done in several other fandoms: a prompt challenge.  This is an interesting and fun way to encourage creative writing in a manner that often leads to unexpected and surprising results.  Here is how it works:

1)  Each month Fyn and I will alternate in proposing a prompt for potential stories in the Land Before time universe.  This may be a plot detail that would need to be in the story, or it could be a piece of dialogue that must be used, or it could even simply be a plot idea.  As soon as the prompt is posted there will be a one month period in which participants may write and submit a story or poem in response to the prompt.

2)  If you wish to participate please place a copy of your resulting story or poem for the challenge on both the Gang of Five fanfiction section and on In an author’s note in your story mention that this is a response to a prompt challenge and mention that prompt.  The only length requirement on stories is that they need to be at least 1000 words or, in the case of poems, 500 words.

3) PM me with links to both the Gang of Five and the copies of your story.  I will then add a link to the prompt masterlist in this topic.  DO NOT post your story to this topic – we are trying to keep this topic as uncluttered as possible.

4) After the month is complete there will be a vote between the participants on which story (you cannot vote for yourself) was the best prompt response.  The voting will take place in the voting topic. The winner will gain the ëprize’ of making Fyn and I write a Land Before time story based upon a prompt of their choice.  The usual rules for fanfictions on the forum will apply to those prompts, however, so no smut, extreme violence, etc.

It is my hope that this exercise will result in the inspiration of many good stories from the exceptional authors we have on the forum.  I truly think that the creative side of this fandom is where it really shines, and I look forward to seeing what everyone comes up with. :)

The first prompt will soon be posted in the The Prompt masterlist topic.  If you have any questions about this challenge, the rules, or any prompts please mention them in this topic – as it is meant for discussion.  The Prompt Masterlist topic will only have the monthly prompts and links to any stories and the voting topic will only be for voting at the end of each monthly prompt.

Concerning song fics
Songs can be submitted as poetry, but to prevent abuse and ensure originality a few conditions must be obeyed:
1) They must be original works, that is to say they should not be based on existing music.
2) They still need to adhere to a poetic formula. Obviously this is pretty loose, since poems can take many forms, but essentially it needs to be visually organized like a song (lines, stanzas, etc clearly defined).

LBT Fanfiction / Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Masterlist
« on: January 01, 2017, 12:01:48 AM »
Just as a reminder, do not post in this topic.  This topic is meant to only list the monthly prompts for the challenge and any story responses for those prompts.  Discussion about the prompt challenge and questions about any prompt can be made in the discussion topic, whereas voting on the best prompt response each month will take place in the voting topic.

January 2017

Proposed by Rhombus

Use this as part of the narrative: ëAs far as he was concerned if his mom wanted to sleep in instead of her usual habit of waking at daybreak then that was fine with him.’

Participating stories/poems/ficlets:

The Littlefrill and the Big Underground: A Parable
Author: Fyn16
Description: An alternate retelling of the events of "Visitor from the Mysterious Above." Lepto, the Leptoceratops in the episode, is an adult now with kids of his own. When his daughter ignores his instructions, almost costing her her life, Lepto sees an opportunity to recount his own past mistakes, as a lesson for a new generation.
Gang of Five link: Here link: Here

Under the Cave of Many Voices
Author: Sovereign
Description: The Gang decides to return to the Cave of Many Voices on a boring evening. The trip doesn't go as planned and the seven dinosaurs and Shorty get lost in the maze of dark tunnels with an injury hindering their escape. The way out is unclear and holds potential threats...
Gang of Five link: link:

The Way I am
Author: The Wasp
Description: A one shot at our favorite threehorn and her reaction after a particularly strange sleep story. In it, she dreamed about someone she rarely thinks about, but misses heavily in her heart.
Gang of Five link: link:

The Flyers Who Never Stop Flying
Author: Rhombus
Description: When tragedy strikes sometimes the only ones that we can turn to are our friends. But sometimes we have to be reminded that we are not alone.
Gang of Five link: link:

Three Children
Author: DarkWolf91
Description: Cera's Parents make a difficult choice.
Gang of Five link: link:

If we hold on together
Author: Ducky123
Description: Littlefoot, Cera, Ducky, Petrie and Spike see themselves confronted with an old conflict which is endangering their friendship. When Ducky's Mother suddenly gets very ill, their friendship goes through the ultimate test. Will they continue to be the circle of friends we all know and love? And will they be able to save Ducky from the terrible fate of being an orphan?
Gang of Five link: link:

LBT Fanfiction / Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Voting
« on: December 31, 2016, 11:59:52 PM »
This is just a placeholder at the moment.  As soon as all of the entries have been made for the January 2016 prompt (that is, after January 31, 2017) I will announce the beginning of voting and then votes may be cast here.

Saurus Rock: Member Hall of Fame / Award Winners 2016
« on: December 31, 2016, 10:24:50 PM »
Well it nearly took until 2017 reached the United States, but we finally have our winners for the 2016 forum awards.

The winners are now authorized to pick the award banners from the draft thread and add it to their signatures. Runner ups may take their pick after the winners (runners up will need to pick a different draft from the winner but they do not need to mark their award in any way as a runner up).

And here are our winners:

Fanart Award :  
Winner: Darkwolf91
Runner Up: RockingScorpion

Feedback Award :  
Winners (tied): Ducky123
Winners (tied): Rhombus
No Runner Up

Proactive Award :  
Winner: Nick22
Runner Up: Rhombus

Friendly Member Award :  
Winner: Ducky123
Runner Up: Kor

Role Play Award :  
Winner: Nick22
Runner Up: The Lone Dragon

Appreciated Member :  
Winner*: Darkwolf91
Winner*: LettuceBacon&Tomato

I would like to congratulate all of our winners and runner ups, and to thank everyone for making the Gang of Five a great and welcoming community :)

A note about the appreciated member award:

Due to an oversight on our part, voting for the appreciated member award was held when it was not necessary.  As Darkwolf had already won an award (the fanart award) she was not supposed to be qualified to compete in the appreciated member category, which would have left LettuceBacon&Tomato as the only qualified candidate and the winner by default.  We strongly feel that a mistake on the part of us administrators should be resolved in a way that benefits the affected parties.  Thus, as a vote has already been held on the matter, the results of the Appreciated Member vote will not be nullified - but rather both will have the right to select a banner. Nonetheless we apologize for our mistake and will take steps to make sure that similar errors do not happen in the future.

Saurus Rock: Member Hall of Fame / Fanfiction Awards 2016 Results
« on: December 31, 2016, 12:34:57 PM »
Well it literally took us the entire year to get to this point :lol but the results of the 2016 fanfiction awards have been calculated.  Here are the results:  

We will be following the previous protocol for fanfiction awards this year.  This means that if you would like a banner for your fanfiction then please let me know by PM.  You can only pick one of your stories to receive a banner this year, so if you had multiple entries then you will need to specify which story I should prepare a banner for.  Each banner will include your story name, the overall average rating it received, and the number of votes.  The draft banners that we will be using this year are as follows:

I would like to take this moment to thank each and every one of you who participated in the fanfiction awards this year. Participation was much higher this year and I hope that is a harbinger of things to come.  :) I truly believe that it is the creative side of the fandom (art, stories, and roleplay) that keeps things fresh and interesting.

The Fridge / Feathered dinosaur tail found in amber
« on: December 08, 2016, 06:00:01 PM »
According to an article published in the journal Current Biology, scientists have discovered the tail of a small dinosaur encased in amber.  The amber had already been polished for jewellery and the seller thought it was plant material inside the amber, but on closer inspection it turned out to be the tail of a feathered dinosaur about the size of a sparrow. The specimen includes the preserved bones, flesh, skin, and feathers of the small dinosaur.  This gives us our best look to date at what these feathers looked like, how they were incorporated into the dinosaur's anatomy, and other details that we have been unable to gleam from fossil records.  Additionally there are hints that some of the organic material may have been retained in trace amounts.

Overall, a truly amazing find.  :yes

Further Sources:

The Fridge / Gwen Ifill has died
« on: November 14, 2016, 03:28:41 PM »
Gwen Ifill, the co-anchor of the PBS News Hour, host of Washington Week in Review, and Vice Presidential moderator in 2004 and 2008, died of breast cancer today after a 6-year battle.  She was only 61 years old.  

I have watched her for over 15 years on Washington Week in Review and greatly appreciated her relatively objective and non-sensational review of the political happenings each week.  This was a women who got her start as an intern after a co-worker sent her a note that said "Nigger go home".  She didn't go home.  Instead she worked in the media for over 40 years, not flinching when confronted by barriers.  She was a beacon of journalistic integrity in a media establishment that seems devoid of actual journalists in recent years.  She will be greatly missed.

Saurus Rock: Member Hall of Fame / Fanfiction voting 2016
« on: November 10, 2016, 07:31:54 PM »
The rules for joining the Fanfiction Awards
Voting has now begun for the fanfiction awards. Voting will end on 11:59 pm forum time on December 24.

If you wish to vote in private, please send me a PM with your votes. Otherwise, please post your votes in this topic.

This is the voting section for the fanfiction awards only. All fanfictions that have been submitted by your fellow members for voting are listed below. Please only post on this topic to submit your vote, do not ask questions or have discussions here. For questions, please click the link above and comment on the rules.

You may vote on as many fanfictions as you'd like, but you must have read them first. Please show us in your review that you've truly read the fanfiction.

Please copy the following form to vote:

Name of fanfiction: NAME HERE
Rating: #/10

The following fanfictions have been submitted for you to vote on:

Name: To Tread Upon Fields Afar.
Short Summary: Two Amargasaurus siblings find themselves caught up in a journey they never planned to make when they find out their father, thought to have been lost long ago, may still be alive, in a place long thought to be a myth: the Great Valley. Along the way they meet new friends, discover new perils, and come to the realization that their real purpose is far greater than either ever imagined
Author: Fyn16

Name of fanfiction: LBT The Musical
Short summary: When a terrible storm breaks a hole in the great wall and Grandpa Longneck falls seriously ill, Mr. Threehorn makes a bid to take control of the Great Valley. At the same time, Chomper learns that an old foe is taking the opportunity to settle a score with Littlefoot and his friends.
Link to fanfiction on the GoF:
Author(s) : LettuceBacon&Tomato
Any other comment: Rated PG. Contains romance, politics, drug use, light violence, and songs.

Name of fan fiction: The Swimmer Trials
Short Summary: Ducky is chosen for a Trial that no has survived and the story is about the lead up to the day, the events on the day and the aftermath of The Swimmer Trials
Link to fanfiction on Gof:
Author: The Lone Dragon
Any other comments: The Fanfic has many chapters and is unfinished but it is closer to completion (not by too much though)

Name of fanfiction: Shorty's Dark Past
Short summary: Roughly based on the events of LBT 10, this is a story that tries to explore Shorty's mysterious past as he meets new and old friends and fiends in the oasis where many Longnecks had wandered to, following their sleepstories, waiting for an mysterious event to occur. What happened in Shorty's early childhood? Why did he turn into the jerk he often is? And how are these past events going to influence his life at present and in the future? Read the story to find out ;) Romance and violence and also many funny scenes included.
Link to fanfiction on the GoF:
Author(s) : Ducky123
Any other comment: in-progress

Name of fanfiction: The Dreadful Time of Great Growing
Short summary: What happens when the Gang eventually grows up? Well, puberty. In this story, I am attempting to lead our adventurous (and rebellious? :unsure:) Gang into these exciting years, trying to find the right balance between the Gang that we're used to and the Gang that's struggling with their hormones :p
Link to fanfiction on the GoF:
Author(s) : Ducky123
Any other comment: in-progress/on semi-hiatus

Name of fanfiction: Freeze
Short summary: Short story that goes a bit deeper into the relationship of Ducky and Spike in LBT 8. Alternate ending.
Link to fanfiction on the GoF:
Author(s) : Ducky123
Any other comment: finished

Name of fanfiction: Songs of the Hunters
Short summary: The Seven Hunters are back and this time they are relating their epic adventures to their children. What crises befell the pack after they left the Great Valley? How did they take back their territory? What happened to their friends and allies? And how did these wonderful children come about? Find out along with their kids as you listen to the songs of the hunters. (part 2 of the Seven Hunters continuity)
Link to fanfiction on the GoF:
Author(s) : Rhombus
Any other comment: Complete

Name of fanfiction: Mender’s Tale
Short summary: Based upon a roleplay with Historian1912 and set in the Seven Hunters continuity. Mender has the reputation as being the best healer in the Mysterious Beyond, helping all who require it, but that was not always the case. Follow Mender as she recalls how a lowly fastbiter eventually found her place in life once she met a most unusual pack. This is Mender's Tale.
Link to fanfiction on the GoF:
Authors: : Rhombus and Historian1912
Any other comment: In progress

Saurus Rock: Member Hall of Fame / 2016 Fanfiction Awards
« on: October 14, 2016, 11:32:36 AM »
The fanfiction awards will use the same rules as before when Mumbling hosted them with a minor modification to the vote casting times.  Nonetheless, for those of you who are new or who wish to have a refresher as to the process, here are the rules for the fanfiction awards.


1)   Everyone who wants his or her fanfiction to be part of the awards must enter their fanfiction before October 31, 2016. You may enter up to 5 of your fanfictions, but can only have 1 fanfiction award from each year in your signature. Fanfiction must include the following criteria (subject to change):

The fanfiction has to include at least 1 of the main characters from The Land Before Time. It would not be an LBT fanfiction otherwise. Preferably, this character has maintain his or her actual characteristics (so Littlefoot would not be some kind of dictator out to murder everyone).

Fanfiction has to be either a script, poetry or prose. It can consist of several chapters or just a shorter story, but the minimum length required is 1 full page in Microsoft word (Calibri 11, or Times New Roman 12). If you do not own Microsoft Word, ask me to copy your fanfiction to see if it is eligible.

The fanfiction should have been updated or created between the last fanfiction award (August 2015) and now (October 1, 2016) and should be posted on the Gang of Five as a full story or as a link to fanfiction sites. It does not have to be finished.

2)Fill in this form and send it to me by PM:

Name of fanfiction:
Short summary:
Link to fanfiction on the GoF:
Author(s): (You have to be one of the authors, but if you have a co-writer, put him/her down here)
Any other comment:

You can rate fanfics here: (no topic created yet - it will be posted after October 31)

1)   We list all fanfictions that you can vote for in one thread. In that thread you can post your rating for the fanfiction. Voting is simple, but it will take some time. You may pick any of the fanfictions you've read, and only those you have read. You will rate this fanfiction a mark from 1 to 10, and include a little description of why you want to give that fanfiction that mark. This description should include your opinion and should show that you've actually read the fanfiction.

2)   Voting looks like this:
Fanfiction: [name of fanfiction 1]
I rate it: 6/10
Because: This fanfiction was average. It did not keep my attention span for much longer than 5 minutes. Next to that it was so obvious what would happen to Cera, everyone knew that she would eventually escape from the Sharptooth. However it is still an interesting plot line and could be made into a movie if it was written with more care and enthusiasm.

Fanfiction: [name of fanfiction 2]
I rate it: 8/10
Because: Wow! I've never seen anyone write this well! As much as I despise human influence in the land before time, it was awesome to see how Littlefoot communicated with them.

3) If you have submitted your fanfiction as nomination, you HAVE to rate someone else's fanfiction (you may not rate your own). You need to review at least one fanfiction for every fanfiction you submit. If you submit 5, you review 5!

4) After the awards are over, everyone who participated in the fanfiction award will get an award for them to show in their signature. It will state the following:

Fanfiction award for [name of fanfiction here]
Number of votes: 3
Average rating: 7/10

You may only include 1 fanfiction award per year in your signature, no matter how many fanfictions you submitted that year. - Just pick your favorite.

You will not be disqualified for the appreciated member award if you join these awards.

Saurus Rock: Member Hall of Fame / Voting Tally for the 2016 Awards
« on: October 11, 2016, 09:57:45 PM »
Hello, everyone.   :wave Sorry for the delay, but here in this post you will see a running vote tally for the forum awards this year.  I will try to update this every few days, but please keep in mind that if you have voted recently then your vote may not have been added to the tally yet.

Fanart Award :  
Darkwolf91- 4
RockingScorpion- 3

Feedback Award :  
Ducky123- 5
Rhombus- 5

Proactive Award :  
Nick22- 5
Rhombus- 4
Coyote A- 1

Friendly Member Award :  
Ducky123- 3
Kor- 3
Darkwolf91- 1
Malte279- 1
Nick22- 1
 RockingScorpion -1

Role Play Award :  
Nick22- 2
The Lone Dragon -2
Ducky123- 1
Bushwacked- 1
LettuceBacon&Tomato - 1

Saurus Rock: Member Hall of Fame / Forum Awards 2016 Voting Status
« on: September 30, 2016, 11:33:25 PM »
Good evening, everyone!

It is once again time for the forum awards.  To assist you in keeping track of your voting status, this page will keep track of everyone who has voted in the awards thus far.

Just to clarify how this works I have included a checklist for you to consider.. First, you have to have met the following criteria:

1. You have a minimum post count of 100 posts.
2. You have been a member of the Gang of Five for a minimum of 2 months as of as of 8/14/2016.
3. You have contributed to the Gang of Five posts within the last 2 months as of as of 8/14/2016.

Your name below will be highlighted in a particular color depending on the number of posts you have made or if something requires your attention. Here's a key showing what each of the colors mean:

RED means you haven't cast any votes yet.  So you will need to do that soon.

YELLOW means one of two things. Either:
1) You have not cast enough votes to receive any awards; or
2) There is something that you may or may not have done that is preventing you from receiving any awards. Notes will go alongside these issues so you know exactly what is it you need to do to grant you rightful passage to your awards.

GREEN means you're good. Your votes have been counted and all of the other conditions have been met. Any awards that you may have won will be coming your way.

GREY indicates any other conditions that lie outside of your voting status (for example, if you wish to be removed from the voting list or have a particular circumstance that has been discussed with admin exempting you from standard rulings for voting). These will also be accompanied with notes explaining the situation.

***Some extra things to be aware of***

We are all busy people and from various countries of the world. That being said, updates will be time stamped as and when they occur. So if your status still reads RED when you know you have cast all votes, be patient and you'll find your status marked GREEN in no time.

Skipping Votes
If you plan on skipping a vote for a particular category, please make sure you mention this IN YOUR POST when voting. I will NOT assume that just because you haven't nominated someone for a particular category that you are choosing to skip said category. If you are skipping a category, say that you are skipping that category. Otherwise, you may find that your status may not move off YELLOW despite you thinking that you have made all your nominations.

Also, PLEASE DO NOT EDIT OLD POSTS!!! Editing old posts confuses the process. If you make a mistake or need to make a correction, put it into a new post. Otherwise it can confuse the entire process

REMEMBER - you can only skip a maximum of ONE (1) vote and still remain eligible for an award. If you do skip two categories, you must vote in the Appreciated Member Award in order to remain eligible for your awards. You need a minimum grand total of 4 votes in order to receive awards. So that's either 4 out of 5 main category votes OR 3 main category PLUS a vote for the Appreciated Member category (when voting for the Appreciated Member opens).

Now without further ado, here are the voting statuses. If you have any questions or concerns then please do not hesitate to contact me.

RainbowGirl 39
Dr. Rex
The Lone Dragon (5/5)
The Dark Patriot
Littlefoot fan 1990
RockingScorpion (5/5)
Mr Wonk
DarkWolf91 (4/5; 1 skipped)
The Anonymous Person
Bruton the Iguanodon
F-14 Ace
rhombus (5/5)
The Chronicler (4/5; 1 skipped)
Ducky123 (5/5)
LettuceBacon&Tomato (4/5; 1 skipped)
Cancerian Tiger
The Great Valley Guardian
Serris (4/5; 1 skipped)
Kor (5/5)
Nick22 (4/5; 1 skipped)

Saurus Rock: Member Hall of Fame / Forum Awards 2016 Rules, List, and Drafts
« on: September 30, 2016, 11:29:39 PM »
The rules of the 2016 award votes will be run essentially on the same rules as the last two years with the main difference being that those who are entitled to vote and be voted for in the award ceremony need to have joined the GOF at least three months ago, must have posted at least a 100 times and must have been active within the last two months rather than within the last three months.  The other major difference is that the number of categories have been reduced from eight to five.

Here are the full rules:

The voting process officially opens on Saturday, October 1st. You can vote in this topic

Voting for the initial 5 categories will last for 1 month and will close at 12 (midnight) on 31 October 2016 (forum standard time)

We understand it is a wall of text, but we would like you to at least read through the rules once before you start voting so that you won't breach any rules.


1)  All selected GOF members listed are invited to participate in the GOF Awards. These candidates have been granted participation on clearing of the following conditions:
A. Have a post count of at least 100 posts
B. Have been active on the GOF within the past 2 months as of as of 8/14/2016
C. Have been a member of the GOF for at least 2 months as of as of 8/14/2016
The list of eligible candidates for this year's awards can be found below! If your name is not on that list, you are not eligible to receive an award in this year's nominations. If you find you fulfill the three criteria listed above and still are not on the list, please contact one of the admins about it. We do our very best, but mistakes are always possible.

- The Appreciated Member Award will also be included but nominations for this award will be conducted AFTER the main 5 categories have been finalized and the awards distributed. DO NOT reveal your nomination for the Appreciated Member Award alongside your votes for the initial 5 categories because it won't be counted.

2)   You are to offer one (1) nomination per category highlighting the nominee's GOF username in underline and/or bold to aid with the tallying process. We strongly advise all participants to vote in every category if possible.
Understandably there may be some areas you are not too sure on if you haven't been involved directly (e.g. the RPG section) or are genuinely unable to select one candidate but we urge you try to offer a nomination if you can.

3)   If you want to be entitled to win an award, you will have to vote for at least 4 out of 5 categories. In case you did not vote in at least 4 categories, you will not receive any awards you are entitled to. The awards will instead go to the member with the second highest amount of votes. If you are not interested in winning an award, but still wish to vote in several categories, you are allowed to do so.

4) If you skip 2 votes in the first 5 categories, you are obliged to vote in the Appreciated Member award in order to win an award yourself.

- The Appreciated Member Award voting will be held after the main 5 categories have been finalised and the awards distributed, since only members who didn't win any of these 5 categories can be voted for the Appreciated Member Award. DO NOT reveal your nomination for the Appreciated Member Award alongside your votes for the initial 5 categories because it won't be counted.

5) All nominations must be accompanied with a few lines or a brief statement as to why you feel your choice deserves the award. It doesn't have to be long, but it should at least help enforce your choice so that it can be counted as valid reasoning. Feel free to express credit to those member you felt were close contenders for an award if you wish. Nominations without explanatory comments will count as a skipped vote, so make sure to include them!

6) If you do not complete all your nominations in one post, please submit the remainder of your nominations in a separate post. Please do not edit/update previous posts, since this will confuse the one keeping record of the votes. We will constantly update your votes and will not go back to check older posts once votes are cast.

7) We discourage voting for yourself in any given category for the awards. if you genuinely feel that there are no other eligible candidates who deserve a specific award then you are permitted to vote for yourself in 1 category only. Voting for yourself more than once will count as skipped votes. In case a tie in number of votes comes up, the candidate who did not vote for themselves automatically wins the award.

8) The candidate who gets most votes for an award will be permitted to add one of the drafts of the award to his or her signature. The candidate with the second most votes can choose one of the drafts of the awards after the winner has chosen his and can call himself the runner up! Runner ups must have at least one third of the votes the winner had and cannot use the same banner as the winner. Runner ups do not have to state that their award is a runner up, they can be just as proud as the actual winners.

9) In case two members get an equal amount of votes and are both entitled to either the award or a runner up award there will be a tiebreaking vote. These will be held after the main voting and before the Appreciated Member award voting. This final tiebreaker will decide who wins the award.

And lastly, we would like to remind you all that the awards are here for fun. Any activity that could be considered ruining the fun will disqualify you from the awards and might even result in a harsher action if necessary. Here is a list of what we find unacceptable:We want all of you to have as much fun as possible and we can only assure that if you help along yourself.

Thanks for reading. If there are any other questions feel free to post them below :)

- The main categories for this year's Awards are as follows -
~Fanart Award
~Feedback Award
~Friendly Member Award
~Proactive Award
~Role Play Gamer Award

Saurus Rock: Member Hall of Fame / Joining Awards 2013
« on: September 28, 2016, 08:55:43 PM »
The award voting of 2016 is imminent, but before the awards begin it is time again to honor those who have come to stay to the GOF.   This is for those members who joined back in 2013, have posted at least 100 times, and who remain active members of our community.

This is the award banner for those of you who joined in 2013 and who are still around:

The following members may add the Member of 2013 Award to their signatures if they wish to do so:

Bruton the Iguanodon

Congratulations to every one of you, and thank you for your contributions which have made this forum the dynamic community that it is.  :)

In case you too joined back in 2013, have posted 100 times or more, and are still active but are not on the list, please send us a note and we'll correct the mistake as quickly as possible.

The Fridge / Yahoo has been hacked
« on: September 22, 2016, 04:26:23 PM »
It appears that a "state actor" has hacked into Yahoo's servers and stolen account information on at least 500 million people.  This easily makes it one of the largest cybersecurity breaches in history.  If you have a Yahoo account it would be highly advisable for you to change your password and security information at this time.


Silver Screen / New Watership Down Mini-series announced
« on: May 30, 2016, 04:01:28 AM »
I just came across this press release from the BBC, which was released in April.  It appears that a new four-part miniseries of Watership Down is set for release in 2017 for the BBC (for those in the UK) and Netflix (for all of us outside of the UK).  The all-star cast of voice actors has been announced, as indicated in the press release:

The series, written by Tom Bidwell (Bafta-nominated My Mad Fat Diary) and directed by Noam Murro (300: Rise Of The Empire), will star James McAvoy (Filth, X-Men) as Hazel, Nicholas Hoult (Mad Max: Fury Road, X-Men) as Fiver, award-winning Sir Ben Kingsley (Shutter Island, Iron Man 3) as General Woundwort, John Boyega (Star Wars: Episode VII – The Force Awakens, Attack The Block) as Bigwig, Gemma Arterton (Made In Dagenham) as Clover, Miles Jupp (Rev, The Thick Of It) as Blackberry, Freddie Fox (Pride) as Captain Holly, Olivia Colman (The Night Manager, The Lobster) as Strawberry, and Anne-Marie Duff (Suffragette) as Hyzenthlay.

This will be the first Watership Down production since the television series completed its original run in 2001. As a fan of the original book (which is still one of my favorite books) and the film, I eagerly look forward to seeing this production of the tale.  :) It was this story that awakened my original interest in reading fiction, and I hope that this production can convey this awesome story to a new generation of potential fans.  :yes

LBT Fanfiction / Mender's Tale
« on: May 25, 2016, 09:26:57 PM »
Fanfiction link:


Several years before the events of Songs of the Hunters:

“Taunt, will you put that thing away and get to sleep?”

The orange fastbiter glanced at his companion with an amused expression.  In response to her question he merely lifted the swimmer’s severed head and tilted his own. “What, dear?  Are you jealous of last night’s dinner?”

The yellow fastbiter groaned in response and struggled to keep her voice level so as not to wake the others.

“I don’t see what all of you boys see in that silly game…”  She then turned and covered her head with her claws as if to shut out the rest of the world. “Besides, you all know that I will win the game tomorrow.”

Taunt laughed as he tossed the swimmer’s head aside. “We will see about that, dear.  Your unbeaten streak at ëCapture the Head’ will have to end sooner or later!”

As the male fastbiter dodged a playful nip from his mate, he carefully lay down beside her.  It was just another peaceful night for the pack.


Violet bit back a cry of pain and frustration when she tripped for the third time that night.  Ow.  Not again.  She didn’t dare look around for sympathy, though.  If her pack leader even noticed she would be very surprised.

“You okay?” Tracker, a somewhat smaller and younger packmate of Violet’s, quietly asked her friend.

“I’m fine,” Violet whispered back, trying not to be heard.

Much to the girls’ relief their pack leader had them stop. “We’ll wait here until Dodger gets back,” he said.  The girls only nodded in response.

“He’ll be back soon,” Tracker assured her friend.

“I know,” Violet said.  She shifted uneasily as she nervously scanned her pack leader.  Prowler isn’t going to be happy if he takes too long.  

Violet couldn’t help but flinch when Prowler glanced her way.  It was no secret that he didn’t like her, and the feeling was mutual. Come on, Dodger.  Hurry up and get back.


Petrie yawned deeply.

“Nothing out here tonight… not that me would see anything anyway.”

The boundaries of the pack’s territory seemed intact as the scent markings had been replaced mere hours before.  Likewise, each pack member was sleeping in their sleeping spots and had pointed sticks at their disposal in the event of an alert.  It was ironic in many ways that the pack’s unending paranoia actually let them to sleep easier at night than most packs.

“Anything out there, Spotter?”

Petrie looked down at the mention of his sharptooth name.  A green fastbiter with a teal crest greeted him down below.  That right, Petrie remembered, It be Finder’s turn to be on night watch.

“Nothing, Finder.  Happy watching!”

Spike rolled his eyes at this.  Being on watch duty was not an exciting job at all.

“Thanks, Spotter, though I think I will be bored out of my mind.”

Petrie merely chuckled and gave a nod in sympathy.  He did not envy Spike staying up all night on a perfect evening like they had today.

Groaning once more for good measure, Spike called upon the other watcher to take her position.

“Ponder, you ready?”

The rose-colored fastbiter arose from the shadows with two spears in her hand.  Carefully, she handed one to Spike and then pointed her own spear towards the ground.

“I am as ready as I will ever be.  So let’s hurry up and get ready!”


It didn’t take long for Dodger to get back. “I found a spot we can rest for the night,” he announced.

Prowler just nodded in acknowledgement and gestured for Dodger to lead the way.

Violet was almost shocked at how short the walk was. What took him so long? , she wondered. The short walk didn’t stop her from complaining when they stopped, though. “Why didn’t we stop earlier when there were better spots?”

“What was that?” Prowler snapped.

“Nothing,” Violet replied, carefully backing away.  I’m dead.

Dodger deliberately stepped between his sister and Prowler, pointedly facing his pack leader.

Prowler looked like he was about to say something but thought better of it. “Get some rest,” he commanded instead before lying down to do just that.

Violet had no problem following that order.  She was asleep almost before she was on the ground.

Dodger laid down next to her but didn’t try to sleep.  Someone has to keep watch.

“Room for one more?” Tracker asked.  Dodger gestured to the spot next to him.

Tracker happily accepted the invitation.  She was tired, but chances to talk to her friend when he wasn’t acting as pack deputy were rare.  She could sleep later.


Ruby slowly strolled beside the stream.  After several months in this new place their pattern had become a routine.  One watcher would watch the open fields for any sign of disturbances, whereas the other would walk in front of the stream.  It was a simple pattern which led to efficiency.

However it also led to boredom.

“I wish that I had something to do besides this thing that I am doing!”  Ruby hissed in annoyance as she kicked a stick into the stream.  She would rather be doing anything else right now.  Sleeping beside Littlefoot… playing Capture the Head… hunting something…

But someone has to keep watch, she admitted to herself, I just wish it was someone else tonight.

Ruby shook her head.  Complaining wouldn’t change anything so she resumed her steady trek across the woods.  The stream was the only sound as its gentle waters flowed over rock and sticks.  The only scent that could be smelled was the subtle smell of fastbiters.  

That is exactly what I should smell from our markings, Ruby observed, we have to tell the others to stay away somehow, and…

Ruby stopped as her heart began to quicken.  The pack never left scent markings by the stream as they did not want to contaminate the water.  So the fact that fastbiters could be smelled here…

She ran to the stream edge and quickly tried to examine the source of the scent.  That was when she saw them.

Footprints.  The pack was not alone.

Alright, it took a while, but now it is time to begin Mender's Tale!  :)  This story is directly derived from a roleplay created by Historian1912 and myself, and though the pacing and subject-matter is based more on interpersonal interactions than my previous stories, I think it is certainly a worthy addition to the series that adds a lot to the backstories of our beloved characters. The internal story can be considered an in-between-quel, taking place between the Seven Hunters and Songs of the Hunters. My current plan is to have weekly installments from this point forward.

Starday Wishes / Happy starday, MightyFan!
« on: May 09, 2016, 10:00:21 PM »
Happy birthday!  :birthday I hope that you have a great day and that the next year brings you happiness.

The Fridge / Random things that make you laugh
« on: April 07, 2016, 06:56:26 PM »
I looked through several years of older posts but failed to find a topic like this, so I figured that I would create one.  

We all go through life and experience random things that amuse us, whether they be jokes that people have told, odd spectacles that had to be seen to be believed, or just ironic events in our lives.  So I thought that in this topic we could mention any random events that have happened during our day that happened to amuse us, and thus, share the amusement with others.

I will start...

Today my irony meter nearly exploded when I saw this headline in my news feed:

"The Russian Communist Party has announced they will appeal to Prime Minister Medvedev for a copyright to be placed on their red star symbol in order to protect it from widespread use in branding and advertising."

Communists wanting to protect intellectual property?  What would Lenin think?  :p

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